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HOH Week 3 - James

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The smartest thing strategically would be to crush Chilltown. If Boogie is up beside Jase he will go. When Boogie goes Will is out of there, willingly. Then all they would have to worry about is Jase and Diane, as Erika, Danielle, and Marcellas have proven to be true floaters. The numbers are going down so even if one of the floaters did win HOH they would be too scared to put anyone from BB6 up, as they know the following week they would not be safe.

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He just promised Jase he wasn't putting him up. Most likely nominations: Chicken George and Will. James is quite the disappointment. This is incredibly ironic, as James' nominations are 10 times WORSE than Kayser's, and we know how critical James was last week.

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James is being dumb right away because he keeps telling everyone that they are not being put up. Kaysar would tell people that he couldn't promise them anything...i remember he said that to erika and she was a little disappointed but understood. I also think james is being a hypocrite. he needs to stop making promises. he needs to see how the week unfolds, anything can happen or change his mind and if he goes back on his word to ppl, then they will target him.

why oh why must he target chicken george? cg is not even a threat! get a threat out of the house james, plase for the love of God, don't be an a$$.

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Great points - you are right - he has promised himself into a flippin corner. This is my hope: George wins the veto; Jase goes up; Jase goes home. Crazier things have happened.

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To be honest, there is no one he could nominate other than Erika and Kaysar that I would be happy with.

My guess from the feeds is that he is going to put up CG, and might possibly put up Will as a decoy but from what I have heard from his talk with Will, and what he said to marcellas when will was gone, he doesn't really want will to go this week.

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I had such high hopes for James this week... up until about 1/2 hour ago. What the hell is he going to do when he puts Will and George up and then Boogie wins POV... he's told Jase that not only will he not put him up but, that he won't backdoor him either! :rolleyes:

All James bravado about Kaysar's horrible decisions and now that he has his opportunity, he blows it. Maybe James saw more brilliance in Kaysar's plan that he's willing to admit, because he is taking Kaysar's plan and then taking it one step further (in the wrong direction unfortunetely)

The other thing that James did was spill just about everything to everyone... something he blasted the sov's for last year and that he warns them of every opportunity that he can. When are these people going to learn!!!

I guess the excitement of HOH got to James head, which is disappointing, cause he's putting himself in that same damn place he did last year... which was to talk crap about his alliance... it will get back to them... they won't trust him again... and they'll turn on him to stop him.

Good going dumbass! :lol:

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That's why he was a security guard before BB6, just a dumbass

however, he does have to play the game and keep promises. He better win HOH competitions like he won vetos last year.

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A lot more happened tonight than I expected. It was disclosed that James/Danielle/Boogie/Will are in an alliance together which surprised me, especially since James was gunning for CT last week. I think James made too many critical errors tonight by making too many promises and by ragging on the SOV6 to anyone who would listen. Sooner or later that's going to get back to them and his ass is going to be the first to go AGAIN. You think he would have learned last year. I really wanted him to win HOH tonight and was elated when he did and now I can't wait to see his ass walk out that door.

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does James even know what alliance he is in? because if those four are indeed in an alliance why were will and boogie calling him a snake and saying they want him gone first out of the BB6? this is way too complicated, as James even referred in the DR to doing what was best for himself and Howie. I think James may have an alliance with Danielle, but I seriously doubt he has a serious one with chill town. If he went after the BB6 crew, especially Janelle, he would have the others, plus Marcellas, after him.

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I was very confused myself and still am a bit once I saw the things James was saying. When he was talking to Will it came out that he's in an alliance with Will, Boogie and Danielle, or at least that's how it sounded. Which now makes sense why he's all of a sudden so adamant about getting out CG. Maybe all of last week was just a show James put on or maybe he really does view Will and Boogie as a threat and didn't mind seing one of them go anyway. And he made promises to just about everyone tonight that they wouldn't be put up except I think with CG and Boogie. But supposedly he's going to put up Will with CG and make sure everyone votes out CG. I would love to see this plan backfire and either CG win the veto or see Will voted out in the end. I hope the more they think about it, they'll realize Will is a bigger threat and should go now. Unless James is planning on using Boogie as a decoy but I don't know why he'd take the chance if he was in a serious alliance with them. Gah, this is all so confusing. So much was revealed tonight and I'm trying to piece it all together. But by the way James was talking, to him, the SOV6 isn't solid. Jase and Diane are definitely in an alliance though so the house's suspicions were right.

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Ok, from what I saw on the feeds last night, and caught up on this morning, James has talked to everyone except Boogie and Kaysar one-on-one. He is obviously in an alliance with Danielle, since besides the talk of the Will/Boogie alliance, they mentioned Final 2.

He outright told Diane and Jase that they were safe. I don't remember hearing him say that specifically to Erika, Marcellas or Danielle. Sounds like he pretty much told George that he will be nom'd. At this point, he needs the rest of the BB6ers so I don't think he'll put them up.

Now... he hasn't actually made his nominations yet so there is still the possibility that he lied to someone and may still surprize us. I'm going to give him the benefit of the doubt until we see whose keys are missing from the box later today.

At least he gets to eat this week! LOL

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James is so freakin stupid... he's selling out his own team!! No wonder he is so freakin paranoid! If he gets rid of Chicken George then JAMES will be the most worthless player!!

He's got so many "side" alliances going on in this house that no wonder he's having a hard time figuring out who he's going to nominate...what an idiot!

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I agree ILoveKaysar.

Unless he does something so surprising, my opinion of James is that he absolutely cannot be trusted period!!! Seems so far he has not changed one bit from last year. James is perceived, to this point, as being the person who would throw his own mother under the "so called" bus if it meant he would win. At least so far (I am hoping for the best, but with James you just never know).

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ILoveKaysar: "James is so freakin stupid... he's selling out his own team!!"

He's not seeling out his own team, because he made an alliance with Danielle, Will and Boogie before they moved into the house. It was the original plan for the BB6 to be attacked from the beginning because of their friendship. but James was the one being protected. He just made it look that he is in alliance with BB6, whereas his original alliance are Dani and Will, and Boogie. So, if he would nominate one of them, then he would be selling out his own team.

I just gotta say that Janelle was lucky to win hoh the first week, and Kaysar the 2nd.

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It's so amazing that James wanted to crush Chilltown via Kaysar....but when he gets HOH he wants to crush ole safe Chicken George....What an unstable paranoid creep! I love the SOV....but it appears to me James is not one of them.

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Quote: CeCi

All James bravado about Kaysar's horrible decisions and now that he has his opportunity, he blows it. Maybe James saw more brilliance in Kaysar's plan that he's willing to admit, because he is taking Kaysar's plan and then taking it one step further (in the wrong direction unfortunetely)

The other thing that James did was spill just about everything to everyone... something he blasted the sov's for last year and that he warns them of every opportunity that he can. When are these people going to learn!!!


You nailed it. dont you love when they harp on someone for doing the wrong thing only for them to turn around and do the same thing they were harping on. i am not surprised though.. james is a weasle and gets to nervous...

i think this is the season of "all talk no action". everyone is always voicing who they would go after, but then when they are in power they dont do what they said.

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Watch this, and it will all be clear to you:


WOW...James is such an amazing creep! That smile dancing around Dani's lips tells me James is way outta his league....what a Dumass! Dani will probably be the one that ends up getting his azz outta that house :lol::lol:

I feel sorry for the true SOV... :(

I've got the banner, who's got a plane??????

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You know, I never thought James was really in an alliance with Janelle, Howie and Kaysar. He said the reason why he wasn't hanging out with them was to give the Others the idea he wasnt with them, but I thnk it was because he really wasn't. James has repeatedly said he didn't like KAysar and the look on his face when he Janelle and Howie were talking about the Booger Doctor "deal" said it all.

He could turn around and nominate Kaysar and use the excuse, "You made a deal with Chilltown to save yourself and not the alliance. So, you broke the alliance, not me..." Hey...that kind of sounds familiar, doesn't it?

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Imagine how stupid James will look when he gives the old "I nominated you because I respect your game" speech to Chicken George. He'd actually top Kaysar's stupidity last week. How do you have the balls to give that speech to anyone when Will, the only BB winner, is sitting right across the table?

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He is backstabbing his S6 EXACTLY because he made that outside deal. They are not thinking of turning on him but ever chance he gets he's talking crap about them. I don't care what anyone else says....

James is throwing his team under the short bus and Danielle is the one driving....

(...and Booger and Will are in the front seats with their head gear on)

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