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Saturday, September 12, 2020 Big Brother 22 All-Stars Live Feed Updates

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2:44 PM BBT

Tyler and Cody are talking in the PBR. Tyler says that everyone has to tell Day that he is going home so she doesn't use the veto. Tyler tells Cody there is a girls' alliance with Day, Dani and Nicole "and Christmas is kinda on the outs".

Cody: how do you know that

Tyler: Christmas told me

Cody: no way

Tyler suggests they stage a fake fight to convince Day that everyone will vote him out.




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2:44 PM BBT  Tyler is in the PBR talking with Cody.  Tyler thinks Enzo is going up.  Cody thought Ian.  Tyler says no, Ian is with Nicole and Dani won't want to upset her.  Cody says Day (she has the veto).  Tyler reminds him of the girls alliance.  Now they are whispering.  Cody wants everyone to tell Day that they are voting out Tyler, so she won't use it.  Tyler says that is his only hope.  They discuss Dani talking before the first nominations.  She didn't know who to put up, when Day was mentioned, she said she couldn't do that.  Tyler is explaining what will happen if Day uses the Veto.  Cody doesn't think she will do that to Dani, if they are working together.  Tyler says that would be Day, Dani, Nicole, Ian Kevin and David in one group, and they would be in charge.  Cody is upset.  He says it makes sense, but he can't see it happening.  Tyler again says that Ian won't be going up. 

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2:49 PM BBT Tyler continues telling Cody that Da'Vonne is going to use the veto and it will force Dani's hands. Dani will put up Enzo. He says that Da'Vonne needs Kevin. Cody says that from Dani's perspective, she is going to try to nip that in the bud. Tyler says that Dani won't have a choice. Tyler doesn't want Cody to have to decide between him and Enzo.


2:55 PM BBT Tyler, David and Kevin are in the BY. Tyler says that he accidentally knocked his over by breathing too hard. He just wanted to take a deep breath to calm down. They asked him if the could see the others. He said that if leaned back, he could everyone but Da'Vonne's because she was over on his right. 


Meanwhile, Da'Vonne is in the WA "That was for you baby girl. That was for you." 

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2:50 PM BBT  Cody thinks Dani will have to show her cards, which she doesn't want to do.  Cody is afraid Enzo will go up, and the Committee will vote out Enzo.  Cody keeps cussing.  Tyler keeps explaining about the shift in power if Day uses the veto.  Cody says they have to keep it from being used. Dani comes in to tell Cody his chicken nuggets are ready. 

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3:14PM BBT Tyler, Dani and Cody talking. Discussing if Day will use her veto on Kevin. If she doesn't, it will be only her and David. Tyler wants to have a staged fight. Possibly with Xmas so that Day feels secure in that Tyler is going ot be voted out. That way she will keep noms the same.

3:30PM BBT Kevin sitting in the BY by himself. In the HOH, Xmas, Dani and Ian quietly talking. In the KT, Enzo and Cody talking. Enzo says they suck and we get stars.
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3:47 PM BBT

David tells Da'Vonne in the SR that he did win the power and use it on himself

Day: I knew you did! I knew you did!....a dark comp! I'm so proud of you. Don't tell them because the house is a shit show right now.

David: they think we are easy targets....get the f* out of here....easy targets. I hate that shit....it pisses me off.





David leaves the SR and Da'Vonne says "I ain't tellin' you shit. I don't care! I don't care! I don't care!" while waving her arms around.



3:53 PM BBT

Da'Vonne heads to the HOHR to talk with Dani. Day tells Dani that Kevin was on her right away wanting her to use the veto on him. "Right now the way I see it, there is you and Nicole. You and Nicole both have Cody. To some degree you and Nicole both have Tyler."

Dani: I don't feel like I do at all. I promise. That is being real for me.   (Tyler)

Day: Well, Cody has Tyler. I feel like Enzo is with Cody, I believe. Then there is David who might be attached to them boys in some manner. Then you have Kevin, who is frantic. ANd then you have myself who has placed herself with you and Nicole

Dani: but Day you have Enzo

Day: I have Enzo but he will never choose me over Cody

Dani: but you also have Cody too

Day: I don't think so

Dani: I'm telling you....he wants us all to go far





Kevin knocks on the door and interupts the conversation. He asks if they need a minute and they say "please" so he leaves.

Day: with you COdy, and Nicole I know I'm a plus one. With Enzo I'm also a plus one

Dani: I love Nicole and I love Cody but there is no final 3 between Cody and I...I swear to you there is no final three   [Again, Dani is such a good liar]

Da'Vonne: I believe you. 

Dani: You are not on the outskirts of anything. you tell me where in your map in your mind where you want to be to be comfortable

Day says she doesn't doubt what she has with her and Nicole "you have security in Cody. You have security in Nicole. Nicole has security in Ian. I have security in you and I have security in Nicole.....I need Kevin to stay in this house"

Day tells Dani that she sees a big ass alliance in the house and she would look like an idiot if she didn't use it

Dani: what I worry about is that if you do pull Kevin off you are putting a huge target on yourself

Day: why would that put a target on my back?

Dani: because it shows you two are a pair

Day: I promise Dani, I did not want to win this veto...I didn't want to win it but I knew I had to win it. We don't know what the powers hold.

Dani: if you took Kevin down the only option I would have is to put up someone who is the ultimate pawn and Tyler would go home

Day: who is the ultimate pawn....

Dani: I don't know

Day: Ian and Enzo are your only two options

Dani: I can't put up Ian


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 3:46PM BBT Enzo and Xmas is cooking in the KT. In the SR, Day and David hiding food. Day was hiding it behind the feminine products. David says that he found it right away because he knew food was missing. Day hugs David and tells him how proud she is of him. David tells her he was the first person to put it in. Day tells him not to tell anyone.


3:50PM BBT IN the BY, Cody is asking when the half way party is. Ian says it is 78 days for the season. Cody says does that mean it's day 21 for the party. Ian says it's 39 days for the party. Cody was alcohol. Nic and Kevin just chatting in the BY couch.


3:56PM BBT Dani and Day in the HOH BR. Jumping up and down on the bed hugging. Dani tells her she is so proud of her. She says Day needed the win for her heart. Kevin tried to go into HOH. Dani tells him they are talking. Dani says that Kevin is going to annoy Day until Monday. Day says she made a deal with Nic and Dani and stands by it. Day says she needs Kevin to stay in the house. Day asks if Memphis can go up on the block. Day says that there is a big alliance in the house. She only has Kevin and David. She says that she would be an idiot not to use it.

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4:08 PM BBT

Day: how close are you to Christmas?

Dani: not very close

Da'Vonne tells her that Christmas has a power. She explains her strategy was to hang over the podium and wait for the person to claim it. SHe said Christmas was there and she felt that she had the final piece. And then she goes "that's it...that's it"

Dani: she said that?

Da'Vonne: and that's how it went down

Dani: David won't confess to you that he has his

Day: he won't confess

Dani: we need him to confess

Day: Dani you cannot....

Dani: I won't! I don't know if I can put Enzo up. We are tight with him.


Day explains to Dani that she can't throw away one of her numbers (Kevin)

Dani: no, I get it Day

Da'Vonne: so what do I do?

Dani: I literally have to have somebody offer themself as a pawn

Da'Vonne: she told me that she came to you and asked you what she would need to do to make it an easy week for you

Dani: maybe I will talk with Christmas and say "what should I do?"....everyone is freaking out that you are going to use it


Day: she  (Chris) has Memphis over here and Tyler over here...be careful because she is feeding Tyler information

Dani: I know

[Da'Vonne really does have everyone figured out in this game. I'm impressed.  -MamaLong]



Day assures Dani that she hasn't made up her mind "whatever I do this week will be an US decision"

Day heads out and she sees Christmas is waiting 

Dani whispers "does she really need me. I was going to take a nap. She's annoying"

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4:03PM BBT Day says that she feels the only two options are Ian or Enzo. Dani says she can't put up Ian and we get stars. Day says she talks to much but she has something to tell Dani. She asks Dani if she is close to Xmas. Dani says no. Day says that Xmas has a power. She saw her get it. Dani says they need to figure out how long the powers are good. She wants to get David to confess he had the power.


4:07PM BBT Day says she wants to be loyal to Dani but she also doesn't want to throw away one of her numbers. Dani says she gets it. Dani says she may tell Xmas that she doesn't know what to do and see if Xmas volunteers. Dani asks what should she says to get someone to offer themselves as a pawn. Day says she doesn't have a pact with Kevin. 


4:13PM BBT Dani tells Day that she did not want Kevin to go home. Day says that Xmas said something about 3 weeks to use it. They are discussing the comp for powers. Day says that is why Xmas has been so comfortable. She says that Xmas also has Memphis and Tyler on her side. She says Xmas is feeding Tyler info.


 4:18PM BBT Dani and Xmas now talking in the HOH BR. Xmas wants to know if Day will use the Veto. Dani says she has no idea. Dani says worst HOH ever. Xmas says hers was worse. Xmas says that Dani would need to put up one of the others. Dani says like who?Xmas says that there is only 2 that she can put up.She says Enzo or Ian. She says it doesn't make sense to put up their strong alliance.Xmas says Dani has 6 people protecting her.

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4:32PM BBT Tyler and Memphis talking.Tyler tells him he was trying to self sabotage but he is now 100% committed. Memphis says they need to protect Dani and do not want Day not to use the veto. He says that Tyler has the votes.They want to make it sound like everyone is going to slip and send him home.


4:40PM BBT Day and Kevin talking in the KT. Kevin says that he didn't think the 4 of them would move ahead but there is a chance this week of all 3 of them being safe. Day is moving around because she says the HOH can watch the TV.Kevin says his BB life is in her hands. Day says she knows.


4:50PM BBT Kevin joins Xmas in the CBR. She tells him she doesn't know who Dani would renom if Day uses the Veto.Xmas says Dani gave her nothing when she went to talk to her. Xmas says it is Day's first win. Xmas says that even if the noms stay the same, Day will campaign for him to stay like she campaigned for Day to stay.


 4:57PM BBT Kevin and Xmas talking about what powers there were. Kevin asks if she was in the small room. Xmas says she wasn't in there. Kevin tells her there was a crescent in one of the rooms and it was filled. He thinks Tyler got it.

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6:42 PM BBT

Dani explains to Nicole that she doesn't want to dupe Da'Vonne. She doesn't want to lie to her and get her to not use the veto then vote out Kevin knowingly.





6:44 PM BBT

Dani and Nicole are talking in the HOHR

Dani explains that Day will use the veto. Nicole is mad. Nic wants Dani to convince Day not to use the power.

Nicole: I just don't get how she said she was not gonna use it and now she is gonna use it. It doesn't make sense

Dani: I swore I wouldn't tell.....you have to swear on everything

Nic: I swear

Dani: she knows 100% that Christmas has a power (she explains Day's strategy in that game and how she discovered Chris won the power)...I guess Enzo doesn't have a power. 

Nicole: oh my God! This is so bad

Dani: and I guarantee her power is better than mine. I literally got the trash power. I want to give it back.

Dani tells Nicole that Christmas is annoying the hell out of her "she literally came up here 15 times"






7:11 PM BBT

Dani and Nicole are still talking in the HOHR. They would put up Christmas but she has a power. Nicole asks Dani what she should do if she wins HOH next week "no way am I putting up David again". Nicole says that she will backdoor Christmas

Nicole: I feel like Christmas would backdoor us if she got mad enough at us

Dani: backdoor Christmas? You have to wait because she has a power....and then we would have one angry little woman in the house. We don't want that...we have seen how that is. She will start clapping in your face

Nicole: oh Freakin A

Dani: David, Ian, Kevin and Christmas.... if Tyler goes out those would be the next four  



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7:32 PM BBT

Dani: Freakin' Christmas... angry Christmas......I'm gonna start calling her Bad Santa

Nicole tells Dani that CHristmas was staring her down outside across the yard

Dani: and I swear Nicole, she was like Ian ro Enzo are your only options (with bitter tone)

Nicole is upset after Dani mentioned that Tyler repeated something to her that Nicole had said. Nicole can't remember saying it to Tyler. She told Cody but never told Tyler. Nicole is thinking deeply about how it got back to Tyler and tells Dani she would never say anything to jeopardize Dani's game. Dani said it isn't a big deal, she just hates questioning Cody's trust.

Cody looks right at the camera like he knows his trust his being considered.




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7:25PM BBT: Tyler is building a Froot Loop message to Angela with "A + T" and a heart with a 2 in it.  "I'm so romantic".  Memphis is cooking dinner and sees Tyler's art and says "this guy's a keeper!".  


7:28PM BBT: Tyler makes some sort of kale veggie dish with hot sauce for dinner.   Upstairs in the HOHR, Nic and Dani continue to chat about what to do, throwing around options but no answers.  David and Ian are hanging in the hammock.  David says that the two of them are safe this week and are in the top 10.


7:44PM BBT: Cody is in the WA getting ready for bed.  Christmas heads up to the HOHR to tell the girls that there's fish downstairs and then sits on the chair, swinging her legs up on the side.  Nic does not look amused.  


7:47PM BBT: Kevin is standing by the hammock, swinging Ian.  They are second guessing the alliances.  One thing they do know is that Tyler is not being used as a pawn, that he's the target.


7:57PM BBT: Christmas has positioned herself in the middle of the HOH bed facing Dani and Nic, who don't look like they're comfortable and half ignoring her.   Christmas is trying to engage them in conversation, asking questions.  Kevin is exercising in the LR.

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9:27 PM BBT

Tyler, Memphis and Enzo are in the backyard chatting about the veto competition. Enzo says "Monday we will lock this shit in and then we'll figure it out



Christmas and Kevin are talking in the bathroom

Christmas: Tyler is scary in this game and honestly you could really leverage that Tyler wanted to leave last week

Kevin: is that true

Chris: he came to me

Kevin: you believed it

Chris: yeah

Kevin: Girl, then why didn't you put his ass up there

Chris: because I didn't want that shit handed to me, and it put me in a precarious situation

Kevin: that convinces me even more that he has a power; only a person with a power would offer themself up

*cameras switch to the HOHR



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8:47pm Big Brother Time


Kevin and Davonne are in the kitchen.


They are sharing information and are starting to realize that they have combined knowledge about what is happening in the house compared to what they are being told.


While they are talking Memphis came down from the HOH and interrupted them, he walks through the kitchen and makes a comment while walking through.  (The crew in the HOH are probably watching the camera and wanted to break the conversation up)


Davonne starts talking about a nightmare she had earlier, She mentions that the nightmare was about living fruit with ant antennas chasing her.  She says she generally dreams of being chased but escapes.


Kevin says in his nightmares like that he never gets away.


Davonne says she wants to keep the tiny veto she won.  Kevin says because it is your first it is a super keepsake and could be made into a charm.


Kevin says he knows something is fishy.  Davonne tells Kevin she saw his stack in the veto and she saw where he was.


Memphis is sitting in the living room listening. 


Kevin and Davonne just make general chatter. 


Cameras move to back yard


Ian and Tyler are playing billiards.


Tyler says he is worried about Ian being put on the block this week if Davonne uses the veto.  Ian doesn't think he will go up, he thinks Nicole F has some pull with Danielle.  He does think the power could be a problem since they don't know who has it. 


Memphis has left the living room area and joined Ian and Tyler.


They are all talking about competitions, saying none of them were good at them.  Tyler says he has played in the most competitions and has a very low winning rate.


Cameras moves back to kitchen


Kevin and Davonne are talking about the veto.


Kevin asks Davonne if she is using the veto on him, she deflects. Kevin tells her they can be played, he thinks there is something afoot in the house.  Kevin tastes her slop, says it is not bad at all.


Davonne moves and says "they can't see me right here, come sit right here"


Kevin takes a long time to say anything, Davonne tells him he is taking too long, Kevin tells her that the slop she made is nasty.  She laughs at him.


Kevin continues to tease her about something he knows, he says she did it to him too, and it was something he already knew.  Davonne tells him he did not know.  They both say they miss Baleigh, Kevin says even though she was always on him, he still misses her.  Kevin says Baleigh reminds him of a sister he would bug just enough.


Kevin says Baleigh never let him "win", Davonne says "you always wanted to prove her wrong. you always wanted an ahh ha moment with her." 


Everyone has left the kitchen, Davonne tells Kevin to spill it and Memphis walks back into the kitchen.  Davonne laughs, goes back to Baleigh and Kevin.  Kevin says"you guys ganged up on me."  Davonne denies.


Memphis continues to hang around the kitchen, starts a conversation about Enzo sleeping all day.  After a few minutes Memphis goes back to the HOH room.


Kevin tells Davonne they need to go to the bathroom, he doesn't trust this area, she says okay.  Kevin walks down the hall, Davonnne follows soon after.


Kevin checks the lavatory stall.


Kevin says he grilled David and David admitted he had the power.  David wanted to tell Davonne but hasn't been able to do that.  David told Kevin that last week he (David) felt they were being lined up to be shot down. Kevin thinks this may be an establishment of trust.  


Davonne asks Kevin when in the day this happened.  Davonne tells Kevin that David told her right after she won the veto.  Davonne asks why David told Kevin that he had not told Davonnne.  They agree that there is no logic in that, it seems he could have told Kevin that he told Davonne.


They are trying to figure out when each of them was told to see if David lied to Kevin. Kevin tries to say maybe he didn't lie, Davonne says "you give these people too much grace."


Davonne says David is a vote for Tyler, Kevin says David agreed to vote for Kevin to stay. 


They agree not to give David information. 


Kevin tells Davonne that everyone is going out of their way to tell him he has the votes to stay, even Cody who never talks to him. Davonne tells Kevin it is almost like they were all handed the same script.  Kevin tells Davonne that no one has even asked him for any promises.  Davonne says they tried to extract promises from her, Kevin says something is weird, that Memphis told him (Kevin) that he was voting for him to stay and would talk to everyone.


Kevin tells Davonne they were in the HOH turning off the light, and Danielle and Tyler said "i love you." to each other.  Kevin believes that Danielle is allowing herself to be convinced Kevin is not being evicted so she can be shocked and say she didn't know.  Davonne says if David wins HOH and is in a boy's alliance he will come after her (Davonne).


Kevin tells Davonne that David would not share information about the power to an enemy.  


Christmas comes into the room, she fusses in her drawers.


Kevin and Davonne act like they are still talking about Baleigh. He continues to complain about Baleigh not liking him.  Davonne leaves the room and Christmas sits down with Kevin.


Kevin asks if Danielle is in the HOH room alone, Christmas tells him she is not by herself.  Kevin tells Christmas he has no idea what is happening.  Ian goes to the lavatory.  


Memphis comes in behind Ian, he fumbles around in the drawers, when he sees Christmas with Kevin he wanders out saying he lost "his marbles".  Ian washes his hands and leaves.


Christmas and Kevin are now alone in the washroom.


They are talking about the back yard being open in the morning.  Christmas says she would like to get up early and run.


Christmas asks if Davonne is using the veto, Kevin says Davonne is worried about how it will affect her game.  Christmas says that Danielle has already had to put someone else up.  Christmas asks Kevin if it is a split vote this week, Kevin confirms that it is.


Kevin says that is why he needs to talk to Danielle, Christmas asks if Kevin has talked to Enzo, Kevin confirms that Enzo said yes, but followed it with he needed to talk to other people. Kevin says Danielle has greater influence with people in the house than he does, he adds that he is not sure where David is landing in these votes. Kevin says that David is not telling him the truth about the power he cannot trust him to vote as he said. Christmas encourages Kevin to continue building trust with David and leave the power lie in the past. (Christmas has no idea that David has come clean with him and Davonne)  Christmas also tells Kevin that Memphis will vote to keep him in the house, she says she didn't press it much, she goes on to say that Tyler is scary in this game.  Christmas says that Tyler came to her last week and wanted to leave, she confirms that it was true.  She says that Tyler asked to be back doored, but she didn't want to change her nominations. She says Tyler may just not want to go to jury this week, or he has decided to play hard, she says people are unnerved by Tyler's approach next week.


Cameras move to back yard.


Memphis and Enzo are talking about David using the power before the veto was played. Memphis plans to call him out if he is HOH again.


Enzo says he doesn't want to hear any more from David. Enzo says Davonne thinks Kevin is going to be evicted, he says Kevin has approached him but he said he had no idea what he is doing.


Memphis says Kevin is as good in competitions, and as far as he is concerned either of them can go.  Enzo says he needs to talk to Danielle and the house, and for all Kevin knows he will not even be sitting there on Thursday



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9:37pm Big Brother Time


We have stars


9:46pm Big Brother Time

Feeds return


Ian and Cody and Danielle are in the HOH room


Ian is telling them that it is possible that the person who has a power can use it to make Davonne responsible to choose the replacement, not Danielle.


Ian and Memphis come into the HOH


Cameras move to other parts of the house.


Davonne is in the shower.


Kevin and David are in the kitchen.


Kevin asks David if he has told Davonne yet.  David doesn't really answer, he starts to sing, BOB tells him to stop.  David starts talking strange, chanting and other odd things.


Camera changes to HOH.


They are talking about the ash in the air.


Enzo says he saw cops watching.


Camera moves back to kitchen


Kevin is saying he has never hosted a competition. David says Ian has not hosted either.  Nicole F says she will pick Kevin if she is HOH.  David starts the strange vocal noises again.


Camera moves back to HOH


Just general talking.


Camera moves to kitchen.


David is heating up chocolate milk for hot chocolate.


Kevin is staring into space, looks like he is thinking intently.


Camera moves back to the HOH.


Still general talk, but about the veto competition.


Cameras move to kitchen again  (quite a bit of bouncing camera) followed by stars.


Ian asks what they think the remaining powers are, someone says one could be the power to veto the veto.  Ian says one could be a snooze button, that one of the powers could be a reset.  Ian describes the patterns in the competition and describes what they might mean.


Cody and Enzo are both coming out with strange advantages that they could be. (getting back on the wall, etc.)


Cody asks Enzo if he wants pizza, Enzo tells him no, he is gaining too much weight.  Cody tells him they need to work out tomorrow, so have the pizza. Enzo says his body has become a mess since he came into the house.


Ian says he has a laser that he uses on his back himself.  He says it is simple and doesn't bother him much.  


Cody tries to send Ian to adjust the camera downstairs, BOB says "shut it down!"  


Camera moves to Christmas and Kevin in the photo bedroom.


Christmas is telling a story about dating someone and establishing boundaries.  


They just talk about general life things, no game talk.


In the HOH room conversation is about David's denials of having a power.  Enzo is saying that Kevin is trying to do damage control, and it is hurting Kevin.


Ian says sometimes Kevin has a good read, but sometimes he is off in outer space. 


Enzo says Kevin doesn't' want to go to the jury house, but he will find out on Thursday.  Enzo continues to complain about Kevin.  Enzo says Davonne will not use the veto on Kevin, he fails to see why she would, by his talk he seems to toss aside any importance of Davonne winning. He also gives the impression that there would be no reason to use a veto on a player "like him."


Ian says he has been limiting his slop, Danielle tells him he needs more than one bowl a day.  Ian says the last time he wasn't feeling well, so this time he is being cautious.


Enzo is called to the diary room.


Danielle is complaining that she is being put in a bad position with this HOH, Ian asks how Tyler is doing with this.


Danielle tells Ian "he's freaking out."

Ian, "oh s**t."

Danielle, "yeah."


Ian tells Danielle that even if it used she may not be the one to make the replacement. Danielle says the other powers will probably not be used but she would rather someone else pick the next nominee.


Ian fishes, "as long as it isn't one of us three."

Danielle, silence.


Ian repeats, "i don't think it will be one of us three."

Danielle, silence, goes to lavatory.


She tells Ian she is going downstairs and not hide out any longer, Ian leaves with her.


















10:30pm Big Brother Time


A group of people are in the kitchen around the island.


Ian is looking at the fried pickles, he says they would probably be 12.99 at Fridays. Davonne offers David a fried pickle, he says they won't be as good as his...Davonne interrupts him with "here we go again". David complains they are too hot.


General chat until stars


Ian is trying to figure out how to make sweets with the slop mixture.


All house guests are complaining about being up so early this morning, all of them say they are very tired.


Just general talk in the kitchen.


Cody has joined Christmas and Kevin in the key bedroom.


Just general talk.


Kevin leaves the room and immediately Christmas tells Cody "your welcome"  She goes on to tell them that if Danielle assures him he has the votes to stay, Davonne will not use the veto."


Christmas tells Cody that Kevin believes he has the votes to stay. Christmas says that Danielle told him he is safe.


Cody wants to know why Danielle put up Tyler, Christmas claims Danielle was freaked out by the powers.  He questions why Tyler is on the block so soon, and this is making him (Cody) nervous.  He is worried that this could weaken them.  Cody says Danielle is worried that Davonne will use the veto on Kevin.


Christmas says she can't get a real read on Davonne.  She says if Davonne doesn't use it and Kevin goes, what can she do?


Cody says, "win HOH"


They continue to talk about the remaining powers, Cody says he didn't think Tyler was going on the block.  Christmas repeats that Danielle is freaked out.


Christmas says Davonne winning the veto is better than her winning the HOH.


Christmas says she needed to talk to Cody, this week has spooked them. Cody says he is nervous, but they are still in control unless there is something else out there. Cody mentions what the powers might be and who might have them. Christmas does not tell him she has a power.


Enzo comes in to get his things for a shower and leaves.


Christmas asks what is up with Enzo, Cody tells her that Enzo has been sleeping all day.  Christmas says his behavior is different this week, she says he was "shook" after the veto.  Cody says Enzo watches people go back and forth between rooms, he watches, then gets upset about it.


Christmas starts to tell Cody she was asked about an all guy alliance today.  Not sure who brought it up, possibly Kevin earlier.







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11:00pm Big Brother Time


Christmas and Cody continue to talk in the photo bedroom


Tyler comes into the photo bedroom after his shower.


Tyler says a conversation earlier made him feel awkward.  It seems to be about whether or not Davonne uses the veto on Kevin.


Cody says that Davonne might use the veto without talking to Danielle....and Tyler interrupts then forgets what he was going to say.


Nicole F starts to come into the room, Tyler tells her the party is over and she leaves the room. She goes to the HOH room.


Nicole F says she is trying to get Cody up to the HOH, that she tried to use a code.  Nicole F tells Danielle that she told Davonne to get with her and Danielle to discuss it.  Nicole F says Davonne said that Kevin is not coming after her (Nicole F) or Danielle.  Nicole F says that she promised Davonne that she would not vote Kevin out this week. Danielle says she isn't sure they have the votes to keep Kevin this week.  Nicole F says she thought the plan was to keep Kevin this week.  Danielle deflects.


We get stars...


When we come back Danielle is worried that Christmas will come after her if this veto is used this week.  She plans to tell Davonne that she cannot advise to use it or not use it. (As far as I have heard today Danielle is thinking that Christmas would be her replacement nominee--grannysue)


We get stars....

at 11:17pm we get rescue animals







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