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Wednesday, July 26th


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Houseguests vote out one of their own today... who will it be... Jase or Dr. Will???

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Even though James wants Will gone now I dont think some of the houseguests are gonna go for it... I THINK and HOPE it's Jase, just because he's an A$$...

Does Jase seriously think he's helping himself get votes by telling every member of SOV that he is going after Janelle???

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It was a long night of back and forth discussions on whether to vote out Will or Jase... by the time James went to bed and Howie, Kaysar and Janelle went downstairs for a bread snack... they are voting to evict Jase. (4:00 BBT)

The bottom line is that even though they believed Jase will keep his end of the agreement. They think Will is determined to leave before sequester and Jase will be harder to win against in competitions. James was very upset at first that J, K and H changed their minds about the Jase deal but, after Boogie came in and talked with them... James was on board. No deals were made with Boogie.

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UUUGHHH!! Will someone just sweep Erika under the front door! I can't believe I used to like this lame duck. She just said the line of the season was "It is what it is". Hey, dumbass, that was from Dave & Top Chef. You can't even come up with the real line of the season, "thrown under the bus." God, she is lame!!!!


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WOW Francis_3, talk about a thread killer. :lol::lol: jk

Just think, tomorrow we have a day of FotH to look forward to, as they will be getting all ugly for the live show.

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6:55 BBT

(sorry still bowring)

Howie James Dani in the kitchen talking about Howies's bad cooking & how it is James' fault

James, Kaysar, Marcy, Erika in the kitchen commenting on the bad cooking. -dumblonde

FYI - boring is spelled b-o-r-i-n-g

sorry, but that was getting annoying. Please continue w/ live feeds now.

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