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who so far is playing the best game?


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the two i say is howie by default. he is consider my almost everyone in the house an idiot so he isnt on anybody agenda right now. lastly marcellus i heard almost nobody in the house mention him as target same with howie. i would have thought he would have been a target since he was so opinionated on hc and in real life.

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Will. He should have been nominated this week. He gets Boogie to be his point man while he has people hanging on to every asinine comment he makes. Only Marc and Danielle seem to recognize his moves and sometimes even they are sucked in. Freaking Amazing, IMO

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janey she cant help winning. but the more you win the more the bulleyes length

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She came into this house on everybodies radar and got HOH and a Veto at the starting gun. We're not even one week past her reign and she is off of everybodies radar!!!

What I'm watching right now is that James and Mike Boogie have the biggest targets on their back going into next week. Janelle is barely a speck at this point.

The rest of the house seems to be so busy backstabbing eachother I doubt they will amount a major strike anytime soon.

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What show are you watching the otherside of the house are putting up Janelle and James the minute they get HOH. I think going to the nom chair the minute your side loses power cant be considered being off the radar, especially if she is up with James who is great at vetos.

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Janelle is playing strong, but I don't know if it is the best game yet or not. She's definitely a contender, but so are a lot of other people. Jase seems to be playing strong when he has to and laying low when he doesn't need the win. I can't tell about Will or Boogie yet - are they really playing to lose as a strategy or are they really losing?

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Will and Mike just said 10 min ago that they are now officially after James then Janelle. Because of them trying to make a deal with nakomis to get off with the veto to put up Mike. She told them about it and now they want those two then Kaysar then Howie.

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Talked her into going to Nak? Hey James didnt force her she went of her own free will. I dont understand why she trusted the one guy from the bb6 that isnt totally with them.That was her mistake therefore what ever happens to her her own fault, so I dont see how anyone can say she is playing the best. Sure she won the Veto comp but that HOH was pure fluke it took no skill whatsoever and was luck people didnt aim the meteor at her.

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Will and Mike just said 10 min ago that they are now officially after James then Janelle. Because of them trying to make a deal with nakomis to get off with the veto to put up Mike. She told them about it and now they want those two then Kaysar then Howie.

That's not true.

They were talking about putting up Howie and Janelle to BACKDOOR James. James being the major target. If they are thinking of getting James, do you really think they will leave Janelle up their to get the votes?

Of course not!!!!

Howie is seen as the weaker player that most would rather have in the house. In this scenerio, Janelle would have to come down in order to guarentee the vote.

But no, Janelle is not the primary target in this scenerio. The target is not on her back.

We saw this all last season with Janelle and Maggie. Everyone knew those two were the better players in the house and both sides wasted time on James, Howie, Jennifer and Kaysar (TWICE!!!!!).

Every week it was someone elses head popping out of the dirt sucking up all the attention away from the real threats.

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Sorry I missed the back door part. But I did get the primary targets as being James and Janelle ultimately one way or the other. I think James and Janelle made a big mistake offering that deal to Nakomis. Really going to be hard to get out of this.

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Yep Cindy I agree... It is really going to be hard... They really needed to talk to Kaysar about this first... Heck I even think Howie would have told them they are crazy... But then again my buddy really doesn't like Nak...

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Sorry I missed the back door part. But I did get the primary targets as being James and Janelle ultimately one way or the other. I think James and Janelle made a big mistake offering that deal to Nakomis. Really going to be hard to get out of this.

The real kicker is that you have to have some sway or connection to power in order for your plans to pan out in this game. Will and Boogie are the prime movers and have just figured this out. Will recently stated that he is now going to play for HOH.

Howie, Kaysar and Janelle can win an HOH at any given time. Their season was entirely predicated on who won HOH and are used to playing under that kind of pressure. James is also way past due to finally win one.

Will is not stupid anough to go after that alliance by declaring all out war on them. If he goes after them I gurentee you are going to see one BB6er go up with Marcelles, Chickengeorge or Nakomis. The key is make like you are after individual players, not an alliance.

The risk of putting two of them against eachother is that you only get out one. There is retribution from the other three to think about.

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I will agree that Janelle is doing well in the comps again. But playing smart? Not hardly.

She continues to alienate herself at times when the rest of the house is together. She has gotten to the point where she's not sure if she trusts Kaysar or not, refuses to see the truth about Jase aligning with Will, was going to change Kaysars plans without talking to him first etc.... Hardly the actions of someone playing a good game.

She better keep winning comps because that's just about the only thing she's got going for her.

Playing best - Will. Going into the house everyone said he was target #1 and he's still there. Kinda reminding me of season 2.

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I'm extremely impressed with the way that Erika is playing so far. She's working both sides of the house, she's on nobody's radar, she is at the bottom of everybody's list of targets. She hasn't ruffled anybody's feathers, and she's pretty strong in competitions. It looks right now like she's a lock for final 4.

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