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Thursday, September 2, 2021 Big Brother 23 Live Feed Updates

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Remember your time zones. Big Brother Time (BBT) is West Coast Daylight Saving (See Map Here).

Please be careful in identifying who is speaking, and do not use confusing abbreviations or nicknames not used in the house.


To better help you identify the HGs, we made this guide you can print out and refer to until you get to know who's who.  Mortys-TV-BB23-HG-Reference-Guide.pdf

Try to be consistent with abbreviations, like:
Chess Parlor (CP)
Dining Table (DT)
Head of House Room (HOHR)
Indoor Lock Down (ILD)
Kitchen (KT)
Living Room (LR)
Outdoor Lock Down (OLD)
Reef Bedroom (RBR)
Sea Glass Bedroom (SBR)
Storage Room (SR)
Washroom Area (WA)
Water Closet (WC)
Yacht Club Bedroom (YBR)


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Please feel free to post info for other updaters to let them know how long you can update, or when you're taking a break and you want someone else to take over.


...And pictures, screen caps are welcome here too.

Thank you!

Some turkeys can spontaneously impregnate themselves through a process called Parthenogenesis.
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7:58AM BBT Big D is awake while the rest of the HGs are still sleeping with the lights out. Big D heads to the storage room for new batteries then to the loo.






8:12AM BBT Big D is laying down in the WA 

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8:25AM BBT Big D is the only one up and is in the KT spraying with appears to be bug spray. There are ants everywhere. 

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9:02AM BBT Big D has spent the last half an hour cleaning the kitchen and throwing away any food left out. 


WBRB for Wakey Wakey


9:15AM BBT Feeds return. HGs are slowing getting up. Big D is in the shower talking to Azah and Tiff about the music they played to wake them up. 

9:27AM BBT

Tiff to Azah: Big D threw away your tennis shoes. 

Azah: What the hell, when did he throw them away?

Tiff: This morning. He said ants were in them.

Azah: Big D likes to throw things away

SB: He threw away the tennis shoes?

Azah: Hes got a problem, hes got a problem for reals. He likes to throw things away....


Azah is talking with a toothbrush in her mouth saying she doesn't like to waste, he threw away like 500 dollars worth of stuff. She would of just washed them. 


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9:31AM BBT Tiff goes into the CBR  X says I have a question to ask you.

X: What do you expect the vote to be today?

Tiff: I don't know if it will be unanimous. I personally didn't want her to go out with a unanimous vote. I don't want to play with the vote today. 

X: I hear you

Tiff: She believes Azah is going to vote for her so I just asked Azah, She thinks she has your vote. All week she thought Ky was my target. I don't know if she thinks I should give her a vote or not.

X: I don't think so.

Tiff: She has already asked me today if she can talk to me. She already talked to me last night. She is waiting in the bathroom for me to come out. I really want to tell her that I don't think you have the votes... That is going to prompt her to go around to everyone. We don't have to reveal our vote

X: No

Tiff: So what should I say, she is waiting on me

X: Probably say something along the line of just looking around the house it's not looking good 




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9:50AM BBT

SB campaigns more with Tiffany in the Poker Parlor. SB says she meant it when she told them (Tiff and Claire that she wanted to work with them. SHe admits it was a mistake to put Claire on the block. "I know it seems like I am willing to just throw out Alyssa and X but what I have said about them is true. I know you may think I'm a disloyal player but I wanted to give that relevant information."

Tiffany tells SB that she doesn't hold SB's loyalty to Ky against her. 'We formed Jackpot. From the minute I saw you and hear you and watched you, I said she is probably very smart. She is low key...I was like, if she is  alone in thsi game, I don't want her to be alone in the game." Tiff says it didn't seem like anyone else was working with her, and she felt comfortable with it. She said she noticed she was getting closer to Ky, and it seemed she was not really there for Jackpot anymore.


WBRB Bubbles


10:00AM BBT

Tiffany listens to SB's pitch, but tells her she really doesn't see it going in her favor because she is a good player and a threat to Tiffany's personal game. SB argues that she is would promise her loyalty. Tiff says that she makes a solid argument, but as far as she knows, she doesn't have the votes. SB knows she doesn't have the votes unless she can get Tiffany who could then get Claire. Tiff tells her to have some conversations. SB says she would be easier to beat than Kyland, "I think I do have an opportunity to be somewhat of a shield."

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10:30AM BBT

Xavier, Hannah and Claire have been chatting at the kitchen table. They are using the memory board to play  various games. Currently they are assigning all of the evicted houseguests to the Destiny's Child girls (Beyonce, Kelly and Michelle) Frenchie is a Beyonce; Whitney is a Michelle; Christian is a Kelly


10:46AM BBT

Azah approached Big D, "I heard you killed some shoes."

Big D- Yes. There were ants all over them. I didn't know you would want some anty shoes."


10:48AM BBT

The feeds cut to RCHS for the intial lockdown.


12:20PM BBT

The feeds return to most HGs in the bathroom getting ready for the day.

SB and Kyland are talking in the HoHR.

SB - I think I have Azah, and I think I could, maybe, convince Big D. Maybe not. I would need that extra vote because they don't think they could get Chaddha. I would need Claire to break the tie. It's probably not gonna happen, but I tried my best. But, I feel I got some good information

Kyland- Information?

SB: Like Chaddha is maybe not as tight with Tiff and Claire as I thought. That's good to know. Oh, also, she (Tiff) definitely thinks if you stay you would go after X and Alyssa and they will go after you. That's not necessarily true.

Ky- Yeah. 


12:38PM BBT

Xavier is shaving in the bathroom. SB is also doing some facial grooming.


Hannah, Claire, Alyssa, Azah and Big D are eating at the kitchen table.

Azah wonders what people did in the 90s if they were vegan or gluten free.

Claire- I feel like Celiac's wasn't very diagnosed

Hannah tells Alyssa that her wrist is doing better.


WBRB Bubbles


12:57PM BBT

Xavier sits at the table to eat.


1:21PM BBT

Tiffany is grooming Kyland's beard [I hope she gets his hair, too.  -MamaLong]


Hannah announces that 2:15 will be rehearsal for the pageant. It was delayed last night at Big D's request.


1:35PM BBT

WBRB Bubbles


1:49PM BBT

The feeds return to SB asleep in the YBR and X, Big D and Alyssa chatting in the living room.


2:00PM BBT

Tiffany is still working on Kyland's face.

In the living room, Alyssa and Claire are singing one of the songs from the BB23 Greatest Hits album.


2:03PM BBT

The feeds move to WBRB Bubbles the RCHS

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We won't see the HGs again until the live show.


["What's gonna happen?" you ask. Well, SB is being evicted tonight and will join Derek X and Brit in the jury house. She is taking it rather well knowing she made some key mistakes in the game that caused her original allies to lose trust. Tiffany warned her it's not looking good and was totally honest with SB telling her that she is the biggest female player threat to her personal game. Tonight's HoH comp will be important for Alyssa to win. Otherwise, she can expect to be sitting on the block next to Xavier. Claire is the target for Big D, Kyland and Xavier. Alyssa is the target for Tiffany, Claire, Hannah and Azah. The interesting turn of events tonight would be Alyssa winning. I would like to see Claire win HoH. I am not sure that being the anonymous HoH makes Claire ineligible. It was a power, after all. Claire would put up Alyssa and X like most of the house wants, but her target would actually be Xavier. Expect the unexpected.  -MamaLong]

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6:02PM BBT

The feeds have returned with the HoH competition underway. We have the swinging discs banging into an elephant, named Bubbles, that is releasing bubbles out of its butt.

Big D and Alyssa are out.

Azah is slipping.

Alyssa says she fell because she passed out on the rope.

Big D keeps complaining that he can't believe he is going to be a Have-Not.

Tiff took a hard hit on the elephant's rump.

Azah says she is getting sick.

Hannah says her head hurts.


Big D- Why did they tell her she could do this? (Hannah)

Claire says to bend your knees to stop the spinning

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6:11PM BBT

Azah is squatting to slow the spin

Claire is really solid. This could be her comp if she didn't have to throw it. (anonymous HoH)

Claire, "fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck" and she takes a hard fall

Alyssa- are you gonna puke

CLaire- maybe

Alyssa says she puked

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Claire says she blacked out

Alyssa- I blacked out, too

6:13PM BBT

Hannah fell off

"I was upset with myself. I was just trying to get back up, and I slipped. I could have kept going."

Big D has been cheering on Azah this whole time.

The first three that fell will be the Have-Nots: Big D, Alyssa, Claire


6:14PM BBT

Xavier fell

Tiff, Azah and Kyland are still competing for HoH

Azah says her feet are slipping.


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Big D and Alyssa are cheering on Azah to stick with it. There isn't much rooting for Ky from the sidelines.


6:17PM BBT

Azah fell


6:18PM BBT

Tiffany and Kyland are the only ones left.

Azah is throwing up on the side

Hannah cheers for Tiff then Ky

Ky is now squatting. This is what made Hannah, Azah and Claire fall.

Alyssa- Do Have-Nots start right after this?

Claire- maybe an hour or right after.   HAVE-NOT CREW!

Ky- What are you thinking Tiff?

Tiff- I could stay up here.


6:22PM BBT

Hannah says Tiff is great at these endurance comps

The swings have increased in speed.

Tiff- Come on Ky

Ky- What's that?...You guys want to give us a minute?


Big D- Now Big D is definitely checked out. I'm checked out. This was the break I needed, and I blew it.

Ky is making loud sighs and moans every now and then. Tiffany is solid.


6:25PM BBT

Ky keeps squatting and then standing back up


Big D is complaining from the sidelines, "Doesn't anyone want to work out a deal? I do not want to be out here any longer."


6:27PM BBT

WBRB Bubbles


6:29PM BBT

Tiff is still solid. Ky is breathing deeply. Ky shifts his weight then almost hits Bubbles. He shifts his weight too far back. "Fuck! Oh God." Ky fell off.

Hannah- That's okay. Good job Ky. Nice job Tiff. Two weeks in a row.

Claire- Hey BABY!

Big D- Tiffany, you are the Head of Household. Congratulations. You are now the new Head of Household. Do not hug me. You are so dirty.


6:30PM BBT

Tiffany is the HoH! 

Everyone congratulates Tiffany.


6:31PM BBT

Feeds go to RCHS


I expect Tiffany will put Xavier and Alyssa on the block. Alyssa is the target.

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6:48PM BBT

The feeds have returned. The houseguests are inside cleaning up after the HoH comp.

Claire and Tiff are in the sea glass bedroom.

Claire- Great job Tiff. Ky was up down up down up down. I was like, you got this.

Sarge- Please put on your microphone

Claire- Back to back. It's never been done. You literally never moved. He was like trying to be making deals.

Tiff- I told him I could do this all night.

Claire- You could have.....You won endurance. Fucking iconic.


6:50PM BBT

Ky is talking to X in the bathroom saying that he was only holding on to give it to Azah, "I had to wait for her. I was like, Tiff. I was gonna give it to Azah." 

[Yeah, well, you've said that before, Ky. -MamaLong]


Claire goes to get a shower.

Azah comes in and hugs Tiffany.

Tiff- My love! If you would have stayed, Azah, I was falling. I'm sorry. 

[Tiff had planned to throw the comp to Azah if it came down to the two of them.]

Azah- No, don't be. Come on. Don't worry about. Please!


Azah says at the end of the day, Ky could have dropped off.

Tiff- He didn't. That's what made me uncomfortable.

X walks by and Tiff asks if she can talk to him. 

Sarge- Please put on your microphone

Xavier heads off for his mic


6:53PM BBT

Tiff and Xavier go to the coral reef room. Tiffany tells Xavier that she was waiting for Ky to drop then she was throwing to Azah. "We all knew, it was Big D, Azah or him that could win it. When he didn't drop for Azah, I was like what the, I'm just gonna go for it. He would have had 3 HoH's. I don't know if I really want him to have three HoH's! I don't know how you feel and you can be honest. I don't know how you feel me winning it instead of him."


[Had Kyland won this HoH, he would be unable to compete in the first of the double eviction next week but would be able to compete in the 2nd part which is where the first of the Cookout members are in jeopardy. With Tiff winning and eliminating Alyssa this week, Ky can win part 1 of the DE next week and take out Claire for Tiffany, so she doesn't have to. He then is not able to compete in part two. Should Claire happen to win the next HoH, Tiff would still be safe.  -MamaLong]


Xavier says now they have to put one of the Cookout because she made a deal with Alyssa. Tiffany says she made a deal for one week, "I didn't make a deal that I can't put her up this week. Worse come to worse, I'm riding with y'all. If I got to put Claire up on the block, I just have to find a way to break it to her. There is no way I am sending one of y'all home."

Xavier- What are you thinking for your nominations?

Sarge- Xavier, please put on your microphone

Tiff- You tell me what you want me to do.

X- I can't tell you what to do.

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7:03PM BBT

Alyssa is crying to Xavier in the poker parlor "I can't do slop again. I'm going to get so skinny. No one has had to be a Have Not three times. I fucking...."

X- I'm surprised they picked three people this time.

Alyssa- It doesn't matter. I dropped second. I already puked everything I ate today. I am so over it, dude. It's not even fun anymore. Every week I am jus so fucking stressed and bored. I, honestly, don't even care if I go home.

X- all that paperwork and this is what we get. Every week we are targeted. If we aren't targeted, we are on slop.

Alyssa- I am just so over it. I don't even care anymroe.

X- Let's try to go to work again.

Alyssa- I don't want to anymore. I just don't care anymore. I can't do the fakeness and the talks and the one-on-ones. It's so fake. I'm so over it.


Meanwhile, in the YBR, Big D is having his weekly melt down about how unfair the competitions are for him.

Azah says that God told her a couple of things: 1.  that she has to win a competition herself and that no one would have to throw a competition for her, and 2. her eyes are now opened to Kyland and this time she is "not going to get upset about it. When Ky and Tiff were up ther, I was praying that Tiffany would win that because I know she is gonna send Alyssa home."


Hannah comes in and they tell Hannah they are so proud of how well she did even with an injury.

Big D- your family will be really proud of you

Hannah- you also did well

Big D tells Hannah that he is checked out, "I don't know what to do. I have never felt so weak in my life. I have never felt this low. Being in this house, I thought coming in here in the beginning that they would switch up some of these games so someone big like me in America could come on a competition show and excel.  But it's the same old bullshit."

Hannah- I'm sorry Big D


8:01PM BBT

In the bathroom, Hannah asks Tiffany how it feels, "You're about to get three more pictures"

Tiffany- I'm more happy that my son can say his mom did it again

Kyland- and it's one mental and one physical, too

They discuss Tiff getting to play two weeks in a row. The only other time it has happened was when Dani had her power last season but didn't use it.

They question if Claire's anonymous HoH will count.

Tiff- we need to know what will count and what won't.

Ky says he will ask about it in the DR.

Alyssa comes in and they all begin comparing war wounds from the HoH comp. Ky says he never felt the burning from the rope.

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8:09PM BBT

Hannah is showering. When Ky leaves the bathroom, Tiff approaches the shower to tell Hannah that she was worried when Ky didn't drop for Azah. Hannah says that Azah understands and everything is fine.


Ky walks back in and Tiff asks him if she has to talk to people tonight. [Feeding that ego. -MamaLong]

Ky tells Tiffany that she doesn't have to do anything tonight. Tiffany says then she won't.


Tiffany goes to the sea glass bedroom, "They must not know about me."

Tiff celebrates in front of the cameras, "I did it again America. Back to Back. What can I say? The girl is smart. The girl is strong. I got the bruises to prove it."


8:13PM BBT

Tiff- That's for you son. That's for you Mama Pat. That's for you Shannon. That's for you Sherry. That's for all my sisters, all my friends. That's for yall. 'Cause y'all are holding it down for me at home. I want y'all to know I came here to play this game. But I didn't come to play no games with these people and get used. One more time. One more time."


[I'm out for the night. -MamaLong]

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8:11pm Big Brother Time

Tiffany tells Kyland (who has been following her around for over and hour) that she is not talking to anyone tonight, she did that already last week.
She leaves the lavatory area after an extended shower and goes to the storage room for some sort of hair gel.
She tells production she needs “glue/blue hair gel” as she leaves the room.
She goes to the hallway bedroom and mugs for the cameras. She shows her muscles and bruises and blows kisses to her family.

Kyland and Xavier are in the kitchen, Kyland says he kept asking Tiffany, “what's up.” He says Tiffany seemed to misunderstand, and he is worried about how Claire plays into Tiffany's win.  They decide to sleep in the coral bedroom. (The Have Not room will be occupied by Big D, Claire and Alyssa this week).
Kyland continues to complain that Tiffany won.  Xavier says “at least one of us won.” Kyland says, “yeah, ummmm ummm.”
Xavier scoots from the room and Kyland goes to the storage room.

Big D and Azah are in the bedroom, Azah says Sarah Beth was telling people this morning that she had a vote from Azah to stay.

Alyssa says Tiffany wasn't the secret HOH because she won, Azah says it was probably Claire. Azah repeats that Sarah Beth told people she had a vote to stay from Azah.

Cameras move to the kitchen.

Kyland is talking about his performance in the HOH competition.  

Tiffany and Claire are in the hallway bedroom.  Claire says everyone that is not a have not (four people) will be sleeping in the anchor room.  She says Tiffany has the HOH room, and three people are in the Have Not Room.

Claire talks to the camera, “We love Tippy Toes.” (whispers).

Tiffany turns back around and says “I want to ask the questions.” She says she knows half the process now.  They both think Sarah Beth will be very upset, she will be expecting Kyland to take revenge for her.

Claire talks to the camera again, she says this is the best case scenario, she says Alyssa is going on thee block before she has the opportunity to come after her, Hannah or Tiffany.

Tiffany comes back to the room, she says the excitement has created a headache, she can't seem to locate her water bottle.  She says Sarah Beth took it. (joking).

Claire tells Tiffany that the “you were the secret HOH jig is up.” Tiffany laughs.

Cameras move to Big D and Alyssa.

Intermittent periods of silence interrupted by Big D's complaints.  He is mad because Kyland hasn't spoken to him.
Alyssa says he (Kyland) is already going around sucking up to Tiffany.
Big D says he would not ignore someone who lost their person in the house, and he is upset about that.

Tiffany and Hannah are in the lavatory cutting up.

Camera moves back to Big D, who is sighs dramatically. Alyssa and Xavier are also in the room, but no one is talking much.  They know they have to wait for the HOH room as well.

Big D continues to complain about his lot in this game, and his failure at a showmance with Kyland. Alyssa reminds him that he said he liked Kyland because of his personality, then she asks if this is the personality he liked?  Big D calls her a name,
Alyssa says she have never known someone so loud after they just lost “their person”.
Big D and Alyssa sing a blues style about being on the block again.
(neither of them find any humor in their performance in the HOH).

Azah comes into the room and gives them a house guest location report.

8:48pm Big Brother Time

Hannah comes into the room, says she is going to the diary room to have them check her head to see if she is good (she said earlier she bumped it several times).

Silence in the room after she leaves, with the exception of continued sighs and complaints from Big D.
(he is upset because he fell first, he has no power in the game, he might go home this week, he is bad at all the competitions..)
Alyssa decides to trade lying in the bedroom for lying on the sofa in the living room area.

Azah realizes that her only room partner this week is Hannah.

After Alyssa leaves, Azah says she wonders why Kyland didn't drop as planned.  She says he should not say something  if he wasn't truthful about it.  She says she knows that if Kyland had dropped, Tiffany would have followed right behind him.
Azah also says that Kyland got outed for making his HOH list, so she knows he wanted to win it, and she says that he would have put Xavier and her up.
Azah says this has made it known to her that she will have to win for herself, not rely on promises.

Xavier comes into the room, he tells them that he (Xavier) was not supposed to win, but he is upset with Tiffany's win.  He wonders, if they are not keeping with the plan, why is he throwing competitions.

Azah says she isn't really upset, she says Tiffany told her if Kyland would have dropped she (Tiffany) would have dropped too.

Xavier thinks both Tiffany and Kyland jumped at the opportunity.

Xavier says he dropped after the Have Nots dropped, he was waiting for Claire to drop, then Hannah dropped, so he went.

Azah says after that she was looking around, after Xavier dropped, no one moved.

Xavier says that the idea was that Big D, Azah or Hannah were the plan to win.

Big D says “next week, just go for it.”

Xavier says he will probably see the block for the third week in the row, and he is being shafted by this.
He doesn't enjoy losing, and there are several competitions he could have won but didn't.

Azah says Tiffany winning isn't a bad thing, because now they know to keep an eye on  Kyland and Tiffany. Azah says she hasn't really felt comfortable with Kyland. She says she was waiting for Tiffany, Hannah and Xavier to drop out, but Tiffany and Kyland didn't move.
Xavier leaves the room.

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9:00pm Big Brother Time

Big D has fallen asleep, he is snoring.

Azah is talking to herself, she questions Kyland, but knows Tiffany is looking out for her. She says that Kyland should have gotten off.

Big D is snoring loud now!!!! My goodness.

Cameras move to Hannah and Tiffany are in the lavatory area.

Hannah says she slipped and that is why she fell off the disc in the HOH competition.
Hannah leaves the area, cameras remain on Tiffany.
Tiffany says she doesn't understand why everyone seems so unhappy today, but she plans to walk around looking “not too excited.”  She adds, “Well, I guess that's the way it is, isn't it?”  She says everyone is upset, she wonders if they wanted Kyland to win.  She says Xavier wanted Kyland to win so he could keep Alyssa., but “guess what?? I wanted Claire to stay.” 
Tiffany continues to thank America for the good energy they are sending it, and asks everyone to send Christian happy shout outs.  She talks to her family, thanking them, telling them she loves them.
Tiffany does a cheer, “And guess what?? S B went HOME!”, then she struts out of the room.

Camera moves to the living room area.

Xavier and Alyssa are looking at the wall and the pattern the gray photos have made.

Other camera is on kitchen (empty), then storage room with Hannah and Kyland collecting produce of some sort.

No one is talking game this evening, everyone is moaning about their loss earlier and position in the game.  Tiffany, although she is very happy to have won, is also being very low key.

9:26pm Big Brother Time

Azah and Xavier are talking in the anchor bedroom.
Azah says she was hoping to get a letter from her mom and dad this week.
She gets a little teary eyed, Big D comes back in, asks her if she is okay.
Azah says she's fine, she just had a moment.

She tells Xavier and Big D she knows they want to talk one on one, and she wipes her eyes before she leaves the room. She insists she is “fine” She tells them she will be back.

Xavier and Big D talk about “what was that?”  He says he knew they had to worry about Kyland, but he is surprised at Tiffany.  He says she knew she couldn't win, and Xavier couldn't win it as well.  He wants to know why she stayed up there after Hannah, she was supposed to drop.

Alyssa interrupts them for a second.

Xavier continues to state his grievances, Big D tells him the girls are doing whatever they want to do.
He says Tiffany will put up either Kyland and Alyssa or himself and Alyssa.  Xavier says if he wins the veto he will take Alyssa down.

Xavier is also mad because Tiffany avoided being a Have Not.
Xavier says both Tiffany and Kyland have done things this week that don't go with the plan.
Kyland's failure to talk to Big D after the competition, Tiffany taking the HOH.
Xavier says this might be the third time he is on the block this season, and he wasn't supposed to be on it again.  He says Tiffany has not been on the block.
Big D says the girls want Alyssa out first, Xavier says Tiffany says Claire is easier to beat. 
Big D says if Alyssa is here and wins, she will put up two of the girls.
Xavier says he is not telling Tiffany he will take Alyssa down, she didn't tell him she was going for HOH.
Big D says he was willing to give up Britini, and he is getting nothing for it.
Xavier says the only people who completely support the Cookout are Hannah, Big D, Xavier and Azah.
Both of them think Tiffany is more of a threat than Kyland, because of jury votes.

Cameras move to the kitchen.

Alyssa is saying that when she knew she was coming on the show she was excited about doing all the things she has seen, like have nots and slop and punishments.
Claire commiserates.

Alyssa says Big D came in here and was comfortable about his size. He hasn't won anything, the competitions are based on size. (meaning large, fluffy people don't have a chance on these physical challenges).  She says he feels bad about that, and to make it worse, Kyland hasn't gone to check on him since the competition.

Cameras return to the anchor bedroom.

Big D continues sharing his misery.
He is upset that he has won nothing all season, he wants to hear from his family. He questions why he is even there. He knows people don't think like him, he says if other people are upset their friends should check on them. 
Big D sends Xavier out to “look for her, see how she's doing.”

Xavier goes to get Tiffany and they go to the coral bedroom for a chat.

Xavier says she has already told him that what she was thinking.

Tiffany says when Azah fell she just decided to win the HOH, Xavier tells her the plan was to take Claire out.
Tiffany says Claire has not won anything, has not even come close.
Xavier asks what happens if Claire wins HOH, she tells him there is no difference if Alyssa wins.
Tiffany tells Xavier she can get Claire to do whatever she asks her to do, and Claire is in agreement with her.  She says no one wants to sit by Kyland at the end, and Xavier would not be in danger of leaving if Claire is HOH.
Tiffany says she will not let Claire send Xavier home over Kyland, she strongly believes she can get Claire to go with what she (Tiffany) says needs to happen.
Xavier tells Tiffany he doesn't want to go on the block, but Tiffany tells him she wants him to win the veto, but not from off the block.  She says she will put up Big D or Kyland on the block when Xavier removes himself.

Xavier questions that Tiffany has not considered Claire a target.
Tiffany says she is a target, but Sarah Beth and Kyland were too close, even though Xavier and Alyssa are close she saw a bigger picture with Sarah Beth and Kyland.

Tiffany says the goal is to keep the six in the house.  She says she wants Claire to go home this week, she doesn't want to sit by her in the final seven.  

Xavier questions her again about why things happened they way they did in the HOH, Tiffany tells her that self interest was a factor in this.  Xavier complains that he will be on the block for the third time this week.

Tiffany says if she has to nominate Claire, she will nominate Claire. She tells him she is glad he is playing unselfishly.
Xavier says playing this way hasn't helped him, but she reminds him he is still here.
Tiffany tells him if she wins the veto she will pull Xavier off.
Xavier agrees to go on the block, and if he wins he will come down and they can put Big D up as the replacement.  If Alyssa comes down they will deal with it.

They end their conversation.

Xavier stays in the room when Tiffany leaves.

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10:00pm Big Brother Time

Tiffany and Claire are whispering in the hallway bedroom.

It sounds like Tiffany is telling Claire she is planning to put up Xavier and Alyssa.
Tiffany tells Claire she is trying to position herself and Claire to not be targeting after this week. She tells Claire that a female needs to win the next HOH.

They start talking about the Bible and how Tiffany decides what to read. (she uses a summary section).

Big D and Alyssa are playing chess in the anchor bedroom.

Hannah comes into the hallway bedroom, so the girls are just talking general talk.

Kyland is in the shower and Xavier is in the lavatory talking to him.

Xavier says it is clear that Claire was not their target this week, if Hannah had won there would have been no difference.  He is mad because he threw the competition when they weren't going to follow the “plan”
Xavier continues to moan because he has been on the block for two weeks.  He says next week will be a double, and if they take a shot at Claire they will have problems. 
Kyland says he won't be surprised if either him or Xavier go at number six. Xavier agrees.

Xavier says the person that would take a shot at the two of them would be “the same person who won tonight.”
Kyland says Tiffany told him she wanted to win, he says he told her it was fine. He says she told him her HOH was so short she wanted it this time.  Kyland says he told her he understands, but that doesn't mean he is happy about that understanding.

Tiffany comes to the loo, she tells them she knows they were talking “sh*t” about her, they can continue to do so, she has already imagined everything they might say anyway. Tiffany leaves the room and Xavier goes into the loo, making sure the door squeaks.

When Xavier comes out of the loo he tells Kyland to go talk to Big D, who is pretty “tore up”.

Xavier goes to the kitchen he asks where everyone is, she tells him they are in the lavatory talking bad about her.

Tiffany says she is only concerned that she has upset him (Xavier).  Xavier hugs her and tells Tiffany he will help her however she can.
Xavier tells Tiffany that Alyssa has an inkling she is going on the block, and he will let her know it is a real possibility.

Tiffany tells Xavier that she talked to Claire, and told her she (Tiffany) wants to break up a duo. Tiffany tells him that she made a deal with Xavier that they would pass over him for nominations.  Tiffany tells Xavier that she told Claire they cannot beat Kyland, and pushed Claire to consider that the person she should go for would be Kyland, not Xavier.
Tiffany goes down to the kitchen
Xavier is standing on the balcony, makes a lemon face and gestures towards Tiffany.
(Xavier is really angry at Tiffany, he laid down the law earlier, told the Cookout exactly what order he wanted house guests to be sent to jury.  He also told them who could win the HOH, and in what order that was to happen.  Tiffany thumbed her nose at him by winning and avoiding Claire going on the block this week. That messes with Xavier's plan to keep Alyssa in his pocket for the final 7.--Grannysue)

Tiffany goes to the lavatory where Kyland is just finishing his shower. She tells him she has come to talk to him.
Kyland tells her that is fine, he is almost done.

Tiffany tells Kyland he can come stay with her any time, he can use her shower as well. “Seeing as how I got rid of your cuddle buddy.”

She tells him she voted to evict him “out of sympathy for SB” 

Claire comes in to use the loo while Tiffany sips tea (in her sunglasses) and Kyland lotions his legs.

Claire comes out of the loo and takes a seat in one of the chairs, she props up her feet and gets comfortable.  They talk about the three of them coming so far into the game. (The Queens).

They talk about house guests who have gone.

10:47 Big Brother Time
Claire is called to the diary room and Tiffany and Kyland remain in the lavatory area.

Tiffany tells Kyland he is safe this week, he laughs and thanks her.

Kyland says he hasn't talked to Big D yet, Tiffany says she went in and gave him a hug.
Tiffany says she thought Hannah would win, Kyland says she slipped.

Kyland says he told Xavier that Tiffany held on because she saw that Azah was going to drop and she was stable.
Tiffany says she spoke to Xavier and told him that she did think about winning the HOH back that she lost and how her son would be proud if she was the winner. She says she told him that she was nominating him (Xavier) and Alyssa.  Her replacement would be Big D if Xavier comes down, and if she has to nominate Claire “I made this hole I have to live in it.”
Tiffany says that Alyssa is a competitor, and she could beat Claire much easier in a competition. Tiffany tells Kyland that Xavier was insistent that he had a better plan that came with keeping Alyssa in the house.
Tiffany also tells Kyland that she has the same relationship with Claire that Xavier has with Alyssa.

Kyland asks when she talked to Xavier, when she tells him, he says “I don't think he loved it.”
Tiffany says she knows that, she knew “the plan'”, and she did want to win. She says she had accepted she was going to lose Claire this week but would not be upset if she didn't.
Tiffany says Xavier told her this would be his third week on the block, but she says she didn't put him on the block.  She knows her time is coming, she will live with it.
Tiffany says she won two HOH's back to back, it is an opportunity she took.

Kyland says he knows that if Alyssa wins HOH she would put up him (Kyland) and Tiffany.
They agree that Xavier has been able to throwing competitions, even with the people who are not in the  Cookout. Kyland says it is disheartening to see someone in the game that can do anything and get away with it.
Tiffany says Xavier claims to have thrown this HOH, Kyland wonders if he really is, but it still Xavier's default.
Tiffany tells Kyland not to let his ego get in the way of what he “thinks” someone else is doing. She tells him she is good at assessing people and putting things together.  She says people will use his ego to their advantage.  Tiffany says “Don't get fooled by him.” She tells him the minute he (Kyland) thinks he knows what Xavier is thinking, he isn't thinking what he, himself is thinking..

Claire comes in, starts to hover, Kyland asks her if she needs the bathroom, they are having a chat so they can go if she needs to. Claire says no, its okay and walks out of the lavatory.

Tiffany says that Xavier is playing many steps ahead, and if she were playing against Kyland she would want him to think he (Kyland) had an advantage over her, no matter how it looks.  She says if she did that Kyland's ego will push him to think he is a better player.  She says that by doing that she would never show how good she is because she has given him (Kyland ) nothing.

Kyland tells Tiffany that he knows Xavier is very good at putting aside his ego. He says he operates on the idea that he can't beat Xavier. He says he tries to evaluate whatever information he can get and processing  that information give him a better idea of his odds.

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11:14 pm Big Brother Time

Tiffany and Kyland continue to talk in the lavatory.

Azah and Big D are playing chess in the anchor bedroom

Kyland mentions that Xavier's name has not come up, either within the six or outside the six. He says that causes him to be on the lookout.

Their conversation moves on to Sarah Beth and her strategies.

Kyland leaves the room,, Tiffany comes from the loo and leaves as well.

11:29pm Big Brother Time

Kyland goes to find Big D

Big D is telling him that he isn't sure he wants to be in the house.  He says he thought when he came into the house he thought there would be challenges he could do. He says he never felt bad about his size before, but since he came to this house he has questioned that.
He says his confidence and mental has just checked out, he feels that it is difficult for him right now.
Big D says he doesn't even know “what the f**k I am doing here right now.”
He mentions going outside tonight and seeing those tiny discs and his hurt feelings when he saw that, he mentions going out first in every competition.
Big D says he is just checked out, he says when he went out and saw those discs that were not made for a big dude...
He says he doesn't want to be the player that just skates by, he says he wants to be the guy people want to back door, he wants to have some power in the game.
He feels he is losing his dignity and manhood, and it is very tough.
Big D says he knows it is an individual game, he can't expect Kyland to be there for him.
Big D says it is just too much for him, he doesn't know if he is being a sore loser.
He is tired of looking at something and saying to himself “I'll be on this for two minutes tops.”, he says he is a mental guy.  He says all the competitions were made for smaller people.
He says “the Have Not thing has me real upset.”

Kyland tells Big D he waited to come to Big D, but he did that so his mind would be clear. He tells Big D that the “realest thing” he can do is just say “this sucks.”  He says there are competitions made that will not give Big D a chance.

Big D says the little disc was hard, he says one foot filled the whole thing. He says he is annoyed because he has been sacrificing this whole time and he is confused and angry.

Big D says “how much longer, I haven't been selfish, and I feel like today on top of everything just set me off.”

Kyland says they just need to acknowledge the frustration.

Big D says he love himself, and today was the first time he questioned that.  He says the HOH competition was what he knew he couldn't do.  Big D says all he can do is talk, Kyland can compete and talk.

Kyland says it is important to remember that this is one specific place, and no one is the best in every place they go.  He says to remember that there are things that all people can't do,

Big D tells Kyland that he is the only person that he has in the house. He says he is needy and needs attention and he knows that.
Big D is worried about the week, he says he will go up again as a pawn again.

Kyland says he looks at it like he is going to leave, it doesn't matter how the game goes, next summer is a time to plan a great time.  Kyland says  neither of them waste opportunity, it doesn't matter how they do at the game.  He is going to lose competitions, he is going to win some, but he tells Big D to zoom out of this house, this week, this year..

Kyland continues to council Big D.  Only related to the game for perspective.

12:00am Big Brother Time

Well darlings, it is time for this old lady to say goodnight.  Remember to be kind today, hugs, Grannysue

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