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Does Ali know? (spoiler I think?)


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going into this bb ali knew she was the most feared bb player

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I can't wait til tomorrow night to see whether they have any friends/family there to greet her or whether she's going to whipped off into sequester like they did with the evictees last year . . . this may not be the last of her, eh? :o

Alison almost had it last night but I think she got too tough with her negotiations. Didn't Janelle promise Marcellas anything he wanted from her in exchange for his vote? I didn't hear Alison didn't offer anybody squat - and she was pushy about it! lol at Dani's decision to just sit back and let Alison shoot herself in the foot . . . risky but it worked! :lol:

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That isn't funny... Toni has always and I do mean always been really nice to me and I don't think attacking someone on a personal level like that is a nice thing to do... Before anyone jumps on me about doing this myself... I try VERY hard to only comment on their game play only... Remember we don't know these people and don't have the right to joke around about their personal lives... IMO... :)

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They have been talking about this for a while now... They are thinking it's possible... Alison said just a minute ago that she WON'T be returning... She said she would just refuse to stay and go on home...

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That isn't funny... Toni has always and I do mean always been really nice to me and I don't think attacking someone on a personal level like that is a nice thing to do... Before anyone jumps on me about doing this myself... I try VERY hard to only comment on their game play only... Remember we don't know these people and don't have the right to joke around about their personal lives... IMO...

Just repeating what I've been told. Also, Toni will always be nice to you UNTIL she gets pissed at you.......then you wish you has Satan coming after you rather than Toni, becasue he would be nicer than Toni.

Also, once she starts making personal attacks on people and trying to ruin the BB game by calling ALL the other players and telling them EVERYTHING about Diane's plans and personally attacking her and calling CBS and personally attacking Diane.....she then makes herself FAIR GAME to be attacked right back.

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I actually liked Toni in Love Cruise! Never watched Paradise Hotel though. And if she is a lesbian, SO WHAT? You use the word as if it's the same as the word bitch. It's a word that simply means she likes women romantically. Oh, my god, that is so horrible! Oh, no! The world will end!

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I for one adore you and love the fact that you get to meet all these reality folks, But you have to know that for the majority of us, we are gonna go by what these folks A) put out there when they do their shows and B) what these folks do with their "fame" after.

I have never met anyone, but I have been lucky enough to correspond with a few. Some are really great people who know that they have a certain amount of fame, but still stay downed to earth, some tell you what you want to hear, some are willing to debate issues without taking it personally and some are fine with you as long as you don;t criticize them or disagree with them.

BUT, most of us are gonna never gonna get the opportunity that you have to actually interact with them on a personal level. Even with the great conversations I have had and continue to have with some of them, I have never asked to meet one of them and they probably would never ask to meet me. If we ran into each other somewhere, that would be cool, but for the most part, I have to go one what these folks put out there on their shows and what I read in the media (media = mainly lies).

I know you feel that you have to defend people that you have met, but I have learned by trying to defend the ones that I have devleoped a friendly relationship with that it just isn't worth it. No maer what you say about how someone is in person, there are gonna be those that don;t believe you because of how that person was portrayed on tv. If you wanna defend certain folks, that is fine, but just remember, a picture (or a seasons worth, is worth a thousand words.

And before someone brings it up, you know who you are, yes, I would be more than happy to run into one of the "Fiendsheep" out in public and have them prove me wrong.


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I agree somewhat. I am sure that out of the friendship Ivette is probably the one I would like, even though I despised what I saw of her on tv. April, Maggie, Eric, Beau, and Jennifer are people I would never associate with. Just from Eric's welfare comments and Maggie's attitude on insurance I can see that they are conservative Republicans and that is not something I like to be around. I am gay, but flamboyant gay guys like Beau make me uncomfortable. As for April and Jennifer, they were way too two-faced for me. I noticed in BB6 that Ivette WANTED to hang out with Janelle quite a few times, but got grief about it from April, who, on the sly, was visiting Janelle in the HOH room repeatedly.

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Yeah Dep I know what you are saying... Sometimes it's just hard not to defend people you consider friends... I agree though sometimes it's best just to move on... I don't go in some of the threads because I know they are people I consider friends and I know people are talking bad about them... Thanks for the reminder :)

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throwing out the Love to all our messengers in here......now back to the topic - does Ali know?

:ninja: <~~~~~Alli still hiding but out of the vase.

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lmao wouldnt that be funny if she got stuck in the vase :lol::lol:

ohhohh great idea.. shove alison in the vase and then stuff her full of food so she gets all fat and gets stuck..

::::takes a pill::::::::::::

i really need to stay on top of the meds :blink:

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