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Thursday, September 17, 2020 Big Brother 22 All-Stars Live Feed Updates

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9:15 PM BBT

The feeds are back


Memphis won HoH

Cody: Memphis is winning comps

9:21 PM BBT

Enzo, Kevin and David are talking in the PBR

The guys talk about how Memphis already knows what he wants to do "he sits around in the mornings and thinks of scenarios."

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9:22 PM BBT

Cody and Dani are talking in the KBR

Cody hopes Memphis won't target David this week "sending home David this week will be a waste"

Dani: I think he will put David and Kevin

Cody: I'm not voting out David next to Kevin....no way

Dani: Kevin has to go

Cody: it's a wasted week if David goes...on a million different scales, David is the wrong person to go home. Memphis said he had a plan and he said it in front of Tyler and Christmas

Dani: But he wouldn't say what it was Memphis thinks he is literally the mastermind, best player all around; Big Brother God.

Cody says Memphis is "dangerous competitor to be honest"




Tyler, David, Enzo and Kevin are talking in the PBR about being tired

Enzo: I'm ready to go to sleep, yo...I'm waiting for his room

They talk about Memphis probably getting a letter from Dominique (his last HOH he got a letter from his son, RIver)


9:40 PM BBT

Tyler: They knocked us down to two Have Nots   (Have Nots are Cody and Christmas)

David: Yep...they are sending people out malnourished

Tyler: that's savage

9:42 PM BBT

Cody and Nicole are whispering in the CBR

Nicole is upset that "she said I have to fix this....I did it for you"  Nicole then mentions something about the Janelle vote but she had dropped her mic and did not get it positioned correctly to be heard

Cody says the KBR will be empty "got to switch up the bad juju". He also mentions that there are now just two Have Nots "Two up there and three out here"

Nicole: that room is full (PBR)


Tonight's sleeping arrangements

Memphis in HOHR

Have Not: Christmas and Cody

CBR: Kevin, Nicole, Da'Vonne

PBR: Dani, Enzo, David, Tyler

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9:56 PM BBT

Memphis is waiting for his HOH Room reveal with Cody and Nicole in the CBR

Cody teases that he is going to sneak in the HOHR and steal snack while Memphis is sleeping then hide out in the Have Not Room

Memphis: you are not going to sneak in because my room will be locked

Cody tells him the lock is broken 

Memphis; Well, I am going to demand that be fixed

Memphis leaves and Cody begins saying that Da'Vonne and Kevin have got to go on the block, he prefers Kevin go because of his mouth.

Cody: Da'Vonne is studying all that shit, going over all that shit

Tyler comes in and thanks them  "it was a fucking game move...we have a n alliance" and he leaves

Nicole: you can see in that thing if someone is coming, so I am watching

Cody: what thing?

Nicole: that silver thing, so I am watching while you talk...Christmas told me that David went up to Memphis and said 'can we keep up this charade of not liking each other"

Cody: that's a good thing

Nicole: I don't think he is going up

Cody says he is going to try to work on Memphis "one of them have to go" (Da'Vonne or Kevin)

Nicole: I know




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9:21 pm Big Brother Time


Cody and Danielle are talking in the key bedroom.


Danielle says she feels like crap over what happened this past week.  She asks Cody what Memphis is saying.  Cody says he only hopes Memphis does not target David this week, he says that David did not pick Memphis, he picked him (Cody) instead.  Cody say he will not send David home, he would be okay with sending Kevin out though.


(sounds like Cody, and Christmas  are have nots this week. Ian was evicted so no third person was selected to be on slop.)


Cody says that sending David home is a wasted week, that Kevin or Davonne would be better to send out because they would remain in the house and remain connected.  Cody says Memphis told him he has a plan.


Danielle says Memphis thinks he is a master player.


Davonne and Nicole F are talking in the cartoon bedroom.


Nicole F is laying on her bed, Davonne says that Christmas is mad that she (Davonne) picked her as a have not.  Nicole F says "you didn't say anything mean."


Cody comes by and tells Davonne "welcome home."  Davonne chuckles and says "thank you."  She starts reading her bible while Nicole F lays in her bed.


Davonne says Danielle is in the key bedroom and can be ears for them.


Camera moves to upstairs lounge.


Christmas is talking to Memphis about how long is left.  She says there are six weeks left and there are ten players in the house.  She says in the last week there will only be three players in the house. She counts the evictions, and says there is either a double eviction or a short week coming where two people are evicted. 


Memphis is trying to understand what she is telling him, he counts dates to see for himself that she is right about the two players that are not accounted for.


Christmas is trying to figure out when the double evictions might happen.


Several people are in the photo bedroom, Enzo is waiting to see the HOH room so he can go to bed.  David says this is his (Memphis's) second HOH and he will get another letter, he wonders if next week will be a double eviction.  Kevin says his morale is shot, he wasn't even close; he says that Tyler was at least close to winning.  David says when he saw Memphis's puzzle he was shocked.  Tyler says he tried to hide his behind his back so no one could see it. 


No real game talk, just conversation about how the competition went and about Ian's eviction.


Camera moves to kitchen and living room area, then to the cartoon bedroom.  House guests have scattered all over the place so most rooms are vacant. Finally the camera moves to the photo bedroom again.


Still just general conversation about the inconveniences of so many people living in a house with one shower and one bathroom.  Enzo and David both say they are jealous of Ian because he can chill and watch Netflix.


Tyler says he never had a vote against him until tonight, he says three loser voted against him tonight.  Enzo makes jokes about Tyler's average. That conversation moves to basketball players.


In the kitchen Kevin, Christmas and Memphis are talking about the possibility of getting the yard back soon.  They say it might be a small area used so they could get it soon.  Memphis says he hopes that is the case so they don't remain locked up.  Memphis says the basement is not very large, Kevin agrees, he says there was a gym that was closed so Covid must still be going on.


Camera moves to cartoon bedroom.


Cody and Nicole F are talking about why they had to evict Ian.  Cody say at least they didn't go against The Committee.  Nicole F asks if it was overboard for her to ask Davonne to keep Ian, Cody says it wasn't.  He doesn't feel like it was over reach at all.  Cody says Ian walking out did them a favor, but it was hard to do and that Nicole F telling Ian that keeping him would blow up her game was a good thing. Cody says there was a chance if it were different that Ian would have said something right before he left.  NIcole F complains that Danielle wouldn't let her vote how she wanted, Cody says the three votes covered them.


Memphis comes into the room, Cody tells him it will be at least two hours before he gets his room.  Memphis says this was a shorter competition, he might get it soon.  Nicole F asks if Memphis will talk to people tomorrow, he ways yes, he is tired tonight.  He says that doing nothing today was tiresome.


Memphis wonders when they will do a comic, Cody is trying to remember what week it was for his season.  Memphis mentions that they will have two doubles or a short week.  Cody says they had two double evictions on his season.  He is working out the orders of eviction with Nicole F. Talk continues about eviction schedules.


Kevin and Danielle are in the key bedroom.


Kevin is wondering who Memphis might choose to nominate, that Memphis will want to talk to people beginning tomorrow.  Danielle agrees that their mind is made up already and the HOH is only going to try to get information, she says she got no information from anyone.


Danielle says this last week was real stressful, Kevin agrees.  Danielle says that the house is crazy.  Kevin says his experience this time in the house is much worse and he is not enjoying it.  Danielle says there is still time to turn it around, and maturity has a lot to do with it.  She says being younger makes you not care so much.


Memphis comes into the room, they compare their ages in their first seasons.  Memphis says back then he carried his weight different than he does now. He says he was passed over for jobs because he looked to young, and couldn't handle jobs he wanted.

Memphis talks about his past work experience in bars, night clubs, night life, casinos and his movement into restaurants; he says he was in management positions.  Memphis says he has adjusted well to working daytime instead of night time.







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10:00pm Big Brother Time


Memphis continues to talk about his work schedule.


Cody and Nicole F are still in the cartoon bedroom.


Nicole F is still upset about the past week, we come into the middle of the conversation when she says it is better to not know what is going on.


Cody is telling Nicole F that Christmas is upset about being a have not, and is mad at Davonne for making her one.  Cody says Christmas shouldn't be having another battle with Davonne over something stupid.  He says that he wants Kevin to go home because he walks around in that "stupid blanket".


Cody says Kevin might be listening, he jumps up and runs to the door.  Kevin is nowhere near.


We get stars


Cody and Nicole F are now talking about making and taking calls. Cody is happy with his ear buds because it frees up his hands for other things.  Cody says he is addicted to video games, not his phone.


Cameras move back to the key bedroom.


Danielle, Kevin and Memphis are still talking, nothing game related.


David comes in the room with Nicole F and Cody, Cody hugs him and says he isn't mad about David putting him on slop.  David says it is because Cody kept saying "don't pick me."  Cody laughs and says, "are you ready to be a have not next week? let's play tag."  He tells David he feels like he wants to be spiteful now. David says maybe he won't feel that way next week.


David mentions being upset, Cody asks if he wants to talk about it.  They go to the downstairs lounge but the camera doesn't follow them.  It changes to the key bedroom again where there is no game talk at all.


Cameras move to washroom area


Danielle and Tyler are talking about the house feeling the same every week.


Camera moves to downstairs lounge


Cody and David are talking about Cody being upset about being a have not.  Cody says he was over it after just a few minutes.


David tells Cody he can talk to Christmas day and night now.


Cody says he wasn't sure where David was last week, he kept hearing different conversations related to David.  Cody tells David he needs to go to people and talk.  David tells Cody that he didn't know what way Cody was thinking, Cody tells him that they never had a second conversation. 


David says he couldn't tell what anyone was doing, with the exception of Memphis, who said it straight out. 


Cody says he was just closer to Tyler than Ian.


Camera moves to kitchen. 


Davonne is alone in the room.


Camera moves back to downstairs lounge with Cody and David.


Cody tells David to play up to keep Memphis from targeting him, to look for things he may have mended since the last time Memphis was HOH.  Cody says to put on a face with Memphis, he says that Memphis does whatever he wants.


David says he would rather go up right away and have a chance to fight.


Cody says he liked David from the start, David says he liked Cody too.


Cody says that David told things he (Cody) said, and that is no way to work with someone willing to mentor them in the game.  He says it is something that affects the game.  Cody tells David to stay true to himself, and he (David) is not doing that.  David agrees that he allows things to get in his head and he doesn't do that.  Cody says he disconnected from what people say about him, he says it bothered him but he felt that he had nothing to prove.  Cody says it is not a real comparison, he understands that. 


Cameras move back to the kitchen.


Christmas is talking to Nicole F about Hot N Now at Krispy Kreme. (we have those, and oh my goodness, they are wonderful and sinful--Grannysue)


Christmas hugs Davonne and they work out the whole Davonne put her on slop "thing"  Christmas says she isn't upset now.


Davonne says Memphis will kick them out of the HOH room anyway, why do they have to wait for him.  Nicole F says she feels bored without Ian.


Davonne starts to talk about the first day in the jury house and it is interrupted by stars.  Feeds come back pretty quickly.


Camera returns to downstairs lounge.


David and Cody are still in a conversation about the game in general. Cody is talking about how his game only complimented Derrick's game.  He says that getting to the final two was good enough.


Conversation is general, about life and expectations.


David tells a heartwarming story that will allow people who watch the show understand the kind of young man he has become.  He did not meet his father until he was nearly five years old. His parents were never married to each other, his mother had an unsuccessful marriage later and as a result David has a half brother.  When David was 12 year old his mother realized that David would possibly have a better life and a better chance if he moved (far away) to live with his father.  David gives his mother credit for the sacrifice she made by doing that for him, and says that is the reason he has become the well spoken young man he is now.  When David tells this story, he makes sure that Cody understands that he has genuine love and respect for his mother, and that he is grateful to her for allowing him opportunities she felt he needed while growing up.  (I salute this woman, she did something a weaker woman would never do--Grannysue)


Conversation changes to jobs and careers and other general talk.


Christmas and Nicole F are whispering in the cartoon bedroom.


Christmas is saying "she" is obviously lying and is not being forced to ("she" is not identified yet)  Nicole F comments on how quiet everyone is, she tells Christmas that Cody and David are talking about the have not thing, that hey hugged it out and went to talk.


Christmas says "you feel targeted."  She complains that Davonne picked her, and wants to know why Davonne brought up the block.  Christmas says she (Davonne) holds grudges and is angry that she is not expected to be upset.













11:00 pm Big Brother Time


Christmas and Nicole F are trying to figure out when any double evictions will happen and talk about people in prior seasons.


In the kitchen Memphis is at the counter waiting to be called for the HOH room.  Memphis is teasing Cody about his refusal to show his abs. Cody jokes back.  They are laughing about playing fantasy football, they say it will be half over by the time they are out of the game.  


Camera moves to the cartoon bedroom again.


Christmas and Nicole F are feeling safe because Memphis is HOH.


Cameras move to the kitchen


(we have camera changes every few minutes, no real game talk inside the house)



11:26 pm Big Brother Time


House guests are waiting for Memphis to get his HOH basket and the reveal.


There is no game talk in the house.


Because there is not much happening, this old lady is going to call it a night on the feeds.

Goodnight dears--Grannysue

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 11:34 PM BBT 

Cody and Enzo are talking about their nipples in the kitchen area. Enzo says he likes his (Enzo's) nipples "they're nice, Yo". He suggests they compare nipples. Cody agrees but wants to shave his first "yours are clean shaven...it's not fair"

Dani: No, as is

The houseguests are all laughing finding this hilarious  [it is indeed, pretty funny]







After comparing, Enzo says his nipples are small

Dani: they are the exact same (as Cody's)

Nicole: they are small...I don't know whose are smaller

Everyone is laughing

Enzo: Okay, I got to put these away (grabs his chest)

Cody asks Tyler about his nipples. 

Kevin comments under his breath

Nicole: Tyler, Kevin said you have perfect nipples

Tyler: Kevin knows about my nipples  (they had a conversation about nipples a few weeks ago) 

Cody: I want to see them...I'm coming to see your nipples, Dude

Tyler: why you got to see mine

Cody asks for a vote and walks over to Tyler "Whose nipples would you rather have?"

He looks at Tyler's nipples "Yo he's got a perfect circle!" (said with amazement)

Da'Vonne: imagine if we did this (meaning ladies comparing nipples) "Nicole I'm coming to see your nipples"  (joking)  "Awkward"

Enzo takes a look at Tyler's NIpples 'Yo, you got silver dollar nipples!   He's got silver dollar nipples....Silver Dollar.....I got nickel nipples"

Christmas: you got dime nipples

Cody: yeah yours are little baby dimes

Enzo: mine are so small now....Yo, I got such small nipples...they are so small. Oh my God they are so small. They look like birthmarks. They are so small. He keeps repeating....like beauty marks

Tyler: mine are quarters

Everyone agrees that COdy and Enzo's nipples are the exact same

Enzo: but are they ugly though

Christmas tells the guys "you all have handsome nipples"

Da'Vonne: they look like pepperonis

Cody: little pepperonis




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