MamaLong Posted September 22, 2021 Posted September 22, 2021 7:34PM BBT Azah has fallen back to sleep on the couch. Kyland and Big D are prepping beans and rice. [The houseguests have resorted to having a full on conversation across the house with Ky and Big D in the kitchen talking with Azah in the living room. Things have to be repeated loudly multiple times since there is kitchen noise getting in the way. No one bothers to improve the situation and the loud conversation continues. This is beyond annoying, so I'm out for the night. -MamaLong]
PinkTee Posted September 22, 2021 Posted September 22, 2021 8:48PM BBT Big D, X and Ky sit down to dinner...
Fuskie Posted September 22, 2021 Posted September 22, 2021 10:20pm BBT DF/Azah/X are in the LR discussing Tiff. She was good at planting seeds, X says. He doesn't want to blindside Ky but is cool for now. DF promises he is not changing his mind. X says they can't be straight w/Ky because of the way he is. He will find out live. 10:22pm BBT X says he's blindsiding Ky live Thursday for his own good, but really he just doesn't want Ky campaigning to the last minute like DX (how' that jury management going, X?). X says everything must go to plan. Azah will do her part and wear a pretty dress. 10:24pm BBT Azah tells X he's HoH and she's just minding her own business, she's on the block and not involved (still making those big moves, I see). When prompted, she said they should tell Ky tomorrow but she gets X's decision not to. X says no more 1-on-1 meetings. 10:25pm BBT DF says you saw how emotional Ky was when he went on the block. X agrees, for their game he has to be blindsided. DF says Ky is so emotional (Hi, pot. Have you met the kettle?). Azah is going to cook to avoid talking to Ky. DF says we already have so much food. 10:27pm BBT DF can't believe he has to break Ky's heart and vote him out. Azah has no problem doing it. I'm foaming at the mouth to do it, she says. DF is going to say Azah was with him from the beginning, she would fall on a sword for him, but men come and go. 10:33pm BBT Azah points out to DF that 3 times he was on the block, it was at Ky's hands. Ky comes out of the DR, so X changes the convo to food. Ky has the GoPro. Azah had it last time and lost it (BB sees all). She thinks BB is deducting stuff from her stipend. 10:48pm BBT The HG are on the LR couch talking about their favorite songs.
Fuskie Posted September 22, 2021 Posted September 22, 2021 11:35pm BBT Ky films DF with the GoPro reciting and commenting on game events for days prompted by Ky. Of the egg comp, DF says BB finally gave him a comp he could win but Ky won it on me. I wanted a letter. He hopes he can win one of the Final HoH comps. 11:40pm BBT Ky prompts DF to talk about the first Double Eviction. That b*tch Tiff is finally gone, he says. Ky says he's just going to keep filming DF. X says that DF is the only personality in the house. Azah is going to finish her hair, have some tea, then go to bed. 11:42pm BBT Ky is passionate about movies, TV shows, etc. (it's called pop culture) and wants to find the right person to share it with. 11:47pm BBT X and DF are talking about Dragonball Z. DF would sit in front of the TV waiting for it to start. X enjoyed when the *sskicking began. They say the Cell was the best. DF says it changed his life. DF says it was better than the apps today's kids are on. 11:48pm BBT X decides to go to bed, heads up to HoH, runs quickly through his bedtime ADLs and turns off the lights. Downstairs DF says he he goes to jury, it won't be empty handed. Winning would be life changing for him. With $750k, he'll take a year off, no more 9-5 job. 11:57pm BBT Ky goes into the DR to find out if they are doing anything else tonight. He and Azah need to work on their eviction speeches. Before they can, Ky comes back out of the DR and said they didn't answer. Top 4, DF says, crazy, almost Final 3. Who'd have thought. 12:00am BBT DF wonders what the HG in black-and-white are thinking.He says Tiff thought she could make it to the end. She could have but she crossed Ky and f*-up.
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