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Monday, July 10th


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:blink: They're sleeping... I think BB will be waking them up in 45 min.?
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Boogie is outside talking to himself and Dani is in the shower...

Boogie is outside talking to himself and Dani is in the shower...

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ok, i truely believe that there are a lot of stupid people in that house. they are going on and on about they need to get the 4 from bb6 out now because if they wait till sequester then if one of them gets to the final 2 then the bb6 people will have the numbers to vote that person the winner.


ummm if 1 makes it to final 2 that means 3 are in sequester and they WOULD NOT have the votes. i doubt very serious if all 4 would make it to sequester let alone win bb7.

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everyone has said they want the bb6 people out. marcellas too. if everyone is saying the same thing, then 3 might be strong.. but not strong enough.

like i said, i dont think the bb6 4 will all make it to sequeter, but if they did it wouldnt matter.

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I am still having trouble digesting James and Janelles convo on Howie being in love with Will and having a hard on when in bed beside him in the HoH room. Is Howie really the wild card in this group?

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Has anyone else noticed the many references the HG have made to the movie Click...how they want the remote or for the house to fast forward? Maybe it is the same HG commenting on it and I keep hearing it. But I am most positive I heard Dani and James refer to this movie. What free publicity this movie gets....

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Hahah, oh that was too funny. Will and Boogie were over-the-top hustling one of their website investments a few moments ago.

Will: Gee Boogie, I really wish I had a coffeebean bear from coffeebean.com.

Boogie: Oh yeah, that sounds great right now.

James: What's that?

Will: It's this little bear stuffed with coffee that will one day be a collectors item. Made with the finest burlap on it's tummy, you put the ground coffee into the bear and it makes your kitchen smell like coffee...

James: Hold up, are you advertising?

Will: Well, we're investors in the site.

They then went on to shamelessly plug the site over and over until the flames came in.

That was funny.

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