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Danielle, Boogie and Will Aliance

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I've looked on the major update boards and no one else has posted this. Last night as soon as the HOH door had closed, Danielle says to Boogie "no one knows I'm aligned with you" and they laughed about how clueless everyone else in the house is. They way they talked, it seemed as if they had aligned before they even got into the house. Did anyone else catch this? It was as soon as she came into HOH last night around 8 PM BBT.

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I was wondering how many alliances were formed before going into the house. Don't these people interact at other reality tv events?

Maybe the hostility from Allison to Janelle stims from something that happended at another taping?

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I saw that too! When BB announced the lockdown was over, almost everyone went outside but Dani went up to the HOH where Will and Boogie were. She said no one knows we're together. I was shocked and thought what a delicious twisted alliance. We'll see how far they can take this.

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i am thinking the same thing. i think there are hidden alliances that were made before they even got into the house. and they are so secretive that even the live feed viewer will have a hard time finding out. they probably are making it secrete from us just so when it comes out, its a shock to not only the others in the house, but to us too.

imagine in the final weeks of bb we find out that kaysar had an secrete alliance with Dr. Will :o:o or howie with nakomis.. :huh::blink::o

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Angelica, all Will had to do was make sure enough people rallied for Danielle so that he and Boogie would actually end up being the deciding votes. As long as Alison did not have a blowout, it allowed the 3 to see how everyone else was aligned and could give them information to be used at a later time.

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who knows when it was made.. but think about this... what if it was made prior to entering the house. and they only tried to flip the votes.. JUST TO MESS WITH EVERYONE! they love to mess with others.. and this would be a great challange for them.. flip the votes only to flip them back in time by wednesday.

not only that, say they couldnt flip everyone BACK to voting alison out... all they would need to do is to vote along with bb6 group to vote alison out, they wouldnt need anyone else to do it.

make sense? :blink::huh::blink:

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I like the idea that Dani is aligned with Will and Boogie. I think it's awesome how they made everyone (including us) believe that they were voting out Dani. No one has a clue if in fact they are aligned (and it seems like they are). Some of the houseguests think Dani has an aliance with James, which she may very well have on the side too. I think Dani will make it far in this game.

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In that same conversation last night, Boogie admitted that they were just messing with people by telling everyone to vote to keep Ali. They are just playing people. They were seeing where everyone stood and how they were thinking. They had no intention to vote out Dani. They were laughing about all of this last night.

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I am still on the floor!!! :blink:

Wow. Yep, good stuff!!!!! I am so excited to see what is going to happen. Man, they are good!

Wait until it is found out, or if it is ever found out. man, people in the house will be tripping like us.

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I had a feeling when Mike told Dani a few days back she was safe HOWEVER Will started to think that if they kept Allison instead of Dani...Allison would go after BB6 without them getting theirs hands dirty and she would be the target and not them..SO they were going to throw Dani to the wolves...THANK GOODNESS it DID NOT turn out that way.. I AM GLAD TO KNOW THEY ARE IN AN ALLIANCE..BUT I HOPE SHE DOES KNOW SHE NEEDS TO WATCH HER BACK EVEN WITH THEM.. I'm sure she does :)

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Fizzle, I was thinking a while back about the same thing concerning a Will-Kaysar deal. Kaysar and Will apparently got into a huge argument during one of Kaysar's chats, and Kaysar threw him out of the chat. I believe the chat was after All-Stars was a distinct possibility. Wouldn't it be wild if this fight were staged for the purpose of wanting everyone to see them as enemies ? Kaysar could work one end of the house, Will the other, they could protect each other like Danielle-Jason in season 3. Kaysar didn't go after his "bitter rival" during the HOH competition. I've been watching the feeds trying to find a time when they're together by themselves, and I haven't had any luck yet.

Or I could be full of it-----but that would be something Will would hatch up. He's pretty devious.

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Will said in an interview that he initially agreed to do the chat with Kaysar but when the time came he backed out. His friends asked him if they could get on-line and pretend to be him, and Will agreed. So it was Will's friends who were posing as Will taking part in that (with Will's knowledge). How true this is, I don't know, I'm just passing along what Will has said about that incident.

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i kinda doubt dani is in an alliance with will and boogie, i think will and boogie are in it for themselves and i don't doubt they'd screw each other over only to get further in the game, i do think dani thinks she is somewhat safe with will and boogie but i think they would have told the same to ali

if this is true by rallying the house against dani they secured her in not getting voted out, everyone in the house wants to do the opposite of S6 but they want to do the opposite of will even more

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I don't think anyone is really aligned with Mike and Will, but Mike and Will. They may have Dani thinking she's with them, but I don't think there is any real loyalty from the boys. After all we are talking about Will. How quickly these people have forgotten the way he works. Which is why, like him or hate him, you've got to respect his game. How many people can tell everyone he is going to lie, turn around and lie and have everyone believe him. Dr. Will is my BB hero!!

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Today Danielle went into the bathroom and Mike and Will were in there and she whisperd to Mike that they were safe this week. So it would seem she's working with them or at least feeding them info. I haven't seen anything go the other way so...

as far as the theory about Will and Mike pretending to vote out Danielle and then not, makes sense if you look back at it. I remember thinking wow did they ever turn (change their minds) fast what is that about? So I think that is exactly what happened.

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and they are so secretive that even the live feed viewer will have a hard time finding out. they probably are making it secrete from us just so when it comes out, its a shock to not only the others in the house, but to us too.

I think this is also why Mike is always talking strategy to people while he's in the pool so we can't hear him. For some reason they don't want the feeders to know but more importantly it wouldn't be shown on the TV either because he has no mike on. They seem to want to keep their strategy a big secret from us even. I think so they can create more drama and excitement.

Which could be why Neb they don't talk about it in the DR they don't even want the producers or anyone to know. But I think Danielle has spoiled that for them now.

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This is laughable to me. Didn't all of you see Mike and Will go all out to get Danielle evicted... they did that up until the wee hours of the morning, voting day. If there is an alliance it was formed after Ali was evicted, when the three of them sat down and talked in HOH. Even if there is an alliance it's one of convenience... they will use each other, if and when it will benefit them. imo

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