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Jase (I couldn't stand him in his season)


George ( just can't help to like the guy)

Other than that still trying to get a feel on the others...

KNOW I dislike Ali

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I also didn't like Jase in his original season and now find myself liking him and thinking he actually has a brain and is playing well.

My thinking going in was that I'd be annoyed with Boogie but he isn't as bad as I remember either.

This is a refreshing aspect of All Stars for me. Nice to see that people can change and grow on me even after holding a resolute place in my mind as incredibly annoying.

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*** Original Season *** As of Now

Ali *** Hated *** Hate More

Dani *** Hated *** Not as bad, but still not a fan

Nakomis *** Boring *** Still Boring

Janie *** Loved *** Love

Diane *** She annoyed me *** If she plays right, I'll like her

Erika *** Liked *** Like somewhat more

Will *** Loved *** Not lovin'

Boogie *** Couldn't stand! *** Not as obnoxious... yet!

Howie *** Loved *** Getting on my nerves

Kaysar *** Loved *** Love

James *** Liked *** Still liking

George *** Never liked *** Annoyed he's even there

Marcellas *** Liked *** Okay with

Jase *** Hated *** Still in shock at the change!!

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I agree with all your points txluvs, except for Nakomis, I do like her.

Biggest surprise to me has been Jase, absolutely couldn't stand him.

Janelle really should secret ally with Nakomis and Jase, her clique is dragging her down.(especially Howie, I didn't like him last year, but tolerated him cause he gave Janie solace, this year he's is just too out of his depth)

Alison, every time she is on screen I am getting hives. Only a few people in my life have brought on instant HATE, she is one of them.

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I agree about the game sucking big time so far (...ZZZZZZZZZZ). Have the feeds, but haven't cared enough to watch so I've just been reading summaries.

In any case...Alison is my least favorite, followed by Howie, who had grown on me by the end of the last show, but he's reminding me of why and how much I disliked him to begin with , then James, still the same pathetic snake he was (I don't mind "bad", but his needines turns me off).

Kaysar's just there for eye candy cuz the guy still has not a clue and it doesn't look like he'll get one any time soon :rolleyes:. He may be the last one of the BB6 voted off though, just cuz he's totally harmless.

Will is too smug at times...but still bearable

Marcellas is okay, but all the crap he talked about how he wouldn't put up with Howie's flirting and pawing like Beau did kinda went out the window...didn't it?...JMO

Janie is still my favorite, but she's not on the ball when it comes to reading people, so I hope she keeps winning HOHs or Vetos or she'll be gone soon.

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I agree... I didn't like Jase at all his season... So far this season he's been different... I just don't know there is something that just isn't the same as Jase before... Maybe it's that he's tamer??? Is that even a word LOL... Still don't like Will and Boogie... I am really not liking Kaysar too much so far... Janelle is really just ok, Still love my Howie and James... Not sure about Diane, Dani, or Nak... The others I could live with...

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season 5 i really liked jase at the begining.. but as soon as he got in with the headless horsemen and then holly is when i couldnt stand him. specially with holly.

but now, like the begining of his season... i like him. must be because there is no one influencing him to be a total douchbag :lol:

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Always liked Danielle, but found her annoying on the first show, but in all fairness most of them annoyed me. From the little of the show I saw they all had such big heads that I couldn't believe that CBS would put a bunch of pompous asses in one house and call them all-stars. Most of them were still whining - just where they left off last time. JMO :)

P.S. Didnt mind Chicken george because I didn't see BB1 - seems like a nice guy but he is the hen in the house stuck with some wolves.

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  • 4 weeks later...

How have your opinions changed about the houseguests?

I useed to dislike



Now I love them

I used to like




Now I can't stand them

I still am a fan of Kaysar, Janie

The others are all it the "gray" area. ;)

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My mind is so open about these houseguests that I change my mind about them daily! ha

As of today...

I like Janelle, Will, Howie

I dislike Marcellas, Danielle, James, Boogie

I'm neutral on Kaysar, Erika, CG

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Yes. I've changed my mind about Will. Always liked him, then this season he started to annoy me, but you know what - he has remained consistent in his strategy (strategy - to not be consistent) and those fools rooming with him still don't take him seriously about his strategy. They all deserve what they get - so Will is gaining my respect, once again!


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Love: Janie, Will

Like: Boogie, Howie, Kaysar, Chicken George

Dislike: Marcellus, James, Erika, Danielle

I REALLY disliked Will for a while at the beginning of the show but he is really growing on me... I also was digging James until he totally went nutso... I used to love Kaysar but he is just way too depressing for me... I liked Marcellus at the beginning of the show but his true colors have come out and I dont care for him at all... Erika is the House Whore... I think Danielle is probably a great person in the outside world, but I don't like the way she plays the game... I only like Boogie because he is a Gator fan...

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Like: Janelle, Will, Chicken George, Danielle, Howie, Kaysar, Erika

Dislike: James, Booger

Really dislike: Marcellas

Here is my order from who I want to win the most to who I want to win the least.

1. Janelle

2. Chicken George

3. Will

4. Danielle

5. Kaysar

6. Howie

7. Erika

8. James

9. Booger

10. Marcellas

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