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Saturday, August 17, 2024 - BBAI26 Live Feed Updates

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Remember your time zones. Big Brother Time (BBT) is Pacific Daylight Saving Time (See Map Here) until Sunday, November 5, when Daylight Saving Time ends. 

Please be careful in identifying who is speaking, and do not use confusing abbreviations or nicknames not used in the house.

To better help you identify the HGs, Fuskie made this guide you can print out and refer to until you get to know who's who.


Get the Morty's TV Big Brother Season 26 HG Reference Guide today!

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Dining Table (DT)
Head of House Room (HOHR)
Have-Not Room (HNR)
Indoor Lock Down (ILD)
Kitchen (KT)
Living Room (LR)
Outdoor Lock Down (OLD)
Storage Room (SR)
Washroom Area (WA)
Water Closet [toilet] (WC)
Lounge Area Across from the HoH room.  (LOFT)
Theme bedroom [Unicorn in the garden] (UBR)


It only takes a few good posts to earn your "Live Feed Updater" badge and LFU status. 


Also, all registered members of the forums have access to our chat rooms, at Morty's TV Chat. Stop in and talk to SMVanBoyz, Fuskie, and I'm in there from time-to-time too. It's fun to be able to watch the feeds at dish the HGs at the same time.  


Please feel free to post info for other updaters to let them know how long you can update, or when you're taking a break and you want someone else to take over.


...And pictures, screen caps are welcome here too.

Thank you!

The trouble with getting to work on time is that it makes the day so long.
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7:22AM BBT

The feeds return to Angela crying with joy saying, "Thank you! This just means so much to me!"




[This has to be related to her birthday!  -ML]

Leah: The Big Brother House loves you!


7:24AM BBT

The HGs are doing ADLs



It's Veto Competition Day. First, the feeds will go to RCHS for veto picks. Later today the feeds will go down again for the competition. I did make a mistake with my update yesterday regarding Tucker's nominations. Tucker talked about putting up various combinations, but he settled on Brooklyn, Cam and Quinn.


7:26AM BBT

Angela enters the bathroom area.

Brooklyn: Happy Birthday Angela!

Angela: Thank you!


Outside the SR, Kimo and Leah are talking about how, "That made her day!" 


Quinn enters the bathroom and tells Angela, "I'm sorry I missed the celebration! I didn't know we were doing that."

Chelsie: Birthday in the BB House!



Leah is thrilled to find french fries, tater tots and pineapple has been restocked in the SR. Joe enters the SR.

Leah: How was your night?

Joe: Okay, I slept on a freaking box.

Leah: I know! Every day I wake up and say, "I've got beef." (joking they always have something to complain about in their DR sessions)


Brooklyn enters the kitchen, "Sorry I missed it. Did she love it?"

Leah: L O V E D









7:42AM BBT

In hte bathroom, MJ says she was up really late helping Chelsie find her cortisone cream last night because she was having an allergic reaction. MJ says she wasn't able to sleep, anyway, because everyone kept being called to the DR.

Rubina: Veto Day!

MJ: I love it! I love it here!



7:45AM BBT

T'kor tells Kimo that her shoulders are still hurting really bad. She needs to do laundry because she is out of clean clothes, and she needs BB to buy her more underwear because she can't find hers. Kimo says BB got socks when Leah asked for them.




Angela talks with Rubina in the SR saying she didn't even realize what was going on last night. She says she doesn't need to know anyway, and that it's more important that Rubina and Tucker are aware of everything. When Angela enters the kitchen...

Tucker: Pancakes for the birthday girl!

Angela goes to whisper with Kimo in the LR, but the audio is still on Leah yammering about first dates, so I was unable to get the juicy deets! 


7:50AM BBT

Kimo and Angela are stretching.

Angela: The box feels cruel (Have Not bed)

Kimo: So cruel

Angela: It's not a funny ha-ha thing for have nots. It's cruel.

Kimo: I hope it ends.

Brooklyn walks through and Angela says she smells amazing. "Every time"

Angela: Well, I am just thankful for you!

Kimo: Yeah! Happy Birthday! This house does things to us.

Angela: Yeah, it does.

Kimo tells Angela that he asks T'kor to reel him when things get bad for him. Angela says she needs him to do that for her.

Kimo: Sometimes it is bullshit in this house.


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In the SR, Kimo said he needed someone to step on his back. Quinn, Tucker and Joe were in there, but none offered. He is really in pain and trying to stretch out his back. Angela is really hurting, too.



Rubina walks through and Angela asks about her leg, "Does it hurt, or is it tender?"

Rubina: Tender. You know. There's worse things. (meaning she will try to not let it bother her)


Brooklyn is putting her makeup next to Leah, who has been at it for a while, now. Quinn is in the shower, and T'kor begins getting ready for the day.




In the kitchen, Joe tells Kimo he woke up in the middle of the night, "and was like, I just want to die." (The Have-Not beds are so painful for these HGs used to sleeping on mattresses)


7:59AM BBT

Rubina and MJ are whispering.

MJ: But I believe Tucker.....I mean, after all the blow-ups, why would he even say that  (I'm not sure what this is about)

Leah: Well, my hair looks like ass. That's okay.



8:01AM BBT

Rubina runs up to the HoHR and finds Kimo.  "Is anyone suppose to know that Quinn is the pawn."

Kimo's jaw drops. 

Rubina says that Brooklyn knows Quinn is the pawn (this is what MJ told her)

Rubina: Quinn wouldn't dare say that  (Oh, but he would! -ML) Brooklyn is Moper McMopison this morning....she is trying to make me feel guilty  


Kimo: No one should know

Rubina: It can't ge tback to Tucker. He will lose his mind. She said 'all of us were told we're the pawn."

Kimo: He (Tucker or Quinn?) could have told someone that he shouldn't have told, like MJ, and then she told Brooklyn

Rubina: That makes more sense

Rubina says that she was really irritated theat everyone was hanging out in the HOHR whe most of them wanted Tucker out. Kimo agrees!

Kimo tells Rubina that it is suspicious that MJ is suddenly wearing her hair curly after finding out that Tucker likes curly hair.

Rubina: Immature




T'kor says MJ is acting her age.

Rubina continues discussing how Brooklyn is moping around and trying to make her feel bad.

Brooklyn rings the HOHR doorbell then enters, "Is Tucker here?"

Rubina says she has been looking for him, too.

Kimo: He made pancakes then fluttered away....You've got this

Brooklyn (in depressed tone) Thank you. I'm going to find Tucker.

Brooklyn leaves to find Tucker.

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Kimo tells Rubina that he and T'kor told Tucker about the alliance right after the eviction.

T'kor comes back in. They want to know if Brooklyn found Tucker. T'kor says she was looking for that. Rubina is worried that Tucker is going to get upset and change the plan if Brooklyn tells him she knows she is not the pawn and is in danger. Kimo says that Tucker said if people found out, he was going to put up Chelsie. Rubina says that Tucker said he wouldn't use the veto on Quinn, should he win it, if Quinn spills the beans (Tucker expected Quinn would go and tell everyone that Tucker told Quinn he was the pawn). They discuss all the comps that Tucker has won.

Rubina: He is killing it. He is dangerous. Good for us now, but dangerous later.

Kimo says they need to talk to Tucker about who the renom will be.

T'kor says sometimes she is afraid to say what she is thinking out loud because things could then be manipulated to make it happen  (Production? The fates? The BB Gods?  You bet!)

Rubina says not to manifest anything, "Is it necessary?"

T'kor: Well, y'all already thinking it and said it. We just need to see who wins veto then reassess everything.



8:32AM BBT

We have RCHS on the feeds for Veto Picks!


Wonderful! Guest is here, so I'm tagging out, for now. 💜

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9:08AM BBT

The feeds are back. I will post the veto players as soon as I can confirm who is playing.


Playing for Power of Veto today: Tucker, Brooklyn, Cam, Quinn, Joseph, maybe Chelsie  (based on conversations)



Brooklyn asks Leah in the Unicorn Room who she has heard is the target this week. Leah tells her it's Quinn, "100% it is Quinn. He was even not nice to me this morning. Who do you think it is?"

Brook: Me

MJ: No! I was shocked you even went up. I was flabbergasted.

Brook says she feels she is the first nominee to not be informed.


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9:10 AM BBT:  MJ is talking the unicorn room with Brooklyn.  Leah walks in and they say they are talking about the veto.  Brooklyn says she is going to “try to win”.  She says she has her emotional veto-mate Joseph.  The girls keep talking about who they think the target is.  They think it’s Quinn. (Perhaps Brooklyn and Joseph are up with the back door option of Quinn?-still trying to figure out the third nom)

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9:15 AM BBT:  Brooklyn says he has to go against all of these boys (I’m thinking the third person up could be Cam, but can’t confirm).  MJ says she feels it is going to go in someone else’s favor other than Tucker this week.  They reassure Brooklyn that she probably isn’t the target this week.


8:28 AM BBT:  Meanwhile, Kimo is up by the fish tank talking to Joseph.  Kimo tells him he should gun for winning it.  All cameras switch back to the unicorn room where MJ and Leah are talking about how they want to be a part of something.  “Because, like…what the hell.”  Leah says Cam won’t look or talk to her and hasn’t done so in over a week.  She thought that they ended on good terms.

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9:22 AM BBT:  Kimo and Joseph are talking in the have-not room.  He thinks he has a pretty good chance.  Joseph says he is happy that Chelsea didn’t get picked to play.  He thinks it worked out.  It was a good draw.  Joseph says that if he wins, his mind is on Quinn.  Kimo says that he feels like the target has shifted to him in the house in the future.  Joseph says he still thinks the target is on Tucker from the others.  He assures Kimo that he thinks that they are good either way.  Joseph says he is going to say the truth that Kimo and TKor came up to him about it, thought it was too early, but when he thought about it, thought Cedric had other peoples back before him (if people ask).  When they all came into the have-not room, Cam caught on and said, “Oh that’s an interesting group.”  MJ, T’Kor, Cam, Angela….wait, maybe not you (Joseph says).  Kimo seems concerned he doesn’t know about this.  Joseph says this happened two hours before the meeting.  He can ask Cam about it if he wants.

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9:29 AM BBT:  MJ, Leah, and T’Kor are talking in the unicorn room.  MJ says she has a good feeling about today “I’ve been hearing God,” she says.  They all talk about how Tucker has been open about Quinn being the replacement.  They don’t think it’s true.  MJ says she wants one chill week.  “You’re the only one I have told about that,” Leah whispers as Tkor leaves the room. MJ knows and is playing her ass off with everything because the only one she can trust is herself.  She tells Leah to ride the “no problem train” and keep which numbers are the best for the house at that moment.  She tells Leah she has her back.  Leah says, “We’re just two girls, what can we do?”  MJ thinks everyone is upset with each other and says that T’Kor and Kimo are separating from everybody.  

9:35 AM BBT:  T’Kor and Angela are talking in the bathroom area.  Angela says she doesn’t feel like she is “in it”.  T’Kor tells her that she is always there to talk to her if she needs it.  Angela thanks her and says they need to open the outdoors.  They closed the outside Wednesday and it is now Saturday.  

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In the HoHR, Brooklyn tells Tucker that Quinn told her last night she is the target this week. Tucker tells her that he is obviously the target, and at this point, he is going to say anything, "I am not coming after you....nowhere near. There are bigger fish to fry."



Tucker tells Brooklyn he put her up because he needs her intellect if it's a mental competition.

Brooklyn: I'm going to try and win.


In the SR, Brook tells MJ about her talk with Tucker, "I just don't believe him."


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9:41 AM BBT: Joseph and Kimo are still talking in the have-not room.  Kimo says he hopes that he can trust the people that he trusts.  Joseph says he can.  T’Kor, Rubina, Tucker…they are all trustworthy.  Rubina scares Kimo a bit because she can get paranoia.  Joseph says that’s how Cedric was the last week.


Meanwhile, Brooklyn went up to the HOH room to talk to Tucker and iron everything over.  She says she is going to play for this veto.  Afterwards, she heads down to the storage room and shares with MJ what her conversation was about


(thanks, mama for picking up on the beginning of that conversation!)

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9:42AM BBT

MJ tells Brook, "I'm going to paly as long as I can. I'll stay in as long as I can."

Earlier, MJ said she felt like she was going to be pulled.


Confirmed Playing for Power of Veto today: Tucker, Brooklyn, Cam, Quinn, Joseph, MJ





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9:46 AM BBT:  MJ shares with Brooklyn that Leah told her that she thinks there is an 8 person alliance but that she doesn’t think we were a part of it (her and Leah).  Brooklyn plays like she doesn’t know about other alliances.  Chelsea walks in.  They are talking about Kimo and T’Kor and Brooklyn shares with Chelsea that after talking to Tucker he says that the target is Quinn.  She says Tucker put her up because he knows she is good with dates in case it is a mental comp.  MJ is completely throwing Leah under the bus sharing everything Leah just told her in the unicorn room.  She says that Leah is probably going to be pissed, but “you gotta do what you gotta do.”

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9:52 AM BBT:  In the kitchen, Chelsea, Rubina, Quinn, Brooklyn, MJ, and T’Kor are gathered…some talking, some making food.  Quinn says that Rubina is stressing her out.


Meanwhile, in the have-not room, Kimo and Joseph are still talking.  Joseph says, “Worst case scenario…they use it and Chelsea comes up.”  The best case scenario is (inaudible whispering). Lol. Joseph says he loves Tucker, but sometimes his strategies are unpredictable.  “Definitely made for TV,” says Kimo.  Conversation turns to Cody and how he was probably the most handsome man.  “Well, probably Tucker is now”, says Kimo.  Kimo leaves the room and Joseph continues pacing.  Cameras then turn to Tucker who is combing his hair after getting out of the shower.


9:57 AM BBT:  Tucker just put some disgusting black gel in his mouth (perhaps a charcoal toothpaste of sorts?). Looks like he’s about to change, so cameras quickly cut to other cameras.  In the bathroom, Cam is talking to Angela and Kimo about possible comps.  They don’t think it will be physical since they just did the wall.

Tucker is back.  He now has replaced his towel with a pair of pants and is applying under-eye gel to his face.

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10:05AM BBT

Chelsie says she is hosting the veto today, "Yeah, that is happening. Prediction for veto? Obviously Tucker or Makensy is winning. Observation, Quinn is going this week. My girl, she is staying in this house."

Chelsie says Tucker told all three noms they are a pawn. She predicts Brooklyn or MJ will win HoH next.

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10:06 AM BBT:  Chelsea is doing episode 39 of Chelsea Cheezemae.  Proverb of the day is “don’t have an ashy attitude”. You can be dry and irritating, so moisturize yourself!  Observations:  things are shifting in this house, things are getting crazy, nobody knows who to trust.  Brooklyn, Cam, and Quinn are all on the block 100 percent.  Chelsea is hosting.  Prediction?  Tucker or Brooklyn will win.  Quinn is going to go home this eeek.  She needs to get Brooklyn off the block because that’s her girl.  Tucker told  three different people that they were pawns.  She thinks it is going to be an iconic veto.  HOH win next week will be MJ or Brooklyn.  “SIP THAT,” she says.  

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Chelsie shows us that Cam's crusty sock that she put in the plastic bag is mysteriously gone but couldn't be in the wash because they haven't had access to the backyard, "It must be on his foot. The freak! He had to hand wash all of his chonies (underwear) and they had booty stains.....his ass crack juice is all up on that thing (the rocks where Cam puts his dirty underwear).



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