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Please post ONLY Live Feed, televised show, Big Brother 22 observations and screen captures here! If you post opinions or off-topic messages, I will move them here:  https://www.tvfanforums.net/forum/272-big-brother-all-stars/

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To better help you identify the HGs, we made this guide you can print out and refer to until you get to know who's who.  Mortys-TV-BB22-HG-Reference-Guide.pdf

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Washroom Area (WA)
Water Closet (WC)
Comic bedroom (CBR)
Photo bedroom (PBR)
Key bedroom (KBR)
Showmance room lounge (SRL)
Kitchen (KT)
Dining Table (DT)
Living Room (LR)
Indoor Lock Down (ILD)
Outdoor Lock Down (OLD)
Head of House Room (HOHR)
Storage Room (SR)

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...And pictures, screen caps are welcome here too.

Thank you!


12:06AM BBT: The feeds have returned and the HGs are chatting in the KT about Survivor. Enzo really wants to be on the show, he says he's going to tell his kids that he is. Enzo wants to see Christmas on the challenge, Christmas says her boyfriend will break up with her if she does more reality tv. They all laugh. Memphis says he wants to do the challenge once. They continue to discuss other reality shows. 


12:22AM BBT: BB cuts the feeds for a few minutes, when the feeds return, Enzo is taking selfies in the KT and Nicole and Christmas are chatting in the HoHR. Nicole says she wants to talk to Cody and Enzo and says she's leaning towards keeping nominations the same. Christmas says she understands that Nicole has concerns about Christmas and Memphis, but Christmas wants Nicole to know that Memphis hasn't "committed" to her. Christmas says Enzo is the same way. 


12:27AM BBT: Nicole tells Christmas that she "doesn't trust" Memphis at all and she "honestly wants" Memphis to leave. Nicole says that when Memphis put her on the block during the triple, it showed what he thinks of her. Nicole says she understands that Cody and Enzo have a final two, but they can deal with that after this week. Nicole says Christmas would stay and they would still have their own final two. Nicole continues to say her "instinct" tells her Memphis "has to go" this week. Nicole says Memphis has won "four competitions" and "wants to cut" Nicole. Christmas asks if Nicole has asked Memphis why he put her on the block during the triple. Nicole says she doesn't think Memphis would tell her the truth. 


12:30AM BBT: While Nicole tries to focus on Memphis and why she wants him out, Christmas continues to try to spin it back onto Cody. She believes that Cody is behind everything that Nicole thinks Memphis has done to her. Christmas asks if Memphis has talked to Nicole, Nicole says he has. Nicole says she understands that Cody could "cut" her at any time, but because Memphis has taken a shot at her, Nicole needs to take one back at him. Cody and Enzo are in the KT chatting.


12:31AM BBT: Nicole tells Christmas that if she takes Christmas off the block and puts Cody up, then Cody would go home and Nicole really wants Memphis to go. Christmas says that next week Cody will "cut" her. Christmas says there's no way Cody would send Enzo or Nicole to jury before sending Christmas to jury. Christmas says Enzo and Cody are "locked" in and they have something with Memphis too. Christmas tries to convince Nicole to use the VETO and put Cody on the block. Nicole continues to say she'd rather keep the nominations the same. BB cuts the feeds. 


12:35AM BBT: The feeds are back and Nicole and Christmas are still talking in the HoHR. Christmas is still trying to convince Nicole to use the VETO and put Cody on the block. Christmas says it's a "different way to look at it." Nicole says she has to consider the "deals." Christmas asks Nicole if Enzo has lied to her. Nicole says no. Christmas says that shaking hands makes her want to keep her word more than if she hadn't shaken hands. Christmas says Memphis does what he says and is always honest. 


12:38AM BBT: Nicole says she's going to talk to Enzo and that she'll think about her options. She says she hopes that it will be her and Christmas in the final two and Nicole wants Christmas to know that she won't keep her on the block if she gets a "vibe" that Christmas will be going instead of Memphis. Nicole says she "100%" believes that Christmas will be here next week. 


12:40AM BBT: Nicole agrees with Christmas that Cody is the better player, but Nicole says Memphis "scares the crap" out of her. Nicole says she would need to feel "really comfortable" with Memphis in order to not want him to go this week. Christmas says Nicole needs to have that conversation with Memphis. Nicole says again that she will "feel everything out" and let Christmas know tomorrow. Christmas doesn't believe that Enzo will tell the truth, Nicole says she needs to check with the rest of the HGs. Christmas continues to talk about Enzo lying to Kaysar and Janelle earlier in the game. 


12:43AM BBT: Christmas continues to try to suggest to Nicole what she should do and who she should talk to. Nicole appears to hold her ground and tells Christmas what she wants to do and who she plans to talk to. BB cuts the feeds for a few seconds and Christmas is still trying to convince Nicole to use the VETO and put Cody up on the block. "Cody is a gamer," Christmas says, she then goes on to say that Cody has a good chance of winning. 




12:46AM BBT: Cody, Enzo, and Memphis are joking around in the KT. Upstairs, Christmas asks what she can do for Nicole "tonight" to "flush out things." Nicole asks if she should talk to Enzo tonight. Nicole goes back and forth on if she should ask Enzo to talk tonight. Christmas says Nicole should talk to as many people as possible tonight. Christmas tells Nicole to put her "boss pants on" and talk to Enzo. Christmas tells Nicole what she would do if she were HoH. 


12:50AM BBT: Christmas leaves the HoHR with Nicole. Nicole stands on the balcony for several seconds, trying to figure out how to ask Enzo to talk. Eventually she just yells down and asks to talk to Enzo. Enzo gets up and walks upstairs. Enzo walks in and says that Christmas is "f***ing crazy." Nicole says that Christmas wants to backdoor Cody and tells Enzo about her conversation with Christmas. Nicole says she called Enzo in just to make it look like they're talking. BB cuts the feeds. 


12:55AM BBT: When the feeds are back, Enzo and Nicole are chatting in the HoHR about Christmas and Tyler trying to send Nicole to jury during the triple eviction. Nicole and Enzo talk about what to tell Christmas. Enzo agrees to tell Christmas that he'll take her to the final three, even though he has no plans to do so. They agree that Enzo will tell Christmas that Nicole is considering backdooring Cody. Enzo says he's hiding up in the HoHR so he doesn't have to talk to Christmas again tonight. Nicole tells him Christmas will be waiting for him. 


12:58AM BBT: Memphis and Christmas are whispering in the KBR. Christmas tells Memphis that he needs to "spell it out" to Nicole because she's not getting the deal that he says he made with her. Christmas tells Memphis that that he needs to "give" Nicole information about Enzo and Cody working together. Memphis says he doesn't have that information. She tells Memphis to get the backgammon game so they can play. Memphis leaves the KBR. In the KT, Memphis whispers to Cody that Christmas told him Nicole isn't going to use the VETO. 


1:00AM BBT: Memphis and Christmas play backgammon in the KBR. Cody joins Enzo and Nicole in the HoHR. Enzo jokes with Cody that they're going to put him on the block. Cody doesn't believe it. They all laugh. Nicole tells Cody all about her conversation with Christmas and how Christmas wants to backdoor Cody. Enzo says Christmas is "fixated" on comps and is obsessed with how Cody has won six comps. Nicole says she's "exhausted" and doesn't want to talk to Christmas. Cody makes a face and Enzo jokes that Cody wants to "snap" on Christmas. 


1:10AM BBT: Cody, Nicole, and Enzo talk about what will happen when Cody wins the next HoH. They debate on putting Nicole up on the block with Christmas. Nicole says she's fine with it. Cody jokes that he'll put Nicole and Enzo up and backdoor Christmas. Nicole gets upset, she says if Cody doesn't put Christmas up that's "slimly." Cody says it's a joke. He assures Nicole that he won't be making a deal with Christmas. "She's going home next week, yo," Enzo says. Nicole worries about the next HoH. They see Memphis walk around downstairs and worry if he's coming upstairs. 


1:16AM BBT: The three in the HoHR continue to talk about Christmas and what she said to Nicole. Downstairs in the KBR, Memphis and Christmas are whispering. Christmas tells him about her conversation with Nicole and what she said about Enzo and Cody. Christmas says she told Nicole that she needs to backdoor Cody and keep Memphis. Christmas tells Memphis that he needs to make sure to tell Nicole that he will fight for Nicole. 


1:22AM BBT: All four cameras are on Christmas in bed in the KBR. Memphis has left to look around the house, he comes back into the KBR and says "they're all still up there." He gets into his bed. Two cameras cut to the HoHR, where Nicole is saying Christmas is "selfish" for wanting to keep her and Memphis. They continue to talk about Christmas and Memphis. Downstairs, Christmas tries to convince Memphis to break up the three in the HoHR and ask to talk to Nicole. Memphis says he's going to "give them a minute." Christmas says Nicole is basing this on "feelings" and not logically like she and Memphis think. "You have to be soft with her," Christmas says. "I am!" Memphis says. 


1:27AM BBT: Christmas and Memphis are still in the KBR and the three are upstairs in the HoHR. Both groups talk about the conversation between Christmas and Nicole and what they need to do going forward. Christmas tries to coach Memphis on how to talk to Nicole. Upstairs, Enzo says he's not leaving the HoHR until they've gone to bed. Nicole says Christmas is waiting for them to finish talking. The three worry about Memphis walking around. 


1:30AM BBT: Cody gets up to leave, he says he's going to bed. Enzo says he's going to leave too, Nicole is upset now, she doesn't want to be left alone with Christmas. Enzo promises to come back up if Christmas is up in the HoHR too long. Nicole asks Cody and Enzo what she should say to Nicole. They give her suggestions. Memphis leaves the KBR to do another lap to see if Cody and Enzo are still upstairs. 


1:34AM BBT: The three in the HoHR watch Memphis walk around the house, Nicole worries about Memphis walking around. Memphis returns to the KBR, he says "give it a f***ing rest, kids." 


1:37AM BBT: Cody leaves the HoHR, he meets Memphis in the LR. Cody says he's going to bed. Memphis walks upstairs to the HoHR. Nicole panics, Enzo says he'll "break it up" in a bit. Enzo stands in the upstairs loft area, he moves around the blankets and eventually sits in one of the chairs. Nicole worries about what to say to Memphis, she says she doesn't want to talk to him. Enzo tries to give her suggestions. 


1:40AM BBT: Enzo leaves the HoHR and Memphis walks in. Enzo walks into the WA where Cody is waiting and they laugh about Memphis waiting outside the HoHR. Upstairs, Nicole talks about the backdoor plan. Memphis asks if she's really going to do it, Nicole doesn't give an answer. Memphis talks about how much of a threat Cody is. Memphis basically reiterates everything Christmas said earlier, he says Cody will take Enzo to the final two, not Nicole and he offers Nicole a final three deal. 



1:44AM BBT: Nicole and Memphis talk about the final two, Memphis says he can't promise Nicole a final two deal and that they have to be "smarter than that." He says if it's between Christmas and Nicole, Memphis would "probably" take Nicole. He says he's glad they've been able to have this conversation and that they aren't blowing smoke or lying. Nicole says Memphis is "very truthful" and that people "respect that a lot." BB cuts the feeds.


1:51AM BBT: Memphis and Nicole wrap up their conversation, Nicole promises to "sleep on it." Memphis gets up, he asks Nicole to touch base with him tomorrow and Nicole agrees. Memphis leaves. "Oh my gosh," Nicole says once she's alone, "do they think I'm an idiot?" She talks to the cameras about being stressed out and what to do. Downstairs, Enzo is looking over the photos in the PBR. In the KBR, both Christmas and Cody are in bed. Memphis walks in singing "I feel pretty." He gets into bed and Christmas asks if Enzo is upstairs. Memphis calls Enzo a "lost boy." 


2:10AM BBT: Memphis and Cody joke around in the KBR, Christmas sits in the WA, Nicole is listening to music in the HoHR. Enzo eventually joins Nicole in the HoHR and they talk about Memphis and Christmas. 


2:28AM BBT: Nicole joins Christmas in the WA downstairs while Enzo sits upstairs in the HoHR. Nicole promises to "touch base" with Christmas tomorrow. She leaves to go back to the HoHR. Christmas gets into bed in the KBR and the lights are off in that room. In the HoHR, Nicole is in bed and Enzo is on the couch, the lights are off. They talk about Da'Vonne and Dani. 


2:51AM BBT: Nicole appears to be asleep in the HoHR bed, Enzo is on the couch with his eyes closed. He's listening to music. 


5:13AM BBT: Enzo wakes up and gets off the couch in the HoHR. He gathers his things and quietly leaves the HoHR, the cameras don't leave the KBR or the HoHR, but it's safe to assume Enzo has gone to bed in the PBR. 


9:00AM BBT: All of the HGs are still sleeping. 


9:21AM BBT: Lights are on in the house and Memphis is doing his usual stumble into the KT for morning coffee.


9:25AM BBT: Christmas is up and brushing her teeth.  She and Memphis have a quick whisper chat in the WA.  Memphis tells her that he laid everything out for Nicole that if Cody took her to the end, it would be the dumbest thing he ever did.








9:31AM BBT: Christmas and Memphis sit at the KT counter talking about the comic comp.








9:32AM BBT: Memphis and Christmas commiserate about the air in the house and its effects on their sinuses.  Christmas said that she gets a bloody nose sometimes.










9:39AM BBT: Memphis jokes about saying he feels like he should be drunk about now.  He's waiting for the ladies of the night.  Christmas giggles and says "how about the ladies of the morning?"  


9:42AM BBT: Christmas describes how she likes to sit on her back screened in porch at night with a blanket and a whiskey, next to her firepit.  She has a pond behind her house and can hear frogs and an owl.


9:49AM BBT: After sitting by himself in the KT for a while, Memphis goes into the KBR to take his morning meds.  The other camera is on Nic, still asleep in the HOHR.



10:00AM BBT: The cams move to Enzo sleeping in his bed and Christmas curling her hair.  Nic is awake and goes downstairs for a drink, then heads back upstairs.



10:20AM BBT: Christmas is done curling her hair and now camped out in the HOHR listening to music while Nic gets ready for the day in her bathroom.  Memphis is still sitting deep in thought at the KT counter.  Enzo is in bed stairing at the ceiling.





10:38AM BBT: In the SR, Enzo tells Memphis that Christmas is a slob and laughs that "she's going to f'ing kill her".


10:45AM BBT:  Cody is awake and getting dressed in the WA.  Nic and Enzo are whispering in the PBR.  She's telling him how Christmas was up there the whole time she was curling her hair and then Nic had to go downstairs to do her makeup.   Nic tells Enzo to tell her that he's going to keep her because she's going to break it to her that she's not using the POV right before the ceremony.




11:05AM BBT Xmas is in  the shower. Nic doing ADLs in the WCA. Cody is eating in the KT.


 11:15AM BBT Nic is cooking lunch. Memphis chatting with her. Xmas still in the shower.


11:18AM BBT Cody goes to the HOH BR to talk to Nic. He explains to her that she needs to just let the noms know this is what is best for my game. Cody asks what Nic told Memphis. She says she told him that she doesn't have a target. Cody told her to keep up with that. They talk about how cold the room is.


 11:24AM BBT NIc is practicing her veto speech in the HOH BR with Cody. Nic wishes they wouldn't make her say if she is going to use the veto first. She wants to explain first. Nic says that she wishes Cody had won the veto because she is so nervous for the veto ceremony. Nic says that this comp is her best comp that she has played. 


11:29AM BBT Memphis and Enzo in the BY playing pool. Talking about Nic can't make it to the end. Memphis says Xmas can keep shoveling her stuff. They talk about only a few weeks left.




11:33AM BBT Nic says that Xmas thinks they are all good but they are not. Nic says that Xmas always tells her that she is the sweet one. Cody goes downstairs. Nic continues to practice her speech. Xmas goes to the HOH BR. Nic tells Xmas that Enzo wants to keep her. Nic tells Xmas to go talk to Enzo and Xmas leaves. Nic is begging BB to call her.


11:38AM BBT Xmas finds Enzo in the WCA. She tells him that Nic is considering using the Veto on her. Enzo says that if Cody gets on the block, he is gone. Memphis comes in. Xmas snaps her finger at him and tells him to get upstairs and do some work. He leaves and she tells Enzo that Memphis likes when she is bossy. Xmas tells Enzo that if Cody is left in the house, they are not going to make it to F3. Xmas says they have the best chance keeping Memphis.


11:42AM BBT Memphis in HOH telling Nic that the only reason he put up Nic was to get David out. He has been trying to get David out. Nic says that was the reason she put him up was that he put her up. She says she is just going to leave things as is and she thinks he will be the one to stay. He says he is fine with that decision.  He says they will continue to talk. He is down with a F3 with him, Nic and Enzo.


11:48AM BBT Enzo comes to HOH BR. He says he is there to protect her because Xmas wanted to come up. He says he told her that she was staying. He says that Xmas says that Nic was thinking about using the Veto. Nic says that Memphis was up there asking her if they were going to get the party started. Nic says that Memphis was complaining about not getting time outside. They joke that he will have lots of time outside at the jury house.


11:53PM BBT Xmas back up on the HOH BR pushing her hard to put up Cody. She says Cody can't lose against them. Xmas says this isn't about Memphis being up against her. Nic tells Xmas that there is no way Memphis would keep Nic. Xmas says that there has been so much movement today. Nic says she can not see Memphis staying over Xmas.  Xmas says that Cody is going to cut them so he has to go.



11:58AM BBT Xmas says that they need to separate 2 of the 3 guys. She thinks Memphis is more pliable of them. Nic agreeing. Xmas selling Cody hard to get rid of. Nic says she needs to think about it. Xmas says what can she do to offer clarity. Xmas  says the only way they can move forward is if she pulls her off of the block. NIc says she doesn't need any clarity. Nic says that she knows Xmas wants to be pulled down. She says she wants Memphis out.


12:03PM BBT Xmas is still pushing for her to be taken off of the block and Cody go up. She is trying to save both her and Memphis. She says that saving Cody will mean one of them is gone next week. Xmas says that she only had one ball left in the comp. She doesn't want another week like that. She says they can make Memphis move how they want.


12:08PM BBT Xmas will not leave HOH and is still selling Cody going. She tells Nic that she has been ahead of Memphis and Enzo in most of the comps. Nic says this is stressful. Nic asks Xmas to let her think. Xmas gets up but keeps pushing on her way our the door. Nic talks out loud about Xmas putting pressure on her over and over.


 12:10PM BBT We hear Xmas on mic saying how stressed she is. BB calls NIc. We get animals. It is Veto ceremony time.


1:00 PM BBT.  Cody and Nicole talking in the BY.  Nicole asks if her speech was ok, she says she blacked out.  Cody tells her yes.  Cody says watch how the conversation will change now.  Nicole says Memphis told her if she keeps the noms the same “you know I am staying”.  Christmas is alone in the SR.  She says can I just take the veto, it’s right there?  She whispers “I’ll figure it out”.  

1:03 PM BBT.  In the BY, Nicole tells Cody that it's pretty cool she got to put them up.  Cody says he is over it & has had to keep his mouth shut all season & he's tired of it.  Enzo is doing dishes in the KT.  

1:06 PM BBT.  In the BY, Nicole and Cody talking about how Christmas’s pitch to use the veto was to tell Nicole everyone wants to keep her because she’s the worst player basically.  Cody says it’s funny that people talk about him to people he is close to.  He doesn’t know if they’re clueless or what.  

1:09 PM BBT.  Enzo is doing dishes.  Christmas is making sandwiches in the KT.  In the BY, Nicole gets up to go inside.  Cody says he wants this next HOH so bad. Nicole says worry about the veto more.  

1:13 PM BBT.  Nicole is back outside enjoying the sun.  She says to herself she needs the sun for her health.


 1:14 PM PM BBT.  Enzo is doing dishes in the KT.  Christmas goes up to him and whispers.  It’s hard to hear her because the water is running & dishes are clanking.  It sounds like she says she is pissed and says she tried.  Enzo is called to the DR.  In the BY, Cody has joined Nicole.  They are talking about if they’ll take each other to the F3 and F2.  Christmas whispers to Memphis about if he said it.  He swears he did.  

1:23 PM BBT.  The feeds go to animals.  

1:26 PM BBT.  Nicole is in the KT making food.  Memphis and Christmas in the BY.  She is telling them about a house she had.  


1:28 PM BBT.  Nicole still making lunch.  In the BY, Memphis tells Christmas he enjoyed their talk doing laundry last night.  Christmas says it’s nice to talk freely.  He says it’s special.  She says she didn’t feel timid about it.  They both agree “that says something”.   


1:32 PM BBT.  Feeds go to animals. 

1:45 PM BBT.  Cody and Enzo are laying by the pool talking.  Nicole and Christmas are talking on the BY couch.  They’re talking about a comp from Christmas’s season where they had to be locked in a room for a really long time.  They are talking about the final few comps from her season and how she had to wear her boot on her foot for the final endurance comp.  

1:50 PM BBT.  Memphis and Cody laying in the chairs by the pool.  Enzo is jogging.  Nicole is on the BY couch.  Nicole yells over that she can see all of Enzo’s bones.  Cody says you (Enzo) and Tyler both.  Nicole goes in to lay down in the HOHR.  We get animals for a few seconds and then stars.  


1:54 PM BBT.  Nicole is laying in bed in the HOHR.  Enzo is jogging in the BY, Cody is laying in a chair & Memphis is in the pool.  Memphis says there should be a vaccine for Covid now and we should know by now how to keep people from dying.  

1:58 PM BBT.  The guys in the BY are still discussing Covid.  

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