MamaLong Posted August 24, 2020 Posted August 24, 2020 6:08 PM BBT Christmas has to tell the babies a story [she now has two] in the backyard. Nicole, Memphis, David, and Enzo enjoy storytime, too.
melmel Posted August 24, 2020 Posted August 24, 2020 6:07 PM BBT Kaysar and Janelle inside the house at the KT table talking. Ian Christmas Memphis outside trying to figure how big the yard is and do the math. Someone hollers for christmas and tells her she has to do more 1 of everything with the babies. The babys started to cry and Christmas says yes babies. They want to be told a story. Christmas tells a make believe story of her being a story. She finishes the story Nicole and enzo clap and say yay. FOTH.
MamaLong Posted August 24, 2020 Posted August 24, 2020 6:12 PM BBT Dani tells Cody all about her conversation with Ian last night. Ian comes up to them and says "what's going on Groove Cats?" Cody: Groove Cats? Ian: yeah, it's a new one They have a hard time maneuvering Ian into the hammock Babies begin crying "Mommy, I'm hungry"
melmel Posted August 24, 2020 Posted August 24, 2020 6:15 PM BBT Dani and Cody are talking about Ian and how they want to include him so he feels confortable and so he dosent know about 6 person aliance. Cody suggest playing a bunch of Backgammon with him. Dani says she feels super confortable with Ian. Cody says that coddling all these alliance is exaugsting. Ian comes over and the chat stops he says she has to do 62 more laps they did math and it matched up. The babies start to cry and tell Christmas they are hungry. Dani says that Janelle is probably upset because cody wont used the veto.
MamaLong Posted August 24, 2020 Posted August 24, 2020 Dani tells Ian that Janelle approached her today to talk and told her that Ian was in tight with Kaysar. He says that's interesting "I guess if she means I will vote to save Kaysar then that's true" Dani continues that she knows Janelle is nervous because she thinks Cody might not use the veto. Cody tells Ian he might though..."to take out a bigger target...YOU"....Ian makes a face and Cody tells him he was 100% joking Ian: good Dani: you're freaking him out Ian then tells Dani about week one and how Cody did the same thing that week. SHe asks "Why did you do that?" Cody says he had to feel everyone out.
melmel Posted August 24, 2020 Posted August 24, 2020 6:24 PM BBT Christmas goes in the SR to get their high seats and as she getting them they start to cry again. Christmas says she feels like she is going to have more babies and it starting to get annoying before it was fun. They cry again and she says what now you need to be burped. Janelle and Enzo talks about TAR and the situation with Boogie and Dr will, The camera cut to Day and Christmas. She tell her she got more baby stuff. Day say oh heck no. FOTH for second. 6;43 PM BBT Cody Ian and Nicole talking about sports. Christmas is tending to her baby starfishes. Dani is talking about Janelle and how she dont know if she has any votes. Ian says she did the same thing to Nicole A when she was in the house, she went to Tyler to try to talk him about not being up on the block and get the votes for her. Dani says that everyone in the house is trying to make her look bad. Ian share his experience. Nicole start to say that ever since she been in the house Janelle been mean to her. 6:57 PM BBT Day and Bay are in the HNR whispering about Cody and Derrick are a duo. Nicole, Cody Dani and Ian are all by the hammock talking general chit chat.
MamaLong Posted August 24, 2020 Posted August 24, 2020 7:00 PM BBT Christmas gets another star baby delivery....another pink one and it's winking Tyler- ah and she's winking Christmas- yeah, she's definitely mine Enzo: we have triplets now Christmas: yeah Enzo: holy shit... Christmas: we are making an appointment for the doctor now Enzo: I was waiting for you to say it Christmas: my birth control ain't are definitely getting snipped [I love the humor, and I hope the babies keep coming -MamaLong] Christmas introduces the babies: Okay, we have All Star, Safety Star and Sugar Star
melmel Posted August 24, 2020 Posted August 24, 2020 7:07 PM BBT Dr calls Christmas to pick up her next baby. The rest of the house is in shock with her having 3 babies now and they say no way not another one. We get FOTH. 7:19 PM BBT not a hole lot going on some eating some chatting. Christmas names her baby All star safety star and Enza. They start crying, They say go tell how cute we are. Christmas tells em they are already know how cute they are. Christmas hollers look how cute they are and starts making her rounds to show off her babies. Day and Bay are talking and Christmas comes in with all 3 babies and Day breaks out and says oh look how cute you are. 7:30 PM BBT All cams show the 3 star baby's then back to everyone in the KT talking general chit chat meanwhile Bay and Day are still up in the HNR talking. Janelle and Kaysar outstide talking.
grannysue1154 Posted August 24, 2020 Posted August 24, 2020 9:01pm We have stars now, and have had them for quite some time now.
grannysue1154 Posted August 24, 2020 Posted August 24, 2020 Feeds return at 9:53pm Big Brother Time Cody, Nicole F and Christmas are on the hammock in the back yard. Kevin and Enzo are playing chess in the kitchen. Ian joins the other three on the hammock. Christmas wonders what the weight capacity is. Just general chatter. Janelle and Baleigh are in the have not room. Baleigh is talking about Memphis being a bigger target than Janelle. Janelle says she will not push for Memphis to replace her. Janelle says she will be the third woman leaving the game, Baleigh says she has talked to Davonne about it. She feels like Christmas doesn't feel like she's in danger from the guys. Janelle says she has things to offer someone for a vote. Baleigh asks Janelle "how can I help." Janelle says if Baleigh can get David's vote she may have enough to stay. Janelle says she will return the favor to David later. Baleigh says David is much like Memphis, he has his own ideas, but has no clue what is going on in the game. Janelle says Baleigh could "use" David in this game, he is "super green". Baleigh says talking to David is "rough". Baleigh says David has no idea that there are alliances in the game, or who is in them. Baleigh says David has misconceptions about Ian's game. We get stars again at 10:03pm Janelle says that Nicole A blew up her game by repeating everything she said to her and now everyone thinks she is not trustworthy. Janelle lists the people who might vote to keep her, she says Danielle is a shaky area, but she will try. Janelle says she will be a target week after week if she stays in the house. Baleigh tells her that she needs her (Janelle) in the house. Janelle says she has told Danielle she is not interested in getting her out of the house, and Baleigh says maybe she thinks if you get Nicole F out it will hurt her (Danielle's) game We get stars again (these are intermittent, but interrupt what we are able to hear in this conversation--Grannysue) Baleigh tells Janelle about the misunderstanding between her and Nicole F. Baleigh says Danielle's reaction was a little aggressive so she must be protecting Nicole F in some way. After a few more minutes of gossip and rehashing the girls leave the have not room. 10:34pm Big Brother Time Baleigh takes Danielle to the upstairs lounge to talk to her. Baleigh asks if there is a diabolical plan going on and is the veto being used. Danielle says as far as she knows, it will not be used. Baleigh asks if Cody wants out Kaysar or Janelle. Danielle says she thinks the plan is to send Janelle out. Baleigh tells Danielle that Janelle is her plus one, Danielle tells Baleigh that everyone in the alliance will have to take one for the team until the six are left. Danielle goes on to accuse Janelle of "lying that I am in an alliance." She repeats that several times. (keep in mind, Danielle is, indeed, in an alliance, but still repeats it is a lie over and over--Grannysue) Danielle continues to talk about repairing relationships from earlier seasons, she insists that Tyler would not put Baleigh up. Baleigh says she is concerned that she is being "fooled" and will be embarrassed because she has agreed to work with this alliance. The girls continue to talk about other house guests, possibilities of evictions, nominations, melt downs, rocky relationships in the house, and so on....
Fuskie Posted August 24, 2020 Posted August 24, 2020 10:57pm BBT It's Triplets! Alliance, Battle Back, Blindside join Backdoor, Twist, Safety, Twinkle, Veto, All-Star as part of Christmas's Baby Star family. Pay attention because there will be a quiz later! Christmas now has enough stars to field an All-Star baseball team.
grannysue1154 Posted August 24, 2020 Posted August 24, 2020 10:58:pm Big Brother Time Christmas comes out of the diary room. She now has 9 star babies. She has them strapped to her chest and piled in a stroller. Kevin says this will not end here. Christmas seems less enthusiastic about this punishment now. 11:08pm Big Brother Time Baleigh, Davonne, Cody, Danielle, Enzo and Tyler are in the HOH room. Baleigh has asked who is being sent home, the group tells her Janelle. Baleigh says there may be some pressure because Janelle will be the third girl in a row to leave. Cody he understood that whichever one goes this week, the other follows them next week. Cody says Kaysar will be a problem next week if he doesn't go. Enzo says he doesn't see Kaysar winning any competitions. Davonne says neither one will have an effect on her game. Davonne calls attention to Kaysar and Cody having a past. Cody seems to not be worried. All their plans are contingent that one of them wins the HOH next week and can continue to choose who goes on the block.
grannysue1154 Posted August 24, 2020 Posted August 24, 2020 11:15pm Big Brother Time Tyler says they just need to avoid two of the alliance members being on the block at the same time. Talk returns to votes against Janelle, Cody counts 6, and says she has no chance to stay. After more plotting with the only scenarios being ones in which a member of this alliance is the HOH, and their confidence in being able to control nominations, the group begins to congratulate themselves on being such exceptional game players. 11:33pm Big Brother Time Janelle joins Christmas and Baleigh, (who has come to the cartoon bedroom). Christmas is surrounded by her baby pillows. She has them stuff in baby carriers, except for the one she has tucked under her arm. Just general talk, nothing related to game. Camera moves back to HOH room. Nicole F has joined the group, she is telling them that Christmas is with her "babies", she has to have at least one of them with her at all times. Camera moves back to cartoon bedroom, Christmas is talking about hamburgers, she apologizes since Baleigh and Janelle are have nots. They mention 5 Guys (a burger joint known for over filling fries in a take out bags--and the burgers are terrific!--Grannysue) Baleigh talks about "what a burger", "chicken n honey" in Raleigh NC. Janelle says they can make fried chicken themselves. Baleigh wants to know how to make biscuits from scratch. Christmas says it is flour, water, butter (she is missing a few little things, LOL), but she tells them that they have Bisquick (so all will not be lost and they will not be making crackers--;) Grannysue). They plan to make fried chicken strips, biscuits and avocado toast for Wednesday night's midnight meal. 11:45pm HOH room is Cody, Danielle and Nicole F are talking about "she" and "her", possibly Davonne. Danielle repeats the story of the "all guys alliance" she was told by Kevin, as well as a "four person alliance". They think the source was Davonne. Danielle says it is not true that Baleigh and Davonne do not hang out together. Nicole F asks who they would target as HOH, Danielle says that they have mentioned getting rid of Memphis by orchestrating a back door. Cody says Memphis seems to like Baleigh, but Davonne, not so much. Nicole F says Davonne keeps asking if Janelle is still the target when they talk. Danielle says every time anyone asks who the target is, Cody and the guys don't say anything. Danielle says a flip to get Kaysar out this week has fizzled. Danielle says that she is tired of being put on the spot for coddling Baleigh and Davonne. Danielle says she has to keep talking 'her" down to keep Cody safe. Cody goofs around, Danielle lets him know this is a serious talk and to stop it. Cody tells them that Christmas has confirmed there is no alliance on the other side of the house. Nicole F tells them that Baleigh went to Christmas and said they need to talk, but has no idea what about. Cody repeats Janelle's pitch to him. He says that Nicole F is not the person she "hates". He says Kevin approached her (Janelle) complaining about wake up time. Janelle promised she was not targeting Cody, Tyler or Danielle. She also promised to give him any "gift" she might receive later, or she would use it as Cody and Tyler want. Cody says he kept trying to tell her that she would have to talk to Tyler about any deals for him. Cody says that Ian did not tell him (Cody) that Janelle was targeting Tyler and Cody until after Tyler won HOH, although he knew for some length of time. Cody says that Ian also mentioned "the 5". Nicole F is defending Ian, she says he is not playing the same game he did on his season. 12:00am
Kelly6 Posted August 24, 2020 Posted August 24, 2020 10:50PM BBT: Kaysar and Janelle are whispering in the WA. Kaysar says he has no interest in talking to Cody about anything. Janelle says Cody has a huge grudge against her from week one because of Keesha. They discuss Nicole A telling Nicole F everything she said about Nicole F. " Kaysar says that "he" mentally broke Nicole A, but we're not sure who "he" is. Both Kaysar and Janelle agree that destroyed their "credibility in the house."
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