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Friday, August 30, 2024 - BBAI26 Live Feed Updates

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If you are adding personal comments, please keep them to a minimum and use brackets [personal commentaround the text.

Remember your time zones. Big Brother Time (BBT) is Pacific Daylight Saving Time (See Map Here) until Sunday, November 5, when Daylight Saving Time ends. 

Please be careful in identifying who is speaking, and do not use confusing abbreviations or nicknames not used in the house.

To better help you identify the HGs, Fuskie made this guide you can print out and refer to until you get to know who's who.


Get the Morty's TV Big Brother Season 26 HG Reference Guide today!

Try to be consistent with abbreviations, like:
Dining Table (DT)
Head of House Room (HOHR)
Have-Not Room (HNR)
Indoor Lock Down (ILD)
Kitchen (KT)
Living Room (LR)
Outdoor Lock Down (OLD)
Storage Room (SR)
Washroom Area (WA)
Water Closet [toilet] (WC)
Lounge Area Across from the HoH room.  (LOFT)
Theme bedroom [Unicorn in the garden] (UBR)


It only takes a few good posts to earn your "Live Feed Updater" badge and LFU status. 


Also, all registered members of the forums have access to our chat rooms, at Morty's TV Chat. Stop in and talk to SMVanBoyz, Fuskie, and I'm in there from time-to-time too. It's fun to be able to watch the feeds at dish the HGs at the same time.  


Please feel free to post info for other updaters to let them know how long you can update, or when you're taking a break and you want someone else to take over.


...And pictures, screen caps are welcome here too.

Thank you!

Whatever you do, always give 100%. Unless you’re donating blood.
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3:37PM BBT

Joseph and Quinn are talking in the HoHR.  Joe says he was loyal to Tucker, and he will be loyal to Quinn, too. They discuss that Makensy will start winning things.


T'kor and Rubina are talking in the backyard. T'kor says what she asked for from God through this experience was friends, and she has found them. Rubina says she knows what she has with Tucker is real, too. T'kor says that she understands that people in the house were talking about Tucker, "they just weren't talking about Tucker to us."

Rubina: Yeah




They climb into the hammock.


T'kor: I can see that Angela is really bothering Makensy.

Makensy: SHe is losing her shit

T'kor: I do like Makensy more the more I get to know her.

Rubina: Me too

T'kor: I just think that I just don't talk about myself much. I think I can get better at that and take up more space than I do.

Rubina: Yeah, some people are really good at it.

They discuss a girls' alliance.

Rubina: I am unsure only because a few people...I worry only about the closeness we have with a few of the...

T'kor: Guys

Rubina: Yeah but I do feel....no risk, no magic. I don't think I want to just get by playing safe. It doesn't align with who I am. Floating is not my style.

T'kor: I do want to build something

Makensy comes out and asks Rubina if she is ready to talk ti Quinn.

Rubina: Yeah! Is that okay?

T'kor: Yeah

Rubina: Sorry T


Rubina heads into the HoHR and asks to use the restroom first. Rubina tells him the backyard is open and there is a grill back there now, "Do you want to go outside?" (to talk)

Quinn: Not tonight. 

Quinn says his sleepers make him tall, and they sit to look at Quinn's photos.




3:53AM BBT

Joseph is talking with T'kor at the hammock about Tucker doing stuff all the time that he didn't agree with. "It seems like me and him, even though we had each other's backs, were always operating independently. The only person I was really close with that he didn't have a problem with, was you."




3:54AM BBT

Kimo comes out to the backyard saying he doesn't feel good. T'kor says she feels like Quinn will put up people who had a relationship with Tucker, and he's not even here. I guess I thought this was a thing, and I guess it's not any more.

Kimo: Did he say that?

T'kor: WHo knows. I could be manifesting something that isn't going to happen. But I am certain I am not losing you and Rubina in the game.

Kimo: Well, we will have to fight. But, if he does, at least I'll know. (the alliance with Quinn wasn't real) Maybe Quinn has never trusted us.

T'kor: Just pretending. 

Kimo: Maybe Tucker was right. 

T'kor: Well, if it does happen, you and Rubina aren't going nowhere. And if it does, then we know.

Kimo: I whispered to Cam 'I am keeping Tucker'

T'kor: Mm Hmm

Kimo: Can't blame anyone. It's a smart game move.

T'kor: I know Quinn voting Tucker out...I mean, what did Tucker say? He was gonna vote Quinn


T'kor says Tucker made things harder for himself when he reacted negatively to Quinn wearing Rubina's skort.



4:02AM BBT

In the HoHR, Rubina tells Quinn that she is actually happier with Tucker gone because he kept doing stupid little things and when she tried to advise him to stop, "he wouldn't listen." Quinn says he couldn't move past Tucker telling him that he did not see Quinn having any value in the game.

Rubina: Sorry Tucker, but you played the game stupid... (to Quinn)I just really, really am rooting for you. I don't know if you feel like believing me in anything I said. It's not okay if you don't because I get why. We are totally different players (her and Tucker) and I am truly glad he is gone. I had to throw a sympathy vote.

Quinn: I understand completely. I don't think that's a reason to put someone on the block. Tucker told me he was actually voting for Angela to stay. Why did he lie to me. I was just like, what are we talking about? And the thing that really bothered me was today, wearing your skort... (Rubin’s interjects)

Rubina: I told him it didn't bother me. I didn't give a fuck.

Quinn: He told me, I don't know, I thought it was Bro Code, and that is not something I prescribe to in life. I was like, I am not a threat to you. I genuinely didn't get where he was coming from. Like, I am not going after your girl. 





4:11AM BBT

Rubina tells Quinn that she had wanted to play with him the whole time, but it was hard to get Tucker, and they tried hard, to commit to it, "I'm sorry he made you feel a certain way."

Quinn: My goal this week is for Angela to go home. For tomorrow's nomination ceremony, I am going to make it abundantly clear.

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Rubina: Okay

Quinn repeats that he wants Angela out and will do everything he can to make it happen.

Quinn gets teary with, and tells her that he really had a lot of respect for Tucker. He viewed Tucker as a big brother. He tells her that he really wants to be more like Tucker.

Rubina: I’m so sorry he made you feel that way.


Rubina says the BB house has a way of making peoples insecurities come out. She has seen in herself that a lot of the insecurities she had in middle school have resurfaced.


4:31AM BBT

It seems everyone except Angela is still awake in the BB26 house.




4:39AM BBT

it’s Kimo‘s turn to talk to Quinn. Quinn tells him that his plan is to get rid of Angela this week. He has been wanting to get rid of Angela since Lisa’s eviction, and he knows everyone would drag Angela to the end wanting to sit next to her in the final two.

Quinn: I know you are probably disappointed that I flipped

Kimo: I am not at all upset, I understand

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5:11AM BBT

In the Unicorn Bedroom, Joseph and Leah form a final two.

Leah: I don’t have anything else

They high five.

Joseph tells her if she needs side alliances, he completely understands.

Leah: I think it’s Kimo (who Quinn will put up next to Angela)

*WBRB fishies 


5:32AM BBT

Quinn has been talking with MJ

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5:48AM BBT

Quinn is finally getting ready for bed.

6:43AM BBT

The BB26 House is dark and silent.


[Today we will lose live feeds at some point for the Nomination Ceremony. Quinn has made it clear to everyone that his target this week is Angela. -ML]

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11:08AM BBT

Leah is talking to Joseph, T'kor and Angela in the backyard about serving celebrities. Leah says she doesn't ever let the celebrities know that she actually recognizes them because she wants them to feel as normal as possible. She says she served Tom DeLonge (Blink 182) and believes he is in a thruple with his wife and a girlfriend.

Joe praises Tom's accomplishments (both personal and professional)

An insect begin pestering T'kor, so she heads inside.




Quinn is talking with Kimo in the HoHR. Kimo asks where he stands with Joseph and Leah. Quinn checks the bathroom and loft area for any possible ears then returns to answer the question. 



Quinn says that Joe "gives a lot of advise, which is crazy." He has no plans to target Joe or Leah.

Kimo: That's fair. I really love Leah and trust her as a human, but I don't know about game wise. This doesn't leave this room.

Quinn tells him it won't (But I know it will because everything told to Quinn gets out)

Quinn says it is crazy he has to nominate three people.

*WBRB FIshies


Kimo: When T'kor and I told you were looking out for you, we were

Quinn: I know. Joseph can say it was him, but I know

Kimo tells Quinn he doesn't want Quinn to ever think he was choosing Tucker over Quinn.

"That's why I am not mad about this decision to flip. That's the smartest game move."

Quinn: He would have put me up....and Chelsie...and Leah. He fucking hated Leah.

Kimo: He didn't trust Leah.

Quinn tells Kimo that he never understood why they were so set to work with Tucker.

Kimo: Quinn, you know I am a fan, and I know you are a fan. Half of us are fans and half are recruits. (Kimo wants a fan to win)


Quinn tells Kimo he is still so confused over why Tucker was upset with him wearing Rubina's skort 

*WBRB Fishies


11:37AM BBT

T'kor and Rubina are whispering in the bathroom. T'kor apologizes to Rubina and says she really was trying to protect them. Rubina tells her she is just "so grateful, truly, and it's all okay. I'm hurting a little bit right now. It's truly hard to not just feel how you feel. It's killing me."

T'kor: Mm Hmm

Rubina: It's dumb. It's weird. This game is harder than I would have ever thought.

T'kor: I absolutely agree.

They both agree the summer they thought would be their best, most fun,  is turning out to be one of the hardest.



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Rubina says, in many ways, it feels like Tucker leaving feels like a breakup.

T'kor says it is just goodbye for now.


Kimo enters the bathroom and tells them he just talked with Quinn, and he is definitely going up (on the block)




11:43AM BBT

In the kitchen, MJ says they need more Sqwinchers, "especially since I'm a Have-Not"

Kimo says he is inspired to do oatmeal at some point (maybe he is a Have-Not, too)

Rubina: I'm gonna detox, too, in solidarity


11:47AM BBT

In the backyard, Joseph, Chelsie and Leah are talking about Lisa putting her bare hands in the taco toppings to scatter on her tacos when there were spoons in each bowl to use.

Leah: What got me was the fork in the olive into her mouth and then back into the jar.

Chelsie says Lisa could have been cool, but she was so performative, "For veto? She gave production a list of things she wanted....like, just chill." Chelsie says Lisa was a different person one on one than when she was in a group of people where she suddenly turned on a performance. Joe says behaving like that makes you look like you are trying to hide something.



Kimo and Rubina re planning a light workout for mental health before nominations which they expect around 2PM. They vow to keep having fun in the BB House even though they are both really down.


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12:26PM BBT

Quinn is talking with Chelsie and Cam in the HoHR. He tells them if Tucker hadn't been evicted, both of them would have been on the block this week, "When I was asked who I was going to put, I heard your names" Quinn says he told them their names, too, "I'll be honest."


Chelsie: They just lost their biggest asset in the game, and now it is a scramble.

Chelsie says she knows T'kor will be the game that is best for her, and she knew that when she put up Angela instead of Leah.

Quinn: We pulled off something pretty big as the five. People were scared.

Chelsie: People were scared to even say his name.

Quinn: People were scared to say your name, but you were still dumb enough to volunteer for the block.

Chelsie: Crazy! Does Angela know?

Quinn: Yeah

Cam: She pitched to you, yesterday

Chelsie: I definitely think she knows, and so does he. Rubina knows.


Through conversations, it seems pretty clear that Quinn is planning to nominate Angela, Kimo and Rubina.


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1:15PM BBT

Conversation in the HoHR between Quinn, Chelsie, Joe and Cam is about the HoH Competition. It was definitely the egg competition, but they didn't have to move the eggs through chicken wire. Quinn says it was more like a hog pen and they could cut themselves more easily.


1:27PM BBT

In the HoHR, people are getting antsy.

Cam: Damn! When are they going to call you?

Quinn: I know! I'm about to go make some mac n' cheese

Cam: I'm about to go doo doo

(He has to wait because Joseph got there, first)

Cam wakes up Makensy.

MJ: I'm awake! I'm awake!

Quinn: Keep pushing, Man! Never lose sight.



1:35PM BBT


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2:01PM BBT

T'kor and Rubina are talking in the bathroom

T'kor: How are you doing?

Rubina says she is okay, but she is feeling isolated

T'kor: Why do people do that?

Rubina: Because they don't want to talk to people going on the block


In the backyard, Joseph is enjoying the hot tub while Leah, MJ, Chelsie, Angela and Cam just wait for the nominations.




2:04PM BBT

Rubina heads to the kitchen and hums the Rocky song. Chelsie comes through for some headache meds. Rubina asks her not to not let things be weird when she goes on the block, "And Kimo, too, because he is gonna have a harder time" (Have-Not)

Chelsie says she is not voting Rubina out, "You know how I feel about you guys"




2:09PM BBT

T'kor points out that on the memory wall, of all the people on the right are young and all the ones on the left are older.

Kimo walks into the kitchen, and is adding to the conversation. T'kor says she belongs on the older side.

Chelsie: Yeah because your glasses are giving 81



Chelsie says Lisa's picture looks scary.

Kimo: Over half the cast is over 30

Chelsie: Which I love




2:14PM BBT

On their way to the backyard where Rubina plans to watch T'kor play pool, T'kor asks Rubina if she feels better about Chelsie. Rubina just shrugs.




2:30PM BBT

Rubina and T'kor are playing pool. T'kor is sharing all of the pool tips that Tucker taught her with Rubina.



T'kor: The student has become the teacher

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3:36PM BBT

Angela and Kimo are talking about Tucker in the backyard. Angela says she really does love Tucker and sees him like a nephew. "I've never really been an insecure person."

Kimo: This Game!

The both agree the game messes with people's confidence.

Angela: I have nothing but love and respect for you and have no intentions of ever throwing your name under the bus.

Kimo: Same



Kimo: This particular HoH, I don't know where Quinn's head is at.



3:39PM BBT

RCHS takes over the feeds for the Nomination Ceremony

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5:02PM BBT

The feeds change from RCHS to WBRB

5:03PM BBT

The feeds have returned.




T'kor says being HoH is hard, especially with numbers dwindling. He understands why he put Rubina up, but she doesn't understand why Kimo is up. 'Let's just hope his target goes out."

Rubina: Mm Hmm


Quinn nominated Angela, Kimo  and Rubina for eviction.




5:25PM BBT

Quinn's new alliance is crossing the Delaware with Quinn at the helm as Commander in Chief, George Washington. The new alliance includes Quinn, Joseph, Cam, Leah, Chelsie and MJ. They crawl up on the HoH bed and all get together so they can paddle their ship forward. 





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