Fuskie Posted October 6, 2020 Share Posted October 6, 2020 Previously in the BB House, Kevin was the first to fall to the Triple Eviction, and David soon followed, leaving Enzo and The Committee in the Final 7. With the power back up for grabs, Tyler secured his safety and targeted his former ally, Dani. After Tyler locked in the Veto, Dani's fate was all but sealed and she became the third casualty of the night. Tonight, witness all the crazy strategy you didn't see that shaped the shocking Triple Eviction. Plus, with only 6 remaining, a new HoH will be crowned and 2 HG will be nominated for eviction. All this right now on Big Brother All-Stars! Day 58 and Memphis tells us that The Committee has been running since day one and it was inevitable that they would turn on each other. Today, The Committee officially came to an end. Nicole needs to lay down. She cannot believe she survived the Triple Eviction being on the block twice. Freaking twice. And I lost a good ally. I don't know what to do now. Maybe slicing my pinky off with a butter knife would have been less painful, she says from the KBR floor. OMG, she cries. Cody comes in to the KBR and lifts her off the floor. You set yourself up to stay, he tells her, so let's go. Cody tells us he's like a kid in a candy store after the Triple Eviction and not even going on the block. Christmas says she survived the Triple Eviction is so happy, but things got wild when Memphis got HoH. Flashback prior to 2nd eviction. Memphis wins HoH and says no meetings - Everyone already planned for this. He tells us he doesn't need to meet 20 seconds with each person. I always have a plan. He nominates David and Nicole. Christmas tells us that David is small prize in the game, her target is Nicole. Christmas wins the Veto and Memphis tells her to leave the noms alone and let David go home. No one's coming after you or me. She tells Tyler who stomps his foot no. Tyler asks if she wants to vote out David. Nicole almost beat me, Christmas says. Tyler tells us this might be his chance to strike at Nicole. It's a no brainer but he needs to get the votes. We can get Enzo, he tells Christmas. If you want. OK, Christmas says, but you campaign. I'll check with Enzo, Tyler says. Christmas does not use the Veto and Tyler & Christmas corner Enzo in the WA. Memphis was David out, Christmas says. So let's do it, Enzo says. Tyler doesn't want to. Do you want to vote out Nicole? The three of us can do it right now. Do you want to get rid of a champ or a rookie, Enzo asks Christmas. She doesn't answer. Tyler says we can all three vote her out but they're gonna be pi$$ed at us. Cody'll be pi$$ed, Christmas says. Dani calls for Enzo. Christmas and Tyler vote to evict Nicole but after he tells Enzo in the HoH hallway how they voted, Enzo says Memphis wanted David. He tells Enzo to vote out Nicole. I don't want to leave Memphis in the flat, yo. Tyler gives Enzo an exasperated look and heads back to the LR. Enzo votes to evict David. Cody and Memphis are surprised that the vote to evict David is 3-2. Christmas and Tyler are horrified that Enzo did not come through. Tyler tells us when you take a shot in the game and miss, that can take you from the top to the bottom quick. So yeah, not good. Nicole tells us Memphis made it clear he wanted David to go, I want to know who flipped. Game on. Game freaking on. In the showmance lounge, Nicole asks Enzo if they tried to flip him and Enzo says yes. Who? You know who. Christmas and... Tyler, Enzo confirms. Enzo tells us it was the smartest move for myself, taking out Nicole wasn't the move right now. It would have been a blindside for Cody who is my main guy in the house, and Nicole owes me big time. Nicole says she's going to pretend Enzo didn't tell her. He thanks her. Nicole says she can't believe they wanted to get her out. Thank God Enzo didn't go with their plan - what a terrible game move on their part. Bridge burned, I will never ever trust them. The Committee is over. I've been telling you they have a F2, Dani tells Nicole in the Showmance Lounge, this makes it obvious. Christmas tells us she took a shot and missed, which means the house will look at her and put her in the bullseye. So she needs to figure out how to maneuver around this, but I'm good at survival mode so bring it on! In the Photo BR, Tyler breaks down in tears, upset he failed to keep David in the house. He tells us he tried his best but it didn't work out and now he feels terrible. This is the first time in his BB career he's been on the wrong side of a vote and during the first ever Triple Eviction is not a good thing. But he had to win HoH to survive the rest of the Triple Eviction. Flashback to his winning HoH. In the Showmance lounge, he tells Christmas he's nominating Dani and Nicole and voting out Dani, Nicole if Dani wins Veto. Enzo tells us he just left Tyler hanging with that vote, so now he has to do damage control. Make a move, yo, he tells Tyler. He says he didn't want to go against Memphis. Tyler tells Enzo he is nominating Dani & Nicole and vote Dani out. Just win Veto, he tells Enzo. Perfect, Enzo says. Tyler tells us Dani put him on the block and one person he unsuccessfully tried to vote out. And they just happen to be an inseparable pair. I need to secure these nominations and make sure I win the Veto. Tyler wins the 2nd Veto of the night and keeps the nominations the same. He apologizes to Nicole in the KBR and says he's campaigning 1000% for her to stay. You can put me on the block, he tells her. I just want to stay, she says. Tyler says Dani has been going a million miles per hour doing so much behind his back. And you didn't tell, he explains her nomination, that's the only reason. I get it, Nicole says. No one will vote you out, Tyler says, I don't think. Tyler tells us that Dani is the head gardener and is really amazing at this game. But if anyone can pull off a way to stay in the house, it's her. In the KBR, Dani corners Cody asking for his vote. I have you to the F2, she tells him. He knows. Cody tells us he's telling Dani he'll vote to keep her to avoid being dragged into conversations, but I'm voting to keep Nicole. I would always keep Nicole over Dani. Dani promises to go after Tyler & Christmas in her speech. Enzo is next in the KBR and apologizes for not winning Veto. She begs him for his vote. I want you to stay, he says. Dani tells him she has Cody's vote but don't say anything. In the WA, Cody and Enzo confer and they confirm voting out Dani. Yo, Enzo says, Tyler & Christmas are tight as heck. They need to go on the block together, Cody agrees. And we're in the next HoH, Enzo excitedly realizes. He tells Cody he threw everything and Cody just laughs. At the eviction ceremony, Dani calls out Tyler & Christmas for having a F2, as well as Christmas's secret power. She says she's loyal to who she's loyal to, and they are her targets if she stays. Memphis, Enzo and Cody vote to evict her anyway. On her way into the DR, Christmas says she knew who she was going to vote to evict before, but now it's confirmed. But you should double check your information. Don't need to, Dani snarls back. Dani is unanimously evicted. Tyler tells us he took his fate into his own hands and made his own move, but Dani is out of the house once and for all. In the Photo BR, Tyler apologizes to Nicole again. She says she saw it coming a mile away. He says Dani has been doing a lot behind his back and she wasn't relaying it to him. Nicole says she doesn't run around repeating what others tell her. I feel guilty. You didn't do anything, he tells her, I have nothing against you, you were just associated with her. Everything that comes out of Tyler's mouth, Nicole says in the DR, is nothing but lies. I can't even look at him - does he think I'm an idiot? Please! That's the first time I've voted wrong in BB, he tells her. Really, Nicole laughs, I love it. What does it feel like? It sucks, he admits with a fake smile. Tyler calls the HG together for the HoH comp, which takes place in the BB Yoga Studio (the extra room). Welcome to the BB Yoga Studio. After the crazy Triple Eviction, everyone needs to unwind and release some tension and what better way than a strip-down BB Yoga class, called Namaste Off The Block. In each round, HG will be given yoga attire inspired by a specific pose and have to remove their clothes while pressing 3 buttons on their station. If you release a button while undressing, your game clock runs 10x faster, 30x faster for 2 buttons, and 60x faster if you let go of all three buttons. Every second counts - the player with the highest score is eliminated. Tyler hopes Christmas wins HOH because they dug themselves into a hole and she won't burry him if she wins. The first round is the Floating Flamingo. Tyler instructs the HG which buttons to press and the timer stars. Cody says it's not crucial to win but there are others he wants to protect. But just because you buzz in first doesn't mean you win if your clock was running faster. Christmas is the first to let go of a button. She's not one to shoot and miss, she says, as she releases a second button, and the fact that she did with Nicole scares her. Enzo wasn't with her, she notes, exposing her and Tyler. If I don't win, I could be on the block. Memphis tells us he wants to win this (he loses a button), I'm putting up Tyler and Nicole because I have nothing with them. Memphis is first to the buzzer with a time of 3:48.56. Enzo isn't worried because it's about making sure the clock moves as slow as possible. His clock is moving at 60x and he hits the buzzer with a time of 7:16.74. Christmas can't keep her limbs on the buttons and the seconds just keep rolling, leaving her with a time of 8:32.40, except she forgot her shirt. Her final time is 16:58.44. Cody snags a time of 4:01.49. Nicole gets 8:04.04. Christmas is eliminated. If Nicole wins this, we're going up, Christmas tells Tyler on the Group W bench. Tyler tells us with Christmas eliminated, there goes his best bet to stay safe. The Round 2 pose is the Strategic Snake. Nicole and Memphis are racking up the seconds but Cody is going slow and steady, focusing on his buttons. Memphis rolls off his platform with a time of 2:42.31. Enzo beats him with a time of 2:33.73. Cody slivers past both with a time of 1:37.04. Nicole gets stuck in her snake pants and is eliminated with a time of 4:02.41. Yoga is not my sport, she tells us. The Round 3 pose is the Twisted Tarantula. Nicole is sure Memphis will nominate her again, so she's rooting for Cody and Enzo. Christmas trusts Memphis the most. Enzo's feet get caught in his yoga leggings and his rush to rid himself of the clothing lands him a 3:40.65 time. Memphis struggles with his socks, but clocks in at 1:37.91. Christmas can't believe they are so fast - do they just practice taking their clothes off all the time? Cody removes his clothes like a pro, with at time of 1:56.06. Enzo is eliminated. That leaves Cody and Memphis and Enzo is in a good spot with both but Cody is his guy. Christmas knows she's safe with Memphis. The last pose is the Sitting Duck (quack quack). Tyler thinks he's in trouble with either. The duck feet and feathers go flying, but Memphis's focus doesn't keep his body up against his buttons and his time lays an egg timed at 5:41.35. Cody, meanwhile, is breezing through the round, in no rush after seeing Memphis's time. His time is 3:06.41 and he is the new Head of Household! Cody is excited to be back in his room and lock in Final 5. Christmas says I'll see the block for the first time. Tyler says I'm feeling a little sketched out because Cody might sketch out Christmas and I as an obvious pair. Not good. I'm in survival mode. In the WA, Christmas wonders if Enzo will rat them out to Cody. Could be, Tyler replies. She blames how Tyler handled the flip because he failed to get Enzo on lock. In the PBR, Nicole wonders why she despises them so much - Tyler is boring and Christmas is Fishness. Christmas is a dirty player, Nicole tells us, all in with the guys and vote me out. Tyler is all I didn't know, and even if you did, you tried to flip Enzo. You come at me once, that's all I need. Bye. In the KBR, Enzo tells Cody that Christmas and Tyler tried to flip him. Cody figured. Memphis walks in on them and it's all smiles and bro's but the convo is put on hold. We have to protect Cody next week, Enzo tells Memphis. We're in a good place, Memphis says. Enzo tells us he's got The Wize Guys with Memphis and Christmas, a F2 deal with Cody, I just saved Nicole so she owes me, full coverage with $500 deductible. Memphis leaves and Cody picks the convo back up and tells Enzo his noms will be Tyler & Christmas, but if one comes down, he'll have to put Memphis up - if he doesn't go up, they won't be able to control the vote. The Committee is officially done, Cody tells us, I have F2 Memphis, Enzo and Nicole which go back to the beginning of the game. By clipping Christmas, I can pull in Tyler and get rid of this other version of The Wise Guys with Enzo, Memphis and Christmas. I want to win, Enzo says animatedly while Cody laughs, let's go! Final 5! Shhh, Cody tries to calm him down: Please, relax. In the WA, Memphis tells Christmas that Nicole is on everyone's radar, and Tyler is a big threat, so she could be safe. He would have won that HoH if he could play. The Committee is done, Memphis tells us, and my loyalty is with The Wise Guys, so I have to make sure Cody sees Tyler as the top competitor and this is the week he needs to go. he has ice in his veins and I don't want him around any longer. This thing could have been much worse, Memphis assures Christmas. Tyler calls the HG together for the HoH comp, which takes place in the BB Yoga Studio (the extra room). Welcome to the BB Yoga Studio. After the crazy Triple Eviction, everyone needs to unwind and release some tension and what better way than a strip-down BB Yoga class, called Namaste Off The Block. In each round, HG will be given yoga attire inspired by a specific pose and have to remove their clothes while pressing 3 buttons on their station. If you release a button while undressing, your game clock runs 10x faster, 30x faster for 2 buttons, and 60x faster if you let go of all three buttons. Every second counts - the player with the highest score is eliminated. Tyler hopes Christmas wins HOH because they dug themselves into a hole and she won't burry him if she wins. The first round is the Floating Flamingo. Tyler instructs the HG which buttons to press and the timer stars. Cody says it's not crucial to win but there are others he wants to protect. But just because you buzz in first doesn't mean you win if your clock was running faster. Christmas is the first to let go of a button. She's not one to shoot and miss, she says, as she releases a second button, and the fact that she did with Nicole scares her. Enzo wasn't with her, she notes, exposing her and Tyler. If I don't win, I could be on the block. Memphis tells us he wants to win this (he loses a button), I'm putting up Tyler and Nicole because I have nothing with them. Memphis is first to the buzzer with a time of 3:48.56. Enzo isn't worried because it's about making sure the clock moves as slow as possible. His clock is moving at 60x and he hits the buzzer with a time of 7:16.74. Christmas can't keep her limbs on the buttons and the seconds just keep rolling, leaving her with a time of 8:32.40, except she forgot her shirt. Her final time is 16:58.44. Cody snags a time of 4:01.49. Nicole gets 8:04.04. Christmas is eliminated. If Nicole wins this, we're going up, Christmas tells Tyler on the Group W bench. Tyler tells us with Christmas eliminated, there goes his best bet to stay safe. The Round 2 pose is the Strategic Snake. Nicole and Memphis are racking up the seconds but Cody is going slow and steady, focusing on his buttons. Memphis rolls off his platform with a time of 2:42.31. Enzo beats him with a time of 2:33.73. Cody slivers past both with a time of 1:37.04. Nicole gets stuck in her snake pants and is eliminated with a time of 4:02.41. Yoga is not my sport, she tells us. The Round 3 pose is the Twisted Tarantula. Nicole is sure Memphis will nominate her again, so she's rooting for Cody and Enzo. Christmas trusts Memphis the most. Enzo's feet get caught in his yoga leggings and his rush to rid himself of the clothing lands him a 3:40.65 time. Memphis struggles with his socks, but clocks in at 1:37.91. Christmas can't believe they are so fast - do they just practice taking their clothes off all the time? Cody removes his clothes like a pro, with at time of 1:56.06. Enzo is eliminated. That leaves Cody and Memphis and Enzo is in a good spot with both but Cody is his guy. Christmas knows she's safe with Memphis. The last pose is the Sitting Duck (quack quack). Tyler thinks he's in trouble with either. The duck feet and feathers go flying, but Memphis's focus doesn't keep his body up against his buttons and his time lays an egg timed at 5:41.35. Cody, meanwhile, is breezing through the round, in no rush after seeing Memphis's time. His time is 3:06.41 and he is the new Head of Household! Cody is excited to be back in his room and lock in Final 5. Christmas says I'll see the block for the first time. Tyler says I'm feeling a little sketched out because Cody might sketch out Christmas and I as an obvious pair. Not good. I'm in survival mode. In the WA, Christmas wonders if Enzo will rat them out to Cody. Could be, Tyler replies. She blames how Tyler handled the flip because he failed to get Enzo on lock. In the PBR, Nicole wonders why she despises them so much - Tyler is boring and Christmas is Fishness. Christmas is a dirty player, Nicole tells us, all in with the guys and vote me out. Tyler is all I didn't know, and even if you did, you tried to flip Enzo. You come at me once, that's all I need. Bye. In the KBR, Enzo tells Cody that Christmas and Tyler tried to flip him. Cody figured. Memphis walks in on them and it's all smiles and bro's but the convo is put on hold. We have to protect Cody next week, Enzo tells Memphis. We're in a good place, Memphis says. Enzo tells us he's got The Wize Guys with Memphis and Christmas, a F2 deal with Cody, I just saved Nicole so she owes me, full coverage with $500 deductible. Memphis leaves and Cody picks the convo back up and tells Enzo his noms will be Tyler & Christmas, but if one comes down, he'll have to put Memphis up - if he doesn't go up, they won't be able to control the vote. The Committee is officially done, Cody tells us, I have F2 Memphis, Enzo and Nicole which go back to the beginning of the game. By clipping Christmas, I can pull in Tyler and get rid of this other version of The Wise Guys with Enzo, Memphis and Christmas. I want to win, Enzo says animatedly while Cody laughs, let's go! Final 5! Shhh, Cody tries to calm him down: Please, relax. In the WA, Memphis tells Christmas that Nicole is on everyone's radar, and Tyler is a big threat, so she could be safe. He would have won that HoH if he could play. The Committee is done, Memphis tells us, and my loyalty is with The Wise Guys, so I have to make sure Cody sees Tyler as the top competitor and this is the week he needs to go. he has ice in his veins and I don't want him around any longer. This thing could have been much worse, Memphis assures Christmas. In his HoHR, Cody tells Christmas everyone's nervous. As he's talking, Christmas begins to count the number of times he says the word, "Like". It's like trying to pull words out of him, she tells us, give me what you're thinking. In the space of, like, 30 seconds, Cody drops more likes than this post will get, topping off at 34 (more than one per second). 100%, Christmas says. In the HNR, Enzo and Cody tell Nicole that they (Christmas and Tyler) wanted her out. I know, she says, they're dead to me. He's a dumb arse for trying to flip it. They are very close, Enzo states. That's why we needed this Triple Eviction, Enzo tells us, that's what I got from it. Nicole is sick of Tyler playing dumb. Am I an idiot? Memphis nominated me, Nicole tells us, Tyler and Christmas tried to flip the vote on me, but Enzo didn't vote me out so I know I have Cody and Enzo on my side. There's a clear line in the house now. Here we are, yo, Enzo tells Cody and Nicole, 3 against 3. In the HoHR, Enzo tells Cody they are good for the Final 4 if Nicole wins HoH, then we're playing for that HoH. Cody explains that between the three of them, they will have the one deciding vote. That's it, Enzo says. As long as Nicole doesn't get cute, Enzo says, I just want her to win something so I feel like it wasn't a waste. I gave Nicole life, Enzo tells us, the sharks were circling, so I need you step things up for me and Cody. She's got to win something, Cody agrees. Yo, says Enzo. Tyler comes into the HoH room and fesses up to voting out Nicole because it's what he wants to hear. He'll cut Christmas loose to stay in the game. I F'd up, he tell Cody, Christmas is trying to get me to tell this whole elaborate story. She's liked to me a ton, Cody commiserates. Tyler says that she told him she voted out Nicole. She's like a second Dani, Cody says, there's no way I'm letting you go on my HoH. If I'm up there, Tyler worries, I'm gone. Trust me, bro, Cody says, no way. I love you. This is just where we are at this point in the game. We're going to the end, Tyler confirms. I don't fully trust Tyler, Cody tells us, but I need him to still be an ally because he's a good competitor. I need to make sure there's no crack in our relationship. It's Christmas time in the HoH with Cody. She wants to clear the air, in the moment you're spinning and it's bizarre but its important to explain the Nicole vote. I have to do major damage control and fix this mess, she tells us, I need to convince him I was set up and Tyler was the instigator. It was odd that Tyler wanted to meet with me, she tells Cody, because he wasn't on the block, but he said it was flipping, everybody was flipping and now I look like I was part of something bigger and I'm not. It's tough, Cody says. Christmas says I was teary eyed because I felt I had just, well, I did, I betrayed Nicole. I was blindsided and duped and that's a huge mark against me. She hasn't been the same with me. Cody wants to give her a hug. Their stories don't match up, Cody says of Tyler and Christmas, it just shows they are both full of it and willing to throw the other under the bus to try and not look like the one that came up with the plan. Who should go right now is difficult to decide, like picking the lessor of 2 evils. It's time for nominations. The HG gather at the DT table and Cody brings out the key box. He turns the first key and Tyler's face appears. He turns the second key, and Christmas's face appears. Neither are surprised. Nicole suppresses her satisfaction. Cody says I like and respect both of you in the game and as people, we've been close this whole game, but something about that vote doesn't sit well with me and I'm going with my gut and wish you both the best of luck in the Veto. Cody tells us he nominated Tyler and Christmas because they are working tightly together and their agenda doesn't line up with mine. Deciding who should go is very difficult but I have to figure out which one staying would be best for my game moving forward. It's time for war, Tyler says, if Cody wants to take a shot, he better hope I don't win Veto. It's not going to be easy - you've not played against me yet and you don't want to. Christmas says I am frustrated but ready to fight, fight, fight. I'm sorry boys, you had better get out of my way. The two people on the block are the two people who voted me out during the Triple Eviction, Nicole says with satisfaction, it couldn't be better form my game. I hope and pray one of them goes home this week. Justice will be served. Who will win the Power of Veto and will it be used to save either Tyler or Christmas? Find out Wednesday night at 8pm ET/7pm CT on Big Brother! In his HoHR, Cody tells Christmas everyone's nervous. As he's talking, Christmas begins to count the number of times he says the word, "Like". It's like trying to pull words out of him, she tells us, give me what you're thinking. In the space of, like, 30 seconds, Cody drops more likes than this post will get, topping off at 34 (more than one per second). 100%, Christmas says. In the HNR, Enzo and Cody tell Nicole that they (Christmas and Tyler) wanted her out. I know, she says, they're dead to me. He's a dumb arse for trying to flip it. They are very close, Enzo states. That's why we needed this Triple Eviction, Enzo tells us, that's what I got from it. Nicole is sick of Tyler playing dumb. Am I an idiot? Memphis nominated me, Nicole tells us, Tyler and Christmas tried to flip the vote on me, but Enzo didn't vote me out so I know I have Cody and Enzo on my side. There's a clear line in the house now. Here we are, yo, Enzo tells Cody and Nicole, 3 against 3. In the HoHR, Enzo tells Cody they are good for the Final 4 if Nicole wins HoH, then we're playing for that HoH. Cody explains that between the three of them, they will have the one deciding vote. That's it, Enzo says. As long as Nicole doesn't get cute, Enzo says, I just want her to win something so I feel like it wasn't a waste. I gave Nicole life, Enzo tells us, the sharks were circling, so I need you step things up for me and Cody. She's got to win something, Cody agrees. Yo, says Enzo. Tyler comes into the HoH room and fesses up to voting out Nicole because it's what he wants to hear. He'll cut Christmas loose to stay in the game. I F'd up, he tell Cody, Christmas is trying to get me to tell this whole elaborate story. She's liked to me a ton, Cody commiserates. Tyler says that she told him she voted out Nicole. She's like a second Dani, Cody says, there's no way I'm letting you go on my HoH. If I'm up there, Tyler worries, I'm gone. Trust me, bro, Cody says, no way. I love you. This is just where we are at this point in the game. We're going to the end, Tyler confirms. I don't fully trust Tyler, Cody tells us, but I need him to still be an ally because he's a good competitor. I need to make sure there's no crack in our relationship. It's Christmas time in the HoH with Cody. She wants to clear the air, in the moment you're spinning and it's bizarre but its important to explain the Nicole vote. I have to do major damage control and fix this mess, she tells us, I need to convince him I was set up and Tyler was the instigator. It was odd that Tyler wanted to meet with me, she tells Cody, because he wasn't on the block, but he said it was flipping, everybody was flipping and now I look like I was part of something bigger and I'm not. It's tough, Cody says. Christmas says I was teary eyed because I felt I had just, well, I did, I betrayed Nicole. I was blindsided and duped and that's a huge mark against me. She hasn't been the same with me. Cody wants to give her a hug. Their stories don't match up, Cody says of Tyler and Christmas, it just shows they are both full of it and willing to throw the other under the bus to try and not look like the one that came up with the plan. Who should go right now is difficult to decide, like picking the lessor of 2 evils. It's time for nominations. The HG gather at the DT table and Cody brings out the key box. He turns the first key and Tyler's face appears. He turns the second key, and Christmas's face appears. Neither are surprised. Nicole suppresses her satisfaction. Cody says I like and respect both of you in the game and as people, we've been close this whole game, but something about that vote doesn't sit well with me and I'm going with my gut and wish you both the best of luck in the Veto. Cody tells us he nominated Tyler and Christmas because they are working tightly together and their agenda doesn't line up with mine. Deciding who should go is very difficult but I have to figure out which one staying would be best for my game moving forward. It's time for war, Tyler says, if Cody wants to take a shot, he better hope I don't win Veto. It's not going to be easy - you've not played against me yet and you don't want to. Christmas says I am frustrated but ready to fight, fight, fight. I'm sorry boys, you had better get out of my way. The two people on the block are the two people who voted me out during the Triple Eviction, Nicole says with satisfaction, it couldn't be better form my game. I hope and pray one of them goes home this week. Justice will be served. Who will win the Power of Veto and will it be used to save either Tyler or Christmas? Find out Wednesday night at 8pm ET/7pm CT on Big Brother! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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