morty Posted August 6, 2022 Share Posted August 6, 2022 Please post ONLY Live Feed, televised show, Big Brother 24 observations, and screen captures here! If you post opinions or off-topic messages, I will move them here: you are adding personal comments, please keep them to a minimum and use brackets [personal comment] around the text. Remember your time zones. Big Brother Time (BBT) is Pacific Daylight Saving Time (See Map Here). Please be careful in identifying who is speaking, and do not use confusing abbreviations or nicknames not used in the house. To better help you identify the HGs, Fuskie made this guide you can print out and refer to until you get to know who's who. Mortys-TV-BB24-HG-Reference-Guide.pdf Try to be consistent with abbreviations, like: Dining Table (DT) Head of House Room (HOHR) Indoor Lock Down (ILD) Kitchen (KT) Living Room (LR) Outdoor Lock Down (OLD) Storage Room (SR) Washroom Area (WA) Water Closet [toilet] (WC) Tiki Bar across from the HoH Room (TB) Car theme bedroom (CBR) Space age theme bedroom (SBR) It only takes a few good posts to earn your "Live Feed Updater" badge and LFU status. Also, all registered members of the forums have access to our chat rooms, at Stop in talk to SMVanBoyz, Fuskie, and I'm in there from time-to-time too. It's fun to be able to watch the feeds at dish the HGs at the same time. Please feel free to post info for other updaters to let them know how long you can update, or when you're taking a break and you want someone else to take over. ...And pictures, screen caps are welcome here too. Thank you!-Morty Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MamaLong Posted August 7, 2022 Share Posted August 7, 2022 7:30AM BBT The Houseguests are still sleeping. I imagine they will be allowed to sleep in until 10AM given it’s Sunday Fun Day. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Goldylucks Posted August 7, 2022 Share Posted August 7, 2022 3:00am BBT Monte, Turner, Joseph in the HoH. Between Terrance, Indy, Jasmine and Alyssa, Alyssa is the biggest threat to win HoH. Terrance can't go immediately because they need him. It has to be Alyssa or Indy after Daniel. And Alyssa is the bigger threat. 3:05am BBT Joseph talking strategy with Turner and Monte in HoH. BB calls Joseph to DR. He says: I knew it. They are going to keep me for like 2 hours. FotH. 3:07am BBT Michael, Monte, Turner in HoH. Rehashing the conversations tonight to Monte so that he is informed how the house is turning on him. First it was Jasmine, then Terrance. They came up back to back up with the same plan. Indy came, then Alyssa. All the same plan. 3:11am BBT Michael tells Monte/Turner the one that surprises him the most is Terrance. Monte has been very pro Terrance. Monte says he has walked in him talking game to Daniel twice. They pretended to talk about cheddar cheese. The way they play is so bad. They are obvious. 3:14am BBT Monte is not upset with Terrance. It is game. It is pretty bold. If there is a 6 to 5 situation now and Kyle is a floater, they are thinking they knock down one of ours and convince Kyle to come to their side. It makes sense for them to do that. 3:17am BBT Michael, Monte, Turner discuss that there is a clear alliance between Alyssa, Jasmine, Indy, Daniel, Terrance because they all came upstairs with the exact same pitch to save Daniel. Why would Michael leave an alliance of 7 for a weak alliance of 5 with no power. 3:21am BBT Michael, Monte, Turner remain in the HoH. Monte says that Daniel using money to try to say is not cool. Turner calls it a pity party. Michael says that he lead with that. If festie bestie is still a thing they suspect Kyle will join Alyssa, Indy, Taylor. 3:26am BBT Michael tells Monte that he has a good attitude with the house trying to boot him. All this to save Daniel? Daniel? Someone who was hitched to Nicole's horse and he is an emotional dude prone to snap out of nowhere? They may know about the 6 of them together. 3:29am BBT Monte and Turner figure out that it is 3:30 and that they need to get to bed. They head downstairs. Michael sits on the floor at the end of his bed eating a snack and watching the spy screen. 3:38am BBT Michael talks to the cameras in HoH. He has a shot at a strong target and he is not going to take it. Not going to throw away his alliance. He has proved 5 times he can win comps. It is not smart for him to keep winning, but someone has got to do it. 3:40am BBT Michaels tells the cameras that he cannot hit block next to Brittany next week. That's a wrap. He will be gone. Unless his alliance saves him. They will have the votes. He hopes Hayden is proud of him. He enjoys reading his letter and seeing his picture. 3:42am BBT Michael: I won the OTEV POV today using the stockpile method. It allowed me to learn a lot of information as a result. So, maybe that is worth it. His ideal F5 is him, Brittany, Indy, Taylor and Jasmine. That will give him an incredible shot at winning this game. 3:46am BBT Michael says Joseph and Monte will be threats in the finale. Jasmine has a strong argument but his alliance sees through her. Alyssa is a good liar but played messy. It will kill when he has to cut Kyle. Terrance is playing the game, just not playing well. 3:50am BBT Michael is brushing his teeth for bed. Joseph exits the DR. They both head to bed. All the lights are out. 5:15am BBT Feeds switch from sleeping HGs to FotH. Feeds return to sleeping HGs at 5:21am BBT. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Goldylucks Posted August 7, 2022 Share Posted August 7, 2022 10:03am BBT Wake up call. 10:15am BBT Feeds return. Michael is awake and wearing his blue HoH robe. Daniel is awake downstairs. He tells us Good Morning and says that they got Jackson 5 to wake them up. He is pleased to see that they got some more granola last night. 10:18am BBT Taylor and Terrance are also up. Daniel is making coffee. Taylor's favorite coffee drink is brown sugar oatmeal. Daniel likes regular or iced coffee with creamer on the side. 10:20am BBT Michael is talking to the cameras in the HoH, barely above a whisper without his microphone. So, we aren't hearing an of it. Feeds switch to Daniel giving shout outs in the BY. He says that there is a chance that he is going to stay. Just a chance. 10:24am BBT Daniel's talk is interrupted by BB calling him to the DR. Taylor takes her coffee out into the BY. She is pleased to see the hammock is in the shade. 10:28am BBT Jasmine and Terrance talk briefly in the WA. They hope they can get Michael to make the move. A big move before jury. Meanwhile Taylor is on the hammock: From the block to the penthouse. That's the plan. 10:32am BBT Taylor from the hammock: No way that I would keep him here. Unless I had a premonition that I was going to win HoH and can send him out myself. No way I keep him. At least I know who the enemy is now. What do you mean get rid of Monte? She then sneezes loudly. 10:37am BBT Michael has locked himself out of the HoH so he is stuck walking around downstairs in his robe. Jasmine joins Taylor in the BY with some watermelon. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Goldylucks Posted August 7, 2022 Share Posted August 7, 2022 10:42am BBT BB has left Michael a spare key to the HoH in the SR. He is thankful and rushes to retrieve it. Meanwhile, Taylor vents to Jasmine in the BY. The HGs left all the clothes outside by the laundry area, some even on the ground, and they are now covered in ants. 10:50am BBT In the BY, Jasmine asks Taylor what she thinks about noms staying the same. Taylor said only reason she would want Monte to go is so she can take Daniel out herself. And she will tell him that herself. But, she understand the house's appeal to do it right now. 10:56am BBT Taylor tells Jasmine that she would be okay with Monte leaving this week if that is what the house decides. Jasmine says that surprises her. They joke that Monte looks like one of Taylor's exes. Jasmine says that Monte told her the same about Taylor. They laugh. 11:00am BBT Terrance and Daniel have joined Jasmine and Taylor in the BY. They are glad that they got real cowboy boots and hats for the comp, not dollar store stuff. They joke that they can walk into The Dollar Store and spend over $60 dollars in there. 11:10am BBT General chit chat in the BY. Jasmine and Indy are preparing to go and lay out. Brittany is in the DR. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Goldylucks Posted August 7, 2022 Share Posted August 7, 2022 11:25am BBT In the HoH, Taylor tells Michael that Daniel threw her a terrible pitch to keep him. Michael says that their attempt to split up their alliance has only made their alliance stronger. 11:35am BBT In the Golf BR, Taylor talks to the cameras. She may have to send Terrance out this week. She is okay with doing that morally because he did make a pitch to get rid of her. However, she doesn't want to evict a black person before jury. 11:45am BBT In the BY, Daniel and Terrance work on his strategy. Terrance tells him that all he has to do is give them enough to make them think in this game. You can't be afraid to say things. Daniel says this move would be huge for those considered weaker players. History 11:47am BBT Daniel needs to remind Michael that his resume is out of control with all the wins and that he is vulnerable after this week. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Goldylucks Posted August 7, 2022 Share Posted August 7, 2022 12:00pm BBT Everyone is up and about. Not much going on. Terrance and Daniel have been talking about their favorite liquor in the BY. BB keeps asking Joseph to put his microphone on. Joseph and Taylor discuss that besties has to end after next week or no one will be left. 12:15pm BBT Terrance, Daniel, Brittany and Michael are talking about the OTEV comp in the BY. They costumes were all out and the wetter it got, the heavier it got. BB knew what they were doing. It was sauced. 12:20pm BBT Indy joins the HGs in the BY. She jokes that she is going to kick Kyle and Alyssa out of her room and put them in the HN room. She said no more Have Nots. She is going to call it the Have Naughty. 12:25pm BBT Indy asks Brittany about her knee. The cut on her knee required 6 stitches. Indy is fascinated with blood. She loves medical TV shows and should have been a doctor. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Fuskie Posted August 7, 2022 Share Posted August 7, 2022 12:30pm BBT Today is a hot day at the BB House, with a high of 99 degrees and 38% humidity. Daniel says it's hot even in the shade. Monte goes into the WC after Kyle comes out and says OMG! Kyle apologizes for the smell. Alyssa is putting on her bathing suit. 12:45pm BBT Indy impatiently waits for Monte to get out of the WC. Monte steps into the shower to change clothes & is talking to Indy. Go away, she says. She doesn't like being talked to while doing her biz. Monte heads to the Cars BR and grabs his ballcap & sunglasses. 12:55pm BBT Monte goes to the BY & tries to climb onto the yellow duck in the pool. What's up, America? In the Cars BR, Terrance tells Joe it's a game of self-preservation. You know I got you. Terrance then tels Daniel at the DT that Joe's on board and will talk to Michael. 1:10pm BBT Taylor, Michael, Turner, Brittany are on the BY couches in the shade. Jasmine joins them. HG move from the BY into the KT when they get hot, grab something to drink, then head out again. They are in and out of the fridge in the KT and SR. 1:40pm BBT Everyone but Turner/Daniel are inside getting lunch. Daniel feels alone since Nicole was evicted and expect to be backdoored. Turner goes inside for food and Daniel tells himself he'll say anything he has to say to stay. Alyssa/Kyle are floating in the pool. 1:50pm BBT In the KT, Indy says it's 15m until her fasting is done. She's fasting each day until 2pm to lose weight. Joe is cutting up an apple. Kyle/Alyssa are floating (at a respectful distance) in BB innertubes. Michael has an almond allergy (Nicole had a peanut allergy). 1:55pm BBT Daniel still in the shade in the BY, counting votes. Monte is trying to figure out how the GoPro works. Alyssa explains to Kyle why she was in a bad mood last night - she felt she didn't really know him after their talk in the hammock. Everyone else the KT. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Fuskie Posted August 7, 2022 Share Posted August 7, 2022 2:00pm BBT All feeds on Kyle/Alyssa floating in the pool. Alyssa says her mother's birthday is in 2 weeks. She taks about her parents then asks him to talk about his. Daniel is in the Golf BR alone. Monte gets in the Pool in a blue BB floatie tube. Indy is sunning. 2:20pm BBT Joe comes outside and dips a foot in the water. Kyle and Michael are are in the BY hiding in the shade. Daniel joins the KT snacking group: Terrance, Jasmine, Alysa, Taylor. There's a nice 3-plate fruit spread. 2:35pm BBT Terrance gets a new container of cinnamon. Indy is in the pool. Taylor & Joe are folding clean towels in the WA and sharing info. BB tells the KT HG to return the kitchen knives to the SR (they can only have knives while they use them after the BB2 incident). 2:40pm BBT Brittany had a DR session where her knee was examined. She got more antibiotics. Terrance/Jasmine bring food out to the BY table. Taylor is on the bench next to the cactus. Daniel is going to work out in the heat. The HG move around but the story stays the same. 2:45pm BBT Joe & Brittany share fruit in the BY. Joe offers the extr afruit to Terrance/Jasmine at the BY table. Terrance tells Jasmine she'll never have a chance (to get out Monte) like this one. Joe found a nail on the ground in the BY. Wear shoes, Terrance advises him. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Fuskie Posted August 7, 2022 Share Posted August 7, 2022 2:50pm BBT A third of the pool is in the shade & that's where Kyle/Indy/Monte are floating. Daniel says this is Vegas heat. How can people live like that, Jasmine asks. Kyle rolls over on the shark floatie. Monte trades the tube for the duck foatie. Indy leaves the pool. 2:55pm BBT Indy/Jasmine are now laying on the loughes; Indy is in the sun, Jasmine in the shade. Alyssa/Terrance are at the BY table snacking on the fruit plate. Joe brings them lemonade. Kyle is flat on his back on the shark floatie. Monte is on his back riding the duckie. 2:59pm BBT Joe brings out ice for the lemonade. Taylor moved from the bench to a chair. Yep, it's a thrill a minute in the BB BY. I'll be back if anything game-shaking happens. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MamaLong Posted August 7, 2022 Share Posted August 7, 2022 3:37PM BBT Indy, Jasmine and Alyssa are enjoying hte backyard and charting about toxic relationships. Alyssa says her last relationship, she just iuip and left and then he went crazy calling all of her family and friends. Conversation turns to abs and then plastic surgery and how Alyssa's boss would got to Colombia for two weeks and come home with something new. 3:42PM BBT Terrance has reached a new milestone in the Big Brother House, and Jasmine says she is really proud of him. He is enjoying a float in the BB Pool. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Fuskie Posted August 7, 2022 Share Posted August 7, 2022 3:50pm BBT Indy is going to go to Rio to relax after the season. She has 3 TV shows she wants to push but can't talk about it until October. Turner tells Kyle his knee is still sore (The HG in the OTEV comp got cut or banged up somewhere; Brittany has stiches in her knee). 4:25pm BBT Monte leads Jasmine through some exercises for her foot. She only wanted to do 10 but he made her do 25. She's still wearing the boot. I didn't make you do anything, Monte says, you made yourself do it. Most of the BY is in shade now & the HG are in and out. 4:35pm BBT Monte asks Brittany if she can exercise with her knee. She says the doctor said no, at least not yet. Michael heads up to HoH. Joe/Jasmine/Turner/Kyle try to take a selfie with a GoPro. Jasmine has the boys sit on one couch but the light is bad so she moves them. 4:50pm BBT Alyssa decides to hae a staged pillow fight for a picture. They need more people though. Alyssa, Jasmine and Indy pose with pillows overhead whie Turner takes the picture. Kyle/Daniel are in the KT w/Joe not talking. Michael walks through returning to HoH. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Fuskie Posted August 8, 2022 Share Posted August 8, 2022 5:20pm BBT Brittany tells Jasmine she trusts all the girls wholeheartedly. Otherwise, the F7 will be all men and the women will be laughed at. It was only girls nom during Monte's HoH. The crowd will go wild if Monte is evicted, Jasmine predicts, more than with Daniel. 5:25pm BBT Brittany tells Jasmine she doesn't know what Michael will do (w/Veto). If he keeps Monte safe, it means he keeps his promises & Jasmine would be able to trust him too. Jasmine is skeptical. Kyle/Alyssa pose for a pic. Jasmine thinks they'll work out of the house. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Fuskie Posted August 8, 2022 Share Posted August 8, 2022 6:05pm BBT In the Cars BR, Kyle says he and Alyssa wouldn't survive outside the BB House because she would bully him for everything he does wrong. He lives his life the way he wants. He was a cheerleader and Boy Scout in HS (why am I not surprised). 6:10pm BBT Alyssa wouldn't have met him if he hadn't been a Boy Scout or Cheerleader. She calls him a cheerleading Boy Scout and he cringes. He asks her advice for how to be more manly outside the house. Don't live with your parents, she teases. 6:12pm BBT Kyle defends his living arrangements, saying it's a separate basement apartment. Kyle says he moved into the apartment because he got lonely living alone during COVID isolation. His roomate left to stay with his rich parents. 6:14pm BBT If he were to have a dog in their house, Kyle says, there would have to be rules (dogs don't follow rules - they set them for their human parents). He doesn't want a dog in an apartment, though. He gives a shout out to his friend in Hawaii (where he house sits). 6:15pm BBT Kyle asks Alyssa if she's prepared to accept the consquences if she cuts his hair? She is willing. Monte could do it, Kyle prompts. She might mess up and feel guilty. In HoH, Joe tells Michael/Brittany the other side wanted Brittany out first, then Michael. 6:20pm BBT Joe promises Michael/Brittany he has their back. Alyssa says Sarasota, FL is really small (it's not) and she knows everyone (she can't). He worries he wouldn't fit in. Alyssa's friend Jenna has a BF also named Kyle who is nerdy. Kyle says he's not nerdy. 6:25pm BBT Kyle is worried Alyssa has so many friends. In HoH, Michael tells Brittany that he threw HoH to Jasmine week 2 after she agreed to keep them safe. Brittany didn't know. She tells Michael that Taylor "likes" Joe. 6:40pm BBT Kyle/Alyssa snog intensely before she goes to organize her drawers. Kyle sits up and grabs a pillow to place in front of his waist. In the BY, Monte & Joe head out for a workout. They think Michael is right behind him, but he wasn't. 7:15pm BBT Monte is leading workout for Alyssa, Joe, Taylor, Indy, Michael, Kyle and Terrance on the GoPro. Terrance goes to the DR, saying he is feeling chest pains. Turner takes over the GoPro. Brittany is watching the workout - she can't participate due to her stitches. 7:30pm BBT Jasmine is alone in the Golf BR. Daniel asks if the other HG are outside. She says yes. Jasmine heads to the BY and wishes her hubby HPB again. Daniel is alone in the Golf BR and says it's great when he's alone in the house. Terrance comes back and says he's OK. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Fuskie Posted August 8, 2022 Share Posted August 8, 2022 7:45pm BBT Kyle laughs when Michael asks if there are any weights less than 25lbs. Kyle spots Michael as he lifts the 25lb weight. Mote tells him to do it again. Jasmine lifts a 10lb weight. Out of the blue, Indy shouts when this is over, we'll all need therapy. 7:55pm BBT Michael is trying to keep up with Kyle's workout. How does that feel, Monte asks. It hurts, he says back. That's what you get for putting me on the block! Turner is continuing to film them on the GoPro. The HG head up to the BY balcony to watch the sunset. 8:15pm The BY workout continues under the BY lights. The HG are on matts doing leg lifts. When they are done, Monte wraps up the GoPro video with thank you's and shout outs. In the Cars BR, Terrance tells Turner they have enough votes to evict Monte. Fire, Turner says. 8:35pm BBT The HG find alchohol in the SR. HG gather excitedly in the KT, excewpt for Brittany who is alone in the loft, watching the Turner, Monte, Jasmine, Terrance, Joe and Daniel below. They are waiting for everyone to gather. Kyle & Alyssa come out of the SR. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Fuskie Posted August 8, 2022 Share Posted August 8, 2022 8:45pm BBT Turner goes up stairs and finds Brittany in the loft. They begin a game of bumper pool, comparing OTEV injuries (Turner first hurt himself in the HoH comp). Now that the HG are inside, Daniel heads outside to lay solo in the hammock. 8:40pm BBT Brittany tells Turner she feels fine. She's cleared to compete at her discretion if she keeps the stitches clean. Turner joins Michael in HoH and updates him on Terrance saying Monte will be backdoored (Monte is already nom so he can't be backdoored). They laugh. 9:10pm BBT Half the house is gathered in the WA, the other half around the DT. General non-game small talk in both locations. Michael is watching Brittany/Daniel/Jasmine/Terrance, occasionally smiling, but not participating in the convo. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
grannysue1154 Posted August 8, 2022 Share Posted August 8, 2022 9:15pm Brittany, Terrance and Jasmine are talking about their wedding days. Michael and Daniel are listening and Turner is snacking. Wedding talk continues. 9:20pm Alyssa is hanging out in the lavatory while Kyle showers, Kyle asks if she is ready for the alcohol tonight. 9:25pm Jasmine speed talks about her wedding day, photography issues, Brittany tells them that her brother officiated her wedding and had guests sit before Brittany entered. Terrance says his was interrupted, someone forgot the solo performance. Talk continues in the dining room about weddings. 9:30pm Wedding talk continues about ex partners showing up at their weddings. 9:32pm Michael and Monte are in the HOH room. Michael tells Monte that several house guests have indicated members have agreed to vote to evict Monte. Michael says he plans to say he is not going to keep Monte, Joe and Terrance on the block. His reasoning will be that if the house wants Monte out, and they want Daniel out next, there is no real reason to switch the two of them. Michael says he probably won't give a snarky speech, although he wants to since him and Brittany will be vulnerable next week. 9:35pm Monte says it will be interesting to see how they will react when Michael uses the veto. As of now no one is talking game to him, he thinks Indy and Jasmine will approach him after the veto ceremony to talk about an alliance. Monte says they have alcohol tonight, they might make sure Alyssa drinks, she spilled information to Kyle last time. Michael plans to take his cider down as well. 9:40pm Kyle, Turner and Brittany, Alyssa in the shower. General talk. Kitchen full of people cooking, hanging out. General talk. 9:47pm Daniel and Terrance are in the back yard looking at the clouds. Terrance goes inside to to loo while Daniel plays at the billiard table. Terrance comes back, reports on the house guests who are in the lavatory area. Daniel says he used to talk to Turner, but he hasn't recently, Terrance says Turner says the same thing about Daniel. Terrance says Turner is cool with Monte going home, but as soon Terrance talked to him, Turner went to the HOH to speak to Michael. 9:55pm Daniel heads into the house, he wants to talk to Michael. Cooking in the kitchen. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Fuskie Posted August 8, 2022 Share Posted August 8, 2022 10:30pm BBT Dan has been in HoH for the last half hour pushing the plan to backdoor Monte (he can't be backdoored since he's already nom). He means getting Michael to not use veto and leave Monte on the block. After he leaves, Brittany/Michael laugh. 10:45pm BBT The HG worked up a nice dinner spread and are eating at the DT except for Daniel/Brittany in the SR. Daniel continues his pitch to stay. I have nothing to hide, he promises. Brittany says she has no game connection w/ Taylor. He makes a pitch to be on the Jury. 10:40pm BBT Brittany tells Daniel it's not her decision to make but she does have Michael's ear. Daniel says if they have any questions, he's available. He gives her a big hug, thinking he's made headway. They join the other HG for dinner. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
grannysue1154 Posted August 8, 2022 Share Posted August 8, 2022 10:06pm Jasmine and Terrance are in the bedroom. Jasmine is fussing about Indy not telling her what was in the meatballs, she says she just wanted to know what is in it, she isn't going to eat it. Terrance says "she will be humbled." Jasmine is worried that Michael might not make "the move" Terrance says he doesn't know if Michael has the guts to do it, he says Daniel and Kyle are in the lavatory waiting to Michael but Turner is in the way. Terrance is worried that his part in trying to get Monte out will come out if Michael doesn't keep nominations the same. Jasmine thinks Michael is worried that Daniel will come for him next week, she doesn't think Daniel will though. 10:10pm Terrance says he met the goal of being in the jury. Terrance wonders why production gave them drinks, Jasmine says she isn't drinkng it. Terrance says maybe it's a trick, and if they drink they unleash a power in the house. Jasmine whispers that she will talk to Michael in the morning, Terrance says he wants to keep them the same. He doesn't understand why it is so hard, they may not get the opportunity again. 10:16pm Jasmine and Terrance continue to cover the reasons Michael should want Monte out. They think Brittany has no chance to win HOH next week. 10:17pm Daniel, Brittany, Kyle and Michael are in the HOH. Daniel tells Michael he has received a lot of positive reinforcement. Kyle says he wants to work with Brittany and Michael going forward. Brittany says what if besties are done this week, but the deal is until besties is done. Daniel says he has no desire to go after Michael and Brittany. He guarantees two weeks or so, Kyle agrees. Michael says if nominations stay the same, what does Daniel see happening this week, what is the backlash going to be? Daniel says the game will go however Michael wants, the house wants Monte to go home. Daniel says he is good with Joe, and Terrance loves Michael. Daniel says Joe's goal, according to Terrance. is that he just wants to be here. Kyle says he agrees with Daniel, Joe and Terrance don't seem to be vengeful types. Michael says his hesitation is because Monte didn't put him and Brittany up last week, and he made a promise to Monte he wants to keep He also says he is worried that next week he will be exposed, he has not had any reassurance from anyone else in the house. Michael asks Daniel how he would feel if it were Joe or Terrance to go home instead. Daniel says he would just be grateful he did not go on the block. Michael says the Festie Bestie twist makes this a lot to think about. Kyle asks how Joe and Terrance would feel about staying on the block. Daniel says Terrance has been talking just in case scenarios to Joe. Daniel says as far as he knows Monte has no idea what the house has been saying (Monte knows) Michael asks Daniel if Monte were to go home this week, what would the house look like next week. Daniel says he has no plans, he doesn't know, but he is open to discussing it Michael asks him if he has heard a direction the house will go next, Daniel says he has not. Kyle says he has not heard anything this week except Monte. Daniel insists he has no target, he would just feel liberated. Daniel asks Michael to think about it, he wanted to talk about it tonight because tomorrow Michael will be busy. He tells Michael if he has any questions later to let him know and they cant talk about it. Daniel and Kyle leave Brittany and Michael alone in the bedroom. Michael says Indy, Jasmine and Alyssa told Daniel they would vote Monte out. Michael says Daniel will not honor his deal, he can't put up the others. Brittany is called to exchange her microphone, they decide to go downstairs, the chartueserie board is done. 10:37pm The board is beautifully done. Daniel and Brittany are in the storage room. Brittany says she saw Nicole and Daniel as separate people, and she voted her out because she felt that Nicole's apology to her was sincere, but there was no offer for anything positive going forward. Brittany says people lied to Daniel's face, she didn't like that. She tells Daniel that Michael's word is good. Daniel says he appreciates that Michael heard him out, that meant the world to him. Jasmine and Terrance come in to return cleaning materials. Brittany says she would much rather come to him and tell him why she made a decision. Daniel tells her that he will stand behind his promise of safety for the next two weeks. He says he is ready to talk it out and move forward. Brittany says she knows Michael is weighing the pros and cons, and if Michael does make the decision to keep nominations the same it is set in stone. 10:45pm Brittany tells Daniel that she does not want anyone in the house to feel ostracized or alone. Daniel says he has lived with that this week, and he says that sentiment means the world to him. Daniel says Taylor asked him why she was his target and he told her, "you're not, anymore" Daniel says he hopes to go to the jury, he loves the game and he would vote according to the game. Brittany says she is on board with "clean slate" and she hopes to talk to Michael later to see what he is thinking, but she will support Michael's decision. Daniel hugs Brittany and thanks her (sincerely). 10:52pm Cameras move to kitchen where house guests are enjoying Indy's spread. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
grannysue1154 Posted August 8, 2022 Share Posted August 8, 2022 11:00pm General talk in the dining area. 11:12pm Daniel on the hammock, says no one in the house is drinking, calls it a weird vibe. Daniel is enjoying a Coor's Lite, he tells the camera that was the first beer he ever had, and it's a family staple now. Daniel says, "If this is my last week I am glad it happened. I did something right to be here." "Pretty unreal." Brittany is talking off camera and Terrance as well. The three of them are looking at the moon. Brittany goes inside, leaves Terrance alone with Daniel Daniel says that Michael's biggest setback is that Monte promised them safety if Michael keeps him safe. Daniel says that has already been broken, Michael already put Monte up. Daniel repeats the conversation he had with Michael. He also repeats his conversation with Brittany. Terrance says he will talk to Brittany. Daniel says he promised safety until besties ends and Brittany asked him what happened if besties end this week. Daniel said he offered her two weeks, and told her hadn't thought of that. He tells Terrance he did think of that but didn't plan to make any other offer until she brought it up. Terrance says Michael may leave the nominations the same, and that could result in him (Terrance) being voted out. Daniel says everyone loves him and that won't happen. The two of them head to the dining area while Daniel continues to plot. 11:30pm Taylor and Monte go to the billiards table. Indy comes out to the back yard and watches from the table. Complaints about the ants. Indy goes back inside. Taylor tells Monte that Daniel did open the red wine but did not drink it, he got 2 beers instead. (Daniel had one, Terrance said earlier he had two put away) Monte says Daniel doesn't act any kind of way when he drinks, he is cool with it 11:38pm Jasmine and Terrance are in the bedroom. Terrance, "we'll see." Jasmine whispers back, we hear the word, "Brittany" Jasmine goes to the kitchen, Daniel is saying that Indy hid the white wine saying only the girls can have it. Daniel goes outside, he says he doesn't drink it anyway, why hide it from him. Indy returns, the girls finish off the white. Michael tells them there is cider in the fridge if they want it later. 11:41pm Indy asks Jasmine if she is okay. Jasmine tells Indy that Michael may not "do it." They immediately talk about cleaning. Talking in the kitchen about drinking. 11:50pm House guests laughing and drinking wine in the lavatory area. 12:00am Darlings this is the time we say goodnight. I am off to thank the Lord for my day, cuddle these puppies, and get some sleep so I can greet a new day. Find something that makes you smile today then share it with a friend. goodnight Dears, hugs Grannysue Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Fuskie Posted August 8, 2022 Share Posted August 8, 2022 11:55pm BBT Monte wants to go inside to see what drama is going on. He hasn't had a beer yet. Taylor tells him to loosen up. In the WA, Brittany says she can't drink while on anibiotics. Taylor says don't ask, just do it. Alyssa says she holds her wine glass like her mom. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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