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The Over Under on flip flopping


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I'll go with 5... do they all have to agree, or just one? was funny a while ago, listening on the quad feeds, when Kaysar was telling Jase he(Kaysar) would see what he could do to keep Jase, while at the same time Janelle was talking with (Marcellas I think?) confirming they would be voting to evict James...

this after a few minutes earlier Danielle had asked James to confirm the vote would be to evict Jase, and Danielle asked James if that was definate, or if the SOVs were going to go up to the HOH and change their mind a few times between now and Wednesday! :D:lol:

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My prediction: Zero. Note that I admit this is slightly delusional, primarily hopeful - hopeful that they flipped enough in actually making the decision to put up Jase and hopeful that I get some sleep over the next few days because I'm EXHAUSTED.

This is week 10, right? :P

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Its still Jase goneright now but the sovs gotta have their pow wow tonight. James is pushing to keep Jase. Once Erika leaves the fireworks will begin. God though that woman must wear an ear piece that the producers tell her the Sovs are plotting now go to the HOH ASAP.

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LOL another flip flop. They bought it. Well 3 of them have Kaysar hasnt chimed in yet. These guys have no clue. Jase will screw them over in 2 seconds. LOL Boogie and Will should break out the rap song now.

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Janelle is showering, Danielle left a while ago before talks began and now Boogie has entered.

(no relevance, but Phil Helmuth is minutes away from winning another WSOP bracelet 2.1 mill chips to 400k)

edited 4 -6 mintues later--

Yeah, the Poker Brat wins his 10th bracelet -- sorry ,, been stuck watching chip counts for three days

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