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why hasn't anyone asked Nak for a pinkie swear?

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Nakomis seems so...akward. Like she never properly grew up so now she's stuck between adulthood and childhood.

Look at her picture. She just looks so akward. And not her looks or anything... just... I don't know how to explain it.

It definietly doesn't have anything to do with her looks. It's just... look at the way she's smiling. She just looks akward.

I wonder what her childhood was like. I also wonder if she's starved for attention, so she does things like dying her hair and stuff that isn't exactly 'normal' ("cool beans!") just so people notice her.

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Guest StarBaby

She should be arrested for hair abuse. Good grief, doesn't she realize how hard that constant bleaching, dyeing and coloring is on her hair? And it just looks hideous.

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