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Someone Explain What Happened?

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I dont know..... ~ samthecat

see, that is the problem... none of us know! as much as we think about it and try and come up with good reasons for the way things are happening, the truth is... we all just think way too much about it. :lol::D

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The only two acknowledged alliances in the house have been the SOV and MeltDown. If Diane and Nakomis had publically said, "Yeah we're in this together", they ironically wouldn't have been targeted as floaters this week...just a bigger target in weeks to come.

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Last night/this morning, when all the chaos was going on I was pretty mad at Kaysar, didn't understand why he was doing what he was doing.

Him and Janie were arguing pretty good too. But after he got her to calm down he explained his side of the story. And now it all makes perfect sense. I can't remember exactly what he said but he definitely made sense of it all. He explained the whole situation instead of dodging the questions like he was doing earlier. I think he's making a good move.

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From what I have seen and read. Di and Nak are both extremely mad at chilltown however whoever stays are still going after Kay and Janelle next week. So ya Kaysar's plan worked in causing anger but to take the target off them no it didnt. The rest of the house probably hates Chilltown but the know they need them due to numbers for the next couple of weeks anyways.

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floaters are generally more detrimental to the hated houseguests. Both Ali and Dani lost because the floater they were up against was the lesser of two evils. Could be why Chilltown told Kay to get rid of two floaters and they'd keep him safe for three weeks.

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Neb, you mentioned that Diane and Nakomis voted their own way. No, they didn't. They were not told by Boogie and Will that the votes had been changed. This is another reason Diane and Nakomis were angry. They are in an alliance with Jase, Will, and Boogar. Although Jase is playing everyone it seems he sealed his alliance with Chilltown last night before the drunken explosion. Now he might be changing his tune, as Danielle was disgusted with them, not to mention Danielle now knows which two voted against her last week, so why would she want to join them unless they had the numbers to keep her safe? George appears to be with both groups as he adores Howie, but then last night he was bonding with Will and Booger when they were drunk.

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"I agree with thenunownedgoat, and in my opinion I think Kaysar's culture and demeanor makes people think that he is egotistical. But remember that his culture is totally different to the average American and his attitude can be misconstrued by people who are unlike him and who do not know him..."

THANK YOU, Khimaira, for saying this. Most posters need a reminder on this once in a while! Er, probably more than once in a while (let the tirade begin from people who will flame me saying they are open-minded ...)

Eh ... I can see it in every Kaysar-hater post. Even though, unfortunately, perception is most often people's (read: posters') reality ... Kaysar's culture very plays into his behavior and, thus, the way people/viewers perceive him. It's shameful, really, but not surprising.

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anyone have a link to video of the tirade that went on last night? I'm not doubting it happened, but so far today all I've seen is a clip from the HOH room where Kaysar is talking, and then Boogie comes up, but it's nothing all that exciting as what I'm reading occured...

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Whoever said Will and Mike are using reverse psychology, I don't think that's true. Well Mike maybe, but why would Will try to use reverse psychology on viewers? It's not like we have any say in whether he goes or not, so why would he make comments about how he should've been nominated in the diary room?

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Quote fromthedamage: but why would Will try to use reverse psychology on viewers?

I said I thought that Will was using reverse psychology, but I mean generally, in the house.

As you say, what will be the use of using it on the viewers!! ;)

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Will is just saying what he says to and about the viewers cause he knows it pisses them off. He was using reverse psychology when he challenged Kaysar to nominate him. Of course I would imagine it would be a great advantage to be in the house and not really need the money.

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