IndyMom78 Posted April 1, 2020 Posted April 1, 2020 On February 29, 2020, 16 people entered the house and this game became their whole world. But then suddenly the real world became surreal and just as they were getting started it was over. Sometimes the hardest thing to do is the right thing to do. Now these 12 will walk out of the house and into the unknown together…just like all of us. March 23, 2020 at 4:47 PM, we see clips of the HG playing the game and them being called to the LR. Erin says they have difficult news to share and informed them the government of Ontario ordered a total shut down of all non-essential businesses and they have to end the production of the show this year. The HG are very quiet and emotional. Erin thanks each of them for being a part of this season and they realize this must be crushing, but they have been a distraction for Canadians and they should be proud of that. They will spend one last night together. They need to bring them back to the real world and they’ll always be part of the Big Brother Canada family. Hira says this sucks it’s a dream and Brooke is crying and being consoled by Sheldon. Rianne says she’s sick about it that this is the way this ending. She’s nervous to go out in the real world and she’s nervous to hear about her hospital. Her heart goes out to nurses. Brooke is so upset and she walks away and Sheldon goes to the HOH room. Chris and Susanne are talking and they are glad they met each other. Angie hugs Minh-ly and Angie says the time for games is over and that’s ok. Vanessa says a million things are running through her mind right now. She comes from nothing, and to be the first person from her province brings her so much pride. Vanessa says something she didn’t tell anyone in this house, four days before she left her captain who fishes side-by-side with every day took his own life and she almost didn’t come. She’s proud of herself for even just being here. She hopes she made him proud. Hira is emotional and crying. He says he never thought he would have gotten this opportunity and he’s proud of himself for fighting hard and he hopes people don’t let anything change them. It was hard leaving his daughter, but he wants to keep things in perspective. Sheldon and Brooke are in the have-not room. Brooke says there are bigger things happening, but this is the biggest dream she ever had in her life. She’s wanted this since she was a little kid and she gave everything to be here. She’s grateful that she was here, but it’s just too soon. Sheldon say she can’t find the silver lining. He really did commit to this. He’s a tough, stoic guy, but he doesn’t know the words. This was something he really, really cared about and it’s going to take awhile to recover from this. Sheldon says there’s definitely worse things going on and it’s tough to imagine it. March 23 8:22 PM Maddy says this was a dream to be part of this show and it’s crumbling before her eyes. She’s going to miss the game and the people in it. Rianne comes in to comfort her in the have-not room. They are all gathering to eat Chinese food. John Luke says he was holding back that he was very smart and was valedictorian. Vanessa tells everyone about KVBS. Sheldon reveals he’s a pro-wrestler. Hira wants to know what Chris does and he says he’s a neuroscientist and works in hypnosis. Minh wants to tell some stuff to Vanessa after they leave and she can’t wait. She says they’re too incriminating to say on TV. Sheldon is sitting by the wall where it says One Hero Will Rise and Brooke says that’s disappointing. Sheldon says he will really miss all these people. The HG are getting ready for bed and Maddy is giving hugs. 7:27 AM The Final Day Chris says waking up today is really surreal. The house was starting to feel like home and now they will all be leaving. Vanessa looks out into the backyard. Vanessa says Carol and her were talking and they only had one eviction. Brooke asked Carol what her biggest take away is and she says that they are all human. Carol says she’s truly blessed to have met and learned from all of these individuals. Hira says having no sense of time made him value time. He says you learn not to take advantage of the little things. John Luke is in a pink and black short outfit and Rianne says beautiful dude. Sheldon tells Carol that regardless of how the week was going to turn out, it was just a game. They open the doors to the nomination room and they all go look at their busts. Minh says it looks like a wax museum. Sheldon is explaining what their process was to nominate people. Vanessa wants to know if they can keep them. March 24, 2020 12:24 PM. Arisa comes on the screen and she greets them and tells them she’s at home. She knows it’s been a trying few days and very emotional. She knows this isn’t how they wanted the season to end, but it was one percent the right thing to do. Arisa wants to leave them with a look at some of their good times and she shows them clips of themselves moving in. Of Maddy meeting Michael, of Jamar kissing Minh, Chris not recognizing his mom. Arisa says they must be wondering about the grand prize. Obviously, there is no winner of Season 8, so they’ve decided to donate the prize money to pandemic relief. Arisa says their families are all safe and healthy and she wants them to hear it from their families and they all get clips from home. John Luke says it’s a bittersweet day in this house, and it sucks to have this taken away. Rianne says it feels so so weird right now. March 24, 2020 1:36 PM Carol is told it’s time for her to leave the Big Brother house and she has time to say her goodbyes. She hugs everyone and says this was a huge dream that so many people don’t get to experience. And regardless of any trials and tribulations she experienced, she would never trade the friends she made in this game. She heads out the door. ‘ 2:13 PM Rianne, Maddy, and John Luke are all told they can leave the house. Maddy says Evictors Assemble. Hugs begin. Rianne says it’s been a crazy season. What a weird season of Big Brother. She just can’t even. Maddy says this has definitely been a journey for her. A once in a lifetime opportunity. They are just a group of people who have their differences but at the end of the day they love each other. She thinks that’s what Big Brother is all about. She’s not ready to leave though. John Luke says it is kind of scary to step out into the real world when you’ve been in quarantine for 24 days. But he has faith in Canada and the world to fight COVID-19. Chris says he’s going to miss his girls Susanne the most. She’s a sweetheart. Susanne is going to miss Chris the most. He says he was a cool guy. Susanne says Chris would have won this game and says she never won an HOH and Chris says they didn’t get many chances. Chris says they’ll be close outside for sure. Susanne says she has his back in life and in here. Angie comes in and Susanne says this was your dream too right? Angie says she quit her job for this. Angie is told it’s time for her to leave. She says this game is not what people think it is. She says you need strength and confidence in yourself and people just don’t understand how difficult it is. This was a true dream and she’s proud of herself for just doing it. Angie walks out the door. March 24, 2020 4:47 PM The remaining HG are just waiting to be the next. Hira asks Minh if she thought she was a hero or a villain and she says the villain. Hira says he was the hero. He feels like he represented himself the best he could. He’s super Hira and he’s proud of it. Hira is told he can leave. Hira gives hugs to everyone and he heads out the door. Chris says he was one of the people in the game who got a chance to leave his mark. He was in danger week one but he just started moving up. Chris and Susanne, it’s time to go. They give out hugs. Susanne says it’s super sad to see a dream of her to come to an end. She’s sad she couldn’t see this through, and she’ll never know if she had a good game or not. They head out the door. March 24, 2020 6:18 PM Vanessa is the next to leave. She goes down to give hugs and get her bag. She heads upstairs and says Big Brother, goodbye, I love you. Minh can’t believe it’s over. She thought about backing out of this. Brooke says she’s a tough chick and doesn’t take crap and she’s kind too. Minh is told she can leave next. She says she is so impressed by them. She doesn’t want to leave. Sheldon and Brooke sit on the nomination couch. Sheldon says he wanted to be here for so long. This was literally the dream. Sheldon says this feels like this is where they were supposed to be. Brooke keeps looking at Sheldon and they hug and comfort each other and it’s now their turn to leave the Big Brother house. They sit there a bit longer. Brooke says she would say she is so proud because she tried so hard. This is the biggest heart break of her life. But as much as she’s upset about the missed potential, she’s grateful to have this opportunity. Sheldon says this is really going to be rough to get over. He fell in love with this game a few years back and he truly believes he could have stayed another 1000 days. Brooke doesn’t know what her relationship with Sheldon outside of the game looks like but she absolutely cares about him. They give a very long hug at the door and look at the house. Sheldon kisses his hand and then pats the floor and they exit through the door and we get shots of the empty house. Quote
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