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Sunday, August 11, 2024 - BBAI26 Live Feed Updates

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Please post ONLY Live Feed, televised show, Big Brother 26 observations, and screen captures here! If you post opinions or off-topic messages, I will move them here:  Big Brother Season 26 - Discussion Forum

If you are adding personal comments, please keep them to a minimum and use brackets [personal commentaround the text.

Remember your time zones. Big Brother Time (BBT) is Pacific Daylight Saving Time (See Map Here) until Sunday, November 5, when Daylight Saving Time ends. 

Please be careful in identifying who is speaking, and do not use confusing abbreviations or nicknames not used in the house.

To better help you identify the HGs, Fuskie made this guide you can print out and refer to until you get to know who's who.


Get the Morty's TV Big Brother Season 26 HG Reference Guide today!

Try to be consistent with abbreviations, like:
Dining Table (DT)
Head of House Room (HOHR)
Have-Not Room (HNR)
Indoor Lock Down (ILD)
Kitchen (KT)
Living Room (LR)
Outdoor Lock Down (OLD)
Storage Room (SR)
Washroom Area (WA)
Water Closet [toilet] (WC)
Lounge Area Across from the HoH room.  (LOFT)
Theme bedroom [Unicorn in the garden] (UBR)


It only takes a few good posts to earn your "Live Feed Updater" badge and LFU status. 


Also, all registered members of the forums have access to our chat rooms, at Morty's TV Chat. Stop in and talk to SMVanBoyz, Fuskie, and I'm in there from time-to-time too. It's fun to be able to watch the feeds at dish the HGs at the same time.  


Please feel free to post info for other updaters to let them know how long you can update, or when you're taking a break and you want someone else to take over.


...And pictures, screen caps are welcome here too.

Thank you!

Remember, it's not what you do... it's what you get away with.
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10:15 AM BBT: Angela is talking to Brooklyn, Leah, Quinn, Cam,and MJ outside about dreams and how she had a dream that they allowed a dog into the house.  When she was dreaming she woke up to herself saying, “Come here!  Come here!”  She laughs thinking about how if you were sleeping next to her and didn’t know the context of why she was saying that, how strange that would be.  Quinn leaves the conversation and Brooklyn talks about Quinn talking in his sleep saying things like, “Don’t do that please.”  Cam talks about Quinn yelling in his sleep in the have-not room. 

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Leah, Brooklyn, Angela and Cam are talking about Quinn's sleep walking and talking. Brooklyn and Leah say at this point, they won't say much to him about because he takes it so hard and feels horrible about it, but it happens every night. Cam said he was yelling in the HNR. Brooklyn and Leah confirm he has yelled a few times.


Awesome! Guest is here, so I'm out.  -ML

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10:20 AM BBT:  T’Kor and Rubina are whispering in the unicorn room.  Rubina says, “You need to have a f’n talk with him.”  (It sounds like Rubina is crying). Rubina says her brain and emotions are everywhere right now.


Meanwhile, Tucker, Joseph, and Kimo are getting ready in the bathroom making Chewbacca noises and laughing.


10:25 AM BBT:  Joseph and Kimo are talking in the bathroom about there possibly being a new twist in the future.  

All cameras cut to the backyard where Angela and MJ are talking.  Angela says, “If I hear anything, I’ll let you know immediately.”  Angela says that she will redirect the conversation, if necessary.  MJ is trying to take in the reality of her situation.  Kiki walks outside and joins the two on the patio furniture.  “My goodness, gracious,” yawns Kimo.  They talk about hearing a woodpecker and Kimo spots something on the light post.  He says he’s sure it’s probably not because his vision isn’t the best.  “Nope, it’s a camera,” says MJ.  Angela wonders where the birds in the wall went.  MJ says that production probably grabbed them.  MJ leaves to go grab her drink.  She says she is going to go read in the hammock.


Angela asks Kimo, “Was the donut good?”  Kimo replies, “Yeah, thank you.  …Everyone keeps disappearing,” as he drinks his coffee.  Angela think that people who care for each other have those people’s back.  They help them because there is safety in numbers.  Kimo agrees.


10:31 AM BBT:  Angela talks more to Kimo about loyalty, safety in numbers, and how it only takes one person to disband something.  Angela says that she knows she will 100 percent protect.  No hesitation.  They get distracted by people doing the laundry and asking for items that would go with their load.


10:34 AM BBT:  All cameras are on Tucker.  Chelsea is following him and asks if Rubina is in the back room.  Leah walks through the living room as Brooklyn strolls down the hallway.


All cameras come back to Kimo saying that it’s hard to know who to trust.  Angela says, “You can trust me, Kimo.”  He responds saying that he knows.  



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10:44 AM BBT:  Cameras are back from an almost 10 minute long WBRB.  Chelsea and Brooklyn are talking in the storage room.  They are talking about Tucker’s confidence with the comps.  Brooklyn says that she said to him that it was probably helpful to watch everyone go before him which to her response he said that he already knew what he was going to do before doing it.  Both of them leave the storage room and all cameras cut to Tucker feeding the fish.  He’s saying hi to all of them (Bonks-he has no stripes, Walter-because he sucks the wall, Zippy-he’s speedy, etc.) as Chelsea walks up to join him.  Tucker asks the fish, “Who’s your daddy?”


In the unicorn room Rubina and T’Kor are still talking.  They are talking about who they wanted to be in the house and the relationships they wanted to have or not have.  T’Kor encourages Rubina saying that she really thinks that she could go all the way.

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10:52 AM BBT:  Tucker decides that he is going to go workout.  Rubina and T’Kor are still talking.  They are talking about Tucker and how he is playing the game.  Talk goes to Tucker’s intuition in the game.  He’s going to be on The Challenge, Survivor, etc.  Rubina says, “It is what the f it is.”  It almost sounds like Rubina will be competing.  She wants to have fun in here.  “Tucker’s having a lot of fun,” says T’Kor.


Outside Brooklyn is talking to the camera  and can be heard saying, “Here she comes…here she comes.”  MJ comes over and asks if she can sit down near her.  Brooklyn says okay.  MJ says she is going to read.

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11:00 AM BBT:  T’Kor says that she is excited for Rubina to play and step into herself more.  T’Kor says that her goal is to embrace herself each and every passing day.  Rubina says that T’Kor has really hyped herself up.  T’Kor tells Rubina that she needs to trust herself and that she has made the right connections.  Rubina thinks she has done that, but needs to work on the trusting herself part.  Rubina thinks that everyone being an athlete got in her head because she’s not an athlete.  However, she knows “real life shit.”  She loves being doubted.  It’s when she gets her fire.  Rubina says, “Someone else gotta go.  It’s not me.”  T’Kor tells Rubina that if she can get people to root for her the way that she is rooting for her, it will be hard for them to let her go.  They hug.  Rubina says she is ready.  “Let’s do it,” says T’Kor.  They leave the unicorn room just in time as Tucker opens the door.


11:06 AM BBT:  T’Kor and Rubina say they are going to change their clothes.  It’s hot outside.  Brooklyn leaves the hammock and asks MJ if she wants it before it gets taken over.  She’s okay.  Tucker has brought his arm weights outside now (he was traveling with them when he went inside).


Kimo is talking about how he was in the closet for a long time.  He says after his dad passed, in his 20’s, he came out.  Angela talks about how it’s heartbreaking when people feel like they can’t come out to people.  She talks about someone who came out to her and how she was supportive telling this person that she loved them.  She had no clue, but wanted her to know that she loved her.  Joseph says that he has had friends come out as bisexual to him and is like, “who cares”.  Angela says there is no one size fits all.  This is a great, supportive, and positive discussion between them all.


11:16 AM BBT:  Angela says that if someone wasn’t accepting of someone that she loves being out of the closet, that she could not be their friend.  Politics, religion…whatever.  She can get past that.  But this?  A hard no.  She can’t be a friend with someone not accepting of someone she loves.  They all talk about putting more representation on the big screen and for actors to tackle more roles like that.  The three of them give kudos to BB for having a movie night on Taylor’s season representing the LGBTQIA+ community.


11:22 AM BBT:  Angela tells Kimo not to put the pressure on himself to represent his community.  She says as heterosexuals, that same pressure is there, so not to put pressure.  If this segment is aired, she wants people who are coming out to know how she felt when her friend came out to her.  “Pure love, pure acceptance, pure being proud and that that person can finally live authentically.”  

11:30 AM BBT:  All cameras are on Tucker ducking and weaving a punching bag.  Brooklyn and Rubina are running back and forth on the lawn.

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11:42 AM BBT:  Tucker is still hitting the punching bag.  Rubina and Brooklyn have finished their running workout in the backyard.  T’Kor decides she’s not running, but is instead walking back and forth with a couple of weights in her hand.  Kimo has decided to run back and forth.  Tucker has now moved on to picking up circular weights followed by a run to one side and ending in the kitchen.  Chelsea is also working out in the backyard and MJ is stretching.


Cedric is talking to Tucker in the kitchen while Tucker is getting his sweaty hands all over everything in the fridge.  He pours himself some water from the Brita and tells Cedric that what he did was his warmup.  Cedric says that his warmup is someone’s full workout.  Tucker adds some flavor packs to his water, runs to his closet in the floating room, puts on a pair of socks, and runs back to the kitchen.  Brooklyn is doing what looks like giving birth sit-ups. (At least that’s what I’m calling them).




I’m out for a bit!  Should probably get ready for the day… lol

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Flashback to 7:30AM when the last bit of Quinn's sleeptalking was caught. Sleepwalking/talking started at ~4:30AM according to later conversation by Brooklyn/Leah, but production kept all the feeds locked on the rock room in back most of the night, so this is all we get from Quinn's escapade in the bedroom next door. Quinn is offering Rubina his hoodie, according to the second video from 10:07AM where Quinn explains what he remembers dreaming about.

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12:41 PM BBT:  Angela is blow drying her hair which all four cameras are capturing.  Chelsea is about to hop in the shower.  In the kitchen, Brooklyn, Rubina, and Tucker are eating.  Rubina asks for mango while Tucker asks for pineapple.  Tucker says, “Damn, I could work out all day!!”  Rubina replies back to him, “We know…we know…”. 

Movie talk is happening outside with Joesph, Leah, Cedric, Cam, T’Kor, and Quinn.  They talk about not driving behind trucks with logs or going on rollercoasters because of Final Destination.  Leah shares her love for all of the Saw movies.


12:54 PM BBT:  Talk moves to Parks and Recreation, The Office, and Abbot Elementary (All of my favorites! -Guest). They then talk about King of the Hill, Family Guy, American Dad, and SouthPark.  General conversation happening.

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1:27 PM BBT:  Houseguests are getting the munchies.  Tucker, Kimo, and Brooklyn are eating on the lawn chairs by the pool outside.  Meanwhile, Cam is eating a lunch for champions.  Noodles with Nacho Cheese Doritos!?!?  The cameras zoom in on him while he eats this.  Cam likes how it makes it crunchy and usually uses spicy Cheetos.


1:40 PM BBT:  Cedric and Joseph are talking in the kitchen.  Joseph is talking about how he doesn’t need a fancy car just to impress a chick.  They talk about things they would do if they were rich.  Outside Quinn is running back and forth while Tucker, Brooklyn, MJ, Kimo, and Rubina lay out.  Rubina decided to dabble in the murky hot tub, but didn’t stay in long.  Chelsea and Angela can be seen across from them lounging in the double chairs in the shade.

Chelsea’s predictions and observations are happening at the pool.  

Predictions:  Somebody in the BB house is related to someone famous.  


Observations: Tucker works out like 4 hours a day.  Kimo is on Broadway (I notice Kimo sings his words often and he’s pretty good at it!


Chelsea then moves on to who breaks the rules the most.  Kimo and Rubina.  Another observation is that Brooklyn is easy to scare.  Chelsea also thinks that T’Kor has been switching out with her twin.  That’s all she can say.  The real good stuff is going to be at 9 pm PST, but then changes to 8 eastern for people on the east coast (still a bad time lol)

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1:58 PM BBT:  Chelsea is leading a conversation where each houseguest is saying what their drink is.  T’Kor says she is water.  MJ is a tall glass of red wine.  Brooklyn says she’s some sort of cool whip vodka because she’s sweet, but strong.  Chelsea likes that.  Kimo says that he’s Coke Zero.  Chelsea disagrees and says if he is anything, he’s coffee.  Tucker says he is freshly squeezed lemonade…hard and annoying to break, but refreshing.  Angela is next.  She says she’s Starbucks black iced tea extra sweetener.  They all laugh and say, no, her as a beverage!  Angela says whiskey in a teacup.  Cameron says he is an Old Fashioned.  No, wait.  He wants to be a Sprite because he is good by himself, but mixes well with others.  “Ohhhhhh, we!”  They like that.  Quinn is a code red.  Chelsea says she is an espresso martini.  Sweet, but strong.  Can have it at any point of the day and can keep you up all night.

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2:07 PM BBT:  Cedric is brushing his teeth and about gags on it towards the end. Outside, they are now going around talking about what their superpower would be.  The question seems to be too hard and the conversation dies, but not without Tucker saying he’s the fish daddy.  Cedric walks outside and joins the conversation.  At this point, everyone except for Kimo and Brooklyn have moved to the shaded side of the pool.  Chelsea asks Cedric what his drink would be.  He says water, but it is taken by T’Kor.  Brooklyn suggests Capri Sun.  Cedric likes it.  It comes with a Lunchable, is always there when you need it.  It seems Cedric isn’t understanding how deep they are expecting him to get with this conversation.  Cedric is thinking maybe Sunny D.  You can’t have it all of the time because it’s too sweet, but you want it anyways. 100 percent of your daily value GONE.


Leah has her swimsuit on ready to head outside.  BB reminds her to put on her microphone.  She’s fixing her hair before heading out.

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