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Friday, September 25, 2020 Big Brother 22 All-Stars Live Feed Updates

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Showmance room lounge (SRL)
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12:03am BBT Enzo is moving up to the HNR. Kevin also brings his belongings into the HNR. Kevin says he's going to nom Xmas for this. She complained she didn't get a heads- up and she didn't give him one. Hypocritical. Enzo says he's tired of eating, this will be good. 


12:05AM Enzo says it's me and you, yo. He doesn't like how the season's going. Kevin is surprised, Enzo is doing so well. Enzo says you have to win sh*t, there's no other way. Kevin says he'll go far, he'll make $$. Enzo would have made a move if he'd won HoH. FotH.


12:07am BBT Kevin tells Enzo he's tired of being cornered. If he's nominated again, he'll take his shot in Jury. He's never been. Enzo says he'll give it to the person who snaked, he weighs everything. Kevin says it's not being snaked to be targeted by the same people.


12:09pm BBT Kevin says he's had convos with Cody but he doesn't know if it's real. You have a convo then get put up anyway... In the WA, Cody talks with Memphis and Xmas about Kevin not wanting to be a HN. David visits with Kevin & Enzo. Cody's not having meetings tonight.


12:15am BBT Enzo tells David & Kevin he wouldn't have nominated them if he had won HoH. They need to flip the house. Cody says he went after the money after he shot a 2 and became the one to beat for HoH. David says it's Veto, even if you're not on the block. Yo, says Enzo.


12:18am BBT Enzo tells Kevin they've been talking since Day 1 and he tells him stuff & it doesn't go anywhere. Nic hasn't been nominated and she already won. Kevin says Cody wants to take her to the end because she won't get votes. No blood on her hands, and Cody is bloody.


12:20am BBT Kevin tells Enzo that Ian thought Cody was the ctr of the house. He wants to find a way to convince Cody it's better for his game to keep him. If he's nom again, he'll feel targeted. David & Cody chill in the KT. Kevin says PPL think he can't figure things out.


12:24am BBT Kevin dumps on Memphis for telling everyone to gun for Veto and telling him & Da'Vonne everyone was throwing it. There never was a plan to BD David. That's what made Da'Vonne so mad, that she was being lied to. Ian & Da'Vonne both will be angry jury members.


12:29am BBT Xmas tells Memphis that 4 ppl have told her Dani is targeting her. Kevin says he'll tell Cody to use him 4 a vote or lose his Jury vote. Memphis tells Xmas Dani used her power on him. She hasn't told The Committee yet. Enzo says if next wk is a double, hang on. 

I'm out for the night.

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2:17 AM BBTimage.thumb.png.71149d8eb3b639d37843af8d469ca4a7.png


Dani, Enzo, Cody, Nicole and Tyler are hanging out in the HOHR just talking about random things.


Christmas is in bed, lights out, but she gets out of bed in the KBR heads into the Love Lounge to sit alone. She begins crying and is very distraught.


"So so many things I miss... my family... Loyals’ birthday is in 2 weeks. They're just so hot and cold and so hypocritical. He just gets so…. I’m  tired of the crap. They're fake fake. Like for today, to be sweet and thoughtful...fake. And Da’Vonne was right... Nicole,  coldest ever...she did stab her in the front or in the back twice hardcore. Gamers have to be f****** heartless. What a show this week; what a show. I don't want to get into the dirty details because that's just like throwing more mud.  I just…. I don't trust anyone here. 


I just miss my family and my son. appreciated….just  praying like crazy that they're doing okay but every night I pray that loyal dreams happy and dreams playing with me….we have such a great time and then he knows that he's loved that's what my parents…. everyday I just want a real hug!  


I don’t want to be in their stupid alliance anymore. I'm pissed that I didn't win HOH. No because I wanted to win or get something from my family but because I wanted to make a move because I am tired of their...I am so tired....exhausted of their. you can't even be  double faced....two faced.  It's quadruple faced and so fucking obvious. This person is so  ... I am so tired... People are so deceitful; my skin crawls from their level of ability to deceive and manipulate....they  justseethe….  I  can’t even finish my sentences...I'm really missing my family..."

[Christmas is sobbing throughout this monologue]





2:24 AM BBT

Christmas continues talking aloud in the Love Lounge

These people just make you feel worthless. So disposable. I don't want Kevin to go home this week. I don't want David to go home this week. Honestly, I would rather go on the block and fight for the veto than to have them go through that again. Fuck the alliance. ...*feeds move rooms briefly then back...


...he kicked fucking ass because If I were him I would have been a complete dick to everybody. But he's going around and still campaigning and being super nice. And I see they are doing the same thing...(still crying...sobbing, actually) I know I need to get this out of my system....this crying and missing my family..I mean I am always going to miss my family. I need to purge this and focus. I'm human. I am locked in. If I'm here, I'm going to do my best and I'm going to try to win. I know it's hardest just before what's best happens. I know it's going to get harder. So, I will purge all of this and I will keep praying for Loyal and Zeb and the girls and my family. I will keep doing my best in here. 100% guaranteed. I'm gonna lock in and I'm gonna dominate.


2:28 AM BBT

I'm not gonna care. I'm gonna do what has to be done. I signed up for this. While I'm here, I'm gonna be here and I'm gonna fight my ass off to win and win and win. If they're gonna come after me, it probably would be the most epic of all time. (she starts laughing) because I would blow up everyone's shit...that's what I would do....that would be amazing.


You spend too much time in your head here because you can't talk freely. You can't tell people what you really feel...what you really think. You have to be careful when you talk so it can't be misconstrued...but it doesn't really matter what you say because they go and tell what they want.... n I really wanted to find a way to tell Dominique (I think she meant Da'Vonne) that Dani also flipped on that vote....wow...I am sure the girls are upstairs trying to convince Cody to backdoor me.  That's the only way they can get me out. But they need the votes....They might actually have them. Fucking Dani, I should have got rid of her ass earlier. I can't believe I got rid of Bayleigh over Dani. I'm telling you right now, Memphis better fucking come through and we better get to final two together because if Dani gets further than me...so, that hurts your soul to be in two alliance...fine that's good, but then to like lie to one of them...I get it, but then, in order to cover your own ass you throw your best friend under the bus and say you didn't know anything about it and pretend to mad at her the whole day while you are buddying up to the person you are lying too. It goes deeper and deeper to that. You are literally doing what Paul did to her her season. And you're okay with that? They both stabbed her in the back....Man, I needed a good cry. It moisturizes your skin. No, it doesn't. I just want to not be around anybody for a week.



9:10 AM BBT

We have stars and then feeds return to lights on in the house and Memphis drinking coffee in the kitchen. Everyone else is still in bed.



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 2:24AM BBT Enzo, Cody and Nic are in the HOH BR. Talking about if there will be a double eviction soon.



2:30AM BBT Xmas is still talking in the lounge. She is still crying. She says she will lock in and dominate. She says she will do whatever she needs to do. She says she will go home and put this behind her but while she is here, she will fight. She says if they come after her it will be the most epic eviction of all time. She says she will blow everything up. She laughs and says she knows what she will do and it will be amazing. She says she doesn't want to be around anyone. She says imagine being locked in with 15 other people.


2:38AM BBT Cody, nic, Dani and Enzo are talking about the comp. Cody explains how he hit a 6 and a 2 and then moved to the prize side. They are talking about how Tyler keeps changing his story on what he did.

2:40AM BBT Xmas is still in the lounge. She thanks America for listening to her. She says they listen better then anyone else in the house.
3:15AM BBT The HOH BR crew is talking about Xmas being a person who has to top others. Cody compares her to Caleb. NIc says both Caleb and Xmas have a huge heart though. They talk aboue Caleb's stories on his season and how they were fake. Dabni thinks a lot of Xmas' stories are fake as well. Cody goes on to talk about what to say to Kevin about putting him on the block. He knows Kevin has been talking about him. The girls give him advice.
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9:51am BBT: Christmas up and Memphis is whispering very low to her , Memphis then starts shaving his face and we get stars.
9:56am BBT: Christmas doing ADL's as Memphis shaves. All other HG still in bed sleeping.

9:59am BBT: Dani now up in the WA doing ADL's with Christmas and Memphis. Christmas tells her that she is tired. David up in the WC.

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10:09AM BBT David and Dani up in the PBR. Cody is asleep in the HOHR. 

10:20 PM BBT Christmas is in the WA putting her make up on. Enzo says he is a HN and he says had 7 pickles last night. Christmas tells him to make the slop like oatmeal add honey and milk. Enzo says anything going on today Memphis and Christmas tell him nominations. They start talking about the comp and Enzo says the money was too hard to pass up. Christmas says she is mad that each shot she got worse. 

10:30 AM BBT Enzo goes up to talk to Cody and they talk about Dani not wanting to leave. Cody asks what time it is Enzo tells him it 10:30 and he says oh crap bb let us sleep in today .Cody says Dani is after Christmas. Memphis is scared of Tyler. Enzo and Cody talk about Kevin and Day told him all the alliances. They also told him about Dani having the power and was going to use it on Memphis. They say he has all this information and he needs to go. Emzo says he is going to take it peronsal and say your not going to get my jury vote. 

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10:42 AM BBT Cody says he wants Kevin gone. Enzo says yes he needs to go and Christmas but we need to back door her. They says if Kevin was to win he would put me and You. They talk about Dani how she will twist information. Cody says that Dani and Christmas go after each other and we are protected. Cody says he going to to tell david that  he has to do something to appease this group he is working with and going to trust him and reassure him that he is not the target this week If he messes that up then cody will go after him. . Enzo says that Day was drilling him to win this HOH this week, 

10:55 PM BBT Cody and Enzo talk about Nicole. Enzo says he really like nicole because she dosnt run and tell everybody everything. Feeds cut to stars Feeds come back on and they talk about David again. Enzo says he likes Memphis he is a man after his own words. Christmas tells Enzo she wants to go after Dani. 

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Ch11:05am BBT: David is scrubbing the KT while Dani and Christmas eat and have coffee. 
11:09am BBT: Christmas going to the HOHR. Cody says he has 7 people to talk to and not much to say today, Christmas says  she is so glad he got a picture of Christy and his letter was so nice and Cody says i am glad too. Christmas says we are crushing and Cody says yeah this is the best alliance ever, Christmas says i want to keep that going you know what i mean and Cody says yeah i know we have prizes this week but we have to keep this going.
11:11am BBT: Cody says i know that Kevin will be up here throwing everything sat me this week and feed switch to  Dani and Enzo talking and then we get STARS.
 11:16am BBT: Dani called to the DR as Enzo makes a proteins shake and David drinks coffee.
11:22am BBT: Christmas tells Cody that this week we will be down to six and in two weeks we will have four people gone know what i mean? Cody says yeah. They then talk about Kevin being a have not and how Christmas did not want to  give him the have not but he has only been on it one time but i felt sorry for him because he has been the pawn a lot.
11:26am BBBT: Christmas ask Cody of David is the number two and Cody says yeah right now it is Kevin i just feel like you know and Christmas says yeah i know. Christmas says in my opinion i think things have been running so well and Cody says yeah if it comes back on me that's ok i just want to stick to what we have been doing.
11:31am BBT: Christmas and Cody continue talking about everyone and how they have played the game. They talk about Dani and what her obsession was over Day Cody says i do not know what it was but it started when she was HOH and did not put up Day so she brought all this on herself. Cody says maybe she wanted to take her to the end of the game so she would have a better shot or something i do not know. Christmas says i actually liked day and it broke my heart to put Bay and day on the block and i did not get that feeling on the side with hey i want to be friends outside the game and i did not get that with Bay so that's why i wanted to do that with Day.
11:39am BBT: Cody tells Christmas that if he gets houseguest choice he will pick her to play because he knows they will keep it the same. He then says well either you or Memphis so don't count on it yet. Cody says i would love to see Memphis get a punishment and have to wear a tutu. Christmas is leaving and tells Cody if her name comes up to come to her for clarification please and he says yeah i will. Christmas leaves the HOHR.
11:42am BBT: Cody alone brushing his teeth and getting dressed, David and Memphis in the KT eating.
11:47am BBT: Memphis goes to the KBR to talk to Christmas and ask if everything is good and she says yeah i feel better after talking to him. Cody now in the KT to get something to eat and  talks to David.
11:52am BBT: Christmas and Memphis in the KBR talking about the layout of the room then Christmas says this is gonna be a bad week cause Kevin is not gonna take this lightly and Dani is not going to take it lightly. Memphis says Kevin is gonna be devastated and he is on slop thanks to you, Then Memphis laughs. He says we want Kevin to go home this week  and he will be on the block and he is on slop so he will lose his momentum and we do not want Cody to change noms.
11:58am BBT: Memphis says he can  not believe Dani did not use that power on herself and used it on  me lastnight and Christmas says no she didn't want to win and i do not think she wanted to win anyways you know what i mean and Memphis says yeah and we keep getting stars.

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12:03PM BBT Cody is in the HOH BR moving his snacks around. Memphis and Xmas talking in the KBR. Xmas is telling Memphis that she cried in the lounge for a bit last night. Memphis says to America that our perception of him in the house is not true. David has arrived in the HOH BR. He and Cody discuss lotion. Neither like greasy lotion.


12:07PM BBT David and Cody talking about the past in the house. Cody says that he and David are tight. Cody says that there is other stuff going on in the house that he needs to take care of first. He says there is another HG that has been saying his name. Cody is trying to tell David he is going up without telling him he is going up.  Cody says that he is not a threat to David. He keeps telling David that it is all smoke and mirrors.


12:15PM BBT David tells Cody that he won the power first. Cody says he had a feeling. David explains how he won it. Cody says it was the best of the powers. 


12:20PM BBT COdy keeps talking to David and explaining things. David just keeps repeating what Cody is saying. Cody telling David how he wanted to work with Day in the beginning. Cody trying to give David advice.



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 12:33PM BBT David and Cody finish their conversation and hug it out. In the WCA, Nic and Dani talking. Nic doing make up.


12:34PM BBT Kevin and David in the KT talking about the mood last night. David said everyone was happy. There was a feeling of playfulness.  We get stars. We come back and all 4 cams on David flossing his teeth.


12:47PM BBT Nic and David in the WCA. Nic has put on some fragrance spray. David says he loves that one. They discuss perfume and cologne. Nic says that she prefers lotion but can't really lather up in the house so uses the spray. 


12:52PM BBT Kevin and Enzo talking in the HN BR. Kevin trying to tell him about Day knowing she was going because of the move she made. Enzo tells Kevin to talk to Cody but not go in hard. Just make some points. Enzo tells Kevin that no matter who goes on the block, it isn't over yet.


12:55PM BBT Memphis and Dani talking about who won the prizes. They think maybe Tyler. Dani wonders if it was Xmas. Memphis says he doesn't think so. They both agree Xmas was agrey and stomping around. In the KT, Cody spelling out Happy Birthday to someone back home with cereal.


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12:58PM BBT Cody is spelling out to his mom. He says to the cameras that spelling out Dominique to too long (he has it almost done) and he is being lazy. Wishes her happy birthday. he says to Kevin that he feels like an idiot and has to finish it. He works on it some more. 


1:12PM BBT Xmas is talking to Enzo about the HGs and how she hasn't had conversations with certain people. Xmas says it will be easier to talk to Memphis since they are in the same room now. She says she loves her wise guys. Memphis and Cody talking in the HOH BR. They are discussing the powers. Memphis says he went for the power all three times. Memphis says that Tyler's story keeps flip flopping. Cody says that Tyler did flip flop but then admitted.


1:19PM BBT Cody and Memphis are angry that Tyler didn't go for HOH last night. he told Memphis that if he could get some money it's better. Cody says that Xmas stomping around last night was absurd. They are talking about Dani planting seeds. Memphis says that Dani must think he is an idiot with what she says to him.




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1:40PM BBT 1:37PM BBT Enzo and Xmas studying in the KBR. Nic and Cody talking in the HOH BR. Cody says that if Kevin comes down, he doesn't want David going up. He says he is going to put up Xmas. Nic says that Cody is doing Dani's dirty work. Cody explains that Xmas is the only one he can put up. Cody says that Dani is after him. Nic says that he won so it is up to him but she doesn't agree. They are discussing how things went down on their season.


1:52PM BBT Cody says that he wants to win the Veto and is willing to take punishments to win. He says he won't take comp punishments or slop. Nic says that she doesn't want the comp punishments. Cody says that Kevin may take them but he doesn't expect anyone to take them. Cody says he would shave his head. Nic says she would dye her hair. Nic says she hasn't won anything yet so she is willing to take them to help him.



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1:58 PM BBT

Christmas tells Kevin in the SR that she feels horrible about making him a Have Not. He tells her it's not  a big deal "don't worry about it".

Kevin leaves then Christmas says to the camera "I feel like such poop about it. Look at the bags under my eyes. This game sucks!"




Christmas walks through the LR on her way back to the kitchen and we see the reminder on the screen : Nominations Today.



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2:04PM BBT Nic is called to DR. We see her go in and walk down the hall. Feeds cut to Xmasin the KT saying she feels better and yesterday was just a day. We go to stars.


2:09PM BBT Nic and Enzo talking in the HN BR. Nic says people are trying to pin her against other people. They talk about Xmas stomping around. Nic tells Enzo that Cody wants Kevin to go this week. She is going to go talk to Xmas. She wants to make sure Xmas isn't coming after her or Enzo. 


 2:16PM BBT Kevin is in the lounge. Talking to himself.  He is trying to figure out things. In the KT, Xmas and David discuss food.


2:23PM BBT David is doing shout outs to co workers from the KT. Xmas is in front of the sink. They talk about when fans tell them that they have a family member who loves them. Xmas says she will face time them. She says people bother her all the time during dinner. She says people have no boundries. She says people lose their minds.



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2:40 PM BBT

Christmas and Nicole are playing backgammon in the KBR. Tyler and Cody are talking game in the HOHR

Tyler: I'm ready for whatever happens

Cody: Dani is a fucking good player. SHe is going to be aware....on my season I had to do it. I had to do it with Caleb. 

Tyler: at least we know

Cody: we know and we have to do it...you know how easy it could be for Nicole and Dani to put something in Christmas and....you know

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2:28PM BBT Kevin is in the loft and David is in the lounge. Both are talking to themselves. David is talking very loudly. Cams change and Xmas and Nix are getting ready to play backgammon in the KBR. Memphis and Cody in the KT getting something to eat.


2:31PM BBT Cody goes up to HOH BR and Tyler is in there. Cody tells Tyler about Kevin venting to Enzo. He says he knows Kevin is going to come in and throw everyone under the bus. Cody says that  Kevin can't do anything for him. Tyler agrees.Tyler says if one of them goes out you have to put up someone the others won't vote out. 


2:37PM BBT Tyler tells Codythat Enzo, Xmas and Kevin have had something since Enzo was HOH. Cody says it preobably isn't even true anymore. Tylr says it may be legit. Cody says he doesn't care. they are all trying to save themselves.


2:46PM BBT Cody and Tyler still talking in the HOH BR. They are talking about Dani twisting things when she talks to different HGs. They are talking in circles. In the lounge, David still talking out loud to the feeds. Just going over things.



2:54PM BBT Cody and Tyler still talking. Cody tells him that Xmas told Day that she was going home a few days before. Tyler says that Day's mind is made up right now. Tyler asks him if he is upset with him for taking half the money. Cody says he didn't win it so no. Tyler says he doesn't want any of the other HG to know. In the LR, Memphis and Xmas are chatting.

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3:15 PM BBT

Kevin has his turn with Cody prior to nominations. It's a long talk with Cody that results in Kevin's revelation that he is indeed going on the block.  


Kevin: Dani talked about a bigger picture she had in play. She wouldn't tell me what that was

Cody: I think a lot is BS and it's just whether people choose or don't choose to do  it. Jury management can go one way and it can go another way. Anything can happen in this game. 






3:51 PM BBT

Dani heads into the HOHR once she sees Kevin has finally left "Cody, I never get to hang out with you...you are so popular...apparently I am the last one to talk with you."

Cody tell Dani all about his conversation with Kevin

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3:01pm BBT: Nicole goes in the HOHR with Tyler and Cody saying she can't find Dani  she says she must be in the DR or something i don't know sorry i interrupted and she leaves. Tyler leaves the HOHR and goes downstairs with Nicole to the KT to get chicken nuggets that he says smells good.
3:04pm BBT: Kevin in the HOH and Cody ask  if you had won HOH would i have been nominated and Kevin says no, Kevin says i told Dani who i would put up but i was advised by someone to put someone up to get the least amount of blood on my hands. Cody said you was advised by Day and Kevin says no Day wanted you out and Cody says wow. 
3:06pm BBT: Kevin says Day told me that she was in an alliance with others and that  Dani got Memphis to come after her but he says i am just trying to get through this without getting blood on my hands. Kevin says day told him she had a problem with David because he was causing division in the house and was throwing her and everyone under the bus. Cody says she could not be more wrong about Dani and Kevin says i don't know anything. People tell me alot and i just do not know. Cody says you can take what people say and believe it or not to believe it ya know.
3:17pm BBT: Kevin and Cody still talking in the HOHR and Kevin ask is there any way he can help Cody because they are going to start firing and we keep getting stars. Kevin then says that Dani told him she has a bigger picture that she wants to play but she does not feel that 3:25pm BBT: Cody says he does not trust a lot because you talked to Ian a lot and Kevin says the person who told me to put up was Ian so he told me what to do. Cody says Ian did not tell me that he told me yall talked and i feel like you would target me and he made me feel like i could not even tell you how my vote was going to go because the vote would go the opposite way and Kevin says because of me and Cody says he did not say you but he made it sound like if anyone knew the vote would go the other way, Kevin says that is so weird.
way. Cody says i think it is all BS and i think Jury management is BS.
3:35pm BBT: Cody says i am going to have trouble with people in jury and we can not control things but we can not control it. Kevin says well if i get it right i am going up on the block and it is like tit for tat. Cody says i am just nominating and i do not know how things are going to go this week i don't, We have the veto and we do not know what will happen, Kevin says if i get nominated the person next to me wont say that they was told they was not the target, Cody says i do not have a target this week and if the veto gets used  and if i have to break a tie this week i will decide then i do not know what i will do because i know where i  have to play some things but i really do not know. Kevin says well this is the game and you have to play it. Kevin says as much as you want to believe what others have told you about me that's your opinion but when i go to jury i will not engage i will vote on my own personal opinion.
3:39pm BBT: Kevin says whatever story you want to tell about me Cody then ok, Cody says it is like Day wanted to put me up and get me out but  and Kevin says Cody when i enter a room all conversations stop  that is why i do not engage and when you are in there you have your game play and i  relate you have  your way of playing and i have mine. Kevin says it is what it is and you are on your side and i am on mine it is like tit for tat.
3:43pm BBT: Kevin says if someone tells me something am i supposed to come tell you what is going on and Cody says your best friend was targeting me and Kevin says so i was supposed to come tell you and Cody says no but she was targeting me. Kevin says so that is way you are targeting me and Cody says  whoa wait when did this turn to me targeting you but i have no worries about  nominating you but you are throwing digs now. Kevin says i was not throwing digs and like you said  it sucks to have powers and i am going to do what i do and it has been fun Cody. Kevin gets up and Cody says i do not like the way this is turning and Kevin says then either you are crazy or i am and Cody says i am not crazy then Kevin says thank you for connecting and leaves the HOHR.
 3:47pm BBT: Dani now in the HOH and Cody says that conversation just went south and Dani ask if they was yelling and Cody says i just told him he is going on the block and he tells Dani the conversation with Kevin and how it got heated.
 3:52pm BBT: Dani and Cody in the HOHR and Cody just telling Dani everything that Kevin just said to him and Cody is a little loud and heated. IN the KT Memphis and Tyler are talking general talk.
3:56pm BBT: Dani and Cody still talking and Dani says you are worked up and laughs, He tells Dani that he told Kevin he never came to talk to him and he was always on his side but they never talked.  Tyler and Memphis still in the KT talking general talk.

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 4:01PM BBT Memphis and Tyler talking in the KT about how many times different HG have been in the house. Memphis says he wouldn't have done it after 5 years. He told his Mom to never let him play again. When he told his mom this time she reminded him. In the HOH BR, Cody talking to Dani. They talk about Day. Dani says that Day did have most of the stuff pinned down. Cody is trying to disagree.


4:05PM BBT Dan says that Kevin will be the most bitter jury member. Cody says that Kevin will ruin the integrity of the game by being bitter. We go to stars.


 4:10PM BBT Dani and Cody talking about people not liking them but they don't know them. Dani says then people to know them and love them. Cody says that he told Memphis that he thinks he is a great guy but he is a jerk. Memphis told Cody that he is the guy that when he walks into a bar, people hate him all the time. Dani says that she has a lot of issues with Memphis. 


4:17PM BBT IN the KT, Memphis, Tyler and Kevin are chatting about reasons people come into the house. In the HOH BR, Cody and Dani just chatting. No game talk.

4:26PM BBT Feeds go to reels. Nomination time.

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5:21 PM BBT

The feeds have returned



Cody nominated Kevin and David



David heads to the Love Lounge "Ohhhh, boy. Damn"

5:26 PM BBT

Dani , Christmas and Nicole are  in the PBR.

Nicole: bang on the door...

Dani: it was just them two upstairs

Christmas: I wish I could have heard that conversation...he probably dropped some intel from the yeller  *feeds cut 




5:31 PM BBT

The HGs got a grocery delivery today

Nicole and Dani head into the storage room while complaining about David throwing out some old meat

Nicole: I just don't like throwing out dead animals

They begin going through the produce in the SR and dumping items that look spoiled

They throw out cherry tomatoes that look fine to me, a pineapple that is clearly ripe, but they determine is rotten; a green pepper that really is rotten...

Nicole: everything is dripping. This is alarming.

Dani: man, there are so many onions...I'm gonna wipe all this down. It looks crazy

Nicole: we need to completely move everything from here so we can...

Dani: we can do it section by section *hiccup*  I've had the hiccups all day. I'm sick of it.

Nicole: these apples are ridiculous

Dani: how many or are they bad?

Nicole doesn't respond

Dani: I was eating a lot but then I stopped.....ew, gross...so wasteful

Nicole: don't throw away any oranges...I will squeeze some....we don't need any apples next week...we have like 50 apples

Dani finds some rotten lemons at the bottom of the pile  "I my gosh, these were hidden"

Kevin comes in looking for honey "Oh my God! There's no honey. You've got to be kidding"

Dani: ew...gross.....gross....soggy lemons, gross

Kevin: thank you guys for doing this

Nicole: it's actually kind of fun


They really do get a lot of groceries for just 9 people. David complained earlier that they didn't get as much as they were expecting.






The fridge is so full, items are falling out.



Dani: Christmas needs to eat this nasty month old cake....for real....Does anyone eat iceberg lettuce

Nicole: I think Enzo does when there is nothing else



Nicole wipes down the storage counter while Dani reorganizes the fridge. David cleaned the freezer out earlier to make space for new groceries.


Christmas joins David in the Love Lounge.

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5:35 PM BBT

Christmas: Hey! Do you want to be left alone?

David shrugs

Christmas: I'm sorry

David: it's part of the game

Christmas: it still sucks

David: it does

Christmas: well you are guaranteed to play in the veto. Let's look at the positives. You are guaranteed to play in veto.

From that speech it doesn't look like you are the one he wants to go

David: you never know

Christmas: just win that veto

David: I guess....it's just the same thing every week...over and over 

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 5:24pm BBT: Feeds are back and Kevin and David have been Nominated. David goes to the Love rm and sits alone shaking his head. 
5:27pm BBT: Memphis in the STR looking through the fridge, Dani and Nicole in the PBR , Dani telling Nicole about Cody and Kevin yelling in the HOHR earlier before nominations. Christmas comes in and  Dani changes the subject to BB being annoying this morning.
5:30pm BBT: Cody in the KT getting chips, Dani, Nicole and Christmas in the PBR talking about Kevin and Christmas says she wants to hear about the Kevin conversation today, Dani then says she is trying to figure out what to make with her sweet potatoes, Christmas says Memphis is making salmon tonight then ask if they want to help put food up in the STR.
5:33pm BBT: Dani in the STR putting veggies away, Tyler, Christmas , and Cody in the KT cooking. Nicole joins Dani in the STR looking through the food that was delivered.
5:38pm BBT: Christmas goes in the Love rm and talks to David, David says this sucks and Christmas says it is the game but it sounded like from the speech that you are not the target. Christmas says if you do not want to win the veto then walk away with the prizes at least walk away with something, David says yeah just from the viewers it is over and over and we get stars.
5:40pm BBT: David said third time and Christmas says at least it isn't the fifth time and David says i know i do not know how Kevin is handling it. Christmas says my heart hurts for him, David says i did not win comps and it is annoying and Christmas says frustrating and David agrees, David tells her that part of him is like this is a boring season to watch and people do not want to tune into things that are expected to happen so i will fight and give them something to watch. My goal now is to save this season for being an all star season but it is going to get good now and Christmas says  it is only 4 weeks left. Feeds switch to Dani and Nicole in the STR talking about the food.
5:46pm BBT: David tells Christmas that he does not see the votes and Christmas says i do not know because a lot of people have been playing but if my name is drawn for the veto i am playing and she says if you pick me or Kevin picks me i am going for all the prizes but not telling them i want them to think i am a comp beast ok and David shakes his head, Christmas says i do not want them to know because i will be bumped to the top of their list and i think we have a chance.
5:49pm BBT: Christmas tells David to win next week and then the following week she will win and she is putting the rest of the team up. 
5:52pm BBT: Christmas tells David he needs to win the veto and then she tells him that Cody might put her up she does not know. She then tells him she wants to know what Kevin and Cody's conversation was it sounded interesting. David says  he is going to talk to Him later and Christmas says can we keep this between us and he says yeah as Christmas hugs him and she leaves the room. Kevin comes in and says David you know you are staying no matter what if you win veto your staying if you do not win veto you are staying, David says i do know know that
 5:57pm BBT: Kevin and David talk about how far Day made it in her seasons. Kevin talks about he has been through this before in his season that if you do not win it you go home but you know it is kind of refreshing you know, David said yeah.

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