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Big Brother Season 23-Nominations and Wild Card Week 3

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Previously, on Big Brother, with Frenchie totally frenched, his eight person Slaughterhouse alliance was dissolving and a new alliance between the kings and queens was born, with one of the aces as their secret weapon.

It appeared Brent and Whitney were going to be the next targets but first the house had to say au revoir to Frenchie. With the HOH on the line, two aces threw it making way for a king to be crowned.

Tonight, with Xavier working with the cookout and the kings and queens alliance, who will he nominate? Plus, the wildcard comp is tonight!


We pick up after the HOH comp and Xavier is hoping the right person wins the wild card competition because it could make or break his HOH. Britini is relieved that she is safe and she does not think Xavier would nominate her again because it would be a poor game decision.


Brent feels great with his relationship with Xavier and just because Frenchie is gone does not mean the Slaughterhouse cannot survive with just 7 people. Derek F is sad but he is going to have regroup and restrategize, but Xavier being HOH is great for his game.


Christian and Alyssa are celebrating with Xavier. Alyssa is so excited that X won and it feels good their whole team is safe. Alyssa is talking to Sarah Beth and Tiffany are talking about how great a position they are in.


Sarah Beth talks about the alliance between the Kings and the Queens and how their alliance was formed on Day 15 and the name is the Royal Flush. Sarah Beth says this alliance is perfect for her game because she likes them all and trusts them.


Britini is unpacking but she is concerned about this week and Azah thinks they will be fine. Azah is hoping things will be better for the Jokers this week. Azah feels safe with Xavier, but she is concerned for Britini.


Hannah says everything that comes out Brent’s mouth is egotistical, annoying, and it makes her sick and other people agree. Alyssa says Brent thinks he is a God that she would want so bad. Whitney says Brent is so in love with himself and he cannot see past his own ego.


Xavier says Brent has rubbed some people the wrong way. We see Tiffany ask him if he has had a platonic relationship with a female and Brent says no. But there are books written on the subject that is pretty wild.


Xavier is talking to Tiffany. Tiffany would love to see Xavier go after Brent and Whitney, preferably Brent. Xavier says he is ready to do what he has to do. Xavier says he is aligned with the Cookout and Royal Flush, which leaves options as Whitney, Brent, and Britini.


Tiffany does not want to control Xavier’s thoughts, but she does believe he understands the task at hand to get Brent out of this house. Tiffany celebrates being safe because she is in two alliances with Xavier.


Derek F thinks there are a lot of cute couples in this house. Hannah has a little crush on Derek X. because they are close in age and they have the same sense of humor. Derek X feels like Hannah is flirty and he thinks she is great.


Sarah Beth is talking to Derek F and she says she thinks all the guys like Alyssa. Christian says he told himself not to get into a showmance but then he seen Alyssa and they have been cuddling. Alyssa says she and Christian are just friends who find each other attractive.


Derek X and Hannah are talking about Brent and how big his ego is. Hannah says the target is on Brent which is fine by her. She and Derek X. threw the HOH comp because they’d have been safe, and so would Brent. Derek X is talking about throwing the wild card comp.


It is time for the wild card competition! The Queens are talking and Tiffany feels really safe this week with Xavier, but she still wants to play in this wild card competition to make sure safety does not fall into the wrong persons hands.


Britini is going to compete and she wants to secure safety and not even touch the block. This is her shot for competition redemption. Derek X is willing to play and his team is ok with that. Derek X says he made himself a house target and he has to do what is best for him.


Derek X., Tiffany, and Britini will be the three competitors to compete. Derek is talking to Tiffany and Claire and he wants to keep Britini as an option so he wants to throw to Tiffany.


The HG will be playing Unlucky 13. Each HG will grab a card and walk across the balance beam and place a card on another HG podium or their own. Once a player has four cards that equal 13 they are eliminated.


Britini is going to do anything she can to win. Derek X needs to throw the comp but make sure Britini does not win so she is still an option to be nominated.


Derek X struggles on the beam. Britini places a 2 on Derek X’s podium and he places a 2 and he is at 4. Tiffany and Derek are both going for Britini first. Britini has two 4’s and a 2. She is upset when she sees both the others are going for her.


Derek X is trying to track Britini’s score and his own so he isn’t eliminated. Derek X is at 12. Britini is at 15. Britini is targeting Derek X and he sees her cross first and he is concerned about her placing her card first.


Britini just has to take her four and replace the three but she cannot figure it out. She leaves and goes to her own podium and replaces a card and Derek X and Tiffany replace cards on her podium and they all race back.


Britini falls off the beam and Derek X is rushing to eliminate Britini and he does and Britini has been eliminated. She is devastated because she wanted the safety more than either one of them. This game is crazy with people coasting and she is fighting for her life.


Tiffany and Derek X. continue to play and he does not want to chance Brent winning safety so now he has to throw. Tiffany is in a good spot because she only has two cards in her podium. Tiffany switches cards and it is 13 and Derek X has been eliminated.


Derek X says things could not have gone better and he hopes the wildcard decision does not come back to bite him. Tiffany has won the wild card competition! Her decision is to be safe but a game of chance will make one player from the each of the other teams will be safe.


Xavier says Tiffany gets hit with a huge decision because if she takes safety, then a game of chance will select one person from each of the other teams to be safe as well. So she could potentially save Brent or Whitney if she accepts. Britini is hoping she will accept.


Derek X says he hopes Tiffany will not accept and throw their elaborate plan in the trash. Tiffany has decided to decline the safety. Christian says that was the perfect scenario and it helps everyone stay under cover.


Tiffany says of course she was not going to accept safety and risk Brent getting to be safe. Brent says that was a great decision because he is in an alliance with Xavier and all he has to worry about is what to eat for dinner.


Britini is upset because Tiffany and Derek X both came after her in the wildcard comp. Azah is comforting her and she says them doing that is baffling. She does not have as good a read on the house as she thought.


Xavier is talking to Tiffany about putting up Brent next to Britini. Xavier is saying they can make Brent believe he is a pawn so maybe he will not campaign and he would not question why two people from his team are up.


Xavier is talking to Azah about the plan and Azah tells him that Britini being ganged up on was baffling. Azah is disappointed. She does not think there has to be a huge elaborate plan right now and she does not understand why Britini has to be up again.


Azah tells Xavier to put her up. She does not want Britini to go up again because she does not want Britini to be toyed around as a pawn. Xavier talks about the Cookout and not wanting to put her up.


Azah does not want to have Britini crying again and Xavier wishes people would not get emotional. Azah says she does not want Britini to go up again. Xavier does not understand why Azah was salty with him.


Xavier says Brent is his target and he is trying to get him comfortable thinking he is a pawn. Brent says he does not want to be nominated. He cannot go up because he is too much of a threat. Xavier says the key is to keep Brent calm throughout the week.


Brent tells Xavier he would be betraying him and his team if he nominated him. Brent says people do not like physical threats. He says he is not a pawn, nothing about him says pawn and he is not entertaining it. End of discussion.


Brent tells Xavier that their relationship would not be the same going forward. Xavier says Brent thinks he is too good to be a pawn, and someone in his cookout alliance, Azah, offers herself as a pawn. That is what makes this game stressful.


It is time for nominations! Xavier’s first nominee is…Brent. His second nominee is…Britini. Xavier says Brent is trustworthy, a heck of a competitor and placing him up is to intend his target goes home. Xavier says he thinks Britini would nominate him if given the chance.


Xavier says all his alliances want Brent out and Britini is a pawn and he wants nominations to stay the same. Britini is absolutely, positively mad. She is going to kick butt at the veto.


Brent says Xavier made a catastrophic mistake because now he is going to prove he is a threat and win that veto. Azah says seeing Britini be a pawn breaks her heart and she should have been the pawn.

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