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Tuesday, August 25, 2020 Big Brother 22 All-Stars Live Feed Updates

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1:00 AM BBT


Ian, Cody and Tyler are playing pool in the backyard.

Da'Vonne and Janelle are talking at the hammock.

Enzo gets called to the DR.

2:00 AM BBT

Dani, Kevin and Ian discuss the next HoH competition. Ian thinks it's time for the wall comp. Dani thinks it's too early. Jani joins them and says she is tired. Ian heads to bed...he took his melatonin about 30 minutes ago and is feeling it now.


2:45 AM BBT

Dani gets ready for bed and heads into the PBR where the lights are still on. She crawls into bed covers and her eyes. David is not in his bed, but the lights go out.

A few minutes later, David comes in (loudly) and gets in his bed.


The house grows dark with someone slightly snoring (I think it's David) and Christmas is mumbling in her sleep.

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12:00am- 1:00am BBT: Christmas Receives a new addition and wants to name it meatball after Josh. Christmas talking to Kaysar and  wondering how many babies she will end up with and he says maybe  sixteen of them and laughs, Kaysar ask about the name Meatball and Christmas tells him to watch her season and he will know. Nicole comes in Kaysar leaves  so Nicole and Christmas head to bed, Most HG in the BY talking general talk and about  losing the Yard again at  six in the morning.

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8:15am BBT: Memphis up in the KT sitting alone.
8:44am BBT: Kevin up walks through KT says morning to Memphis then goes to the WC.
8:58am BBT: Memphis still sits alone in the KT drinking coffee as all the other HG are still sound asleep.

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 9:43 AM BBT 

The lights are up in the house, but few are up and about.

David is in the loo, and you can hear everything (gross).

Kaysar is laying on the bathroom couch looking like he's seen better days, and Memphis is lounging in the living room with his first gallon of coffee.

David washes his hands and begins cleaning up in the kitchen [What a guy!  He will make a great husband! -MamaLong]



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9:23am BBT: Kaysar in the KT with Memphis after a brief FOTH, All lights are on through the house as BB has awaken the HG.
9:24am BBT: David is now up walking around the house , Kaysar in the WA doing ADL's.
 9:33am BBT: Memphis in the LVR sitting alone  drinking his coffee, Kaysar and david in the KT, David is cleaning and Kaysar just standing leaning on the bar. Christmas up goes to WC then checks time then to the STR for batteries, Nicole goes into the DR.
 9:44am BBT: Kaysar sitting alone in the WA, David in the KT  still cleaning  and memphis sitting alone in the LVR . All other HG  in bed sleeping.
9:48am BBT: Kaysar joins Memphis in the LVR and ask what he is watching he says i am watching  on the beach and fast forward to 2021, Kaysar laughs and says that is a good thing 2020 sucks  well some things don't but, Memphis says he is looking forward to 2021 he has some projects he wants to do.
9:51am BBT: Memphis telling Kaysar how he lost money from his restaurants because of Covid and how people owed him money and how some people got layed off and  when they got layed off he lost money. He says no one is opening anything right now .
9:54am BBT: Memphis says he wants to open up a Gym and he is also working on a soda company to open soon because he needs to open other things besides a resturaunts. He says he needs to span beyond  the restaurants.

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10:14 AM BBT David is in the Kitchen doing the dishes. Kevin is eating a bowl of something at the KT table. Kaysar is in one of the couches in the lounge. They are the only 3 up right now. 

10:18 AM BBT BB tells Ian that his microphone needs new batteries. Ian says sorry bb and goes to change his batteries. Memphis is now up and says there nothing like the smell of bacon in the Morning. BB then calls Ian to the DR downstairs. Kevin said you should get something for getting up early like a food pass or something. Chat changes to BBUK. 

10:28 AM BBT Stars on the screens. Wake up call going on. 

10:30 AM BBT false alarm not wake up call. Kevin says he feels like a endurance comp happening. Ian says yes on the wall bird poop slinging at us.  Kaysar ask him if he know which way the house is going and   he tells him they are leaning to keep you. FOTH.. Ian says it the word competitor she is known to win a lot of comps

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.10:39 AM BBT Tyler and Memphis are up in the HOHR talking. Memphis said that the girl need to show they want to be here too. They have played and won and got the blood on their hands otherwise the 6 wont stay together long. Memphis said the girls need to get blood on their hands and take some of the heat as well. Memphis also says that they can control their HOH as well. He also said Enzo and Ian are side warriors because they will vote how we want them too. They will keep both until they dont need them and only keep one. FOTH and they come back and said we need to make sure cody is also on the same page and Memphis leaves. 

10:53 AM BBT The babies start to cry and wakes up Day and she wakes up christmas and says the babies are crying. She answers them and and they want to play. so she starts to play with them. Next they want to cuddle so she puts them around her pillow and she cuddles with them. They each thank her and she says thank you to each one of them. 

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11:00 AM BBT  David, Memphis and Kaysar are in the KT, getting food/coffee.  David wants to get a game of chess or Backgammon going.  Feeds 1/2 are on Christmas sleeping with all of her star babies surrounding her.  Nicole comes into the KT for a minute, sits at the counter, then leaves for the WA.  She got her mic, and is back in the KT, putting it on.  Water is running, hard to hear No game talk. 

11:05 AM BBT  Nic asks David what he had for breakfast, he says avocado toast.  More talk about food between Memphis, Kaysar, Nicole and David, all in the KT.

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11:06 AM BBT BB reminds them that they must be awake be between the hours of 10 am and 10 pm. David says this isnt going well for them they tried the lights the music the babies the batteries. No game talk going only a few are awake while the rest still sleeping. 

11:14 AM BBT Nicole asks what for breakfast and David said that kayser is making omelets with potatoes onion tomatoes and cheese. Nicole says that sounds good and offers to make her one she says sure she will take one and he makes it and hands it to her and she said thank you. 

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11:11 AM BBT  Nicole, Kaysar, David and Memphis still in the KT.  They are talking about food, then planning on working out today.  David said he has to wait after he eats.  They comment on Bayleigh being a HN, so she doesn't work out as much, and Christmas has all the babies.  They joke she is a walking zombie.  David saying Memphis needs to give him a lower back massage.  

Kaysar goes to the KBR, Ian asks what time it is.  Kaysar isn't sure, but it is after 11:00.  Ian says perfect, and continues to make his bed.  Memphis now the only one in the KT.  Kaysar is folding his clothes.  Nicole comes in, and says no one is up yet.  Kaysar asks if they were up late last night.  Nicole said she thinks it is because the yard was open, and people wanted to take advantage of that.  Nicole asks him how he is feeling.  He said he is fine, he has been playing this a long time, the people on the block were losing it last week.  He said he is older, more experienced.  He is going to do some campaigning later.  Nicole says shocker, you have my vote!  He laughs and says really?  She says yes.  (she hates Janelle in the house).  She leaves and goes back to the KT.

11:17 AM BBT  BB agains tells the HG's to wake up.  Not much going on, or people on camera. 

Nicole asks Memphis if this is what it is like when he gets up early every day, he said it is even more peaceful.  He said that is what saves him.  He said he has time to reflect, it is what he does at home, too.  Ian comes into the KT.  Nicole asks if he is going to eat or run.  Couldn't hear his response.  Nicole has on workout gear and tennis shoes. 

It appears Tyler has been running laps on the balcony in front of the HOH room.  Nicole goes up, asks how many he has left, he says he is done.  She thought he had more to do.  They were off camera, as it is still on the KT, but Nicole's mic was on.  Ian is getting something to eat.  We get Stars/FoTH

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11:24 AM BBT

Star Baby Mama, aka Christmas,  is taking a needed nap!  (she now has 13 babies)



Nicole is running along the upstairs hall.

Ian is making fried eggs. He got a lot of shell bits in when he cracked the eggs in the pan. He sighs loudly.

Memphis is eating breakfast and Tyler is hanging out upstairs in the loft and HoHR




Memphis and Ian comment that they hear building in the backyard.

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11:23 AM BBT Ian is finally up and he asks what time is it. Someones says it a little bit past 11. He says alright cool. He tells tyler he will be up there soon. Nicole says noone is up and Kaysar says  yeah it werid. Nicole says she feel like the night she wants to stay up they wake them up early and kaysar says yes even though having the backyard is nice he like to get his sleep too. Nicole ask how he is feeling he says he is doing okay just going to go around and see where everyone is at. Nicole says well you got my vote. Kaysar says not a shocker at all and they laugh about it.

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11:30 AM BBT  Kaysar gets called out by BB to put on his mic.  He apologizes to BB, and heads to the WA to get it.  Ian says this is not the pan for sunnyside up eggs. 

Just general talk, and early morning boredom and food.

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11:35 AM BBT

Nicole has finished her workout and is now talking to the cameras in the lounge. She says "gonna be honest, before I came here I did all the Insanity tapes...six miles...and I lost it all. It's never good to look like this, Nicole...I got to circle back...Vic is gonna be mad. Vic and I worked really hard....I worked really hard. I have to get down to business."

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11:35 AM BBT  All feeds follow Nicole into the lovers lounge.  She tries to put her mic on, then says she doesn't need it.  She is mumbling to herself.  Dani is up and in the WA, Christmas is up and pushing her babies around.  Memphis is still expounding on YouTube.  He wants a separate TV channel, instead of it all together.  He used to pay for it, not sure he is still doing that anymore.  More about artists not getting paid for YouTube videos, and how they aren't able to tour now.

(Out for a while, gotta go meet my son and daughter-in-law )


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11:40 AM BBT Ian says he defenitly not looking forwrd to what they are doing outside thats for sure and ask memphis if he is Memphis kinda says yes and no.  BB tells Kaysar to put his micrphone on and he says sorry bb. The chat then changes to tv and YT. 

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11:42 AM BBT

Christmas is now in the lounge. She was coaching Nicole on some exercises . They chat a bit about the vote. Nic says she is glad that Kaysar wants to stay and she asks if Jani was convincing (in her campaign). Christmas says For Sure. Christmas said that Jani told her she knows she has Bayleigh's (vote)...she has two locked in Bayleigh and Memphis. Nicole asks about Kevin. Christmas says she is not including him. ...Nicole leaves, and Christmas begins talking to the cameras "Okay, Um....I like Nicole, but I just don't want to give her too much all the time. We have a good exchange, but I want to make sure I don't give her too much all the time. I want Kaysar to stay. He is best for me game wise." Nicole comes back in.



Christmas tells Nicole that she thinks Da'Vonne is enjoying being in control of this vote..."Kevin hates both of them and she has no idea where David is"




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11:53 AM BBT

Nicole tells Christmas she hated working out so she didn't do it in sequester, but she has to get back in shape because "I'm getting crushed in comps"...she says she works out for her anxiety and that it really helps.

Christmas tells Nic that Jani talked with Dani and Dani said if she gets 5 she would consider being the 6th (vote to keep Jani)...and feels like their relationship can be repaired.

Nicole: she doesn't want to repair us because I'm her target and people like that. It's good to know...she's mine and I'm hers.

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11:55 PM BBT Christmas and Nicole in the loft they rotate talk about excersize and game. Nicole says she feel like she playing a game tip toeing. Christmas tells her she is playing a good game Christmas says she trust her and Nicole says the same and she felt an instant connection and she hasn't had that in a while. They then talk about bay and says they dont know about her. Then back to exersize talk. 

12:06 PM BBT We get stars on the screen. 

12;08 stars off and same chat with Nicole and Christmas. David and Dani are in the PBR talking. Dani ask HOH if he got HOH who would he put up and he said Memphis Janelle and Kaysar. Dani says well Janelle is going this week so who do you want out more Kaysar or Memphis. He doesn't really say and Dani ask do you not want an HOH. David tells her he hasnt really talk to Memphis. Dani encourages him to talk to Memphis. She encourages him to pick his brain and see where he is at. 

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12:19 PM BBT Dani tells him he has potential and there is a reason everyone is in the house. he needs to get head in the game. They then talk about the Nicole situation and Dani ask him why did it switch to her if you was the target why did it switch to her. David tell her because they saw he wanted to be there, The conversation changes since Memphis came in. Dani said you need to be careful with people because she dont think that the reason and Dani says that people were trying to flip the vote and he ask who and Dani says she cant say bc she doesn't want it to get back to her or throw people under the bus. 

12:28 PM BBT Dani tells David she has his back 100 percent she just cant say names because she dont want it to get back to her and hurt her game. They finish there talk. Kaysar and Janelle are talking in the KBR. Kaysar said she does seem down bc the lack of food in the house. Kaysar shared his experience with going off coffee. 

12:37 PM BBT Kevin, Day and Bay are in the CBR talking. Janelle and David are talking in the lost about slop. Janelle has a headache from being on slop. Bay says that she is not campaining against Kaysar. Kevin asked about Kaysar and she says he may or may not have a target. Kevin said he hasn't in that conversation and bay says well go have that conversation. Kevin says that he saw him talking to Tyler and he told kevin they was just hanging out. Day says does that look sketch yes. does it show he dosent trust you yes. should you go talk to him about yes. 

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12:47 PM BBT David and Janelle are in HNR talking. David asks her what can you offer me? Janelle says she wants to repair the realationship and david said there is nothing to repair. They discuss Nicole A. He said he is incrediably close to her. She tries to offer him 3 weeks of safety. David said it hard because of what happened, Janelle says so your mad at me because i wanted to keep nicole who was my friend. David said he is not mad he just cant trust her bc he was offered a deal on his season  and he was sent home. Day and Bay and kevin are talking and they figure janelle is in the HNR. Janelle is still trying to pitch her deal to david and he not buying it one bit. 

12:55 Janelle finishes the conversation by saying if she stays she still going to keep the deal of 3 weeks of saftey. David says okay that good and she leaves. Day tells kevin she is offering 3 weeks of safety. 

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