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Anybody not as into this season?

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was against allstar to begin with.

this season is boring and uneventful

only reson i watch really i dont know :blink:

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Every other year I'm on Morty's live feed updates all the time. This year, I only read the front page of Morty's and come to the message board. I even fast forward BB through comps. It's not as good as I had hoped for, but it's Big Brother so I must watch :blink:

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It kind of stinks that like Will is asking to leave when thousands of people applied and would do anything for that money. And "the doing anything for the money" brings backstabbing, lieing, and BB in general. These people are here to become famous more so then gain money.

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it's picking up a bit but there needs to be some new comps, instead of all questions, and also some dramatic twist, but I doubt that's going to happen..we'll see I guess. I still watch and like the show because I'm addicted, but there have definitely been better seasons

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Will asking to leave is only a part of his strategy. I admit he had most of us convinced he really does want to leave but he confirmed on the feeds yesterday in a conversation with Boogie that he's playing. He is now off of the Sov's radar. He doesn't really need the money but i think Allstars is really about who can outplay the others.

As for the season, it's been pretty boring until lately. I'm finally REALLY getting into it. I just know the producers have more in store as far as twists, prizes, challenges etc.. They just have to.

Sov's winning week after week have added to the boredom for me. I like them but the game gets too predictable when the same people are in power. It's time for some real drama and a floater like Chicken George to win HOH.

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It is starting to get "a little" better. But I am in agreement that we need some sort of big twist, and soon.

I've also grown tired of watching the feeds, as the hg's are so bored, it makes for very anticlimatic action for us to watch.

And with the SOV's flip flopping on their nominations and plans to evict for HOURS on end up in the HOH room....... :rolleyes::blink::rolleyes::blink:

It gets tiring!

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I love Big Brother and that is probablly the only reason I watch so far. This season has been boring and uneventful so far with the same group in power every single week. Almost all of my favorites got in as well except for Lisa so that also may be the reason I watch that people that I liked almost all got in. I really thought this would be better than Survior all stars though and so far not at all better if not even as good. It really is ashame! This just better not be the last season of BB! If it is I will have to cry!

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BBAS is worse than season 1. Someone wake me when it's over.

We already know these ppl. We know how they play and who they're aligned with. Every friggin' episode so far has been predictable...even scripted. CBS must think we're a bunch of idiots.

I can't believe I waited all year to watch this crap.

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