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Monday, September 27, 2021 Big Brother 23 Live Feed Updates

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If you are adding personal comments, please keep them to a minimum and use brackets [personal commentaround the text.

Remember your time zones. Big Brother Time (BBT) is West Coast Daylight Saving (See Map Here).

Please be careful in identifying who is speaking, and do not use confusing abbreviations or nicknames not used in the house.


To better help you identify the HGs, we made this guide you can print out and refer to until you get to know who's who.  Mortys-TV-BB23-HG-Reference-Guide.pdf

Try to be consistent with abbreviations, like:
Chess Parlor (CP)
Dining Table (DT)
Head of House Room (HOHR)
Indoor Lock Down (ILD)
Kitchen (KT)
Living Room (LR)
Outdoor Lock Down (OLD)
Reef Bedroom (RBR)
Sea Glass Bedroom (SBR)
Storage Room (SR)
Washroom Area (WA)
Water Closet (WC)
Yacht Club Bedroom (YBR)


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Also, all registered members of the forums have access to our chat rooms, at https://www.tvfanforums.net/chatbox/room/1-lobby/ Stop in talk to SMVanBoyz, Fuskie, and I'm in there from time-to-time too. It's fun to be able to watch the feeds at dish the HGs at the same time.  


Please feel free to post info for other updaters to let them know how long you can update, or when you're taking a break and you want someone else to take over.


...And pictures, screen caps are welcome here too.

Thank you!

Vice-President Andrew Johnson took his presidential oath whilst completely drunk.
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9:10AM BBT Big D is up, heads to the SR and begins throwing away old food from the fridge.  He heads to the loo then lays down on the recliner in the WA. 


10:00AM BBT WBRB Wakey Wakey

10:16AM BBT Feeds return and we see X up and about. Big D goes to the YBR and begins talking to Azah

Big D : I am going to stay this and I want to make myself clear.


Azah, I don't want you to, hmm I want you to make whatever decision you feel comfortable that is good for you. I feel like there is no use in you asking me certain questions because I did not win if that makes sense. 


Azah: OK


Big D Before we walked into this we made a final three. You walked into this knowing X and I had a final two. You were like hey I am cool with that, get to final three, I'm cool with this, what ever happens happens. Stuff like that.


That's how I looked at it so at the end of the day, umm, I don't, I never want anyone to take me forward, if they want to take me for game purposes then that's fine. But I just feel like having conversations about what would you do. We have had these conversations in the past.


I don't know what you want me to say. I feel like I am saying things that are going to hurt your feelings. I don't want to hurt your feels, that isn't my never goal or make you feel a certain way. It makes me feel like, umm, what is, like why am I saying this again when she knew from the get go. Weeks and weeks ago.


That is all I am going to say. If you were offended that was not my goal. I don't know how to say things without hurting your feelings.  Like I said I can't sit here and be, you always tell me tell me the truth, tell me the truth, tell me the real.... WBRB



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10:22AM BBT Feeds return with Azah looking at her picture from home. Big D says You see how you were feeling last week?  Azah: I'm ok. I don't think we need to be talking game the remainder, just my opinion. I don't want to get to a place, I have really enjoyed my summer with you here and all that stuff. I don't think we should discuss it anymore.


Big D : I just need to clear my head if I am going out the door at three, I'm just saying how you felt when Ky was in this position and stuff like that, that's how I am feeling at this point, so I just want you to understand that how you were feeling, is how I am feeling. I am going to leave it alone.


At the end of the day, don't feel like our whole summer is because you and me are clashing is going to cause anything... If you feel some type of way, always speak it, I'm able to take it. This time around, yanno the first time we talked I was alright, let me not go that route. I know for a fact I don't have any game left to play what am I going to hold back for? There is no use. 


Azah: Ok, I mean I am completely fine with you to letting free  whatever it is you want to say. I have always been in this game, its not going to effect my relationship with you. I just thought from what I seen yesterday that you didn't want to talk so I'm like Ok then we don't have to talk then. You felt we don't need to have conversations then I was cool we don't need to have conversations.


Big D : There is no use in having conversations until you asked me what I would have done if the power was in my hands. So, that puts me in a venerable state, am I going to have to sit here and lie to this girl with the chance she might win or do I give her the truth. Couple of weeks ago you walked in knowing X and I had a final two now you coming in here asking what I was going to do. 


Azah: I asked you from the bottom of your heart who you wanted. I wasn't asking you about deals, I wasn't asking about anything. You have discussed that, you have discussed how you feel already. I have told you in that time and I am telling you now that I respect where you are coming from and your opinion is not bad and its not wrong. So, I am not certain why we are going back to this again, again and again. When I have repeatedly again, again and again that how you feel is fine. I am not certain why we are going back to it. I told you I was cool yesterday three times, I told you I was cool this morning and you bring it up again. I'm confused. 



10:28AM BBT Feeds return with Big D having the same conversation with Azah. Nothing new has been said, just repeat of what Big D has been saying to Azah all morning. 



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3:23PM BBT

The FInal Three are sleeping and BB is, seemingly, allowing it.


3:25PM BBT

Xavier jumps up from the couch saying he forgot to get his shirt washed.

Azah- I was so comfy

Xavier: I was, too. It's important. (He wants to wear it finale night)


3:28PM BBT

Xavier enters the yacht club bedroom whre Derek is sleeping.

Derek: Hey! What are you doing?

Xavier: Just chilling. You?

Derek: I was reading. (the Bible)

Xavier: I need my Journeys shirt (He explains that he needs it washed for finale night.)

Derek: I don't think you should wear your Journeys shirt for finale night. You ain't getting my vote if you wear that blue shirt. I'm telling you right now. How are you feeling?

Xavier: Okay. I feel good. Are you feeling better?

Derek: Oh, Yeah. Thank God for this! (Bible)

X: Literally!


Xavier lies down in bed in the YBR and covers up with his shades on.

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6:16PM BBT

Derek and Xavier are playing Jenga at the kitchen table.

Azah: Ouch! Crap! What am I doing grabbing this thing like it's not in the oven?!?!

Azah: Dang! I might have fucked my hand up.

Xavier: GIrl!

Azah: I think I'm okay.

Xavier: Get some ice on it!

Derek: Do you need a medic?

Azah sings Gloria Gaynor's "I Will Survive"  (no singing warning from Sarge)


6:33PM BBT

The final three are enjoying their dinner at the table. Azah made salmon, mashed potatoes and veggies.

Derek: Thajnk you so much for cooking this dinner, Azah.

Xavier: (with mouth full) Yes, thank you.

Azah: You're welcome.


6:39PM BBT

Xavier: DId Brent ever cook a meal?

Azah: No

Derek: Who?

Xavier: Brent because I woke up one morning and saw Travis cooking eggs, but I never saw Brent cook.

Big D says that he didn't want Brent to cook, but he wanted him to clean.

They say SB never cooked, but Azah says she helped her in the kitchen.

Azah: She would eat very plain, so she would just cook stuff for herself.

Azah: That makes sense.

Xavier: I was just thinking, who have I never seen cook in the kitchen, and I don't remember Brent ever cooking.

Azah: He only eats for sustenance, not enjoyment.

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7:15PM BBT

Big D is washing the dishes. Azah and Xavier are playing what-ifs while looking at the memory wall. They think Alyssa and Derek X were great players and it would be great to see them play again, but they don't think they will want to come back. The guys say Tiffany did not play a good social game. Derek F thinks Frenchie was a fan favorite (not for this fan -MamaLong]. Xavier says he does not see Whitney coming back.


[I'm out for the night. -MamaLong]

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