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5:36 PM BBT

Christmas is giving Nicole A advice about how to get her belly back to normal. She says she thinks she got sick yesterday because she was so backed up that her protein shake had nowhere to go so she just threw up. Production gave her Milk of Magnesia and she finally pooped so she feels better. Christmas told her to do another protein shake and then Milk of Magnesia to keep things flowing. Nicole thanks her for the help. Enzo listens in to the conversation but says nothing. His foot has still been hurting. Christmas begins talking about how you just have to power through. She goes on and on about how this is life and we have to just power through  "you don't get a flat tire and say fuck it and then just leave your car on the side of the road, Right Enzo?"

Enzo- yeah  that's right    Christmas turns the talk to psychology and begins quizzing Nicole...then tells Nicole that she is using avoidance  "I do it too"



Christmas has provided a lot of encouragement to Nicole A and suggests several books, mentioning that they helped her, personally, so much to figure out how to take control of her life and get rid of the "life vampires who suck the life out of you"  Nicole talks about how she came out of last season with a lot of growth but also a lot of baggage and trauma. She says Eric (her podcast partner) has helped her so much "he's my sensei"


5:37PM BBT Xmas and Nicole A on the BY couch discussing how many shakes Nicole A can have. She doesn't want to eat the slop. Xmas is giving her advice. In the KT, Janelle is cleaning up the counters. 


5:44PM BBT In the KT, Kaysar, Memphis and Janelle talk about how much food is in the house. She says lots of meat and fish. Memphis says after he is off of HN, he will go on a cooking spree. 


5:50PM BBT In the KT, Janelle is asking Memphis about his GF. They have been together for 6 months but known each other for 10 years. He says dating is so different with kids. They talk about dating. Janelle says she went on one date in NY where she just left in the middle of it.





5:57PM BBT Kevin is in the BY and tells Memphis and Nicole A that he got confirmation that their slop ends at midnight Wed. morning. 


6:01PM BBT: Memphis joins Nicole A on the outdoor couch.  Keesha is in the folding chair just deep in thought.    Not much discussion.  Day is on the bike while Tyler and Kaysar shoot pool.  David walks through while eating.   Cody calls winner for next game of pool.


6:05PM BBT: Kevin is the KT by himself making a protein shake.  


6:08PM BBT: Christmas joins Kevin in the Kevin after doing a "backyard is open" dance in the KT and Janelle returns to cooking dinner.  Bay walks in and Christmas talks with her about butt exercises and how good Bay's butt looks.  Bay agrees.








6:15PM BBT: Kevin gave the protein shake to Nicole and she heads off. Kevin, Keesha, Kevin and Cody talk about how dangerous mountain lions and where it's good to hike.  







6:25PM BBT: Kevin tells Cody and Keesha that he's never traveled outside of the US.  They ask him where he'd want to go. He answers Japan for the Olympics.  Keesha says "well that's your heritage".  The topic changes to Kaysar working out.


6:28PM BBT: Production gave Nicole A some laxatives so she now has "movement".  Cody wonders why they didn't give that to her to begin with instead of her suffering for 5 days.  He didn't realize that you could just ask them for things and actually get them.


6:31PM BBT: Cody tells Keesha and Nicole A about how he had to deal with snakes on Fear Factor.  


6:32PM BBT: Tyler and Kevin are keeping Janelle company in the KT while she cooks.   Christmas tells them (from outside) that they can take the banana bread out.  Janelle asks Tyler why he doesn't bowl professionally and explains how he used to bowl with his dad, but he passed when he was 17 and he lost interest.


6:39PM BBT: Dani and Day are talking about how everyone is being extremely tight lipped.  Day "did you guys come to play or what?"  


6:45PM BBT: Tyler talks with Janelle in the KT about how he lost to Kaycee by one vote and could he have turned Sam's vote around.  Apparently Sam said in jury that she'd never trust Tyler again and he didn't really expect her vote.  Janelle asks if Sam even knew that she was on a game show playing for money.


6:48PM BBT: Memphis and Nicole A watch the others work out.  They wish they had more comps (food/luxury/HOH).  They're both excited for the upcoming HOH.  Nicole is thinking it'll be an endurance but not everyone agrees with her.  


6:51PM BBT: Nicole F joins Nicole A and Memphis on the BY couch.  Nicole F was called to the DR at 2AM and is tired.  Memphis said they called him too, but he didn't get up.


6:53PM BBT: Memphis says that they will know if COVID is getting any better because the plane traffic overhead will pick up.  The Nicoles agree and hope that production would let them know.  Nicole A said that JFK was a ghost town and there were only 6 people on her flight.  Memphis said his recent flights have been full.


6:57PM BBT: On the dinner menu for Kaysar's birthday - tacos, banana bread and birthday cake.  And something plant based for Tyler.





7:06PM BBT: Ian said he only brought shorts and doesn't own sweats.  He asks his parents, if they're listening, to send some.  Keesha says to go to the DR and request some.  Production asks the HG to lower the BY shades so they disperse. 


7:10PM BBT: Memphis asks what kind of protein they want for the first meal he cooks for them after the HN time is over.  Nicole F says that they should make a big buffet for the folks on slop.  Memphis wants to have a formal gala dinner on Wednesday with everyone dressing up.


7:15PM BBT: Kevin asks the Nicoles, Keesha and Memphis if they've seen anyone up on the roof today.  Memphis said he saw someone up there earlier today filming them.  Feeds were cut.


7:18PM BBT: Kevin said that they were all sent equipment to their homes and his was delivered at 3am.  "Here's your equipment".   Feeds cut.


7:19PM BBT: Janelle and Cody wonder where all the bowls go.  Apparently the cleaners in the house are David, Cody, Janelle and Memphis.


7:23PM BBT: The HG that are not HNs are in the KT putting together their dinners.  Janelle made some taco seasoned plant based meat for Tyler's tacos.


7:32PM BBT: Just dinner chit chat in the KT and HNs sitting outside reminiscing about their seasons.


















7:48PM BBT: The cameras go back to the KT where the HG are still eating and they're looking forward to the cake. The HNs in the BY join them before they sing happy birthday song. Day and Kevin swing on the hammock in the BY.






7:53PM BBT: Day tells Kevin that the last she heard, he was safe.  He's not sure if that's true and wonders if Keesha would be best to keep as a future pawn.




7:56PM BBT: Kevin tells Day that if he stays, he will be coming for whoever didn't vote for him and will split the house.  He wants people to show their true selves... "turn on the lights and let the cockroaches scramble"




08:00 PM BBT Dani and Bae are in the WC chatting Dani wants Kevin to stay and Bae agrees.  She thinks he had a bad experience his first season and he deserves some extra time here.  Bae gets up and is glad they're both on the same page.  She leaves the WC.  Janelle called to change her mic.


Meanwhile out in the BY Kevin has "intercepted" Memphis and Nicole F's conversation on the lounger.  Kevin is telling Nicole he liked something in her season.



08:05 PM BBT Talk in the BY turns to Survivor.  Memphis wanted to try out for it but he thinks he's too Bougie.  Nicole starts talking about someone that was on the show that she knows and they complained about rats biting toes.  FoTH.


Feeds back and Ian is in the hammock with Dani.  He's not sure who he's going to vote for.  Dani is campaigning for Kevin.  Ian agrees that Kevin has had a bad week and had a rough first season.  Talk between Kevin, Nicole F and Memphis has changed to Nicole and her experience on The Amazing Race.  Kevin wants to do it, but his husband doesn't.


08:10 PM BBT Enzo joins Kevin, Nicole F and Memphis in the BY.


Meanwhile over on the hammock Ian and Dani are joking about how crazy the show makes you feel and how one time Julie was saying "If you're interested in being on BB, send us your audition tape..." and a HG was in the background shaking their head.  Ian laughs saying, he likes money, this is why he came back.


8:13 PM BBT Talk in the hammock turns to both being surprised that neither Dan or Derrick is in the house.  FoTH.


08:22 BBT David, Memphis and Kaysar are the biggest surprises for being here.  Ian is kind of surprised for Christmas.  Ian did not watch her season.  Dani thinks it's her least favorite season.  Ian says the first two comps were incredibly physical.  Dani agrees.  BB says "You are not allowed to talk about Production."  Dani doesn't think it's them.  


Over in the middle of the BY Christmas gets up to go to the restroom.  Dae is very tired.


08:28 PM David wonders when the next HNs will be decided.  Dae says on Thursday.  Kaysar wonders if the live feeders enjoy seeing people eat slop.  Dae says it makes it on the show.  Everyone being miserable.  Everything Nicole A is going through will be on the show.  Feeds switch to Christmas and Bae in the WC.  Christmas had a Redbull a bit ago but she's tired.


Over on the hammock, Dani and Ian continue to talk.  Dani asks Ian if he's going to push to win HOH.  He said not right away, but eventually.  Dani jokes saying BB will put pictures of him and Boogie and Dan in his basket.


08:30 PM BBT Feeds 1 and 2 are Christmas and Bae.  Christmas says neither Keesha or Kevin has come to speak to her.  She asks Bae if they did her.  Bae says Kevin did after veto.  Christmas says there are still a few days to go.  Bae agrees, especially now that veto is over.  Janelle and Dae have asked Christmas who she will vote for, but again, neither of the noms have come to her.  Bae says Cody doesn't seem to care either way.  Christmas agrees.


8:18pm Big Brother Time


Danielle and Ian are talking on the hammock, and have been for a few minutes. Danielle seems to be encouraging Ian to keep Kevin. She tells him that it would be sad for Kevin to leave the first week, during which he has been on slop and is only trying to find his place in the house. She seems to hint that Keesha is not in that position in the house.



Davonne and Christmas are on one of the sofas in the back yard, Christmas asks Davonne who she is comfortable with, but before Davonne can answer Kayar and David come and sit with them. Both boys are eating while they talk to the girls. General conversation about house amenities. Davonne seems to be relaxing, says she is tired and sleepy.


Christmas starts to walk away, and Davonne stretches, asking if it is ten yet. She says she stayed outside because she thought they were going to shut the back yard down. They all talk about being woken up by the diary room, BOB calls them out.


David says it has been hard to see all the good food and not eat, but Davonne reminds him it is over tomorrow. David asks when they think the next set of have nots begin, Davonne tells him Thursday. She says the next have not will not be a hard as the first one, they may get other things later in the season. She said she ate strawberries instead of slop. Davonne tells David they will air the agony of being on slop, it isn't just for live feeds.




Baleigh and Christmas are in the washroom area, Baleigh says she is going to work on the laundry, asks Christmas if she wants to hang out while she (Baliegh) folds. Baleigh says she will wait to do more laundry until tomorrow so she is not accused of hogging the washer/dryer. They says they need two outfits a day because they work out and people who do not work out need less.


Christmas asks Baleigh if she has figured out who she is voting out, Baleigh asks her who she (Christmas) is voting for, Christmas says she can't say yet. Baleigh tells Christmas that she is leaning towards keeping Kevin, since he talked to her and campaigned to her. Christmas says he hasn't talked to her yet, Baleigh says maybe he could be waiting for a good time. Baleigh says she hopes people will start saying where they are going, Christmas says all she has seen people fishing to find out what she is doing. Christmas says Janelle has asked her, Davonne has asked her, but neither said what they were doing. Baleigh says Cody has not said much, Christmas agrees. They both wonder when people will approach them about the evicition.


Christmas asks Baleigh if anyone has approached her about being safe if she is HOH. Baleigh says someone would only ask that if they trusted you. Christmas agrees with that thought, she wonders what she would do if she were HOH. Baleigh says you only really want HOH to stay safe, Christmas says HOH makes you more paranoid.


08:35 PM BBT on Feeds 3 & 4 Ian asks which season was better or worse for her 8 or 13.  Dani says 8 had its ups and downs but 13 had way more severity to it.  Ian understands.  The downs were way down on 13.  Dani says she didn't get a good edit.  Her strategy wasn't aired.  FoTH.  Feeds return quickly.  


On Feeds 1 & 2 Bae calls out David for farting in the KC as she exits the WC.  David thought he was alone he jokes.  Christmas asks how he is doing.  He says after the fart he's doing great.


08:40 PM BBT The conversation continues on the hammock between Dani and Ian.  Ian says on his first season he was fearful that he would be last on internet polls regarding the show.  Dani laughs, asking if he thought that way while on the show.  He said he did and eventually he realized he shouldn't care.  He already doesn't care about it this season.


In the KC Christmas and David are talking.  Christmas says on her season guests would come in and comment about how it smelled.


08:42 PM BBT Feeds 3 and 4 switch to Kaysar and Dae talking.  They're amazed that no one is talking game.  BB calls out Bae to not obstruct her mic.  She thanks BB for being on top of it and jokes that it's Kaysar's birthday gift.  Kaysar thanks for drawing attention to them.  Talk turns back to what everyone is talking about if they are not talking game.  Dae has no idea.  Kaysar finds it hard to believe that everyone is talking about families or their previous seasons.  Dae doesn't buy it.  Kaysar says he's asked everyone else and they have the same exact answer.


 08:46 PM BBT Kaysar asks who she's going to vote for.  She doesn't know.  She asks him the same question.  Kaysar follows up with he doesn't know.  Neither of them will effect his game.  He says it's nothing against them, but they both check the box as "No opinion."  Dae says the vote would be easier if one of them were a problem player, but neither are.  Kaysar agrees.  Kaysar tells Dae to let him know when she's ready to leave.  She laughs and says she's not going to be ready.  Kaysar says this week has to be the most boring week ever.  Dae agrees and asks BB to provide liquid courage to get people talking.  Dae asks Kaysar if anyone has campaigned yet.  Kaysar says no.  Dae seems surprised.  


08:51 PM BBT Dae joins Christmas and David in the KC.  Nobody seemed to be eating so they put things away.  Kevin comes down the stairs and joins the group.


Out in the BY Dae and Kaysar are cracking each other up.  Apparently they are shocked that they both came to play BB and not just float.  Kaysar says apparently he put that vibe out there that he was ready to play.  BB calls Dae out to put on her mic.  Kaysar jumps up and says he's done.  Dae points out at the camera and says BB is evil.


08:55 PM BBT  Feeds 3 & 4 switch to the hammock.  It's Dani on the ground and Nicole F and Ian, talking about claw machines.  Ian says the claw machine they had was an actual claw machine and not built by production.


Feeds 1 & 2 are in the BY with Enzo, David, Bae and Dae on the couch.  Enzo asks to shave.  He says he looks old without being able to shave.  Enzo didn't know Kaysar was from Iraq.  Bae and Dae say Kaysar had it really hard his first season.  Enzo says he can imagine so.








Danielle and Kevin are still on the hammock.


Christmas is in the kitchen now, she is talking to David about his experience in the house so far.


David says his house cleaning on his season was a source of anger for some of the house guests who had made no attempt to do that. He tells Christmas that after they saw him doing chores they started doing them as well, but they did it because he did it, not because they felt inclined in another way.




Camera moves to Davonne and Kaysar in the back yard. Davonne is telling him that people spend too much time talking about past seasons. He asks if she thinks people are talking about her, she says she doesn't buy the scenario that they are not. Davonne says none of the previous season talk is going to help her in any way.


Kaysar says that is what he is experiencing as well.


Davonne insists she is not buying it.


Kaysar tells Davonne that neither person on the block has any effect on his personal game. He says he will be more able to access things after the next HOH. He says he is not trying to be mean, that he is neutral to either of them.


Kaysar tells Davonne to let him know when she makes her decision, she laughs and tells him he needs to let her know.


Kaysar says this is the most boring week in Big Brother history.


Davonne asks if either of them have campaigned to him, Kaysar gives her a surprised “no”. Davonne acts surprised. Davonne says, “She' in your room.” Kaysar says she has not said nothing except to ask for advice. He told her to wait until after the veto to talk to people. Kaysar tells Davonne that people are intimidated by him because he is “handsome and stuff.” Both of them laugh.


Davonne says he does act like he is there to play. Kaysar laughs at her, he is really surprised that he is coming across so closed off. Kaysar says, “No, I came here to float.” They both laugh again, he whispers that he was going to go on the block...he doesn't go further. He says she must not have been the only one who got that “came here to play vibe” from him.


Kaysar walks away joking and laughing about Davonne getting him in trouble.


Nicole F has joined Danielle and Ian at the hammock. Talk (once again) is about previous seasons. (This has been a theme all over the house this week. Nuggets of info for the blog readers are hard to come by-Grannysue)




Kevin and Keesha are in the kitchen, they are talking about something “getting them in trouble” but the camera is late to the conversation, so we don't know what that could have been.


Camera flips to Enzo, David, Davonne and Baleigh on the back yard sofa.


Enzo is asking to shave. He insists he is shaving tonight or tomorrow.


Davonne says Kaysar's feelings were hurt because Big Brother did not acknowledge his birthday today with anything special. Davonne says Kaysar's story is a good one.


Kaysar is telling Keesha that people are complaining that she is not asking around for votes. Memphis comes in and talk changes to whether or not fish that has been out for 4 hours is still good. Keesha says it smells strong, but Memphis says it should be cooked tomorrow at the latest. Memphis says it might not be okay if they can't place how long it was out there. They decide to throw it out to eliminated the risk that it is bad. They don't like the waste of expensive salmon.


Kaysar tells Memphis that people are not admitting to conversations, Keesha comes back within earshot and they shut down immediately. Memphis is about to say something and Cody comes to the sink


Kaysar has returned to the back yard.


Danielle tries to give Cody a heads up about an acquaintance he has with the initials, J.T.. Cody is confused. Camera moves to the back yard. (Danielle has been talking to Ian for quite some time, it is possible that he has shared something with her about Cody)




9:07pm Big Brother Time


Cameras are in the back yard.


Tyler and Kaysar are talking in the hot tub, Tyler shouts out to Angela to eat more than just wine for dinner. Tyler also gives a shout for Angela's new vegan cookbook. He says she took the pictures herself.


Ian is on the hammock and Keesha is talking to him about not campaigning. She says it is too early to do that. Ian agrees then starts talking about his season again. Keesha asks if anyone has talked to Ian, he says they have not, except to say they don't' know what they are doing. He says he has no information that would tell her which way it is going to go on eviction night.


Enzo and David are sitting on the back yard sofa.


David tells Enzo he is glad he (Enzo) is here. He says Enzo is someone to look up to.


9:15 pm


Nicole A is telling Kevin that she is seeing that people like him. She tell him to keep talking to them, it seems that most people don't feel more connected to Keesha than him. Kevin thanks her for helping and tells her that he will help her out.


Janelle, Baleigh and Davonne are in the Cartoon Bedroom talking about Janelle's star outfit. (She has taken it off several times, but must have been told to put it back on—again.) The topic changes to what they all think the next HOH competition will be, mental or physical.


Davonne say she hates the days leading up to eviction because they are too tense.


Camera leaves the room because Baleigh mentions a young girl Swaggy had been involved with some time ago.


We see that Kevin has joined Kaysar and Tyler at the hot tub. He is sitting on the ledge talking to them. They are talking about bidets.


Kaysar says there is a bidet in the house because he requested it in connection with his need to be clean for his prayers. Kevin says “if you go and the bidet goes, you aren't going anywhere.” Tyler says it has the aim of a “f***g sniper” They all laugh. Kaysar says there is a male and female button. (Comical conversation.)


Camera returns to the girls talking in the Comic Bedroom.


Baleigh is still talking about her season.


She continues to talk about issues between Kaitlyn and Swaggy so the cameras go back to the hot tub.


Tyler is talking about Dubai and his recent trip there.


Kaysar is talking about the rate exchanges in Dubai and Turkey.

Winston joins Tyler, Kaysar and Kevin at the hot tub. He drops his feet into the tub with them.


Tyler says he ordered a smoothie with alcohol in it and they charged him 40 dollars for it. He continues to share his adventure there.


Camera moves to HOH room.


Christmas is sobbing on the couch while Davonne caresses her. (a few minutes later the cameras show Nicole A in the HOH room as well)


Camera moves back to the Cartoon Bedroom.


Baleigh and Janelle are talking about the vote. Janelle is telling Baleigh she is planning to vote with “them” (meaning Baleigh and her group). Baleigh says she is careful about making promises. Janelle is concerned about who is voted out possibly coming back and the revenge element.


They agree that either Kevin or Keesha have the ability to play the game well.


Baleigh tells Janelle that Keesha has not campaigned to her, but Kevin approached her asking her to vote to keep him. Janelle says he approached her as well.


Janelle says she is feeling the pressure of not having a safety net this coming week.


Janelle tells Baleigh that Danielle and Nicole F are very close. Baleigh is surprised to hear that.



Cameras move back to the HOH room.


Christmas is thanking Nicole A and Davonne for coming to check on her. They tell her they are leaving her to have “a moment”. They leave and Christmas starts sobbing again.


Camera move back to the Cartoon Bedroom.


Nicole F has come into the room, and Baleigh is there too. Baleigh is telling them that Christmas is having a cry.


Camera moves back to HOH


Nicole and Baleigh have come into the room to comfort Christmas. She tells them they wouldn't let her in the diary room. Christmas says it was talk about having kids at home started it.


 9:02pm BBT: Keesha and Kaysar in the KT eating while Memphis is washing his dishes. Keesha and Kaysar  head outside and Cody comes inside. Memphis is just walking around. Out in the BY Ian and Nicole F, are on the hammock, Keesha walks out there with her watermelon and Ian says 24 more hours and he can eat.
9:05pm BBT: Nicole F. leaves saying her lips are burning she has to go get lip balm, Ian says it is chili out and we get FOTH.
9:09pm BBT: Ian and Keesha at the Hammock talking about votes and he says it must be 50/50 because he has no idea, Keesha just keeps saying yeah. Ian tells her to pack her bags just in case. Ian tells her he remembers on his season janelle and Frank were on the block and Frank did not pack his bag and he is the one who left so you never know. Keesha agrees with him.
9:17pm BBT: In the WA Nicole A. , Kevin. Janelle and day talking, Day tells Janelle she looks so cute in the star. Janelle says BB wants more of the star so she has to wear it now. Bayleigh comes in and  Day and Janelle tell her that Thursdays go by really quick with all the cleaning and everything they have to do.
9:22pm BBT: Kevin sitting by the hot tub talking to Kaysar and Tyler. Just general talk going on about Kaysar and when he prays. Then they talk about games they played in sequester. Tyler then talks about being in Dubai on his birthday again.
9:27pm BBT: IN the CBR Bayleigh, Day and Janelle are talking about Bayleigh's season and how Katelyn messed up a lot. BB switches to the BY with Kevin, Tyler and Kaysar talking about staying at motels and eating at different places.
 9:33pm BBT: IN the HOHR Day is with Christmas who is  Crying, Day says remember it is all for him and gets her some tissues Nicole A. comes in and comforts her too and day says guess what Thursday is? You get to look at the camera and say hi to him. She just Misses her son Royal.
9:44pm BBT: Day and Nicole A. leave Christmas in the HOHR as she ugly cries some more. Day goes to the CBR and tells Janelle and Bayleigh about Christmas and Janelle says today is my sons birthday and it has been hard i have always been there for his birthday.
9:46pm BBT: Bayleigh and Nicole F. now go to the HOHR and comfort Christmas , She tells them others were talking about their kids and she started thinking and crying and the dams opened.,
9:51pm BBT: Day, Janelle and Kevin in the CBR talking about season 14 and how the veterans were being attacked to start with they wanted them out. She says that Newbies are no more important than we are. Kevin leaves as Janelle was talking about Boogie always trying to make moves. In the BY kaysar and Ian in the hot tub.
9:58pm BBT: Day is now in the BY talking to Ian who is in the hot tub she says she wanted to get in the pool so bad today but it was to hot. 


10:05pm BBT: Christmas still in the HOHR with Nicole F. and Bayleigh talking about her son. Day and Ian still at the hot tub talking about gambling and the books you can read, Day says if you want to win big you got to know the ends and outs.
10:08pm BBT: Tyler and Kevin in the STR and Tyler tells Kevin i got your Back and Kevin says thank you. Kevin says he is counting out votes, Tyler says he has no idea where everyone else is voting, Kevin says i have talked to Cody and if you and I and Cody can work together we can keep it on the down low and Tyler tells him no sweat as they leave the STR.
10:10pm BBT: In the KT Kevin, Dani, David around the island and Nicole A. washing dishes while Keesha and Cody set at the table. Kevin says we already ran out of chocolate protein shakes.  David is now cleaning up in the KT. David leaves the KT and says he is going to bed early as he heads to the HNBR.
10:18pm BBT: Most HG in the KT area talking general talk, Dani and Kaysar talking about BB getting them something to share for their birthdays, Kaysar wants crispy cream donuts and Dani says she doesn't care what she gets her and Kaysar will share. Ian and janelle in the BY by the hot tub talking about  past season.
 10:24pm BBT: Christmas goes to the BY and sits by the hot tub talking to Ian and Janelle, Janelle gets up and goes to check on her laundry, In the CBR Day and Bayleigh are whispering about other HG. Day says that other HG are talking about Bayleigh and Bayleigh says yeah thats ok.
10:27pm BBT: Cody and Enzo going to play a game of poll and Christmas walks over and says she gets winner. Cody leaves and Christmas grabs a pool stick to play as Enzo racks up the balls.  IN the CBR Day and Bayleigh still talking, Day says Tyler go to the DR and they wonder where Tyler has been.  Bayleigh tells day that they will make us targets and day says yeah I know as tyler walks in and day says there you are and they all laugh.
10:36pm BBT: Cody still in the CBR with Day and Bayleigh talking general talk and laughing. Enzo and Christmas playing pool in the BY. Kaysar is going to bed and tells everyone goodnight.
10:40pm BBT: David and Kevin have now joined the CBR and laughing with Cody, Day and Bayleigh , they are just talking general talk about going to bed . Now Dani has joined them. Kaysar comes through and talks about cooking something and putting butter on it and Bayleigh tells him to just put foil.
10:42pm BBT: Cody has gone to the BY to ride the bike while watching Christmas and En zo play pool. Nicole A. is sitting  out there watching also.  Tyler is now out of the DR walking around the house.
10:47pm BBT: Ian still sitting in the hot tub alone, Cody is now going to play pool with Christmas as she was the winner over Enzo. Enzo gets on the bike while Keesha and Nicole A. watch the pool game.
10:55pm BBT: HG are just sitting around in the CBR and the BY just talking general talk or playing pool and eating.

i am out for the night

  • morty unpinned this topic



10:42 PM BBT


Dani tells the HGs in the CBR that she went to the DR to complain about not giving them anything for Kaysar's birthday (like a cake mix or something; Janelle made a cake and frosting from scratch)..."that's lazy shit"... She said she also asked them why she hasn't been called for a DR....'like are y'all short staffed because of COVID, and they told me, Oh, you can do one". The HGs are laughing ... *joking  "this isn't about Kaysar, it's about ME... I just want my daughter to know where I am"




10:50 PM BBT


Da'Vonne comes in with chips and dill pickle juice  (she likes to dip chips in the juice). David looks and says he isn't judging but he has to try it. He tries one and says it's kind of like salt and vinegar chips with a dill tang then he has a second dip and walks away

Dani says she loves pickle chips

Da'Vonne- that's two chips in. That's a try not a choice

Keesha and Dani complain about their stomach feeling sick

Kevin notices that Bayleigh's bible has a lot of notes in it and comments about "ooh, you really study...you've got that marked up", she responds "oh, yeah...I be makin' notes...the lord be delin' with me up in here"

Da'Vonne- especially up in here



11:09PM BBT: BB takes the feeds down for a few minutes, when they're back Janelle and Nicole F are whispering in the KBR. They're discussing who is and isn't a threat in the house. Nicole F says that the reason Keesha and Kevin are nominated is because it doesn't "make anyone mad." They both agree it doesn't feel like they're playing Big Brother yet. 


11:11PM BBT: Janelle is excited that she gets to stop wearing her costume tomorrow. Nicole F says she got it Thursday so she'll have to wear it during the live eviction. Janelle disagrees. They talk about other costumes throughout the seasons. Meanwhile, Kevin, Keesha, and Kaysar are chatting in the KT about who is an introvert. 


11:18PM BBT: Bayleigh joins Janelle and Nicole F in the KBR, Nicole is talking about her season of BB. Kaysar and Kevin are whispering in the KT, Kaysar doesn't know why people are waiting to start playing Big Brother. Kevin says he's "manifesting" that he's going to stay in the game. He wants Kaysar's support. 


11:19PM BBBT: Kevin doesn't like it when people aren't honest. He doesn't think there's anyone in the house that is dishonest. Kaysar says so far no one is "taking a stand" on anything. Kevin says both he and Keesha are likable. Kevin says he feels connected to Kaysar. Kaysar says he "appreciates" that, he tells Kevin that he is a "cool dude" and that Kevin comes off as a "good person." Da'Vonne is called to the DR. 


11:22PM BBT: Kevin tells Kaysar that he can "contribute" to wherever Kayar wants to go in the house. Kevin tells Kaysar that if Kaysar votes to keep him, he will do anything to repay that favor. Kaysar is fairly quiet, he says he'll process all that. Kevin says he believes there are conversations going on in the house, he tells Kaysar that people seem to be entertaining both options on who to keep. Kevin says he's going to connect to people and that's going to be his strategy and he'll protect those who protect him. 


11:25PM BBT: Kevin says he respects Kaysar, and he wants Kaysar to be honest with him because he feels a connection with him. Kaysar tells Kevin he'll let him know when he makes a decision. Kevin thinks he can get the numbers to stay. Kevin tells Kaysar that he thinks Kaysar could help "guide" him in the house and Kevin would love to return that favor. Kaysar says he "appreciates that." 


11:28PM BBT: Nicole F, Bayleigh, and Janelle are still talking about Nicole's previous season. Kevin and Kaysar break up their conversation, "I don't want them to think we're talking too much," Kevin tells Kaysar. They walk into the BR. Nicole A has just folded the laundry. 


11:30PM BBT: Nicole A delivers everyone their laundry, Cody takes his upstairs to the HOHR. Kevin is in the KT, Kaysar has since joined Janelle, Bayleigh, and Nicole F in the KBR to put away his own laundry. The girls joke with Kaysar that the KBR is the "girl room."

11:34PM BBT: Christmas is playing pool in the BY with Tyler. They're talking about "numbers" and how they need "six" going into next week. Christmas says she wanted to talk to Cody earlier. Christmas wants to know who Cody has talked to Tyler about. Tyler says the "six" are Christmas, Cody, Dani, Tyler, Memphis, and Tyler can't remember the other person. Christmas says Cody considered Bayleigh, but doesn't think she would be all in. Christmas says Cody thinks Kaysar is "paranoid." Christmas doesn't want to hang out with people who can't "hold their sh*t together."


11:37PM BBT: Tyler tells Christmas that they can't "say no" to anything right now. Christmas agrees. Cody walks outside and all game talk stops until he goes back into the house. "Yeah," Tyler says once Cody has left, "we just go with it." Tyler and Christmas reset to play another game. Christmas says she likes Kaysar "so much" but she doesn't like that he was already "spinning out." Cody walks outside again and the game talk stops again.


11:41PM BBT: The girls in the KBR talk about guys and dating while Kaysar listens. General conversation in the BY while Cody watches Christmas and Tyler play pool.


11:43PM BBT: Various HGs are getting ready for bed. Dani and Da'Vonne are whispering in the KT. Dani says she's "cool" with Nicole F, but that she's only met her once outside of the house. Dani feels like she's on the season only because she's met Nicole F once and because Nicole F is never close to any girls and BB wanted her to have a girl she knew. Da'Vonne says everyone is being quiet and when it comes to her "secrets" Da'Vonne trusts Dani and Bayleigh. Da'Vonne says she "wants to like Christmas." But she "doesn't know." Dani agrees. 


11:45PM BBT: Dani tells Da'Vonne that she thought Da'Vonne and Janelle were close. Dani thinks Janelle is trying to pull all the girls and Kaysar into an alliances. Da'Vonne doesn't know anything about that. She says she likes Kaysar, he's an "honest good dude." 


11:47PM BBT: Keesha walks by and says she's going to bed. When she's gone, Da'Vonne asks Dani what she thinks "about that." Dani wants to keep Kevin. Da'Vonne says she wants to keep Keesha because she "loves her," but she says it would be better for their game if they keep Kevin. "I do really like him," Dani says, "I feel bad for him." Dani says there's no reason to send Kevin home because he "didn't do anything." Ian walks in and game talk stops.


11:50PM BBT: When Ian leaves, Dani says she doesn't know what to think about Christmas. Da'Vonne says she likes Christmas "as a person" but she tried to talk game with her earlier and Christmas had no interest in doing that. "After this HOH people will start talking," Dani says, "it's because most people don't care this week." Kevin is done with the DR and walks into the KT. Ian is called to the DR. 


11:52PM BBT: Dani whispers about how Janelle has gotten away with not wearing her costume a lot lately. She doesn't like that very much, she says if it were any other season BB would be on the HG for not wearing their punishment costume. They start to talk about BB and all cameras are switched to the BY where Tyler, Christmas, and Cody are chatting about shoes. 


11:55PM BBT: Kevin, Da'Vonne, and Dani are whispering in the KT. BB tells them to stop talking about production. Dani tells Kevin that she's voting to keep him. Da'Vonne says she loves Kevin. Tyler walks into the KT and they stop whispering. 


11:59PM BBT: Cody asks Christmas in the BY what she thinks about "Nicole F." Christmas says Nicole F is fine, Cody agrees but doesn't sound too convinced. Christmas says Cody should have a conversation with Nicole F. Christmas says Memphis wants her, Nicole F, Dani, Cody, and Tyler to have an alliance. Cody says he's worried whatever they would tell Bayleigh she'll tell Da'Vonne. Christmas can't figure out where Da'Vonne and Janelle are. Cody agrees. They talk about BB not giving the HGs their medicine.


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