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Secret Alliances????


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Has anyone else been thinking that these HG who aren't in the house can basically say whatever they want? I think a lot of these so called "secret alliances" are BS. How is it that there has not been ONE ounce of evidence of this stuff. These secret alliance members have GOT to speak about it at some point, if even one sentence, but yet I see no proof of any of these secret alliance anywhere via live feeds or the internet.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying some of it can't be true, but these HG that aren't in the house can catch another 5 minutes of fame by exposing these "alliances". :rolleyes:

I for one am sick of thinking of all the possible alliances. :unsure:

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They can't talk about it, because they have violated their contract in which states that they are not allowed to contact a potential houseguest from the top 20 before the show starts. They could be kicked out. We know now that Marcy is in the secret alliance, and he has to be disqualified.

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They can easily talk about it without saying it was discussed before the show started. What I meant was that none of have them have been heard or seen even checking in with their alliance and saying something about what their course of action should be. KWIM? They can easily have an alliance inside the house without mentioning when it was established.

As far as Marcellas, how do we "know" that he is in a secret alliance? What am I missing? I kind of stopped reading the "possible alliance" threads.

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They can't talk about it, because they have violated their contract in which states that they are not allowed to contact a potential houseguest from the top 20 before the show starts. They could be kicked out. We know now that Marcy is in the secret alliance, and he has to be disqualified. ~ Quote Bigbrovaz


this cant be true..Once they announced the top 20 they had over a week to campaign and they would have a few of them on the morning show (so you know they talked then) and there were several times where multiple houseguest did "chats" all over the internet. one night here at morty's we had Howie, Erica, and Diane all at the same time in the chat room.

soooo i dont think that it was in their contracts that they could not talk to each other.

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That's a kind of an unenforcable contract anyway, considering most of them live in L.A. or the immediate area and are on each others web sites, in each others chats, most of them are friends outside the house, etc.Is CBS going to monitor where they go and what they talk about? Nakomis told Diane that if she were voted out of the house{the last I checked , she's about to be-----more vote switching and promises by Diane to go after Chilltown}, she's going to call out all of these "pre-show alliances" during her interview with Julie.

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They can't talk about it, because they have violated their contract in which states that they are not allowed to contact a potential houseguest from the top 20 before the show starts. They could be kicked out. We know now that Marcy is in the secret alliance, and he has to be disqualified.

How do you know what is in their contract? How do you know about secret alliances? I just read one of your posts in another thread about an "alleged" alliance. You seem to be presenting all your posts as factual. It's kind of a pain in the a$$ to have to ask everytime whether or not what your posts are a theory or if it was on the live feeds. :rolleyes:

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I'm also wondering about the alliances going on inside the house right now, not the possible ones before they entered the house. we may never find the truth out about these pre-house-alliances because like many of you have said, they would be violating their contract and they don't want to admit to anything.

mendes and bigbrovaz, i think marcy is also in an alliance with erika. as for janelle, that's a given. we already know they were buddies before they got into the house. he's been a fan of janie's since bb6. marcy is what i call an alliance whore at this point...hehe we can't keep up with his conquests.

if james really is siding with will and the others mentioned then although disappointing for sov, it shouldn't be a surprise because this is the kind of thing james did last year. he's also sort of an alliance ho. but not as bad as marcy i guess.

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well, who else could it be...howie??? it's james

Hate to be the downer, but maybe there's no alliance at all. :unsure:

I just meant I haven't seen or read a thing that proves any of these theories. I guess it's fun to speculate and what not, but I just wonder if a lot of this is BS. :rolleyes:

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I just read the transcript of the chat with Lisa and OMG... it is so confusing you have two different people talking to her and she's responding and you dont know which question she is responding to in half of them...

So the alliance is Marci/Will/Boogie/Howie and Diane.

She said there is a male BB6er in the alliance it's NOT James and NOT Kaysar... so it has to be Howie....

She also said that Janelle was a maybe 2 weeks before the show...

I'm starting think she doesnt know what the crap she's talking about...

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How do we know that Lisa knows anyway?

I'm starting think she doesnt know what the crap she's talking about...

:P Exactly!!! That's what I'm saying. The HG who didn't get in and anybody else for that matter, i.e. Toni from Paradise Hotel, can say just about anything they want. There hasn't proof of anything anywhere in the house. <_<

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can you tell me what JU is? i read the stuff about toni ferrari...and STILL don't understand it...at all! if james is the new "mr smith"...and thus out to evist diane, and say "toni says hi"...why did he always seem to want diane to stay?

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