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the nerd herd part deux


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i'm sorry if i offend any one but the 10 against four is a bit ridiculous. i know it's a game and everyone is playing to win. but getting rid of the sixer's conversation is a bit redundant i am almost sorry i got the feed's for this.it's the same as last summer only new player's.i don't understand booger not a mistype and will even wanting to be there they are already millionaire's.they don't need to be there and after reading one of will's transcript's i am convinced that he was assured he'd go in and i think he knew booger would be in too. he told about booger and erika going on a date before the show diane contacting b for a job. i wish the six kind of wouldn't of went in and when they succeed in getting rid of them and are left with the new nerd herd, and lovely conversation's of nakomis and diane talking about hair bleach. will and booger will be gone to and then we will have the worst all star team ever.diane is hateful so is booger he say's he hates janelle what she ever do to any of them except she probably shot him down and looks better than ali and diane ever could.only my opinion not intended to offend any one else....

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Nerd herd? I think Nerd herd nowadays means "anybody that gets in the way of the Sovs". They are the most obvious and the tightest alliance in the house. Of course people are going to want to decimate them.

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I'm really getting tired of hearing this to. I am very very sick of hearing booger (love the new name) talking about bb6 people. I honestly don't think booger would have made it on the show if it wasn't for will. He wasn't that great the first time he was on. JMO

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you didnt offend me, and i do believe mike and will are going to be in there for the long haul....as much as i dislike mike, will does have a brain and has easily managed to have everyone in there listening to him.....i like diane, and really wanted her to hate alison :P

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Blame the producers for sticking four of them from last season in the house. They are an alliance and had to know people would be gunning for them. From a game standpoint it's only smart to knock off the biggest voting block. I personally don't want to see a SOV Part Deux either.

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I think the 10 non-SOV would be fools to not go after them & fast. If 3 of them make it to the jury & one makes it to final 2 the SOV stands a great chance of winning. To me just because you are not in the SOV doesn't make you a nerd :P

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Blame the producers for sticking four of them from last season in the house. They are an alliance and had to know people would be gunning for them. From a game standpoint it's only smart to knock off the biggest voting block. I personally don't want to see a SOV Part Deux either.

well stated

To me just because you are not in the SOV doesn't make you a nerd

Nor Jealous

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I was a Sov fan last season, but not really out of any sense of admiration for the individuals making up the group, but more so out of default for disliking most of the people that made up the "Friendship." Though, I do think Maggie played a tight game.

Anyway, I am incredibly bored and disappointed with the strategy by the non-BB6 players. Not really because I think the Sov deserve to stay or I want to see them go to the end. I was just kind of hoping that with it being all-stars, the players would have gone in willing to form new alliances since they have the inside knowledge of the strengths and weaknesses of the other players. Anyone who watched BB6 knows Howie is a wee dim and not really a threat, and James was betrayed by Howie and the other Sovs. To me, it seems like if some of the allegedly stronger players like Will and Jase had not jumped the "we need to break the invicible Sovs" bandwagon, they could have exploited the strengths and weaknesses of all of the players and made a much more interesting game.

But alas, for the next 3-4 weeks, it will be non-BB6ers against BB6ers and will be predictable and boring just like last season.

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i agree diva.and so there's no doubt i am a sov fan. i just wish like you said they would do that instead of the same ole same ole let's get rid of the sixer's. i don't understand why cbs would allow all 4 knowing they would be targeted. and also on recent feed's it appear's ali not only on amazing race but she also worked for cbs production's as does erica. so what ever happened to no employee's or family member's rule.i mean wtf......... :unsure:

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If they get rid of one of the Sov .... before any of Season 5 (Jase, Nak, Diane) get booted.....

then there'll be 2 teams with 3 HG's they need to bust up.....

ahhhh..... what to do now ?????

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Booger's such a little creep . . . I think he may just doing what Will is telling him to do - guess that would make Will the new Maggie and Booger his JBlo? lol :P

PS And incidentally, I'm starting to think Will just may have a shot at making the final 2 at the rate he's going . . . scary!!!!! :unsure:

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And it really sucks that the "Allstars" are not changing up their game plans too much or taking the time to view eachother with "open minds" (unlike us great morty's people,lol). I mean come on, yes there are 4 of them an they were not only in the same seson, but in the same alliance...BUT Howie is a dumba$$ that is easily manipulated, James can not be trusted by ANYONE, and Kaysar tries to overthink things, thus screwing up the game. So, are they really a huge threat??? The biggest threat is Jannie, she is great at comps and she is a great BB player period. So target her for that, but why are they going on and on about the numbers?? I mean there is practically no way they are gonna make it to sequester with one still as the final two and even if they did, and everyone else hates them so much, then the other person up would win, right? Can't they worry about specific people? like Jannie as I said or James, the master flipper, or Dr. Manipulator(who is a winner, for gods sake), how about Nakomis the 6 finger plan guru. Actually That would be my FF pick cause they are the best thats in the house IMO, but when you are a player you should target the best. UG, this looks like a rant so I am done :P

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Talk about a repeat?

How about the plan to vote out Danialle instead of Allison!!! Not like we didn't see Allison up on the block a million times in BB4 only to be let off the hook. Everyone is still under the assumption that Allison is stupid.

She may be the most underated player in that house.

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