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11:11PM BBT

Hannah, Big D and Xavier are talking in the HoHR. Xavier thinks Ky likely has his mind already made up and may not even talk with Tiffany.


Tiffany is talking with Azah in the yacht club bedroom. Tiff says she knows she is going home. Tiff encourages Azah to play hard. 


11:30PM BBT

Tiff tells Azah that she had to come in this house to learn things about herself. She apologizes to Azah for all of their static this season. She tells her she loves her and they will never be broken again. "I hope I have learned that lesson and that I take some of you with me." Azah says she appreciates Tiffany for that and she was never judging Tiff for things that happened. SHe was just wanting to understand things. Tiff and Azah have a meeting of the minds and hearts and glow in the glory of their "black girl magic."


11:33PM BBT

All cameras are on Xavier, Hannah and Big D still talking in the HoHR mostly about Azah and how emotional she has been throughout the season.

X- Anytime anybody did anything with Britini, she would shut down. Britini had to go.



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