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Alliances made outside the house are ruining the game!

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Alliances made outside the house are ruining the game!


It ruins the whole concept of playing the game INSIDE the house. Instead, it seems as if the game has already been predetermined.It ruins the experience. We dont get to see the alliances being formed, or ruined, or altered.Isn't that cheating? It seems like the people who made these alliances started playing the game even before the game started. Talk about an unfair advantage.The players are not on an even playing field.It sucks even more for the live-feed viewers, because despite having 24/7 access, they will not be seeing the true dealings or the alliances being formed.It's cheap and unfair!!It ruins the Big Brother experience.It is not as exciting if the alliances have been made before the game starts playing out.


This is Big Brother ALL STARS...what did you expect?The CBS people will think of a way of making the game even and more exciting. Who cares! ONly the floaters made preexisting alliances, and since the goal of the BB7 folks is to get rid of the floaters first, these premade alliances will vanish soon enough. As the game gets more aggressive, these alliances will shatter. CBS will not let these alliances last. There will definitely be a twist. This is Big Brother All Stars. Anything goes!

What do you guys think? Which side are you on? Do you think the above statement is true or false? Any suggestions on what CBS will do, if anything?

I would LOVE to know what y'all think.

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all sucks as a whole. alliance or no alliance.

put a name in a hat and pull it out and say you won bb allstar. and give em a t shirt saying congrats for being apart of the worst bb ever

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i think it is really unrealistic to think that there wouldnt be alliances made before the show started. i dont think it ruins the game, i think having an all stars period ruins the show.

would it matter if people made alliances before the show vs. making them when they got into the house? it just gave the show a jump start. say nobody knew each other, entered the house and within a week formed alliances equal to what we see now. would people still argue it was not fair? no.

thats how i look at it. no big deal to me. i expected it in fact.

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Last year when everybody was begging for an ALL-STAR season........I said it would SUCK. Very FEW people agreed.

I hope CBS doesn't cancel BB because of this season sucking so bad and getting such crappy ratings. If they do, the people who begged for an all-star season have no one to blame but themselves.

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I hope CBS doesn't cancel BB because of this season sucking so bad and getting such crappy ratings. If they do, the people who begged for an all-star season have no one to blame but themselves.. (cktb2793)

I read Thur show won its time slot. Same for the show before. At Hamsterwatch. Is that not true?

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I agree. I wanted to reach into the house and smack each and every HG that made some form of pre-show alliance. I don't think many of them will hold up though, thank God! I think the HG are privvy enough to info that they will vote out some part of the outside alliance. Then it would be every man/woman for themselves.

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I think this whole season is a different kind of show just because the hg have been there before. I don't think the pre-show alliances are ruining it and I like listening in to see if I can catch who's with whom.

I hope the show stays on and look forward to a whole new crew next year, but I'm enjoying this season too.

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I think the only time BB All Stars has suffered is on Sundays and that is not because it is a bad show, just because it's on a new night, where most people were used to it being on Saturday nights. The show is going to get more aggressive as soon as Boogie gets put up. Chilltown will be angry and will rally their henchmen (Jase and Diane) to pick a fight or two. Janelle will tear Diane apart a few times, Jase will go frat boy after Kayser, James, and Howie laugh over how he thought he was playing them, and Danielle will smile as the alliances go at each other.

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This season is down almost 10% from last year, but considering it has just started, that's not even enough for CBS to get concerned about. Especially when it's winning it's time slot. I don't think it's in any danger of being cancelled. If it was floundering getting trounced by Grey's Anotomy it would be one thing, but they don't have to compete with those shows. It's one of the few summer shows that has original programming so there's a built-in audience for it . It'll be aroud for a while.

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i hate to say this again, but i really hope james knows he can't put up janelle, because kaysar/howie would come after him.

james can't compete in the next hoh, so if howie/kaysar get it, they put him up, he will go home. i could see chilltown very easily voting him out, if say he where on the block with will/boogie.

at the very least, i would think james wants the jury votes, therefore, he will try to keep his hands of their evictions.

i have also heard, i don't know how true this is, that janelle was a replacement for lisa in some alliance that also, included james, so who knows.

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man all these alliances are giving me a headache. i cant predict like i usually do which such precision of who goes and stay.

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I don't think its been THAT bad. I do agree that the predetermination with alliances have spoiled things some. I was hoping that the All Stars would have been seperate from having a house full of Newbies. I don;t even think that should call the BB7.

The problem is that everyone had a grasp on how everyone else plays the game. That's why this season isn't as surprising. It's obvious who uses stealth and who uses competition. In that respect this thing is interesting.

The personalities are kind of old which is an aspect that I wasn't expecting. It is noce to revisit some old friends though!!!!!

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I think it would be really (more?) boring this year if it weren't for possible pre-alliances. It would be too predictible. I like the fact that they've had time to figure out what they want to do. I think that's why almost all of them, regardless of alliance, wants to go for floaters, i.e. people they didn't speak to beforehand. Then once it's down to the two main alliances, the game will be on. No one will know what to expect!

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Right now it sucks because the Sovs are acting like bullies and winning all the HOH comps...If you dont vote their way they will come after you...Some one needs to take them down a peg or 2.

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One of the most fun, intriguing things about BB is having a house full of strangers who try to feel each other out. I enjoy seeing alliances bloom and disintegrate.

With BBAS, everything is predetermined and oh so boring. For me, this season is a real yawner!

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