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Who is going this week


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There really wasnt anything unanimous going on like last week when they outted Ali. But there is still a couple days left so the tides could change
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voting is tomorrow (wednesday)... I think its going to be Diane going home... The Sov's were worried they werent going to have the numbers to keep Nakomis but for some reason Marcellus decided he was going to vote for Nakomis to stay (which he was so against earlier in the week)... and because of this Erika was like "i'll vote whatever way you do"... So that makes 5 votes (if no one else crosses over) so in the worse case scenario it should be a tie... which means Diane would probably go home!! wahooo!!

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Yes, I too am confused . . . I read on another board that it's Nakomis staying, but from watching the feeds it seems like yes people are just keeping their cards really close to the vest this time around . . .

EDIT: Ah, ty ILoveKaysar . . . hadn't heard that.

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i think diane will go because unlike nakomis who is only good at mental diane is good @ physical comp and not too bad @ the mental one. diane is the feared of the two because she can really shake up the house

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The Sovs dont know this but they better hope it is Nak going home... If she stays then she is going full barrals against them.. Dani tried to warn them...The Sovs are not thinking strategly...I wonder do the SOV think these people are really nieve that they really want SOV to get ahead...

THE GREAT DANI SAID IT BEST (I know I need help :lol:) :

Janelle leaves & Danielle says to herself: hell naw I ain't gonna do what's best for season 6 I'm gonna do whats best for Danielle.

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If the SOV's know what's best they'll vote Diane out. She's so far up Booger's boogie he might as well cast two votes.

Nakomis, although not in an alliance with anyone, is a safe anti-Chilltown bet. If she stays and wins HoH, she would probably nominate one person from CT and one from S6. It's bad, but if Diane got HoH, should would nominate 2 from S6, because that is what Will and Booger want.

Votes for Diane

Jase, Will, Booger

Votes for Nakomis (if they're smart)

James, Janelle, Howie

Sway votes:

Erika (she's looking boogery already...and I liked her in BB4)

Marcellas - who will hopefully vote with Janelle

Chicken George - who hopefully sees the bullies for who they are and votes Nakomis because she is nice to him (behind his back and to his face)

Danielle - I believe she will vote Nakomis out to keep Diane as a distraction

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So is this right . . . most of the house wants to get rid of Diane? Or is it that Chilltown/Jase/Danielle want to get rid of Nakomis but they don't have the votes because the floaters Marcellas/Erika/George are once again the swing votes and they are trying to appease the sovs.

Well if it's true that they're starting to badmouth Erika, maybe she might not want to do what they want her to, eh?

PS Still confused :lol:

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I think it will go down like this:

Votes to evict Diane:

Janelle, James, Howie, Marcellas, Erika

Votes to evict Nakomis:

Jase, George, Will, Boogie, Danielle

This will give the power to Kaysar, who will send Diane home. I really hope this bites the SOVs in the ass next week.

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OK now I am confused...When Janelle told Nak her plans she went back and told Boogie....What has change with Nakomis. what makes you think she is still with the Sov when she said that the SOVs have to go and then they didnt use the veto on her and Kaysar told her she was a target... CONFUSED 2

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I think Nakomis would rather the two Mini-Titans of Chilltown (god, that makes me want to vomit everytime I type it :angry: ) and S6 go at it. I think if the shoe was on the other foot and Booger told her what was going down, she would tell James.

Now, James wories me. He doesn't want to really be associated with S6, but he was obvisouly peeved about Kaysar's nominations.If Kaysar says to vote Diane out, would James vote the other way out of spite?

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"I think it will go down like this:

Votes to evict Diane:

Janelle, James, Howie, Marcellas, Erika

Votes to evict Nakomis:

Jase, George, Will, Boogie, Danielle

This will give the power to Kaysar, who will send Diane home. I really hope this bites the SOVs in the ass next week."

If it goes down like this, I think Kaysar will have accomplished what he set out to do....expose alliances. I don't think George will vote against HOH if it is this tight. He will hide behind "I'm just following the rest of the house" for as long as he can.

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i dont see the votes being tight

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From what I've heard and seen from Nakomis and Diane neither one of them like the BB6ers or chilltown but are targeting the BB6ers more because of them being nominated.

What kills me is Nakomis nor Diane were even playing the game. They bitched about the BB6ers from the start and wanted them out. But since Janelle and Kaysar have won both HOH's they haven't really tried to show them support or make a deal for themselves ever.

So neither one of them deserves to stay IMO.

Erika and Danielle and Marcellas were at least smart enough to go and talk to them and find out what they can do. But to just sit on your butt all day and cry about being nominated and then do nothing about it is just stupid and so they are undeserving of staying.

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who ever sov wants gone will leave.

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who ever sov wants gone will leave.


Well I kinda think that too but as of late last night/early morning it seems that the votes will be going to keep Diane. Which is something the sov doesn't like at all.

But you never know, everything changes so often in that house.

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Nakomis came to her senses about chilltown when they acted like such imbiciles. She's sick of them. I believe her and Diane have regretted aligning with them because now they are the targets. She has also realized that because Mike and Will didn't tell them about the vote switch for Allison that it cost them their game but saved chilltown. Finally what Kaysar wanted to happen meaning them get angry with chilltown is working but it's too late.

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will and mike that move was classic :lol: . they were the only two on the island who voted for allison.

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Two nights ago the booze came out and so did their true colours. Lots of arguing and name calling and just basically ugly. Nakomis wasn't impressed with them. She may be worried that she will get stuck in the house with them if they go after the sov's. If she was smart she would buy herself another week or two by agreeing to do what the sov's want in exchange for her safety next week. But I don't think she has.

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