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1:16 PM BBT Felicia went down to share the code phrase with the 7. Izzy and Felicia discuss that MeMe wants to play the middle, she needs to stay there then. Her saying that saying the reason she is acting weird is homesickness. That's bull. She wants to be with everybody. And with Red, Cirie is afraid of being alone with him. He has been on her all day. She doesn't know what to say to him. She waits for Red to leave the KT before heading downstairs. She tells Izzy to watch her on the screen. "Watch it. Red is going to follow me."  



1:24 PM BBT MeMe, Felicia, and Jag are in the LR discussing the veto. Specifically how many eggs they each got and the consistency and make up of the goo they had to climb through. Blue and Cirie are in the Comic BR. She tells Blue (who is holding Cory's mannequin head that she calls Baby Cory) that Cameron keeps dropping her and Jag's names. He has to go. Red walks in followed by Jag. So they start talking about food. 



1:29 PM BBT Blue puts on one of the outfits from the veto comp and heads out to the main part of the house. Jag, Cirie, and Matt are now alone in the comic BR. Cirie tells them that they all need to get upstairs. She tells them that Reilly told her before she left that Matt and Jag were trustworthy. Reilly wouldn't just say that. She says that Reilly's words were kick a$$ and stick with Matt and Jag. And if they trust Blue, then she will trust Blue. And she trusts Jared, so they can trust Jared. 


1:40 PM BBT Cirie, Felicia, and Izzy are trying to meet with Blue, Jag, and Matt without Cory, America, Red and Cameron knowing about it. They keep changing their plans because with them on IDLD, it is obvious when rooms empty out. They just want to confirm that nothing is changing tomorrow and that everyone is on the same page. 



1:45 PM BBT Felicia, Jared, Izzy, Matt, Cirie, Jag and Blue are meeting in the Scary BR. The put their hands together and reaffirm they are the Savage 7 alliance. They agree that Hisam is going up tomorrow and the next big physical threat is Red. Red and Cameron are the upcoming targets for the Savage 7.


1:54PM BBT

Jag and Matt, now alone, don't think Savage 7 is a cool name.

Matt suggests, "The Seven Deadly Sins"

They share the idea with Blue who loves it.

Blue: Oh! That's sick! I'm Lust. (she loves it)



1:53 PM BBT Jag and Matt are now alone in the Scary BR. They don't think that Savage 7 name is cool enough. They come up with the name 7 deadly sins. Or 7 deadly sinners. Blue walks in and they share it with her. She says she is Lust. They can figure out later who is Greed and Glutton later. They split up and Jag brings it to Felicia who is sitting in the LR. She smiles and says "that is cold blooded". Meanwhile, Blue tells Jared and Izzy in the SR. Neither of them could care less what the name is. As long as they stick together. 




I am skipping out for a bit if someone wants to take over.



2:20PM BBT

Izzy shares with Jared that Cirie ragging on her in front of others is beginning to grate on her. She said she doesn't ever mean to get in her way or tell her how to do things, but she openly says things and even though it is often said in a teasing way, "I'm a little annoyed with people I don't ever want to be annoyed with. But I would never say anything to her."

Jared tells Izzy she needs to say something to Cirie about it

Izzy says there is no open space in the house, and it's beginning to take a toll on her

Jared says he needs a break from others right now, too

Izzy is really bugged by Cirie always wearing the sunglasses. She ended up feeling stupid in the PoV competition. She gets emotional, "I have a thing about letting people see that I am really trying and then failing."

Jared gives her a pep talk, which he is so good at.

Izzy hates to be upset with Cirie right now. Jared tells Izzy that is completely allowed...normal.



Izzy: But I know she is going to laugh at me trying to be serious with her. It's a need I have in order to feel good.

Jared: You are entitled to feel that way

Izzy continues saying that she is probably being overly sensitive because every night Cirie makes a point to tap on her bed and they hold hands for a bit before they fall asleep. Izzy knows that Cirie and her have a strong bond.

Jared continues to validate her and encourages Izzy to talk to Cirie about it. Jared says it is hard to play with h is mom because he never wants to come off as disrespectful to his mom, but he also wants to have his own say, even if she disagrees.

Izzy thanks Jared for his support.

Jared: No problem. I love you girl!

Jared leaves and Izzy begins crying, "I miss you Paige!....Don't be sensitive. Don't be sensitive."


[Cirie has openly expressed to Felicia a couple of times that she feels Izzy often treats her like a kid. I have never witnessed anything that I would call validation for that. Cirie loves Izzy, but for whatever reason, Izzy gets on Cirie's nerves. Izzy is definitely an empath and can feel Cirie's energy, so I think it just gets overwhelming. -ML]


2:39PM BBT

Cory and Bowie Jane are working out on the stationary bikes and talking about random topics. No game talk.



Cory and Bowie Jane then say that they have determined that it is best not to plan too far in advance because the info gets out there and it's too hard to get it back.

Bowie Jane: We will start fresh and solid (after this next eviction)


2:42PM BBT

Izzy is talking to the camera (Paige) in the Comicverse... "I'm stressed. Everyone on jury would vote for Jared or everyone would probably vote for Cirie.... and Cory" (in the finals) "I'm on the bottom of my four."




2:44PM BBT

WBRB Gold Swirlies


2:53PM BBT

The feeds have returned


Hisam is suggesting a game in the kitchen that combines 3 Truths and a Lie with Hollywood Squares, where the HGs would serve as the faces in the Hollywood Squares grid. If someone guesses a lir, they get to go on the grid. No one really shows any interest in this. Felicia begins talking about how the meal at the Nordstrom's Cafe that used to cost around $30 is now $90.


3:15PM BBT

Bowie Jane says she and Cory did over 90 minutes on the bikes, "I guess that's why I didn't feel the earthquake...'cause I was on the bike."



3:33PM BBT

Jared put a roller in his hair like Blue. He goes upstairs to show the others, "Hey y'all! Kitty, kitty, purr!"

They laugh


3:34PM BBT

Cirie enters the Comicverse to check on Izzy who has been chatting with Felicia because she is "having a rainy day." Mama C and Mama F both tell her she needs to learn how to play with the younger ones by using nicknames.

Cirie tells her there will be times that she needs time to herself and others will need to have that, too. "You can't kiki all the time.  (In other words, everyone should respect individual HGs needing alone time.)

Izzy tells them she will always be okay to spend time with the two of them, no matter what.

When Cameron came in earlier, Felicia told him that she was with Izzy because she is having a down day, so she basically told him to leave.

Izzy: I told him let's go play bumper pool later and 'you can kick my ass.' But she said, give me a break like a Kit Kat bar. 

They laugh over how forward Felicia is.



3:38PM BBT

Izzy tells them she has been thinking about the 7 and thinking about the 8 and where they go from here. "Do you want me to tall you about it?" They agree, but Cirie gets up and moves away to pass gas. "This one would peel paint of the wall." MeMe then enters the room saying, "I'm not smelling nothing, but I am not trying to."


3:46PM BBT

Felicia is talking about her pitiful performance in the PoV Competition "I got just one egg" and how she got stuck in the goo and couldn't move unless she rolled through it. She demonstrates and has the room laughing. They laugh about Cory and how his pants got pulled down. 

Felicia: So far, all the comps have been new ones except the first one.



3:54PM BBT

Izzy is ranting in the Comicverse Bedroom to MeMe about how Cameron came in and interrupted her alone time.


4:00PM BBT

There is a lot of studying and discussing possible competitions going on in the Scaryverse Bedroom and the Comicverse Bedroom. They are counting items in Scaryverse and reviewing comps and days in Comicverse.




3:45pm BBT  KT

Jared, Red and Matt with general chatting

Jared: I wear socks everywhere I go

Red:  I am very versed in all things you want to talk about.  I spent a huge part of my life at festivals.  Spin some fire, entertain some people.

Feeds all got o Comic BR

MeMe:  You were hilarious coming out of there.  You looked like you was going through it, every time.

Cirie:  At one point, Cory was just standing there holding eggs.

Cirie: Felicia was rolling it like a rotisserie chicken.

Felicia: I thought I was gonna get in there and low crawl.  Once I got on the ground I couldn't go anywhere.

Felicia:  I participated, I got one damn egg.

Izzy:  so the report card says "tries hard, but goes no where".


Izzy:  When I saw that comp, I knew it wasn't going to be my day.

MeMe:  At least it's behind us now and won't happen again.

Izzy:  They always do a balance beam.

Felicia:  The wedgie thing was a twist.

MeMe:  The Nether Region was new.

Felicia:  They always do something with a putter, but the snot thing was new.


3:54pm BBT  Game area

Cameron & Blue playing bumper pool. Cory playing chess alone. Several HGs napping on the couch including chicken suited Jag.


3:57pm BBT

Cirie & Red in Scary BR.  She is asking him to count something and make sure he finds 11 items.

Cirie:  People believe you are a man of integrity.

Red:  There are ways to navigate that.

Cirie: thinks she hears Blue coming, so tells Red to count again.


Izzy, Blue & America come in and start throwing out random numbers to throw off their counting of items.

Red says he just counts the jars of things and leaves.

Cirie is grilling Blue on how many there are of different items.  Blue doesn't get the numbers right.

Cirie:  Are you serious?  This is your room!

Blue gets more numbers wrong and Cirie says that she needs better help than her.

Cirie thinks that a comp may be coming up where you have to  know how many there are of different things.

Blue says it's like doing a captcha where you have to identify how many squares have a picture in it.

Cirie leaves and Blue & America are now trying to count items in their bedroom.





4:09PM BBT

In the Have-Not Room, Red, Cameron and Cory are discussing Hisam. Red tells Cory that Hisam was the only one wanting him out quick. Cory says he already knew that. Red tells Cameron that he is just an easy pawn. Cory says that he and Hisam had a rough start. Red says it shouldn't have been because he was just telling Hisam who was in the room. Cameron interjects that it was the sensitivity of the situation that...

*And with that, all cameras switch to Blue, America and Jared studying in the Scaryverse.



4:20PM BBT

They discuss Cory's position of being in the middle, just one step from being in a majority of the house. Red tells them that he wants to share something he hasn't told anyone else, so he is trusting them. "I am already part of a majority of 7. Know that."

Cameron: We we go into the Head of Household Thursday night, it's two people against the majority of the house. I am worried about Matt. Matt is the one person I think we could actually talk to and he would listen. (of the floaters)


*WBRB Gold Swirlies



4:30PM BBT

In the Have-Not Room, Cory has left to use Felicia's bathroom and Matt enters. Cameron and Red straight out ask him who he would put up if he wins HoH saying it won't leave the room.

Matt says he would put up Bowie Jane and MeMe.  "I just haven't talked to them much. It's not a personal thing.  I don't really have a strategy."

Red: The majority wants Jag and Blue. I know they're your buddies, and I don't want you lumped in with them. Your name has been mentioned a couple times and we are trying to fix that.

Cameron: We want to work with you. Straighgt up! You would be a good guy to move forward with..

Matt: Yeah Yeah

Cameron tells Matt that Reilly asked him to look out for Matt.

Red: You are a target, but it is only by association because you are with Jag and Blue

Cameron: We can't carry Jag and Blue, but we can take you. It's an uphill battle for you if you stick with the two. We don't want that for you. We see us working with you and a couple of other people we know we would be really tight with. We gotta get through this week. I had to sit next to our best friend and watch her go home. It sucked. If you want to be here and you want to go deep, this is the play man. It's the only play.

Matt: We have to be careful with Jared now, too

Cameron says Jared will be good

Red: Blue is cutthroat. She would vote him out in a second. And she is on a sinking ship. Everyone wants her out.

Cameron: I trust you enough that this stays here

Matt: Yeah

Red: We are all strong competitors. We have a chance of winning. The majority at some point is gonna steamroll us all

Cam: So we stick with the majority until we make it through the next few weeks and get to jury....get down to 11 people and then..


*WBRB Gold Swirlies





4:53PM BBT

In the gym, Hisam tells Izzy that he wants to see everyone get to see pictures of their family and get their turn in the HoH Room "once those 5 drop out (of the HoH comp) ....because I don't have to be HoH again...once those five are gone, I will drop out because I don't need it. I just need to make sure our side has the power."



4:34pm BBT

Red telling Matt that his name has come up, but he wants to work with him.

Cameron also says he wants to work with Matt.

Red:  Everyone thinks we are a Bromance.  I am hearing that you are a target because you are with Jag & Blue.  It would look good for you to put one of them up on the block

Cameron:  The majority of the hose wants Jag & Blue gone and you are associated with them.  I don't want that for you.  e see us working with you and a couple of other people that we are tight with.  But next week, it has to be Jag & Blue.  If you want to be here and you want to go deep, this is the only play.

Matt:  You have to be careful now with Jared

Cameron:  We'll work on that

Red: Everyone in the house has a bad opinion about Blue.  We don't want to see you on a sinking ship

Matt:  I'm down with it.

The fart chair makes noises - Matt says one more adjustment and it makes noises again.

Red:  We're all strong competitors and we have a chance at winning comps.  At some point, the majority is going to steamroll over us and we will have to adjust at that point.

Cameron:  The jury starts at 11, when you get to 11 people...


4:41pm BBT Switch to Jag & Cory talking in the game area

Cory:  I would love to talk to Reilly after this.  I don't think what they were telling her is what was happening.

Cory:  The funny thing is that a lot of people think they can pull Matt right now.  They are acting like he is a free agent

Jag:  I'm getting targeted after last week and Matt is not

Cory:  I'm not.  you know how this house works, everyone just starts naming the same person, like Hisam.  But you're not like Hisam

Jag:  I thought I got along with Mama Felicia.  It's more than just getting along with people

Cory:  Do you think there are a lot of people that would put you up next week?  I know my time is coming, but I don't think it's now

Jag I don't know...

Cory:  Do you think Cam is a buffer?

Jag: Maybe.  You know more from conversations what people think about me.

Cory:  People talk about the me & America showmance and she is in much more of a showmance with you or Cameron.

Jag:  I didn't know she was close to Cameron.


Jag:  I don't know about that side at all.  Me and Bowie are cool.

Cory:  I don't know if she is on that side (Bowie)

Matt joins in

Cory:  There are a lot of comps that Izzy & Felicia can be great in, but the reality is some of them are going to be harder (for them).  I'm hoping to see a wall on Thursday, then it will just be over for some of them.  We can have more open conversations once Hisam is on the block  I don't want to see you guys until that happens

Jag:  They still have the numbers to save him once he's on the block.  But once he is on the block, you can't win him back.

Cory repeats this for Matt to understand.

4:51pm BBT  KT

Felicia cooking, Cirie doing dishes, America MeMe & Cameron watching.  Izzy passes through and Cirie sends her to look for her cups that need washed.  Red joins in to talk about food/cooking, then moves on.

Felicia is going through the fridge looking for food items.  She sends Cameron to the SR to look for more meat/fish


Red in comic BR:  eyes and ears everywhere, baby.  Gotta cover all bases.


Izzy and Hisam in workout area.

Hisam:  Once those 5 drop out... (whispering)  I don't ever need to be HOH again.  I will drop out once those 5 are gone so others have a chance to see their families and we keep power on our side.


America joins guys in the game area

America:  I told Blue to be careful.  Like, he's not going to lie to you, but he's not going to tell you everything they are saying. (Jared)




5:15PM BBT

America is applying makeup to the styrofoam head while Hisam and Red watch. "He's gonna love her."

They are impressed with how cute she is becoming.

Matt walks in, "Is this supposed to be someone."

America: Cory's new girlfriend.



Matt: Property of Cory.



5:14pm BBT Comic BR

Izzy:  I think they're playing us as much as we're playing them.  In our 7, we have overlap.  If we win, what do we do?  We put Matt up with a backdoor on Cam.  Ultimatley getting Red & Cam out is better for us.

Cirie:  Red, Cam and Bowie we count in the 8, which is shaky.

Izzy:  In that 7 we have 4.

Cirie:  Only 5 we can count on.  We need 2 more.  I don't know which two.  I think Matt is the important one.  With our five, if we get Matt, it evens it out

Izzy:  How are we going to get Matt from Jag?


Switch to WA with Red, Hisam & America

Hisam: I would feel bad eating pineapple in front of Matt - because of his love child Reggie.

America is painting a mannequin head from an earlier competition with makeup.


5:38pm BBT  Matt patiently watching America paint the mannequin in the WA.  They have been talking about making slop and what their options are and they think the cookies are the best option.


Hisam comes in talking about food and America says "Let's talk about something else"

Hisam leaves.

America asks Matt about his practice schedule and he explains when he works out at home.

She asks what there is to do in Baton Rouge and Matt explains some local activities


5:42pm BBT  Comic BR

Red telling stories about being on the river to Jag, Bowie & Cirie.  Red explains the classifications of rivers and the dangers with rafting.


5:47pm BBT  America still working on the mannequin with Matt watching in the WA


All feeds on these two conversations...



6:00pm BBT Comic BR

Talk about Hawaii and traveling to Maui...whole foods, art galleries [they don't know about the fires on Maui and the damage there. ~AuntD]





6:03PM BBT

Blue is now helping America beautify Cory's new gal. 

Hisam: We could plan something. Like, there could be a villain.

Blue: A villain? Like another character?

Hisam: Like one of us....Could it be Kitty Kitty Purr

Blue: Like a whole movie

America: Oooh, Kitty Kitty Purr





They take Cory his new girlfriend.

Cory: She is fucking hot!





6:15PM BBT

I'm out for the night


Back to spill some tea...


6:32PM BBT

Blue says she is really tired.

Jared: I think I got you to sleep in my bed earlier than I expected. 

Blue: I knocked out!

Jared: I didn't even feel you get up


Blue: Your bed is so comfy, though

Jared: Low key, it is, right...I was gonna say I can't actually believe we both fit

Blue: I can't believe we got two bodies on that

Jared: Are you sleeping with me tonight?

Blue: You wish!

Jared: You already did it, now

Blue: We already broke the ice

Jared: We already broke the ice! America said to me today that what they do is wait for the lights to go out and then jump in each other's bed. I was like, Ahhhh, not a bad idea even though the infrareds are just as bad as the morning time cameras



When the feeds return Big Brother announces, "You are not allowed to talk about your diary room sessions with other houseguests."  Then "Blue, please do not obstruct your microphone."


6:43PM BBT

*Out for real, now  -ML




7:09pm BBT  Dinnertime in the BB House

House guests are lined up to fill their plates and they are eating family style at the table together with general conversations.  Everyone is talking at once, so it's hard to separate conversations.

Felicia likes tuna from a can.

Cory:  Jared told him there was such a thing as sushi bakes.  Jared asked :Why can't I just put it (sushi) in the oven?

Jared:  If you got a Subway sandwich, would you get it toasted or not?

Felicia:  I do get it toasted because I like a toasted bread.


7:23pm BBT  Red, America & Matt hanging out in the Comic BR not able to eat as Have Nots

Red hoping he can see his kid walking independently.  His mom does such a good job with him teaching him A,B,Cs and songs.  We DON"T let him sleep with us

America:  No, don't do that, it's dangerous

Jag comes in

Red: "Oh, he brought the smell with him.  What is that, fried chicken?

Jag asks about the slop options.

Matt asks if they can use salsa.

Cameron joins.

Red:  We can't smell the food back here.  Even this guy was looking tasty when he walked in (Jag in the chicken suit)

Matt, Red and America working on a recipe for their dinner of slop.

Red says he has to add protein powder.  Matt says, yeah, we have a lot of protein powder.

Red:  After today, I'm fasting.

(talking over each other - hard to hear each conversation)

Red:  The worst part is the gas.

America:  It's so bad

Red:  Matt & I just run around farting

Matt:  Yeah, I find a place to just release.

Red:  Don't hurt yourself ( to America).  There's no judgement here in the Have-Not room - just let it go.

Red:  I'm just gonna walk through to fill my water bottle and crop dust the area.

Matt:  instead of crop dusting, it's slop dusting.

Cameron says you get style points for a walking fart.

Jag:  Extra damage if you can get someone to walk through it.

They all agree you get extra points for that.  Or for locking someone in the car with it.

They think Cirie is coming in.  Matt says don't let her know I was farting on her bed.

Hisam comes in.  They tell him about their discussion about farting and slop dusting.


Back to talking about their slop options to eat tonight and what they can add.  Maybe make some kind of slop chips to use with the salsa.


7:38pm  WA  Cirie and Jared whispering while he is brushing his teeth.

BB:  "Please conserve water" as Jared has left the water running while brushing his teeth

Cirie leaves and says they'll talk later.


Hisam comes out and tells the KT group that everyone is hanging out in the comic room.

Izzy:  Why?

Hisam:  The people who can't eat  - staying away from the food.

Izzy talking about eating fiber gummies.



[I'm out for the night! ~AuntD]



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