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Saturday, July 29th


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What the heck is Janelle doing??? Guess we'll find out at some point today. :rolleyes:

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They now know about the wakeup call and the interval choices(15 minutes, 30 minutes, etc.) But they don't know what was chosen. Now some of them are trying to just stay up the whole night, lol. Well I think Janie wants to do that. She's already got her Red Bulls out. :lol:

Some of them are getting dressed now so they'll be ready for the comp cause they don't know what time it will be. :lol:

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I can't wait to hear what the viewer message(s) are!

Neb, thanks for the reply. My how things are changing. Now not only is janie going to piss off erika but now dani. she's not making wise choices. maybe someone needs to make a thread about why sov hoh's make bizzare nominee choices. it's like they panic and doubt their original gut feelings. oh well.

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but dani will be gone so it wont matter if she pisses her off but she will piss off James too

and i call BS!!

Janie talks of backdooring someone and all of a sudden they let them pick their veto choices this week?????

NEVERMIND Janie picked the PICK ANYONE ball

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yeah james will go ape sh!t and could turn on her/the group for good. i don't think he will let dani leave the house. he will probably talk janelle out of it anyway, while marcy tries to talk her into it.

i thought cbs let them pick veto ppl right away because they are getting ready for something bigger, like bringing someone back into the house and/or a double eviction. They can always get away with it since they are always reminding us that 'anything can happen this season'. famous words to cover their buns?

wait...what do you mean she picked the pick anyone ball?? what does that mean now? i wish i had feeds!

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So does everytime FOTH happens tonight, does that mean it's a wake up call? I hope not, I was looking forward to hearing some messages before I hit the hay.

I guess time will tell.


I don't want Dani to get evicted yet, she deserves "atleast" a spot in sequester. Stop playing games and just get rid of Boogie, he has enough money already and he can go back to regular life and make more.

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squirrel, i feel the same way about the messages. i am so tired but i was hoping to hear one before bed. tomorrow i will read the rest if allowed, it sounds like that might not happen though! :(

in regards to boogie, i agree, he's loaded enough already. but i'm getting tired of people leaving people in the game because of their socioeconomic status, either play the game or get out. hehe. i would like to see someone with little money, win the money. if someone with money and status ("doctor") wins, then that would be boring. plus will already one once! geez, someone else win this time.

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LOL, they just played the first one. :lol:

The first one had a loud microphone screech and then a guy started making these lame alarm clock noises and said "Isn't this the most annoying sound you ever heard?" or something like that. Then he started making the noises again.

Then a woman came on there and said something like, "Wakey Wakey, Bacon" or something like that, lol. Then she said something like, "Greetings(Or this is, whatever her name was) from Houston, Texas" (Her name was Karen, I think)

Scared the crap out of me, lol. :lol:

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The second one was freaky Trish, I hope smirnoff or someone can catch all of them and put all of the messages into a video montage.

omg, I can't stop laughing after #3.

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Ok, #4 was cheesy and annoying,

Is Janelle dumb? She can lock her HOH door then put on her head phones and go to sleep listening to music she likes. I doubt she chose Enya for her CD of the week, but I'd kick everyone out of my room just to get sleep with any music I like.

:mellow: Solution to this is earplugs with headphones listening to music that is tolerable.

I know this because I live it every single day

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I think at some point they will wake them up for the veto competition and they have one minute to get outside. They don't know when the comp will start. At least thats my understanding from their conversations and their being dressed and Boogie putting in his contacts

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Whoever stays will be pissed!! She allready lied to Erika...

this might be the best move for anti sea sick fans!!!


dumbest move this season YAY!!!! especially since she wants to win POV and do it all herself if she just lets one of the noms win she can say she has no choice

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I'd kill to make them listen to a group of Happy/Excited/Eager squirrels for a bit.

Janelle would know exactly what those noises are. She's very smart when it comes to squirrels. She can name the breeds off like nothing else mattered.

edit - sry, this should be in the "Viewer messages to houseguests!" thread

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The S6 alliance could be the worst ever. These people have no idea what they are doing. Back dooring Danielle is the smart move at this point, but we're not dealing with smart people here. No wonder they lost to the nerd herd. Ha!

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