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I have about had it with Morty's


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I have been a member for 4 years and a regular poster for 3 years. Everytime I post a new thread it dissapears. I don't start a new thread very often but when I do it is because I think it needs a seperate discussion. This group is so boring now. They are all lumped together. Frankly I don't read the threads that have more then 3 pages. I would much rather read a new post where you don't have to look to where a thread might have something new. I am really starting to take this personally. There are treads started that get to stay that I don't feel as interesting as the topic I start. Why me??? Did I piss off the thread police here at Morty's?

This group is not the interesting group it used to be. You come here and you see the same threads all the time. Who wants to dig 7 pages to find out what is going on? Not me.

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Threads are merged when the topic is already being discussed elsewhere. Samg's response is the most effective way to find your posts... I know that's how I find mine. :lol:

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