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Wouldn't it be funny if...

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I think they certainly have the potential to... Howie and Janelle study the house like its nobodys business! I'm thinking that this weeks HOH will probably be one of those luck ones, like rolling the bowling ball or some stupid crap like that!

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ILK, I was just thinking that... seems like BB rotates the HOH comps between knowledge/memory type games, and physical/luck of the draw/ball type games

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I want James to finally win it so he can put up or shut up!! I love James but he is always trying to tell people what they need to do... I hope he wins so he can put some stuff into action...hopefully he wouldnt do anything stupid like putting Howie up or something... I think he would probably go after Mike/Will or Chicken George...

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Bare with me here....

Since the last HOH comp was a "Alison T/F", perhaps that is a preview of things to come.... Nakomus is evicted, the first player to shave their hair into a mohawk wins. Or if Diane leaves, then it will be something like "Who can be the most 'Ho-ish' " whatever.... but you see where I'm going with this...... :blink:

Me thinks I have too much time on my hands!

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If another season sixer wins HOH this week, the vitriol on the board will be almost like last year. Those of us that are sane will have to come on here with crash helmets on. There'll be an "ENTER AT OWN RISK" sign on the front of the forum. And I'll laugh my butt off-----

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they have a very good chance @ it. with janelle avaliable to compete.

just hope the producers can rig one for bb pureist out there like myself

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just because i am a glutton for punishment.. and the fact that i just spend the afternoon getting slammed on by my husband and my brother in law cause i like who i like and that would be SOV all the way.. okok

sooo here it goes... getting close..... wait for it wait for it:

I LOVE MY BB season 6 Group and i will not be brainwashed! there i said it

GO BB6 win the HOH comp and continue making stupid moves.. i will be here to pick up your pieces

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Huge BB6 fan here ( janelle,kaysar,howie are my faves) so I would be jumping up and down for joy if one of the bb6 get HOH again!!

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if they do win again (and LETS HOPE) we will hear all week about how UNFAIR it is and how much the producers must want to see BB6 last longer or some other crap like that...

I'd even be happy if Marcellus won because i seriously doubt he would go after S6

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I only have use for Janie and James. Howie's occasionally fun but he's like that annoying friend you have that you can only stand for about 5 minutes before his constant PAY ATTENTION TO ME antics shred your nerves. Kaysar, well, I have nothing left for him. His eyes are smoking, but he's just soooo damn stupid and thinks he knows all.

So, if Janie or James win, I'll be happy with that.

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crappy, i will be on the floor with you. its one thing to like people from one season to the next.. but its another thing when the hate is as strong as it was last year. some people just cant let go. so sad... but at the same time, its great for us.. gives us something to laugh at.



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BB6 fan as well. Kaysar made a really stupid move not nominating Boogie and Dr. Will but as long as he makes it up later than I cant hold anything against him. I would like someone from BB6 to win (fav season) or Chicken George to win. I think that it is awsome that he is the only one from BB1 to be on the show!!
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Honestly, I would really like someone else besides the Sov6 to win HOH just so that it will shake the house up a little and there will be a little more confusion. If the Sov6 just keep picking off the enemies, I think it will continue to be a bit dull. A shift in power will open up some more interesting moves.

P.S. I'm getting kind of sick of all the houseguests being big fat whiners...I'm so bored, this season sucks, I want to go home..what a bunch of babies.

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