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Yes I noticed it too I just thought that it was because I've been reading soo many things on the boards I was just finally linking it into the commercials!! :lol:

Guest cutestsmile

They are realling *killing* us with all the suspense and they KNOW it !! LOLOLOL

oh puhleeze I want it to be July 7th !!!



LOL I read Ivette's webpage and she states she is now a Dem and James stated in the commercial he hates left wing crap... looks like there might just be some fireworks between the two and if the rumors of a gay married couple are true this is going to be FUN! James might die of a heart attack before the show is half way through... I say James because he seems to be the most extreme about politics...


No problem, their are a total of 3 new commericals. I have this one and part of the other.......... I am hoping to get all 3 by tonight! If not maybe tomorrow. Sadly I can't edit them without loseing the video. If anyone can cut them down let me know We could work together. I also plan on getting the live evictions and pov winners and noms. The time frame I have to tape is 45 seconds on the program I have. ANYWAY....... *mubbles tech stuff to herself*, If anyone wants to team up let me know!!


Wish me luck on the other commericals!!

:D Thanks for posting the commerical I can't wait until it starts I am like biting my nails over here. I wish it would hurry up and start.

Thanks squirrel ...

I love every new commercial or house tour which shows the houseguests at all .. you get to see snipets of their personality .. it makes me so excited for the season to start.

Guest sage1234

I saw a commercial a couple of days ago that revealed each contestant would be bringing in a person they know and that they think they are the only one's doing that. This is what I don't understand-- This was revealed before the cast was secluded in the house... They are going to know the "secret" before they enter the house??!!


Trust me they were safely locked away in a hotel with no access to a TV when that commercial came out... No way is CBS going to let that secret out to the cast members before it's time...


The HG went into the house Sunday night, and were kidnapped earlier the previous week.


Who wonders where was Security?

Guest ranster627

Fuskie, I love the long story short part of all your posts! :wink:

  • 2 weeks later...
Guest metaldale

I just seen a new commercial where they said on the Thursday show there is a live eviction and "anything" can happen with this eviction.

Then they worked in an older clip of James saying, you cannot even script something like this!!

I think this hints at a switch around at the eviciton!!!

YES YES!! bye bye Eric


Interesting. Cause I waited to hear what they said during the ending of the show and they said who will go Michael or Janelle?

I think they would have hinted there. I remember last year they did stuff like that to.

Probably did it cause it is soo set on Michael. Wanted to keep interest.

I am praying no Eric out and Michael doesn't stay.

like the one person pointed out we will have a thought cause everyone will be packing. They don't have enough time between HOH and that to let Eric pack properly.

Guest metaldale

Well they coupled it back to back with the promo about Julie Chen being on David Letterman tonight. I think I will watch tonight to see if Julie hints even further but the way the said anything can happen with this eviciton really perked my interest.


i was jus thinking about the safes... what if in the safe is a free hoh card and that mike gets to pick the next hoh on his way out? that seems really fair and something BB would do...

go kaysar :lol:

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