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Tuesday, October 13, 2020 Big Brother 22 All-Stars Live Feed Updates

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Please post ONLY Live Feed, televised show, Big Brother 22 observations and screen captures here! If you post opinions or off-topic messages, I will move them here:  https://www.tvfanforums.net/forum/272-big-brother-all-stars/

If you are adding personal comments, please keep them to a minimum and use brackets [personal commentaround the text.

Remember your time zones. Big Brother Time (BBT) is West Coast Daylight Saving (See Map Here).

Please be careful in identifying who is speaking, and do not use confusing abbreviations or nicknames not used in the house.


To better help you identify the HGs, we made this guide you can print out and refer to until you get to know who's who.  Mortys-TV-BB22-HG-Reference-Guide.pdf

Try to be consistent with abbreviations, like:

Washroom Area (WA)
Water Closet (WC)
Comic bedroom (CBR)
Photo bedroom (PBR)
Key bedroom (KBR)
Showmance room lounge (SRL)
Kitchen (KT)
Dining Table (DT)
Living Room (LR)
Indoor Lock Down (ILD)
Outdoor Lock Down (OLD)
Head of House Room (HOHR)
Storage Room (SR)

It only takes a few good posts to earn your "Live Feed Updater" badge and LFU status. 


Also, all registered members of the forums have access to our chat rooms, at https://www.tvfanforums.net/chatbox/room/1-lobby/ Stop in talk to SMVanBoyz, Fuskie, and I'm in there from time-to-time too. It's fun to be able to watch the feeds at dish the HGs at the same time.  


Please feel free to post info for other updaters to let them know how long you can update, or when you're taking a break and you want someone else to take over.


...And pictures, screen caps are welcome here too.

Thank you!

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12:12AM BBT: After having been down for over an hour, the feeds are back. The HGs are all in the HoHR laughing and joking around. Nicole is in bed, it appears the HGs have alcohol gummy bears and are enjoying them. 


12:24AM BBT: A few of the HGs have left and Enzo and Nicole are in the HoHR. Enzo has made a bed on the couch and Nicole is settled in the bed. The lights are off and they discuss the HoH music. Christmas is in the WA, looking through the drawers. She eventually walks through the KT to the KBR, sighing heavily. Memphis is in bed in the KBR, he has propped up the pool shark floaty in the doorway to scare Christmas. When she walks in, the shark floaty falls on her and they both laugh. 


12:30AM BBT: Christmas is in her bed in the KBR while Memphis is in his bed. Christmas has lost one of her son's items she brought with her, she plans to look for it tomorrow. She puts her retainer in and Memphis asks about it. Memphis says the light by her bed makes Christmas look like a "robot" and he's worried she'll turn into a "lizard" in the middle of the night and "f***ing kill" him. Christmas just looks at him and says, "what?"


12:31AM BBT: Memphis and Christmas comment on someone making them turn the lights out in the HoHR and leave. Christmas whispers about the DR and BB cuts the feeds. 


12:32AM BBT: When the feeds are back, Christmas is telling Memphis, "you're going to have to find another way to..." she smirks and then quickly gets out of bed. She comments on the cameras following her as she walks towards Memphis' bed. Memphis sits up and she whispers in his ear, Memphis doesn't hear her the first time and makes her repeat it. Christmas whispers into his ear again, "...to earn your reward." Memphis laughs. Christmas returns to her bed. 


12:33AM BBT: Christmas is back in her bed, she says "we had it." Memphis looks up at the camera that followed her over to his bed and he says, "if you only knew what she said, you would know all the secrets of Big Brother." Christmas says, "it's true." They settle into their individual beds and Memphis asks if Christmas wants to see how fast he can turn the lights off. Christmas whispers something and Memphis says "...if this camera wasn't looking at me." Memphis asks BB to turn the lights off in the KBR, he does it in the voice of an airline pilot, and thanks them for flying "Memphis Air."


12:34AM BBT: Christmas says something, but it appears she has removed her microphone. Memphis asks if his "Memphis Maniacs" are still awake. He tells them to "grab another beer" and "cheers it." He says he "loves you guys" and then jokes that there's only three of them. Christmas comments that those were the people "rioting outside today" and needed "five helicopters." Memphis laughs and tells them to "keep it going." He says he's going to do "Memphis in the Morning" tomorrow and Christmas says "you know that pisses me off." Memphis laughs.


12:35AM BBT: Christmas asks Memphis if he's going to be "cruel" to her tomorrow. Memphis says he's "packing" his bags and "moving the f**k out." Memphis asks the cameras if he should be nice to Christmas tomorrow. BB tells them to put on their microphones. Memphis tells the live feeders to "go to bed" both he and Christmas agree that it's too late for the live feeders to be awake. Memphis tells them to "stop playing Call of Duty and go to bed."


12:36AM BBT: Christmas tells Memphis that it should be "Memphis and Christmas in the mornings" and that she's giving him the "luxury" of putting his name before hers. BB turns the lights off. Christmas says Memphis' decision to call it "Memphis in the morning" or "Memphis and Christmas in the morning" will determine if Memphis will have a good day or not. Memphis wants to take a poll with the live feeders to see if he should rename it to "Memphis and Christmas in the mornings." He jokes that it would be a lot of work to change the name. 


12:37AM BBT: Memphis jokes that Christmas will "murder" him in his sleep if he doesn't change it. Memphis says he doesn't think the live feeders can see them in the dark. Christmas says they can. They debate if the cameras can see them or not. 


12:40AM BBT: They finish their debate on if the cameras can see them in the dark. Christmas says Memphis got her "hyped up." Memphis asks what they should talk about. Christmas says the better question is "what can we talk about?" Memphis tries to find something to talk about but doesn't ever say anything. They talk about the "after house" hang out show that Memphis has come up with. He talks about doing it in his "buddy's restaurant." They talk about how BB just "releases them into the wild" after being in the house for so long. 


12:42AM BBT: Memphis and Christmas discuss what music BB will play tomorrow morning. BB tells them to put their microphones on again. Cody has joined Enzo and Nicole in the HoHR. The lights are off, Nicole is in bed and Enzo and Cody are on the couch. Cody tells Enzo that he's Nicole's "bodyguard" tonight and then Cody will be Nicole's "bodyguard tomorrow" so Cody can get some "T-Swift in." Cody leaves the room. All four cameras are now on the HoHR. Enzo and Nicole are silent. 


12:44AM BBT: In the KBR, Memphis is saying his "favorite part of the day" was doing laundry. He asks Christmas what hers was, she says her favorite part was "the hammock" and her "work out." She says "both were really nice." They both agree it was a "pretty good day" even though the "VETO wasn't used." BB switches the cameras briefly to Cody in the PBR as he gets ready for bed. The cameras move and startle Cody, he says "...movin' and sh*t?" The cameras are back on Christmas and Memphis in the KBR. 


12:47AM BBT: Christmas and Memphis try to figure out how long the person evicted on Thursday will be in jury. Cody rushes in and tells the shark blow up in his bed to stay out of his bed or he'll pop it. Christmas and Memphis joke that Cody must've had a bad DR. Cody complains about how hot it is in the KBR. 

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12:49AM BBT: Cody is now in bed in the KBR. Cody says all he feels is "hot air" and "Memphis' breath." Christmas says she feels cold air, then she talks about how BB has given her a "twitch" in her hand. Christmas tells them and BB good night. Memphis and Cody tell her good night as well. The HGs settle into bed. 



2:35AM BBT: Enzo is up, he leaves the HoHR and walks downstairs to the WA before getting into bed in the PBR. 


7:45AM BBT: The HGs are all still sleeping. 


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8:05 AM BBT.  Memphis is up.  He goes into the WC, back to the bedroom to grab clothes & into the KT to make coffee.  When the coffee is done he takes a cup to the BY.  

8:20 AM BBT.  Memphis is sitting alone in silence in the BY drinking his coffee.  Feeds switch to animals for a minute and then come back.  

8:35 AM BBT.  Memphis is still enjoying some quiet time in the BY.  The rest of the house is sleeping.  

8:45 AM BBT.  No change in the last 10 minutes.  Memphis is having a quiet morning to himself.   

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9:22 AM BBT.  Still the same old quiet morning in the BB house with Memphis enjoying a quiet morning like he prefers.  

 9:30 AM BBT.  Memphis goes inside to use the WC.  Afterwards he stops in the KT for a 4th cup of coffee and then heads back outside.  


9:45 AM BBT.  No change yet, Memphis is still alone in the BY. Cameras 3/4 on sleeping HGs.  

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9:58 PM BBT.  It’s been a quiet & peaceful morning for Memphis so far.  He is still the only one up and is enjoying some alone time in the BY.  

10:10 AM BBT.  The feeds have switched to cute animals.  

10:18 AM BBT.  The HGs have had their wake-up call.  The feeds return to Memphis still alone in the BY and cameras 3/4 are on the PBR with the lights on and Enzo still sleeping.  

10:19 AM BBT.  Christmas is up.  She gets a new battery from the SR and the goes to the WA to brush her teeth and then uses the WC.  

10:23 AM BBT.  Christmas gets some coffee in the KT.  Memphis gets called to the DR.  He meets Christmas on his way in and says “OH!”  Christmas goes outside. 

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10:28 AM BBT.  Christmas and Memphis are both in the BY now. 

10:34 AM BBT.  Christmas and Memphis talk about how she is tired today & he is sore.  Just general talk.  The feeds switch to animals again.  

10:39 AM BBT.  In the BY, Christmas says to Memphis that it seems like those HGs that stay in the game for a while seem to get catapulted into big life changes after the show.  

10:44 AM BBT.  Christmas and Memphis are having general chit chat outside.  She says she enjoys being a mom.  In the PBR, Enzo is sitting up in bed saying “Moolan, Moolan, it’s day 70 Moolan”.   

10:48 AM BBT.  In the BY, Christmas asks Memphis if he’s checking for grey hairs.  She says her parents didn’t go grey until late in life.  

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10:52 AM BBT.  In the BY, Christmas tells Memphis they were SO close to getting Nicole to use the veto.  She tells him that him putting Nicole on the block kinda f***ed it up (she makes no mention of her voting Nicole out having any affect).  She says she would make so much progress and then Nicole would say I feel that Memphis has to go and she was thinking “get out of your feelings woman!”  Memphis says if the business takes off after this maybe they’ll each get $250,000 (not sure if they are planning a business together or ?).  Christmas mentions that Nicole said that Memphis did not get the edit he deserved in his previous season, that Nicole says he is a beast.  Christmas says I told her Cody is too.  

11:20 AM BBT.  Feeds have been on stars for several minutes. 

11:26 AM BBT.  Feeds return to Enzo in the shower and Christmas and Memphis chatting in the BY.

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11:46 AM BBT.  The HGs are all up and just general chit chat.  Nicole is making breakfast bowls for everyone.  Cody & Enzo are playing pool.  Memphis & Christmas have been in the BY as well.  Memphis says he is going to make sex toys based off his BB Comic.  He says they will all be in fist form (as he demonstrates and makes a fist) and he says it’ll be MemFIST!  We get stars.  We’ve been getting stars & animals quite a bit so far today.  Feeds come back to Enzo talking about Shooter McGavin as he and Cody continue to play pool.  Enzo says they’re at a point where they don’t care what BB says.  We get stars again.  

11:55 AM BBT.  Nicole continues to make breakfast for everyone and keeps talking to herself as she does.  In the BY, Cody and Enzo continue their game of pool.  

 12:08 PM BBT.  Enzo and Memphis ate first at the KT table.  Cody, Nicole and Christmas are eating in the BY.  Memphis is sitting out there with them.  They all told her it was good and thanked her for cooking for them.  In the KT, Nicole tells Enzo that Cody said it was better than what Memphis made the other day but she doesn’t believe him and doesn’t think he'll come for a second helping.  She is worried she made too much and wasted food.  Enzo says that’s Cody being Cody.  

12:15 PM BBT.  Nicole in the WA changing & getting ready.  Cody, Memphis & Christmas in the BY discussing that it’s probably soda making Cody bloated.  He says he had almost given up sugar completely before coming into the house & when he got in there he didn’t care.  He talks about drinking Coke Zero.  Christmas tells him that the fake sugar in that is worse for you and Cody says “F**K now what al I supposed to drink?”   

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12:22 PM BBT.  All HGs are outside.  Nicole is in the pool and Memphis and Enzo are in the chairs by the pool.  On the BY couch, Christmas is telling Cody about macronutrients and how you should have a balanced meal with fat, protein and carbs.  She continues to explain her thoughts on nutrition. 

12:27 PM BBT.  Christmas is still talking about nutrition with Cody.  We get stars.  

12:36 PM BBT.  Cody and Christmas continue to discuss nutrition and Christmas says she could make a plan for his soccer players.  We get stars.  

12:44 PM BBT.  The feeds return.  Christmas gets one of the pool inflatables from the lounge and brings it outside.  The HGs are enjoying the BY and the sunshine today.  Nicole comments that the moon is already out because she can see it and says she didn’t know that.  

12:52 PM BBT.  Nicole, Christmas and Memphis are in the pool.  Cody and Enzo are sunning in the lounge chairs by the pool.  

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1:20 PM BBT.  The feeds return to the HGs still enjoying the pool, BY and sun.  Not much talking going on.  


1:22 PM BBT.  And we have stars again. 


1:29 PM BBT.  The feeds return. Enzo and Nicole are talking on the BY couch.  Christmas is on her floatie in the pool.  Memphis is lounging.  

1:35 PM BBT.  We get stars again.  

1:38 PM BBT.  The feeds return to Christmas still floating in the pool. 

1:39 PM BBT.  And back to stars.  

1:40 PM BBT.  The feeds return to Christmas still floating in the pool. 

1:43 PM BBT.  Christmas is out of the pool.  Enzo & Christmas are looking up to the sky.  Memphis says “What is that”?  He then asks if Enzo believes in aliens.  Enzo says he believes there is life somewhere else.  Memphis agrees there has to be. 

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1:48 PM BBT.  Christmas snuggles in to the lounge and tells us she needs a few minutes alone.  She says she needs to figure out next week & assumes she is staying unless Cody and Enzo break their word.  She says it was a good game move this week but not the best move.  She says unless she had an agreement with Cody and Enzo.  

1:50 PM BBT.  Christmas continues to talk to us.  She says she is preparing for next week that if Cody wins the veto he will use it on her.  She says she wants that motherf***er (the next HOH) so bad.  She says she’s been playing BB but now she is really going to lock it in and she will crush it.  She says we’ve been waiting for “competition Christmas” and we’re going to get it...so haters buckle up!  She says when she gets in that mode she feels like a completely different person and she does not falter, does not make mistakes, she dominates & SHE WILL CRUSH IT!  

1:52 PM BBT.  Christmas continues to talk about herself in the 3rd person.  She says “competition Christmas” even scares her.  She says “competition Christmas is unstoppable and will run over everyone.  She says she needed to not win last week and shake off nice mom Christmas and have “competition Christmas” come out.  She says she’ll sweep the whole week and all decisions will be hers, “what can you do for me huh”?  She tells us the monster will be unleashed.  

1:58 PM BBT.  Christmas continues to tell us how she will dominate.  We get stars.  

2:03 PM BBT.  The feeds return to Cody in the shower and Christmas and Memphis are in their beds talking in the KBR.  Enzo is in the KT snacking and remarks how the cookies have 150 calories each.  We get stars again.  

2:08 PM BBT.  The feeds return.  Memphis and Christmas still talking in the KBR.  Enzo is in the PBR and says “Moolan, are you sleeping...you big sleepypants”.  He says he wants new pictures to look at.  We get stars.  

2:11 PM BBT.  The feeds are back.  Nicole is putting lotion in her face in the HOH bathroom and then starts blowdrying her hair.  Memphis and Christmas still talking while in their beds in the KBR. 

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2:21 PM BBT.  Memphis leaves the KBR and goes into the PBR with Cody and Enzo.  He says that he was just chatting with Christmas.  They ask what Nicole has said.  Memphis says I think she wants Christmas to go.  He then tells them that one of them will obviously be HOH and they just need one of the guys to win POV.  Memphis says they’re good.  He thinks Christmas knows she is going because when he asked when she was going to start campaigning and she said they already have their minds made up.  Memphis leaves and says they’re making tacos tonight.  

2:28 PM BBT.  Enzo and Cody talk in the PBR about what Memphis or Christmas would do and what will happen.  

2:32 PM BBT.  In the PBR, Cody says he doesn’t trust Christmas or Memphis but he trusts Christmas more.  Enzo says he trusts Memphis more.  Enzo thinks Nicole could win.  Cody says Nicole isn’t winning this game again. 

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3:35 PM BBT

Memphis has finished his "mall walk" and joins Christmas to play backgammon in the loft.

Nicole is listening at the PBR door to Enzo and Cody laughing about game play with David and Tyler (and Moo-Lawn). Nicole then walks in and joins them




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2:27PM BBT: Cody and Enzo are in the PBR talking about how Memphis is lying about being cool with them and probably planned to send them both packing. Nicole is cleaning the HOH room.


2:44PM BBT: Cody tells Enzo he trusts Nicole and Enzo. He says people are going to do what’s best for themselves. Enzo says he doesn’t trust anybody. Cody says you trust me. Enzo says yeah.


2:45PM BBT: Feeds go to stars.


2:47PM BBT: Feeds return. Cody and Enzo are still talking. Enzo says he needs to start winning comps and it would be better for him to win an HOH because the POV comps are getting much longer.


2:50PM BBT: Enzo tells Cody he was thinking of naming them The Commission off of The Committee. Cody laughs.


2:53PM BBT: Nicole is alone in the HOH room studying events that took place this season.


2:59PM BBT: Cody and Enzo talking about Day and Dani. They say that if Enzo ever went on the block, no one would have voted for Enzo to leave, so he would’ve been a pawn.


3:02PM BBT: Memphis and Christmas are upstairs. Memphis says he should have brought the cornhole game inside to play. Feeds go to stars.


3:03PM BBT: Feeds return, and Christmas is in the HOH room talking to Nicole. She says she’s been anxious for the past few days. Nicole tells her she has too. Feeds go back to stars.


3:09PM BBT: Christmas and Nicole talking about Memphis and how she hopes Christmas doesn’t hold a grudge against her for putting them up. Nicole tells Christmas that Memphis doesn’t really talk to her and has no control.


3:13PM BBT: Memphis is walking laps upstairs. Cody joins Nicole and Christmas in the HOH room after Enzo is called to the diary room.


3:23PM BBT: Christmas tells Nicole she is ready to win the next HOH and hopes to control the week with Nicole with a POV win. Christmas then says she wants to take Enzo with them to final 3. Nicole tells her that’s a good move.


3:36PM BBT: Christmas goes to the loft and sets up a backgammon game with Memphis. He finishes his laps upstairs and joins Christmas. Nicole goes and joins Enzo and Cody in the PBR. She tells them they can switch up the votes this week if she wants, she doesn’t care. The three contemplate who would be worse at knowing the weeks and trivia.


3:47PM BBT: Enzo, Cody, and Nicole in the PBR practicing tongue twisters and acting techniques. Christmas and Memphis still upstairs in the loft playing backgammon.


3:57PM BBT: Enzo, Nicole, and Cody are still talking about acting and the movie Cody played in. Christmas and Memphis still playing backgammon upstairs in the loft.

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4:23 PM BBT

Memphis and Christmas are still playing backgammon in the loft.

Cody has joined Nicole on the HOHR. Cody shares with Nicole that he knows if you don't win comps you go home. Nicole asked if he was directing the comment to her. He clarifies and says he means that he knows he will go home if he does not win competitions.

4:29 PM BBT

Christmas heads to the PBR to chat with Enzo.

Christmas tells Enzo that she warned Nicole that COdy will win if he makes it to the end.

Enzo tells her that Cody says Memphis is the better player and needs to go.

Enzo: I want you to stay...you're all I have really

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If one of us doesn't win the HoH we got to win that PoV

Christmas: if I win the PoV I'm protecting you, ... Cody has to go.

They both agree that Nicole could win just by saying she made it to the end without having to win anything.



4:56 PM BBT

Cody and Nicole are studying in the HoHR

*feeds cut to stars


4:58 PM BBT

Enzo: relax

Christmas: it's weird how it all shakes out

Enzo: I know... I'm grateful where I am...and I get the chance to play in two more comps. I'm grateful.

Christma: now it's time to fucking turn it on

Enzo: you've won HoH, You've won a PoV, you survived the block. You're in the final 4. You've played the game. You've been in fights. You've done it all. You've mixed it upwell. I can definitely see you on the Challenge.

Christmas says she is not opposed to that. "That lifestyle isn't what I want to show for Loyal, but I'm gone a month...I'm not a reality star but competing and winning? That's my thing."

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5:22 PM BBT

Nicole is telling Cody about Christmas' warning

Nicole: she said, 'Nicole, you have to listen to me... if you let Cody stay he is going to win the whole game. Nobody is going to beat him. He will win at least one, maybe two comps next week, and that is not good. He will cut me, or he will cut you. Honestly, he will probably cut you.'

Cody laughs

Nicole: and I said 'Christmas, I am going to take that risk. The way you feel about Memphis, that you can play around with him, that is the way I am with Cody. Memphis put me on the block which means he has something with Enzo, guaranteed, and so I need him out of the house.' She was like, 'well have you talked to him to strike a deal?'

Cody: that's why it is so fucking important to always win these vetoes...they are crucial

Nicole: I couldn't have been more "I don't want to use it" with her, but she thought that she was getting to me

Cody: and she sent Memphis up here

Nicole: at 2 in the morning....he said Christmas said something about backdooring Cody....he is  a layup if he is sitting in the final two. He's the best...he's this...he's this...Basically, he wanted you out.

Cody: I feel like, essentially exactly what she was saying, though

Nicole: she has something with Memphis....and she wants you out to be a mastermind manipulator, and he wants you out because he doesn't want to sit next to you in final two. Two different approaches

Cody: fucking A




Nicole: that fact that she really believed I was using it blows my mind

Cody: and she was constantly in the DR probably talking about it

Nicole: like everytime they left (she means Christmas & Memphis after campaigning for her to use the veto and backdoor Cody) I would be like 'they think I'm an idiot' 

Cody: when he came up to me this morning he said 'dude, you got by by the skin of your teeth'

Nicole corrects him that he said it yesterday. 

Cody: Oh it's Tuesday. I'm losing it....I'm losing it.

Nicole: But you get why I had to make her think she had good points. If she knew you and I were close....Enzo only has my back because you have my back

Cody: and he doesn't have a choice

Nicole: you've pushed it into his head....that's just how it is

Cody: don't even think about it

*feeds cut


5:40 PM BBT

Christmas and Memphis took turns showering in the WA. Christmas kept Memphis company while he showered. Now, it's her turn.



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