morty Posted September 20, 2022 Posted September 20, 2022 Please post ONLY Live Feed, televised show, Big Brother 24 observations, and screen captures here! If you post opinions or off-topic messages, I will move them here: you are adding personal comments, please keep them to a minimum and use brackets [personal comment] around the text. Remember your time zones. Big Brother Time (BBT) is Pacific Daylight Saving Time (See Map Here). Please be careful in identifying who is speaking, and do not use confusing abbreviations or nicknames not used in the house. To better help you identify the HGs, Fuskie made this guide you can print out and refer to until you get to know who's who. Mortys-TV-BB24-HG-Reference-Guide.pdf Try to be consistent with abbreviations, like: Dining Table (DT) Head of House Room (HOHR) Indoor Lock Down (ILD) Kitchen (KT) Living Room (LR) Outdoor Lock Down (OLD) Storage Room (SR) Washroom Area (WA) Water Closet [toilet] (WC) Tiki Bar across from the HoH Room (TB) Car theme bedroom (CBR) Space age theme bedroom (SBR) It only takes a few good posts to earn your "Live Feed Updater" badge and LFU status. Also, all registered members of the forums have access to our chat rooms, at Stop in talk to SMVanBoyz, Fuskie, and I'm in there from time-to-time too. It's fun to be able to watch the feeds at dish the HGs at the same time. Please feel free to post info for other updaters to let them know how long you can update, or when you're taking a break and you want someone else to take over. ...And pictures, screen caps are welcome here too. Thank you!-Morty
MamaLong Posted September 21, 2022 Posted September 21, 2022 2:55PM BBT Taylor is cooking at the stove. Monte and Britt are playing cards. 2:56PM BBT Turner comes out of the DR. Taylor: Oh! Monte: Alive and well. Turner: Yeah, Dude. Monte: You came out of there with some energy. 3:06PM BBT Britt was called to the DR 3:12PM BBT Britt comes out of the DR. Taylor is called to the DR Monte: Back to back Taylor: Are these goodbye messages? Tunrer nods in agreement. Taylor: I'm looking busted. Turner: I don't think I have ever prepared for a goodbye message propery.
MamaLong Posted September 21, 2022 Posted September 21, 2022 3:20PM BBT WBRB 3:28PM BBT The feeds return with no real explanation for why they were down. 3:44PM BBT Turner is making himself something to eat.
MamaLong Posted September 21, 2022 Posted September 21, 2022 4:00PM BBT Sorry, y'all! There really isn't anything going on in the house worth noting, and it's likely going to be like this until the feeds cut for the season..
Fuskie Posted September 22, 2022 Posted September 22, 2022 Overnights... 12:40am BBT Monte is keeping score for the card game w/Britt on the Chinese Checkers board. Turner says they are getting better at playing. Britt tells him she had semi-stale chips for dinner. 12:43am BBT The pre-Jury HG are back to their normal lives, Britt says. She thinks the live F4 eviction will be Wed, a recap show on Sunday, then the finale next Wednesday (she's wrong). 12:45am BBT Monte says we've done our time. Britt says it's like prison (yeah, no). Monte agrees. We got amenities, Monte says. Prison would be scary, Britt says. In prison, you can read, write and get BY time (no books in the BB House). 1:10am BBT Taylor comes downstairs and says she had a long bath. She's going to go moisterize. Did they all get the No Napping message, or just her? Britt wonders if their season will be seen as good or not. The cast on bad seasons mever thought they were bad. 1:30am BBT Turner/Britt make up stories about the HG. Joe/Ameerah work real estate. Pooch dates Taylor's BF and Taylor doesn't like him. Turner/Britt star on a sitcom as siblings. Kyle hit Nicole's car and can't find his insurance card. Alyssa is Monte's noisy neighbor. 3:00am BBT The F4 HG have been playing cards at the DT for the last couple hours. 3:40am BBT Taylor asks Monte for a Rummy lesson. Monte says Britt is the real expert, so Britt gives Taylor a lesson. 5:30am BBT Turner says GN, Production. We love ya, production, adds Monte. All lights are off. Monte/Turner are asleep in the CBR, Britt asleep in the GBR and Taylor is asleep in HoH.
Fuskie Posted September 22, 2022 Posted September 22, 2022 Apologies for any overlaps... 12:35pm BBT Taylor/Monte are talking in HoH. Britt is asleep in the GBR. Monte is in the CBR. 1:15pm BBT The HG are finally up for the day, which suggests there will be no surprise eviction show taping. Monte/Taylor think Paloma's mental health issues stemmed from sleep deprivation. Monte says he was a victim of Telephone - she said she said. Taylor will see. 1:17pm BBT Monte says he began to get suspicious Paloma wasn't telling him the full story. That was a red flag for him. Taylor will watch it back & see. Jasmine said Taylor made a comment about her weight. What, asks Taylor? It was about a dress not fitting, Monte says. 1:21pm BBT Monte say Jasmine said the comment was around WrenFest. Jasmine told other HG about the comment. They told her to love her body no matter what anyone else says, to love herself. Jasmine also wanted weight loss surgery. Joe pushed lifestyle changes first. 1:25pm BBT Monte says Ameerah was good with one-liners out of the blue. Daniel was never an initial nom, only on the block as a replacement. Indy & Joe were nom twice but never won a comp. Jasmine was on the block twice. Michael, Jesus, 6 Vetos! 1:30pm BBT Monte/Taylor are talking through possible comps. Monte thinks a question might be the number of times a HG was nom and stayed on the block. Alyssa was nom 3 times but only faced eviction twice. Taylor says the Wall comp wasn't hard. 1:32pm BBT Turner is at the DT wrapped in the green blanket. Monte/Taylor watch him on the Spy Cam. Monte says Michael pointed out all Joe's losses and said he never took one for the team. Monte thought Britt had only been nom twice but it was 5 times. 1:34pm BBT Monte says 3 of Britt's noms was during a Turner HoH. She was only on the block for 2 eviction nights, Taylor says. Three HG touched the block 5 times, she notes. Terrance was nominated the most, Monte says, his decision this week is simple. 1:36pm BBT Monte is surprised Britt isn't up (she stayed up with them a while last night). Taylor says the days are long and the house is cold. Taylor says there were some fun comps they didn't get this seaso. Monte sees Britt on the Spy Cam. 1:40pm BBT Monte isn't sure how many Vetos each HG played in. He wishes he could write stuff down. Taylor says they should get notebook for the last week. Monte says at least he knows if a HG is nom, they played Veto that week (same if they are HoH). 1:42pm BBT They laugh that Terrance picked Taylor for BB Comics when Turner really wanted to play. Monte tells Taylor she played in 3 Vetos. She says 9 Vetos & never won. You were close, he says. Taylor wonders if you count the comps Jasmine could have played but didn't. 1:46pm BBT Michael played in 8 Vetos and won 6. They decide Jasmine actually competed in 5 Vetos. Taylor notes Monte didn't have to worry about being nominated and wasn't picked for Veto in the early weeks of the game. 1:55pm BBT Monte thanks Taylor for helping him with the Vetos. He goes over each HG's stats again. 2:25pm BBT Monte say she had 8 eggs yesterday. He wants to make today but ehe should watch his cholesterol. Taylor suggests Monte put his hat on over his hoodie (it's cold). I'll look like a buffoon, he protests. You'll look like a condom, Taylor jokes. 2:28pm BBT Taylor asks for a kiss from Monte and gets a peck. They head downstairs. Britt comes out of the DR. She asks who won Rummy last night? Taylor, Monte says, beginners luck. Monte learned to play cards alone. Brit will play with him. 2:31pm BBT Britt asks if Monte has played Solitaire. On the computer, he answers. Britt's dad played solitaire on the computer and she remembers the cards going swoosh at the end. Neither remembers the rules (it's not rocket science). 2:40pm BBT Monte says he's trying to figure out how to play Rummy by himself. Can you, asks Taylor? Taylor says they have a lot of cheese in the fridge. Britt says they are out of English Muffins but have bagels. 2:42pm BBT Monte saw Turner up, did he go back to bed? Britt thought he was with them in HoH.Did they not stay up late? Taylor says they went to bed at 2:30am (more like 5:30am). Britt says she was doing her meditation. She can't wait to sleep under neutral lighting. 2:44pm BBT Britt likes tans, browns and whites, maybe navy or slate. Monte says his parents' house has burgandy or brown walls. Taylor is cooking Monte's eggs. Britt is eating her bagel. Monte is playing cards alone. 2:55pm BBT Taylor is cooking on the stove while Monte/Britt play cards at the DT. Turner comes out of the DR. Alive and well, Monte asks? Yeah, dude. You came out with some energy, Monte jokes. Britt is called to the DR, then Taylor. Goodbye msgs, she asks? Turner nods. 3:44pm BBT Turner is in the KT preparing lunch for himself. #BB24 5:00pm BBT All the HG are playing cards at the DT. Taylor wins and shuffles to deal the next round. Turner asks Monte to tell him about Italy. He says he has family that owns a resort in Italy somewhere by water, maybe Venice. 8:30pm BBT While Britt/Turner are packing, Monte/Taylor are in HoH. Taylor comes downstairs to look for something to make for dinner. She's got to clean the dishes first. 9:00pm BBT Britt whispers fresh ideas to Taylor for how to get Monte to keep her over Turner. Monte comes in from the CBR and Taylor asks him to clean out the soup pot so she can boil water for pasta. Britt returns to the SBR for more meditation. 9:05pm BBT Taylor asks Monte to open the marinara sauce. Strong man open jar, he says like a caveman. Taylor says he's kind of zoned out. What they were talking about earlier, he says, without elaborating. 9:15pm BBT In the SBR, Britt practices her eviction speech plea. In the KT, Monte/Taylor quiz each other on days and comps. 9:20pm I know you have your mind made up, Taylor says, but did you see Turner at the DT earlier? You mean how he was rattling off days and comps, Monte asks? It's useless info (then why is he cramming like for a final exam?). 9:58pm BBT Britt talks beyond the cameras. Dear God, thank you for this amazing opportunity. The laughs, the learning, the friendships, the growth and whatever lies ahead. I am so happy to have been here and will miss it. BB was more fun than she thought it would be. 10:01pm BBT Britt wishes she could start the season all over again. She's not ready for it to be over. It's like college just ended, BB is ending. She had dreamed of this since she was 10. She will trust herself more now, she can do more than she thought and is proud. 10:03pm BBT Britt says she'll leave having the most wins by a female this season, and that's cool. She lasted 2 weeks after Michael's betrayal. She's excited to go home to Steven. She starts crying, I love BB so much, I don't want to leave! She gets a tissue. This sucks. 10:05pm BBT It's Day 78 and I'm still here, Britt says, she can't beleive she was even cast. She collects herself, checks in the CBR, then goes to the KT. There you are, Taylor says, we're ready for dinner. Britt thanks her for cooking. 10:10pm BBT Taylor says she made enough pasta for everyone, maybe they'll get sleepy. Monte/Turner sit down at the DT. Turner says it's bussin'. Britt says they (feeders) are watching them eating (that's how it works), there are LF podcasts. Riviting, Monte says. 10:30pm BBT Taylor wants to thank everyone in Production. Turner thinks they will get to meet them. Turner wants to see the DF episodes. Taylor says she does too. Britt is still alone in the SBR. 10:44pm BBT The HG hope past seasons' HG will help them after the show. They look fowrard to helping next season's HG. Britt is excited but nervous, can she go back to her old routine or will everything be different? Taylor wonders what is going on in the world. 10:55pm BBT Turner asks Monte if he's supposed to be campaigning. He's been stressed less this week than any other week in the house. Monte is looking forward to the F3 Remembrance Brunch. 11:01pm BBT Turner says Pooch & Alyssa's eviction were the hardest for him. Taylor says for her, it's Joe. Oh, says a disappointed Monte. Turner says Paloma was bouncing off the walls after one week. He wonders if she had stayed if she would have relaxed. 11:04pm BBT Taylor wonders if Paloma & Joe would have gotten together. Monte could see that. Imagine Turner/Megan on a double date with Joe/Paloma, Taylor says. Monte says time is really flying (especially since the game will end 3 days sooner than they think). 11:10pm BBT Monte says the end of the season hasn't hit him yet, he's just excited to get out of the house. Turner says it might take a week or two before it hits him. Britt is under the covers in Indy's old bed in the SBR. 11:15pm BBT Monte/Turner claim to have not thrown any comps. They say Ameerah did well in comps. Turner says Joe claimed Monte had thrown the Pie Fest comp during DyreFest. Monte doesn't know why Joe would say that. 11:25pm BBT Turner is called to the DR and Britt is in bed, giving Monte/Taylor a moment alone. He doesn't think it will matter of the Jury knows abot them. It will for her, Taylor says, especially if Monte takes her to F2. Indy will probably be upset. 11:29pm BBT Monte doesn't understand how Indy could be posessive of something she doesn't have. Taylor says she was upset when they got close week 1. Girl time, Monte recalls. That was my fault, she says. 11:31pm BBT Taylor wanted to play a women-forward game. All the women did, Monte says. The Cookout did the thing that made progress happen, Taylor says, I wanted to play not so overtly. Britt comes out of the WC and starts her bedtime ADLs. 11:37pm BBT Taylor says there were 3 LGBTQ HG this season. Monte wonders if that was the most ever. 11:38pm BBT Taylor wants to meet Kyland. He came off as very condescending in BB23. Monte says he talked down to people. Taylor says Britt told her Daniel was a rebel without a cause. Taylor thought that was very funny, and accurate. 11:43pm BBT Monte says BB is simple to play - you just pick one side and roll with it (there's no single way to play BB but the F3 often blame the evicted HG for not playing the game the right way, their way). He says Kyle was over it by the end (he was more scared). 11:45pm BBT Monte remembers Jasmine always asked people to get things for her. His trick was to pretend he was in the middle of something snd she would just move on to someone else. 11:50pm BBT Britt is asleep in the GBR, with the lights out. Taylor wonders if they'll have a comp tomorrow. Monte doesn't think so. They think it will be Friday. 11:59pm BBT Turner comes out of the DR and joins Monte/Taylor at the DT table.
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