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Who are in the top 20 you want out?


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I think the only thing that could kill BB this year would be if Danielle, Alison, Dana, Ivette, Diane, Monica, and Nokamis all get in...i just realized how many annoying women they put on these shows.

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ratings boost. i was a bit skeptical of bb allstar. but with all those strong minded women this season is gonna be wild :lol:

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They may be annoying but it would make good tv. I bet that's why they made the list. As I stated earlier in another post. A lot of attitude in one house.

I don't agree with any of that... a ratings killer would be if Erika, Cowboy,Lisa,Mike,George, or Bunky got on...

I agree! Snoozeville! They are so boring.

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No not sexist...just honest. There were plenty of women on bb that I liked...they just seemed to pick the ones that bother me the most and try to put them on All Stars. Jannelle, Holly, and Michelle were my favorites. But there were plenty more that I enjoy

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No she was honest and good hearted..i think that bumped her off my other list... it really wasn't a list of annoying women it was my list of bitches and i don't think Holly qualified for that...even if she was dumber than a box of rocks

Could you image a convo between Holly and Jessica Simpson?

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Well this top 20 is pretty good but there are people I dont want on here. Note these are people I dislike doesnt mean they dont deserve to be on the list just dont like and wont vote for them

Kaysar and Janie sorry folks I know im in the major minority when I say i was a friendship fan!! For your joy though im concededing they will both be in easily by the fan vote if not the producers will certainly put them in and they will be great players in this game. Just dont like them sorry. LOL!!!

Dorkboy how the hell is he on here god!!!! Gross!!!!! At least Janie and Kaysar are players unlike this sap!!!!

Dana yuck yuck never liked her and I can guarntee she doesnt get in!

O and Ivette dont care for her too much anymore!! If it werent for the FS she would have never made it to final 2 what an ungrateful bitch lol!!

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I want them all out. I think bringing them back is going to bring out the worst in them. No honesty or innocence. I'm not sure I am even going to watch the show. Maybe if they had 50% new people and 50% all-stars it would have been interesting. I bet they spend the first few weeks talking old history rather than making history. <_<

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you know what i thought of that idea. It would be pretty interesting too see 50/50 that would make a for a really exciting game. I think this will be good though you just wait and see. Maybe they can do this in the future a 50/50. I know one thing I think it will be much better than survivor all stars!!

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No deedsy, your not alone. I am a friendship fan too!

The only people i really don't want in there are Janelle, Kaysar, and Alison. But i know that they are all going to be put in the house anyway. <_<

Oh well. As long as Ivette is either voted in or put in by producers I will be happy. Although i have to say that Ivette will probably not be voted in the house, but I have faith the producers will put her in.

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I will admit that I am going to watch the show no matter who turns out to be on it. But I hope to the good Lord above that Alison, Diane, Dana and Bunky are not the chosen ones!!

Alison - I really can not put up with seeing her jump in bed with every guy on the show again. I have had enough of this twit with her lasting until the final 2 on her last BB experience and then having to suffer watching her on Amazing Race.

Diane - her voice is enough to drive one totally mad!

Dana - too yankee for my liking. (sorry yanks :)) Too wishy-washy!!

Bunky - no way in hell can I watch this man cry again!

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Bunky - undecided, so probably no

Erika - no

Chicken George - no

Howie - on the fence liked him in bb6, not sure I need a repeat so soon

Janielle on the fence, liked her in bb6, not sure I need a repeat so soon

Jase - Maybe he was funny, but a little over the top

Kaysar - no (twice was enough for me)

Lisa - no

Mike Boogie - no

Monica - no

Nakomis - no

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Dont want.........

Marcellas (overexposed)

Nakomia (used to be a fan of hers)

Howie (not sure why)

Dana (no entertainment value there)

Erika (very boring)

George (boring)

Bunky (waaaah)

Cowboy (he is just so clueless)

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The only person from BB6 I want to see back in the house would be Janelle.. and *maybe* Ivette as she did make it far (of course through no play of her own). Plus it'd be nice to see if Ivette is a different person, now that she's not all Cappy this Cappy that, I want to make friends, crap. I don't really want to see Howie back, I loved him last season, but he didn't really play. Same with Kaysar, he's had two chances, that's all he deserves, I don't want him back. I think Janelle deserves to be back, as she played the game great.

Much past that, I don't mind too much, I don't really want to see Nakomis, Lisa, Diane, Mike or Cowboy back. I'd definitely like to see Will back, but Will just holds a special spot in my heart for some reason. Probably because he was the first to actually win the game, based on playing. Much past that, I can't say I care all too much. I'm not really looking forward to this season all that much, I have to be honest.

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