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Friday, October 23, 2020 Big Brother 22 All-Stars Live Feed Updates

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9:51pm BBT Cody got the American cheese he requested. He says David wanted to see the table in the house get smaller and it never happened. Enzo thinks David was starting to ally with Tyler and Christmas before  he was evicted. Cody thinks Dani and Christmas will fight in jury.


10:00pm BBT Enzo lays down in the LR while Nicole puts on a nice sweater in the WA. Cody is in the shower.



10:15pm BBT Cody is ou of the shower, Enzo is still laying on the LR sofa, rubbing his face stay awake. Cody puts on some deoderant and gets dressed. with red striped lounge pants and hoodie. He puts on his mike pack and grabs some pills then puts his dop kit away. He sits down on the other couch exchanges casual conversation with Enzo about how bad he slept last night.



10:24pm BBT 4 more days, Enzo mutters as he and Cody lay on the red and green sofas. They both talk about getting the first flight out of California after it's over. 


10:30pm BBT Cody and Enzo are talking about their videos from home, trying to dissect their hidden meaning and how they were all tearing up watching them.



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11:04 PM BBT Enzo and Cody are hanging out in the KT. Enzo is discussing how so many of the HG's came in the house with stipulations.  They kept hearing "I can't put up so and so, but I can vote them out." They discuss that between the two of them, they got Dave, Memphis, Christmas, Ian, Dani, Da'Vonne and Tyler mad at them this season. Enzo says that if the two of them are up there, he would be content if Cody won, because Cody is his boy. 


11:07 PM BBT Enzo paces around the KT while Cody sits at the KT table. Enzo "4 days, 4 f***king days". He rummages through the fridge. They start to make fun of Christmas. "Oh my God, cookie butter." Cody "Oh Memphis, you got cookie butter?" Enzo laughs "You start becoming friends with him Week 9? Triple eviction and now you are friends?" They laugh that Christmas was assuming that the jury could watch their luxury comp. So, she was doing jury management the entire time. The time to do jury management was when they were still in the house. 



11:13 PM BBT Enzo says the day flew by. Cody laughs "That's because you slept all day. It was slow for me, but I was awake all day. I played backgammon by myself 7 times." They then start imitating Rachael and Ragan from BB12.


11:22 PM BBT Cody is sitting at the KT playing Backgammon by himself. Enzo is quietly watching. Nicole is off camera. 

Cody Enzo.jpg


11:32 PM BBT Nicole comes out of the DR. Cody is still still playing Backgammon by himself. She tells Enzo that she was in the DR for a long time and that he is probably next. BB "Enzo, please go to the DR downstairs." 


11:40 PM BBT The house is very quiet. Nicole is eating at the KT counter. Cody is sitting quietly at the table. Enzo is in the DR. Nicole makes note that they are almost to the end. Cody doesn't say anything. He just sits there, staring in the direction of the memory wall. 

Memory Wall.jpg

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11:51 PM BBT Feeds 1 and 2 show Nicole in the WA, getting ready for bed. Feeds 3 and 4 show Cody sitting at the table, quietly staring in the direction of the memory wall. Enzo is in the DR.


11:53 PM BBT Nicole is in the KT. She refills her water bottle. She tells Cody "You got this tomorrow" as she heads off to bed.  As she crawls in bed she says to the cameras "So glad that my studying days are over. I can just sit here and think about my kitty cats." She asks BB to turn the lights out. 

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