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Janie is most likely NOT going to leave next week.

Will has told her that if Danielle has her and James on the block............at eviction time, Will, Boogie, and CG will vote with Kayser and Howie to evict James.

Even if James uses the eviction vote cancel pass to knock off 1 vote.....he will still have 4 votes to evict and Janelle will only have 2............so James will still go home.

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Ahhh . . . but Will also told James that because James protected him when he was a pawn that he would do the same for him and would vote to evict Janelle . . .

He he - lol at Will and Booger being the swing votes, and Will and Booger making the jury - go Chilltown :P

You would think they'd favor keeping Janelle over James since Janelle has a thing for Will and is easy to manipulate whereas James has wanted them gone for a couple of weeks now. But just to play 'devil's advocate' (Dani having called herself the 'devil - lol) it might make just as much sense to Chilltown to get rid of Janelle and keep James . . .

- Janelle's alliance is to Kaysar and Howie first and foremost not them

- Janelle is the glue that binds the sovs - a vote to evict Janelle succeeds in fracturing the sovs in a way that a vote to evict James does not

- James is clearly as much of a target amongst the non-sov's as Janelle for Danielle to put him up (Danielle's philosophy being that you always want to have 3 people you are comfortable having leave the house - 2 nominees and a backup) . . . if he doesn't go this week he'll go next week

- James is also easy to dupe (look at the way Danielle was able to convince him he was going up as a 'pawn' - lol

- they don't want to make an enemy of Danielle who has the ability to rally the house against them (if the sovs win HOH next week and try to retailate against Danielle she COULD turn it around and have the sovs target them based on the fact that they are so unreliable (?))

- whereas if they vote out Janelle and the remaining sovs win HOH and target Danielle she's got nothing new against them (?)

I don't know . . . but I think Danielle's okay with Kaysar staying in the game as her new 'Jason' - yay for Kaysar!

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Oh wait - edit that . . .

Somebody else did the math on another board - all Danielle needs is 3 votes to evict Janelle because of James' change-the-vote pass because she would be the tie-breaker. George has already promised to vote the way she wants, and Erika and Marcellas will vote the way the HOH asks them to - that's supposedly the floater philosophy . . . I heard them discussing this a couple of weeks ago . . . you always vote with the majority, but if you're the swing vote you vote with the hoh so people feel like they can count on you (?) Like they're not really interested in building alliances because that makes enemies (?) . . . it just looks like they're sov allies because the sovs have always held the power (?)

Eh - not sure about the floater philosophy . . . but if Danielle has George, Erika and Marcellas' votes and Janelle doesn't win POV then Janelle is definitely toast (IE Chilltown's votes are not only NOT the swing votes, they're not even relevant)

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I think Will likes to talk about turning votes because it makes him feel powerless to just sit there and have somebody tell him what to do . . . he seems to do this every week, but has he actually ever been the driving force behind a successful vote turnaround?

Week 1 - tried and failed

Week 2 - James, Howie and Marcellas were the ones who were pushing people to vote against hoh so that actually succeeded

(Week 3 Will was on the block)

Week 4 - Will asked Booger to turn, and Booger said no

Week 5 - Will tries again, but Erika/Marcellas/George are the deciding votes not Booger.

So for the votes to turn Will's got to get Erika, George or Marcellas to turn on Danielle and side with HIM? :lol:

I guess anything's possible, but Erika isn't Janelle . . .

PS But yeah Neb, ita Janelle/Kaysar would make more sense - I don't know what to make of that . . . :huh:

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yup and she could easily get it.

IT is wierd cause right before Will and Boogie were talking about flipping the votes they were excited about Janie getting the boot. So perhaps they had the convo about flipping just to fool us (wouldnt be the first time they did something just for TV)

This should be an interesting week LOL something different at least

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I think Will and Mike couldn't care less who goes and would get excited over anyone leaving. They just like to screw with people for the sake of doing it. Gives them a rush. That is partly why they are so dangerous because you can't really rely on anything they say.

Janelle will be shocked when she gets out this week and see how she's been played by Will and bashed by James and Marcellas. Some of it is kind of deserved for lying to James but some of it she really did believe her taking out Diane was the best move. Can't hate her for that she just handled it badly. Cost her the game.

Then again she does rise to the occasion and may win veto.

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OH I FOR GOT TO POST HERE..WHOOOOOhoo Dani you go girl.....Dani has always been my favorite...Hey did you know Dani is my favorite....Hey Neb in the interview did you tell Dani that she was my favorite..:lol: :lol::lol: You know I was depress when i heard she wasnt going to be on BB this year...I AM GLAD SHE CHANGED HER MIND.....She said Dani from bb3 was coming back

ok game talk...I really think she should have back doored Janelle... I guess she wanted to play a little fair..

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im surprised she didn't backdoor her either, i thought she would for sure. she probably had the confidence of ct to help make sure jani doenst get veto. everyone's trusting ct and that's risky risky risky. atleast it will surprise us when the show comes on.

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If Danielle's reason for taking out Janelle is because she wouldn't nominate chilltown then when she gets HOH herself why not nominate chilltown? I realize that is her strategy and that she is working with them but for Erika, George, Marcellas etc isn't it important to show she was serious in wanting chilltown out? Won't this move show that she is indeed working with chilltown?

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..and when she drinks she gets more repetitive than usual, if you can believe that. She also dons this air of superiority and starts talking about how wonderful she was in her season and how she has everything figured out.

She reminds me of my aunt that I hate to visit cause she gets drunk and you have to endure stories about her glory days when she danced with Duke Ellington or some such. Blech

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