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Is Big Brother All Star Scripted?


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I don't think it's really scripted as much as CBS might just try to antagonize them and stir up the pot for great ratings...It's just life in the TV world - get good ratings or die.

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lol yeah, i would have to say its not scripted. the only time BB tries to pull anything is when they are in the DR. the houseguest dont just go in there and start talking about the things they talk about. bb squeezes it out of them by asking them questions.. sometimes they will keep asking until they get an answer they like.

but as far as the show.. if it was scripted.. i would think we would see them doing a lot more than what they are doing. its been very boring so far.

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yes. its scripted

i have the live feeds and im convinced every conversation, joke, story and strategy talk are all scripted word-for-word. even the movements and gestures are scripted and acted out.

the 14 houseguests had to memorize 3 months of script in the weekend they were in sequester

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On the serious side, when somebody asks if they show is "scripted", I think they are asking if all the competitions have a pre-determined outcome and if the players are told ahead of time who is to be voted out and when and then they just improv the rest and they are ALL guaranteed a big payoff at the end to keep quite about it.

THAT could be possible.....and I wouldn't be surprised if it was happenning this season since everybody knows the ropes of the game and has a relationship with the producers at CBS.

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There are a lot of things that shows like BB do to get better stuff from contestants, Survivor had to settle lawsuits out of court over some stuff, with BB being on live feed, there's too great a chance for bleed over into the live feed watching for them to risk it, even if they were tempted. In the Diary Room they have to really push to get anything from some houseguests even though in the house their mouths runneth over. Being put on the spot makes them uneasy and shuts them down quite a bit. They may know camera's are there in the rest of the house and back yard, but its human nature to distance themselves from actuality of the camera's being seen by anyone other than live feed viewers. When there are competitions or other things that they know will be seen on television versus live feed they tone things down and become a bit more 'respectable'. That's the mentality of the houseguests, it's not BB telling them they have to do this that and the other and forget about doing or saying the other other stuff.

Did that make sense? lol



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The people in the house are not smart enough for one, and are too competitive to be scripted. The producers themselves would get in serious trouble if it got out and there's no reason to take a risk like that. Just let the game play out the way it does. I know it seems weird at times but I just think things in games like this are ment to occur to make good reality TV. Don't know how it happens sometimes but it could be just fate.

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