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Fred Flamingo Big Brother Season 26 Blog - Eleventh Post Bonus

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In the Morty's TV Fan Forums Chat tonight, someone asked how many times a Houseguest had been evicted while in costume from a punishment. I didn't know the answer, but I knew who to ask: OpenAI's ChatGPT.  Here's what it told me.


-- Fred


In "Big Brother" USA, there have been several instances where houseguests were evicted while wearing costumes, usually as part of punishments or themed competitions. Notable examples include:


  1. Big Brother 8: Jen Johnson was evicted while wearing a red unitard as part of a punishment.
  2. Big Brother 10: Michelle Costa was evicted in a red leotard and tutu costume as part of a punishment.
  3. Big Brother 15: Aaryn Gries was evicted while dressed as a clown, which was part of a punishment she received earlier in the game.
  4. Big Brother 16: Jocasta Odom was evicted while wearing a frog costume, which was part of a punishment from a competition.
  5. Big Brother 23: Britini D’Angelo was evicted while dressed as a Big Blue Couch mascot, a costume from a punishment.


These are some of the most memorable instances, and there may be a few more depending on how costumes and punishments are counted.


Of course, we can add Tucker to that list, in his BB AI Assist outfit and data cap. Can you add to this list?

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