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Tuesday, August 1st - Inculudes Wake up Calls

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Im watching the feeds now....all are sleep but uhhhhh

I hear some HEAVY breathing and someone is listening to the sports radio....David Justice is talking now ... Go BRAVES!!! LOL its funny....

It could be one of the camera people sleeping lol

Sorry found it....lol please delete mods


Does anyone else think it must be hard to be HOH this year? I do. Because everytime someone wins HOH they are scrutinized to death over who should go up. You can never please people because they all have other agendas and "parachutes".

Janelle doesn't want to put up Marcellas, James doesn't want Danielle or Diane up. Kaysar seems now to want chilltown although why didn't he when he was HOH the coward. Even in the food comp he picks CG, come one play the game have some balls.

So I kind of feel sorry for the HOH. You can never please everyone and sometimes it is the best option to protect yourself from a known threat and I think that is what Janelle did by taking out Allison and now Diane. Can't really blame the girl. Well I can't but most of you do.

I think this year is much harder than previous because they are all such good players. No shame in that.


james is really getting on my nerves this season. his paranoia is way out there. he thinks the BB crew is out to get him? the producers? probably even the spiders are conspiring against him, in his own mind. they all had a chance to get out chilltown and didn't. he needs to stop the bashing of jan because he didn't have the balls to do it either and stand up to kaysar. marcie is the biggest beotch in BB history. i can't believe i ever liked him. i guess i forgot his season and his whining and backstabbing. if i was in that house i would be sleeping all the time too, and hiding. i may not agree with what jan did with her nominations but no one can disagree that she shook everyone awake, at least for a few days.


I have the same strange thing with my feeds...

I think what is making the HOH so difficult compared to other years, is that the SOV have been winning HOH, and they came into the game with this assumed alliance... other years people have joined together in the house as an alliance, but they didn't know each other before the show, so they still had this mindset of playing for themself.... the SOVs kinda feel 'stuck' keeping their alliance together, even though 1)they know it makes them all a target and 2)it may not be in their own best interest. I think that's what is creating so much turmoil for each one when they are HOH... there are nominations/decisions that are 'better' for them as individuals, and nomiations/decisions that are 'better' for the SOV alliance... none of them want to be the one to go against the others... and no one is willing to call out the others for doing something that is better for themself than the alliance... although it's getting preeeeetttty close to that... and afterall, isn't that what has made it so easy for Will to convince Janelle this week to go in the direction she did? He has just been truthful with her about what the others in her alliance don't want to say... although they are trying to play as a team, at some point you have to do what is in your own best interest...


I haven't really heard anyone talking about this on the boards.....but I was wondering if they have been playing viewers messages to the houseguests while they were sleeping? I could of sworn they were going to do that and play it on tonights show....I could be wrong though. Anyone know if this happened and what they said?


They've already played the messages, just on tonights show we see them on air :).

Oh, and they're no longer playing them on feeds. They only played them on the night of the veto competition.

"he needs to stop the bashing of jan because he didn't have the balls to do it either and stand up to kaysar." - Shellyab

I am in no means defending James, I actually cannot stand the man, HOWEVER, James went against his wishes to put up Jase. He didn't want to, he didn't want to break his word, and the rest of his team wanted Jase gone, so he went against his own wants and wishes, and got rid of Jase.


they did play wakeup calls to the HG, i am not sure what they all said but i know there is a thread with links provided by Jem to actual video clips showing HG reactions...



Has anyone else noticed how loud the cameras in the downstairs bathroom are today? I've never heard all those digital noises before.

Hg's must be used to it though, because it isn't phasing them.


Has Booger or Will told Erika that James/Danielle tried to swing the votes to Diane? I wish she would somehow get ahold of this info and get raging mad and nominate them. Just trying to save the Sov...

I know, I may be dreaming to want to see some level of hightened emotion from Erika.

(James just wondered if the fans would be as hard on him as they were last year... if he only knew!)


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