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Big Brother Season 22 All-Stars-Nominations Week 5

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Previously, on Big Brother All-Stars, Christmas was part of the six person committee alliance and she was also working closely with the miao miao. Meanwhile, Enzo has his own six player squad, but there was trouble in paradise for the Slick Six. With Enzo in power, he was going after the house’s target, and Christmas offered to be a pawn to help seal Kaysar’s fate.


At the live eviction, with a hail mary to sway votes, Kaysar tried to blow up some games. But it only helped dethrone King Kaysar. At a call-out HOH competition, the cracks in the Slick Six widened, and in the end it was Christmas in September. Tonight, as alliance’s shatter and HG scatter, who will be on Christmas’s naughty list?


We pick up on Day 30 after the HOH competition and Christmas is so happy. She is officially here baby! From the block to the top. She gets to get all the information and make some significant moves and show her alliance what she’s made of. Da says she was so close and if she’d won HOH she would have put Nicole and Dani on the block. It was so perfect the gift Kaysar left her.


Cody says Kaysar blows up his game in his eviction speech and he has to do some damage. Memphis says now that the obvious targets are gone, Janelle and Kaysar, everyone is running around scared. Enzo says his reign as HOH was successful and he hopes Christmas doesn’t think he’ll volunteer to go on the block for her.


Nicole and Christmas are in the SR and Nicole was so worried and she apologizes for hugging Christmas so hard. Nicole says Kaysar blowing up her game sucks and it’s so stressful. She’s so mad at Kaysar. Cody and Dani are talking and Dani tells him what she said when she evicted him. She says his biggest move in three seasons was to call out people he’s never talked to? She’s extremely offended by the love triangle comment. Yes, they love each other and they don’t love her. Nicole comes in and she is so mad.


Da and Tyler are talking and Bayleigh is in there too. Tyler says in this HOH competition people have to call each other out and in this competition the Slick Six called each other out right away. Tyler says these people are supposed to be in the same alliance and Da says Cody picked her and Bayleigh second. Da says after this HOH competition ain’t no one slick or six anymore.


Cody says going into this HOH competition he was scrambled by Kaysar and this is not the time to take a shot at Da. Cody says he was mad at Kevin for picking him and Nicole and he tells us he should have kept himself out of any drama. Cody says he knows he messed up to Da and he leaves and Da says Cody knows he’s in a world of trouble. Da says they threw shots at her unnecessarily and it’s war and she’s ready. Now they are playing Big Brother.


Christmas and Dani are celebrating and Dani says she was crapping her pants. Christmas says she’s in the Committee alliance and they have run the house since day one. And she also has friendlies in Enzo and Ian and she’s been hearing a lot about Da and Bayleigh. We see Dani giving Christmas information. Christmas says she doesn’t have a working relationship with Bayleigh and Da and they are each others number ones. Dani asks if she’ll do pawns or throw them straight up. Dani wants to see them up together so one of them goes home. Christmas doesn’t think Bayleigh can make a true game decision.


Da is talking to Christmas and she congratulates her and she says she wants to see her succeed. They are both mom’s and she wants to work together. Da says she wants to test the waters with Christmas. Da says she wants Christmas to do what’s best for her game but she’s not coming for Christmas. Da asks if there is anything she needs for her and Christmas not at this time. Da says she has her back. Christmas appreciates everything Da is saying, but it’s too late to join forces when she’s in power. She has to support the people that had her back before this week.


Enzo is talking to Christmas and he needs her to go after people he’s aligned with without him getting his hands dirty. That’s why Christmas is an important ally. Enzo says no one would be upset if Ian went. And he thinks Da, Nicole, and Bayleigh are emotional players and they can go. Christmas tells him about her conversation with Da. Enzo says Dani is playing the house and Christmas says they have an amazing working relationship. She says it’s nice to know they are on the same page and this could really change things up and help her game.


Christmas calls everyone the LR. HG, Julie told us on night one that we would discover new rooms we’ve never seen before. The Safety Suite may be closed, but not the only room. The BB Basement has three powers and the basement is the most frightening in the house. No one will know who wins the powers because the competition will take place in total darkness. Christmas says this is the worst HOH she could have gotten. Dani says there is so much tension in the house and this house is about to get really crazy. Da says pause, stop, rewind, she doesn’t do pitch dark. But three people in the house are going to get a power? She needs a power in her possession.


The HG all have blue shirts with their names on and they all head into the BB Basement. Enzo says he lived in a basement. Their goal is to find one of three shapes and place them in the podium to claim to power. There are decoy shapes that don’t fit. Once all three powers have been claimed the competition is over. Good luck playing the basement of power.


Kevin says he can’t see anything. Not even his thoughts. The first podium he finds has pointiness so that’s what he’s going to look for. Da says it’s pitch black. She can’t see in front of her, above her, behind her, and she’s worried she could be nominated this week with Bayleigh so a power would be great! Dani says she hasn’t been able to win any comps and this would be the perfect one to win. She’d get a secret power and no one would know that she had it.


David says he’s never had power or control in this game and he wants to start playing Big Brother. He’s tired of sitting by and watching this game happen. Ian says he can’t see anything and he’s falling into what feels like goo and it’s awful. He doesn’t think anyone is having a great time in there either. Nicole’s pants are falling off and she’s stuck in a giant patch of goop. She realizes she has to lose the pants. Enzo says he hears she doesn’t have pants and she better hope they don’t turn the lights on.


Tyler feels a low door and he finds a secret room and he says something could be in here. Bayleigh finds a shape of lightning but the icon is too bag so she has to find one that’s the correct size. David is feeling on the floor in a corner and he has lightning and he says stay calm and move efficiently and get a power and bring it back into the house and play it. A power has been claimed! David won the disrupter icon. He says last year a competition in the dark was his undoing.


Cody says these comps are impossible and you can’t see anything one inch away from your eyeball. Dani says there are two powers left and she needs to hurry and find them before someone else does. Dani has found a weird hidden room and Dani has claimed the replay power! Only one power remains. Dani doesn’t know what she just won but she’s hoping it’s something good.


Christmas can’t see anything but she finds an icon that she’s not sure what it is but she recognizes the shape. Nicole finds an icon but it’s not fitting in the podium. Da isn’t finding any icons so she needs to come up with a different strategy. Ian is trying to fit something into the podium and it’s not right. Christmas moves people and she has claimed the final power called Blocker. The competition is over! Christmas has no idea what it is. She’s so anxious and ready to find out what her power is.


Da says not getting a power sucks. She barely performs well in the daylight. Da says she still has a lot of Big Brother left in her to play, even if this competition in the dark isn’t exactly her thing.


Christmas is talking to Tyler in the HOH and Christmas asks if he won a power and she reveals she did. Christmas says her and Tyler have a final two deal. Christmas has won The Blocker power. She can use it to prevent herself or another HG as a replacement nominee. She has to reveal she’s using the power after the veto has been used but before the replacement nominee is named. It can be used the next two weeks. She’s drawing blood this week and it’s great insurance.


Cody, Tyler, and Enzo are talking and they think Ian got one. Nicole is asking Dani if she got one and she confirms she did. Dani won The Replay power. It allows the HOH to play in back to back HOH competitions. She can use it herself or give it to someone else and it can be used the next two weeks. She says if she can start winning competitions and maybe she can turn over a new leaf.


Memphis is talking to Ian and Christmas and Ian says he was glad there were no snakes. Tyler asks David if he got one and David says no. David has won The Disruptor power. He has the ability to disrupt the HOH’s nominees and they are safe the entire week. It can be used in one of the next three HOH ceremonies. And he can use it on himself.


Dani wants to talk with Bayleigh in private. She’s been working to make sure Bayleigh and Da go on the block, but the tension has been extreme and she wants to mend it. Bayleigh says people came to her and said she was plotting on her and Da and she’s not going to name names because she’s not trying to blow anyone up. We see Tyler giving them the information. Dani says that’s not true and Bayleigh but then Dani picked her and Da to go against each other in the HOH comp.


Bayleigh says Dani took the first jab, how were they supposed to react? She just knows what she was told and she asks Dani about the information and Dani denies it. Bayleigh says where do we go from here because she thought everything was fine but now the alliance is blown up. Dani says it’s fine if she thinks that but it was not her plan. Bayleigh asks Enzo if there was a rumor that Dani was coming after her and Da and Enzo confirms there was some talk yes. Dani says she doesn’t know what to say, but she’s telling the truth and that’s what her truth is. Bayleigh leaves and Dani asks Enzo who started the rumor and Enzo says he doesn’t know and he’s not getting involved.


Christmas and Dani are in the SR and Dani is telling Christmas about her conversation with Bayleigh. Dani says she doesn’t want to fight with people, it’s so frustrating. Dani says Bayleigh turned everything on her. Dani says she’s over everyone right now. Christmas doesn’t want people to think she’s aligned with Dani and that’s bad for her, bad for Dani, and bad for the alliance.


Bayleigh talks to Tyler and Enzo and says Dani is coming at her hard and Bayleigh says she doesn’t want to blow up Tyler’s game and she’s not trying to screw anyone over. Tyler says this isn’t good because she gave Da and Bayleigh key information. He risked his game to help out Bayleigh and Da and now it could come back to bite him. Bayleigh says she doesn’t feel like anyone has her back. Tyler says she shouldn’t have blown up on Dani and Bayleigh says she blew up on me? Bayleigh gets emotional and Tyler and Enzo try to calm her down. Bayleigh says everything got flipped and she’s over it. Bayleigh says Tyler is trying to calm her down but he’s doing it in a condescending way and now she’s feeling extremely manipulated.


Bayleigh and Da are talking and Bayleigh says Tyler pushes her button and he’s going to make Dani feel some type of way and she doesn’t want to go there. Tyler comes in and he’s trying to see how they feel. Da says the alliance is done and she thought it was full out war. Tyler says he has their backs. Da says Dani basically said whoever told Bayleigh she was coming for her is a liar. Bayleigh is just trying to figure out if Tyler’s loyalty is to them over Dani. Tyler says yes, you guys are sketching her out. Da is annoyed. Tyler says he tried to extend an olive branch, but this could be a snowball that rolls into an avalanche and rolls him right out of the house.


It’s time for the nomination ceremony! Christmas’s first nominee is…Bayleigh. Her second nominee is…Da’Vonne. She has nominated Bayleigh because she let her know that Da was her number one. She wanted to respect them both and give them an opportunity to play for veto. Da says you nominated me because I’m her untouchable and Christmas says yes.


Bayleigh says she needs to work overtime to make sure she can play for her safety. Christmas is crying and she says these moves have to be made that rip your heart out. David says he does have the disruptor power and he could take one down and it’s tempting to use. He says her nominations are not set in stone right now. Da says it sucks being nominated next to her ride or die, but she came to play for Da, but there’s a veto to be won. She loves Bayleigh with her whole heart, but she has to fight to win.

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