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Saturday, August 29, 2020 Big Brother 22 All-Stars Live Feed Updates

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10:39PM BBT: Kaysar tells Ian "make sure you don't end up there".  "I'll try not to.  I definitely want to network with you.  You're the only other intelligent person I've ever met in this house.  You're smarter than me".  "I'm flattered that you think so.  Maybe that's why I'm going home this week".  


10:41PM BBT: Kaysar whispers "let's talk later".  Back in the HOHR, Enzo says "Kaysar's gonna wanna talk to me, yo".   Da' Cody and Bay say "he's coming!  Pretend to laugh about something!".  Kaysar listens at the door and then walks in, while they talk and laugh about the comp.

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10:00PM BBT: Danielle and Nicole are in the upstairs lounge. They are talking about who might win the next HoH and what the consequences might be.  Danielle says she doesn't want Tyler to win.


Both girls think Ian might go up against Kaysar, but he has the votes to stay.  Danielle thinks Kaysar is getting close to David and he won't go up.


Nicole says when she played against Da'Vonne before she was never this comfortable.  Danielle says Christmas thinks she owns everyone and would be safe on the block.  Nicole assumes she is safe this week, Danielle says Nicole has to win next week, or at the very least beat Bayleigh to remain safe. Danielle thinks Memphis would put up Bayleigh and Da'Vonne. 


Nicole continues to worry about her fate if she is put on the block, Danielle is counting votes that would come her way against Christmas. Nicole says she would put up Kevin and David and make the attempt to back door Bayleigh.

They continue to discuss "what ifs".


In the washroom area David is talking to Kevin and Christmas.  Kevin says he was on the block, he had more to work for than David.  Kevin says he kept "holding on for just 10 more seconds", he says he kept finding other muscles to use.


Camera moves to kitchen.


People continue to compliment Kevin on a good win and he thanks them. 


Not much other talking.


Danielle and Nicole continue their conversation in the upstairs lounge.


((From conversation in the kitchen it seems this competition was much like "Posin Ivy" from a previous season.  They have to hold themselves onto vines or ropes with hands and feet, and the vines or ropes move around at intervals.  Competitors have to hold on while they move around, and stay on until the next movement. Meanwhile some substances are shot at and around the people who remain in the competition. (Think ballerina motions and poses--Grannysue))


Christmas joins Danielle and Nicole are in the upstairs lounge area.

Conversation is general.


Danielle says Kaysar "did so bad, I knew he would be the first one off."  Christmas nods. Danielle says the HoH won't be endurance, it will be something else.  Christmas says she wants to go to bed but doesn't want to miss anything tonight.  Nicole says she is going to bed early too.


Danielle wonders who will be put up to replace Kevin. Christmas wonders if it will be someone Enzo wants out, she says Kaysar is not a physical threat.  Danielle repeats that Kaysar is a threat in other ways. Christmas says he could put up David and Kaysar would still go out. Christmas says David has a long list of people he is going after.


Kevin is in the photo bedroom crying (in relief) He is prone on the bed sobbing.


Enzo, Cody and Bayleigh are in the HoH room.

Bayleigh is doing her nightly raid of Enzo snacks. Tyler is  listening to music.  Enzo leaves to find a hat he wants to wear.


Bayleigh and Tyler talk about the competition.


Cody wonders who will be least worried about being on the block.  Bayleigh says Enzo has someone in mind, he said so yesterday. (Bayleigh was trying to fish a little for intel).  Enzo says this is the best time to be a pawn.


Bayleigh asks Enzo if he has another option, Enzo says no he doesn't.


Enzo says business will be booming in the HoH tonight.

Da'Vonne comes into the room. She has what looks like slop meatloaf with her.


Enzo says he had no reason to stay in the competition after Kaysar fell.


Tyler comes in while conversation is going on about the competition.

Camera moves to Kaysar and Ian in the living room.


Kaysar says he needs to find a way to stay, and asks Ian to let him know if he comes up with anything. 


Kaysar asks Ian if he would vote to keep him, Ian says it depends on who the other person is.  He says he could be up there.  Ian tells Kaysar he (Kaysar) is the only smart person he has ever been with in the house. Kaysar laughs and says "that's mean."  Ian says "you know what I mean, you are smarter than me."


10:45PM BBT: Kaysar joins the group in the HoH.

general chatter.


-----There are so many people out here posting that I'm  going to call it a night...Seems like we are getting quite a bit of repetition this evening.

Goodnight dears---Grannysue

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10:46PM BBT: Enzo asked what Memphis did to his back.  Bay says he worked out too hard the other day.  Kaysar said he bent over and heard something pop.  They wonder if it's a small herniated disc and need therapy/readjusting.  


10:48PM BBT: Enzo is watching the camera "there goes Ian!".  They thought he was coming in, but must be up there to play backgammon.  Just small talk about movies and HOHR temperature.  They agree that they will all get called into the DR tonight to talk about the comp and their strategy.  Tyler thinks that he pulled something in his leg.


10:51PM BBT: Kaysar is digging through Enzo's snacks, reading off what's there.  "Endangered species chocolate?  Wagyu jerky?".  Kaysar says that he doesn't eat kosher foods, just the kosher meat.  He and Tyler wonder what makes pickles kosher.  Tyler asks if it's just a brand of pickle.  Kaysar says it's not, and he has no idea.


10:56PM BBT: Bay is with David and Kevin in the SLR and repeats over and over that she wanted to win that comp, even though she was in a safe place and did not throw it.  She just "got tangled up in the rope".   Bay says that Kaysar doesn't have the flexibility or core, so he was immediatly shaky.


10:57PM BBT: Enzo joins Nic, Ian and Christmas, where Christmas and Ian are playing Backgammon.  Nic goes in with Cody in the HOHR and they wonder who Enzo will put up as a pawn.  Ian?  David?  They watch the camera and start whispering.  Da' is "h*ll bent on Ian", and Nic hopes that Ian doesn't go up.   Nic repeats Bayleigh's comfort story to Cody.  "If Christmas wins HOH, Bay won't be that comfortable".  


11:00PM BBT: Cody asks Nic who she'd put up if she won.  She says she doesn't know. He says "oh come on, who?".  "Kevin and David, and then backdoor Da'".  She then tells him that "then I'll have 3 people mad at me".  

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10:35 PM BBT David & Kevin in the Showmance Room (BLUF: David doesn’t think Enzo will put up David because he wants Kaysar out so he needs to put up a clear pawn)

Happy dance for Nicole A. to celebrate Kevin’s win. It came down to David & Kevin, Kevin asks if David could have gone on longer and David said no. He pumps Kevin up saying he beat Enzo and he beat Tyler in an endurance comp and even Bayleigh who is really into Yoga. (The challenge sounds like the poison ivy challenge where you are hanging from vines and contorted into weird positions) Kevin doesn’t think Enzo will put David up because he wants to put someone up who is a clear pawn. Kevin appreciates David cheering for him. David said his husband and friends and family are going to be so proud of him. Kevin wants to know if people dropped on purpose after Kaysar fell out of the competition. Kevin wants to win HoH next week. They talk about how sore they are and how the house didn’t expect them to be the last two standing.

10:50 PM BBT Bayleigh joins David & Kevin in the showmance room (BLUF: More talk about the veto comp.)

Bayleigh is proud of Kevin and said now ‘the people in power’ have to get more blood on their hands because he didn’t give up. She talks about how everyone scattered after the veto because now someone else has to go up as a pawn. Bayleigh said Kaysar lost because he just isn’t that flexible.

10:58 PM BBT Da’vonne joins Bayleigh, Kevin & David in the showmance room (BLUF: Kevin thinks David is too juicy of a target to put up. Kevin says Enzo could backdoor someone but Da’vonne says that would leave Kaysar in the house. They don’t know what Enzo will do)

Kevin asks if they think Enzo is a free agent. Da’vonne says she doesn’t know. Kevin asks who they think he will put up as a pawn and Da’vonne say she doesn’t know. Kevin wonders if he can use the veto to get information from Enzo. He doesn’t think any one of them are going up, he thinks David is too juicy of a target to put up. He thinks Enzo wants Kaysar to be the clear choice. Kevin says he could backdoor someone but Da’vonne says then that leaves Kaysar in the house. Kevin doesn’t know what he will do. Bayleigh tells Kevin he should be happy Da’vonne and her spooked him last night, she said it worked and he won the veto [Kevin was actually unnerved by this joke they played on him last night where he asked them if noms stayed the same would they keep him and they looked at him and just said ‘you need to win the veto’ -SCRTsqrl] Kevin says he needs to figure out a way to influence his decision. Bayleigh says she doesn’t think Enzo will let others influence his choice but he has the power to get a say.

11:10PM BBT Kaysar joins Da’vonne, Bayleigh, Kevin & David in the showmance room (BLUF: More talk about the veto comp) 11:15PM Bayleigh leaves. 11:16PM Da’vonne leaves. 11:22PM Kaysar, Kevin & David go the kitchen with Dani & Da’vonne.

11:24PM BBT Christmas & Bayleigh in the bathroom (BLUF: Everyone feels good with Enzo, so they don’t know who he will put up, Kaysar is defeated)

Christmas speculates if David made a deal with Kevin during the POV comp. Bayleigh doesn’t think so. Christmas asks how Bayleigh feels with Enzo. She said she feels ok by ‘it’s Enzo’. Bayleigh asks how Christmas feels and she says pretty good but look at the house, everyone feels that way with Enzo. Da’vonne walks in to brush her teeth and Christmas talks about playing speed backgammon with Ian. Christmas asks if she’s talked to Kaysar, she says no and she hasn’t either. They think he’s defeated and it’s sad. Bayleigh said it takes to much energy to prop him up right now and she’s trying to keep her own spirits up. Talk turns to taking fiber. Bayleigh said she’s a little achy and thinks she will sleep great tonight. People walk in and out randomly (Dani, Tyler, Ian) no game talk.

11:33: PM BBT Nicole, Enzo & Cody HoH (BLUF: Just hanging out)
Cody asks where everyone is and Enzo says downstairs scheming and wondering what he’s going to do. Cody says, do you want me to start a rumor like tell David, I heard he’s going to backdoor Tyler, they all laugh and Nicole says it would be through the house in 5 minutes. 11:35PM BBT Tyler comes in. He says he tried to win he just couldn’t. Cody says everyone was breaking the rules of the comp. Everyone seems to have had issues/confusion over what the rules were.

11:48PM BBT Dani & Kevin photo room
Dani doesn’t know what to say to Kaysar, he has to know he’s going home. She said she’s so happy Kevin won POV and she thinks a new twist will reset the house and shake things up. Dani say’s she’s cool with Enzo but so is everyone. Dani says they gave everyone a lot of leeway in the comp. Kevin and Dani whine they both want to win an HoH.

11:53PM BBT Nicole, Enzo, Cody & Tyler HoH (BLUF: General chat, social media, Derrick Levasseur)
Cody says every time he posts on social media he looses followers. Enzo says why is that? Nicole says because they remember they are following you when they post and they don’t want to anymore. Enzo says he just got on IG to have fun, see what girls are out there. Nicole gives a shout out to Victor to follow Enzo on SM. Cody tells his dad, who is handling his IG right now to go follow Enzo (@enzp_). Cody talks about hanging out with Derrick, Frankie and Enzo in NYC. Cody tells Ian his dad is a superfan and he watches season in the beginning and then sometimes fades but he always asks his dad what’s going on. Cody says his dad really liked Tyler & Kaycee. Cody asks Tyler if Angela watches the feeds and he says no, she just gets sent stuff when he mentions her or people talk about him, stuff like that. Tyler looks at the camera and says “Don’t send Angela mean things people are saying about me, she doesn’t need to see”. Cody says he didn’t watch when Paulie played, he just checked twitter. Cody say Derrick is watching the feeds. Tyler says he hopes Derrick is rooting for him and Cody says OVER ME?! Sh*t. Cody says what about you (Nicole)? Nicole says he’s definitely not rooting for me. Tyler says what?! Cody says, that’s not true. Nicole says “Derrick root for me”. Cody  says “Derrick root for me”. Tyler wants to know who Derrick will vote for as America’s favorite. Cody says he’ll vote for all his friends once, he won’t even throw him two votes. Tyler says he’s a fair guy. 11:58 Enzo & Dani come in, general chat resumes.

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