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Dr. Will got liposuction (3 weeks ago)


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-Apparently, Will had liposuction in his abdomen area three weeks ago. This is what Janelle told Kaysar and Erica at 4am in the HOH room after Kaysar mentioned that Will had lipo as it is obvious because of the scars. Janelle then said that Will told her about his lipo procedure that happened 3 weeks ago (because Janelle was suspicious as she said that she knows everything about plastic surgery), and asked her not to mention it to anyone. I guess now, the whole world knows...

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LOL Bill.. he said yesterday that BB had said that he could get a Mystic Tan (spray on tan) when he got to sequester.. and then when he got to sequester, they told him he couldnt. :lol::lol: so that is why he came in so white.

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lipo still doesn't explain why he is so puffy faced

people on Prednisone get the "moon face" and aren't supposed to be in the sun

i think he is on this drug or was on this drug for something

he is sooooooo pasty white and puffy faced and the rest of him looks normal


very odd

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