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Big Brother Canada 9 - Nominations - March 22, 2021

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Previously on Big Brother Canada, when Victoria hatched a plan to eliminate power player LaToya over pawn Kiefer, control of the house hung in the balance, and the fading Sunsetters had a rising rival alliance in the Oddballs.  Meanwhile, team T&T ran their show from the sidelines.  With the eviction vote looming, Kiefer had to play the sap, and the good guy from Haida Gwai convinced his side that he was headed home.  The scene was set for an epic blindside with the ultimate decision resting on Tina’s shoulders.  On eviction night, things got serious, and the Sunsetter’s strategist was forced out of the house, which left Captain Kief to fight another day.  Then, at a crucial HOH competition, Kiefer turned the table and scored the biggest win of the season.  Tonight, who’s ready for Kiefer madness? Will the new king stay loyal to the same Sunsetters who voted against him?  Revenge is the name of the game on Big Brother Canada!


We pick up after LaToya’s eviction.  Victoria says she feels amazing but she needs to make it seem like it was not her plan at all.  Beth really messed up when she came to Vic and said that getting LaToya out would be good for her resume.  Vic knew that and used this information to convince Jed and Ty that Beth had a big role in getting LaToya out…that will take heat off of Vic.


We see Victoria telling Jed and Ty about Beth and then she confronts Beth in the LR in front of the house.  Vic tells us that she had this plan to call Beth out in front of the house and wants her to take the bait and have a fight.  Beth remains calm in front of the other HGs, but tells us she is pissed that Victoria is doing this to her.  She will NOT give Vic the reaction she wants.  With Latoya gone, Beth can get closer to Ty and Jed as long as Vic doesn’t blow up her game!


Jed talks to Beth privately and tells Beth that Vic told him that Beth suggested Ty go up.  Beth denies it.  Jedson joins, followed quickly by Victoria.  Ty asks Vic to confirm whether Beth said to put him up.  Vic says yes, and Beth denies again, but refuses to fight.  Vic says it was only if it came down to Beth and Ty.  Beth says she would not have said that.  Victoria presses, pinning Latoya’s departure on Beth while claiming she isn’t pinning it on her.  Beth denies from the DR.   Vic leaves and TY and Jed, Kiefer and Beth say it’s just them now


Ty tells us their alliance is under attack.  Winning HOH is so important or they could all potentially be screwed.  Kiefer tells us that this game is such a roller coaster.  He went from sitting on the block to being in a shoot-out with Austin for HOH.  On the podium with Austin, he needed to get into Austin’s ear.  He let her know that she would be safe if he won, and vice versa.  We see the replay of Kiefer winning HOH, and the ensuing celebration.  Kiefer picks have-nots… Tera, Vic, Tina and Ro.  Austin and Victoria gasp when Kiefer says Ro.  Rohan tells us “Come on Kiefer”  two weeks straight on slop, he’s the only HG in this situation and it could mess him up from a game perspective. If Kiefer is already eyeing him, Ro needs all the energy he can get this week and being on slop will not help!


Kiefer celebrates in the Defender BR. Jed, Ty and Beth join him.  Kiefer tells us that he’s in a strange situation.  The three people who voted for him to go home are the people he feels closest to in the house.  He has to swallow his pride a little bit because starting over on day 20 is not a good idea.  He has to stick with the Sunsetters and ride this game out with them.  Starting a new alliance with the other side is not a good look.  He needs to be loyal because you can’t buy loyalty.  Loyal to the soil, loyal to the squad, Sunsetters for life!


Victoria comes in and tells the Sunsetters that if they have questions, she’s their girl.  She tells Beth she feels bad about she said to her and wants to curl up and die.  Beth gives a half-hearted “Thanks Vic” and Vic leaves. Beth rolls her eyes and they talk about a whole lot of fake coming out.  Beth says not to tell Vic anything.  Kief thinks Tina is safe because they voted to keep Kiefer.  The others point out that she did that for her own reasons, and not for loyalty to Kief. 


Victoria tells Rohan that she’s so nervous about going up.  They talk about Kiefer putting Rohan on slop.  They talk about how Kiefer is buddy buddy with the people who voted against him.  Victoria leaves, saying it’s not over, as Rohan ponders “what is Kiefer doing?!?”


Tina and Tera are sitting on their favourite sideline seats as Kiefer comes out asking who wants to see his HOH room!  There is lots of shouting and celebration as everyone admires Kiefer’s family pictures.  Kiefer is emotional as he reads a letter from his sister.  “Kiefer, Keep it real.  Wow, this is real life.  We are all so excited for you and proud.  We know that you will represent the Haida nation with laughter, love and respect.  Everywhere I go, people are overjoyed with excitement for you.  I just repeat over and over that my big brother is on Big Brother. 


Kiefer tells us that his sister is honestly his best friend.  He views her as a leader and he wouldn’t be there without her.  She has always looked out for him and his brother even though she is the middle child.  He continues reading… “we also have some big news.  Just to give you a hint…it’s a girl!  It’s a golden retriever!  Keep your head up, try your best, love, peace, and looking grease.”  Everyone applauds.  Great letter.


Kyle and Rohan talk about how they went from the top to the bottom.  They discuss their pitch and decide to talk to the boys.  Kyle tells us that he and Ro were two of the votes that kept Kiefer in the game.  You would think he wouldn’t come after them, but they might be in deep water.  Kyle and Ro talk to Jed in the Expedia room, addressing the blindside saying they learned of the flip and didn’t want to go against the house.  Kyle says it was Victoria’s idea and Jed says Vic told him it was a blindside to her.  Jed tells us that he is not buying what these guys are selling.  There is an unspoken war between Jed/Ty and Kyle/Rohan.  Jed doesn’t trust them.  Every time he asks a question, they deflect or are vague.  Jed nods and agrees because they just want to be good with him.  He’s happy to keep peace for now, but that doesn’t mean Kiefer can’t take a shot this week.

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Kiefer says the best part of being HOH is getting information and that’s a commodity. Rohan and Kyle are going to talk to Kiefer and they’d like to know what he’s thinking and he says he doesn’t know and he needs to talk to everyone. We see a flashback of Rohan and Kyle confronting Kiefer. Rohan asks Kiefer if he thinks they’d be coming after him and he says he doesn’t know. He doesn’t know who’s telling him the truth. Kyle says he and Rohan were two people who wanted him to stay and Latoya to go last week. Kyle says if he wins HOH next week, he wouldn’t put Kiefer on the block and he says everyone is going to tell him that. Rohan says they’ve never lied to him in the game and not one time did they want him up.


Tina and Tera are talking to Kiefer and they tell him he needed this. Tera says there are people lying on both sides and she’s good with whatever he decides. Tina asks what his gut is telling him and Kiefer mentions Kyle and Rohan. Tina says Breydon and Austin are flying under the radar and she can’t read them and Kiefer agrees. Tina says it’s going to be a difficult week for him but he’s earned it.


Victoria makes her visit to the HOH room and she tells us she’s been playing nonstop and she’s exhausted. She wants to talk to Kiefer because she worked hard last week to keep him here and she hopes he does the same. Kiefer tells Victoria he appreciates her honesty last week and there are people coming after her, but it’s not him. He says she can’t look too comfortable this week. Victoria says they are both superfans and they can do this together. She has his back in this game and she hopes he trusts her. Kiefer says people are paired up or a trio and Victoria says not me.


Kiefer is thinking and says what to do. He says it’s been a long day and there are definitely two sides in the BB house and he realized duos are dangerous. He has to go after a duo. He says Tina and Tera don’t go anywhere without each other, Kyle and Rohan are a strong duo, Tychon and Jedson are perceived as a duo, and Austin and Breydon are attached at the hip.


Tychon, Jedson, and Beth are hanging out and Jed says they both have a crush on the same girl and it’s a unique little triangle. Ty and Beth are talking about geometrical triangles. Beth says they are a weird isosceles triangle and it’s working and she loves it.


Tina and Kiefer are heading upstairs and Kiefer says Tina has drifted away from the Sunsetters but she’s still close with him so he’s taking her to Wendy’s with him. Kiefer orders their food and goes to get it and he has a video from his girlfriend Jericho and she tells him how proud they are of him and she loves him. Kiefer grabs their food and heads upstairs and he tells Tina about his video. Kiefer says he knew she’d be the pick for Wendy’s. Tina says it’s been a revolving door for him and she asks how his conversations have gone. Kiefer says Kyle and Rohan have been the only ones who’ve really campaigned. Austin and Breydon don’t say much and he can’t read them. Kiefer says he’s too in deep with the Sunsetters to go against them.


Tina is talking to Rohan while he’s brushing his teeth and she tells him she doesn’t know what Kiefer is going to do because she doesn’t want to break that trust with him. Rohan wonders if Kiefer would backdoor Tychon, Jedson, or Beth and Tina doesn’t think so. Rohan says something and he’s told to take the toothbrush out of his mouth. Rohan is just hoping Kiefer doesn’t put him up next to Kyle.


Kiefer heads downstairs and he discovers the Expedia room and he looks frantic and starts scrambling. He moves a few cushions and looks around and then runs back and out and heads upstairs to tell Jed and Breydon. He tells them Expedia opened and they say no way and they all head downstairs. He tells them he came in and freaked out. Beth enters and screams and Kiefer says he thoroughly checked the room before talking to them.


Beth, Ty, and Jed are in the SR and Beth says everyone thinks they are being fake to Kiefer. They say it’s weird to have the entire house against them. They think Kiefer is going to do what he wants. They are discussing whether Victoria would be better to backdoor or Austin. They think Austin is sketchy because she doesn’t say much and they think she’s more dangerous to Victoria. Ty says Kiefer has a lot of targets and they debate whether to put Austin on the block or backdoor her. Ty says Austin is a social threat and a comp beast and it might be good to get her out early.


Kiefer is talking to Ty and Kiefer wants to get out a big target because he thinks they are floating until they get power. Ty says he thinks Austin is a huge target because she flies under the radar and if they don’t get her out now, who will do it down the road? He thinks Kyle and Rohan can be out easily as time goes on, but he’s not as sure about Austin. Kiefer says they need to start splitting up the pairs and it makes him nervous that maybe Ty and Jed are working with Kyle and Rohan. Ty says he’s not going to lose sleep no matter who goes home.


Austin is going to jump in the ball pit. She says she’s starting to hear whispers of her name and she’s starting to get stressed. She goes to the ballpit when things get stressful. If someone is fighting, or people are getting emotional and she goes to the ballpit and she feels safe. She thinks she’ll feel safe after nominations. Kyle is in the ballpit with her under the balls and he says she can vent to him. Austin says it’s cool that he has Rohan and she has Breydon.


Rohan goes to talk to Kiefer and he asks how conversations have been going and if he has any questions and Kiefer says no. He thinks he’s just got a tough decision. Rohan says he went alone to talk to Kiefer because even though hes working with Kyle, he doesn’t want Kiefer to see them as a locked pair. Rohan tells Kiefer that had he won any of the HOH’s Kiefer was never on his radar and he doesn’t want the pantry situation to influence his decision. Kiefer says he’d just been put on the block and told publicly he was the target and they came hard at him and that doesn’t sit well with him. Rohan says he wouldn’t nominate Kiefer and he wouldn’t name him as a replacement nom and he give his word on that.


Kiefer is lying in bed and he says it’s only week 4 and he feels like he’s playing a balancing act. He says Jed, Ty, and Beth voted against him last week but he’s been close with them. Kyle and Rohan kept him safe but he’s not close with them. He never imagined how hard it would be to play this game. He says this game is nuts. He hates it and he loves it.


Kiefer says oh how the tables have turned. He says it might be risky, but he wants to break up a duos and make it clear this is an individual game. Kiefer’s first nominee is…Rohan. His second nominee is…Kyle. He nominated Rohan because last week when he went on the block he disrespected him and he didn’t feel like he got a heartfelt apology. He felt Kyle’s apology was sincere and he thinks he regretted his actions but if he won POV, he’d save Rohan. He says where he comes from respect means everything and an apology in Big Brother doesn’t mean much.


Rohan doesn’t appreciate Kiefer’s speech. He preaches respect but he doesn’t give it. Kyle isn’t surprised. Terrible decision. Does he think he have Jed and Ty? Because he doesn’t. Six people just kept him. Wake up man.

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